Chapter 36

When Elysia asked me to bring one item at a time from the department store, I used weaving and a workshop to bring the one that looked the best.

I didn’t know exactly what the price was, but looking at the rating and description, I could roughly guess what the value was.

The problem was that there was nowhere to bring it and sell it.

When Ampere heard that I had brought it, he was putting it in the warehouse without even thinking about it, so the stock piled up as it was.

Because of that.

I brought Quunier to the Roach mansion.

Quinnier muttered in front of the mansion’s front door.

“… … long time no see.”

“Queennier, have you ever visited our family?”

“Um, no.”

Quinn shook her head.

So what does it mean for a long time?

However, Quinier didn’t tell him any more and said something else.

“Let’s go in.”

When the front door opened and went inside, Ampere was already waiting in front of the mansion door.

Quinier approached Ampere and greeted him.

“I see the Lord of Roach.”

Ampere also.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Viette.”

… … Every time this happens, I realize that Quunier is the go-getter.

He was only two years older than Frontier, but he was already in a very different position.

“My son brought a jar of love, and he sighed as he said he would take a look at it in Viet.”

“What. If you have a good product, you should be treated accordingly.”

Quinnie said so and smirked at me.

I’ll buy them all for my ‘reward’ anyway, but I have to tell Ampere like that.

But Ampere looked at Quunier silently. I’ve never seen his gaze reach for someone so long.

Then Ampere opened his mouth.

“… … But head Viet.”

“Yes, tell me.”

“… … No, nothing.”

So, Ampere finished her speech briskly.

And after a few conversations, Ampere entered the mansion.

All that was left was to tell me to figure it out. I called the maid to guide Queenie.

As I followed the maid’s guidance, the door to the warehouse on the right side of the mansion opened, and inside were piles of items I had previously brought from the department store.

Quinn looked at me.

“So, what is the ‘Aemuldanji’ you brought?”

It was a conversation with some bones.

I pointed with my finger.

“It’s all about having a brand.”

“… … all? All of the branded products in this warehouse?”

“Yes. My father didn’t like that.”

He doesn’t even carry a sage phone, let alone luxury.

Would you rather give me a present? To Ampere and Atzier.

… … Isn’t it lucky that I don’t cut it in half with a knife in the air?

“Hmm, let’s take a look.”

Quinier looked at each item in the warehouse.

Although not as good as me or an experienced appraiser, Quunier’s eyes are good. I’ve been developing that skill since the time of the museum, so it must be even more so.

Quunier’s eyes, which had been looking at this and that, slowly changed. It confirms the value of things.



“How much are you going to sell all this for?”

“Are you going to buy them all?”

“Buy everything. and worth living Because the quality of all items is excellent. Also the best prices for each brand. There are some items whose price will rise over time.”

Hmm, I nodded.

Since I am the owner of the goods, I have to decide the price as well.

… … However.

“The price should be decided by the Queenie senior.”

“… … Did you forget that I am a merchant?”

“Then please give me an accurate price.”

And it doesn’t matter if you don’t put it right. even if it’s cheap

Because I got it all for free. Because Elysia gave it to me.

“… … ha. How did I get caught by this guy?”

take it Anyone who sees it will know that I am threatening.

Quinnier pressed her thumb to her lips for a moment, then said.

“great. 8 million kyrs in all.”

“… … .”

“I can’t upload more than this.”

At the time of my previous auction, the starting price of the Pipa River was 5 million kyr.

… … Needless to say, of course there is no ‘legendary’ among those products. With so many items, is it that expensive?

“… … Are these products that good?”

“You hide the truth well, but you don’t know the price.”

something that stabs the heart. Is it really the identity of Frontier?

“Most of these are great brands and signature products. Moreover, the period and quantity are limited, so collectors are already searching for them. In most cases, if you limit it like that, there are often some flaws, but it’s not like that. Quality, rarity, brand. It’s rare to find a product that fits all of these three beats.”

Is the department store run by the royal family different?

Game Etius’ department store has neither floor nor ceiling, so I understand what that means.

“Anyway, I can’t take it all by myself, so I’ll have to call someone… … .”

There Queenie stopped talking.

The sunken eyes looked out of the warehouse.

Ah, those eyes, the eyes that many people have seen in the past.


Without hesitation, I spread the magic circle.

Just as Renzo had detected, Menosorpo has its own characteristics, but it can detect beings within its range. This is a characteristic of not only Menosorphos, but most of the giant magic circles.

“… … Do you know anyone?”

Something was definitely caught inside the Menosorph. Outside the mansion, someone is standing still in a high place above a tree. Maybe you’re looking this way.

“yes. Probably, the guy who spread my rumors.”

At that, I frowned. If so, that’s not usually the case.

“Shall we intercept?”

Read at

Now that you’ve entered Menosorpo, you can preemptively attack here. But Queenie shook her head.

“Okay, stay still, and I’ll find you from the other side.”

“… … Then it is dangerous.”

At my words, Queenie shook her head again.

There was nothing like tension in Queenie’s eyes as she was doing that. Rather, it was an annoying face.

“Yeah, I’d rather meet you too.”

Having said that, Quinier walked away from the warehouse.

It’s better to meet you, what do you mean?

As I walked over to Queenie, she stared into the distance. It was the direction in which someone was caught in Menosorpo.

I followed my gaze, and someone was really on the tree.

However, when I sensed it with Menosorph, I didn’t realize it, but the tree is really tall. Wow, how did you get up there? Is he a wizard capable of floating magic at the level of Elodie?

“… … If you are like this, come on your own.”


At that moment, as if responding to Quunier’s words.

Someone who was sitting on the tree stood up. Is it really coming? I naturally tensed up and clenched my fists.

By the way.

Crack Crack.

On that tall branch, the guy.

He was carefully descending from the branch below, to the branch below.

“… … .”

“… … .”

About halfway down the tree, when the silence seemed a bit long.

“It will take a while.”


The guy who finally came down sprinted towards this side at a frightening speed, as if he had completely forgotten that he had come down so carefully, step by step.

… … It was a quadrupedal walk.

“hey! Queenie!!”

The guy who jumped over the wall of the mansion and reached here at once.

“Who is the black guy next to me?!”

It was a boy with cat ears and a tail.

“… … Suin.”

I’m sure I’ll meet a beast in this world.

In ‘Ethius’, a game that borrows various myths, there are beasts of course. The Minotaur in Greek mythology is no different.

However, the number of beasts is very small compared to humans. Simply put, it is not a number enough to be called a ‘race’. Most of them are of mixed race with humans or descendants of ‘legends’.

Thanks to this, whenever Etius witnessed beasts that are common in other games, it became a buzzword among gamers.

Even then, most beasts are different from people’s fantasies. He has a horse’s head, his legs are horses, his hands are horseshoes. If it is hostile, it is no different from a monster, but if it is intelligent and does not attack people, it is known as a ‘beastman’ in Etius.

It is a game that is so desperately needed.

“Frondie, I have something to tell you.”

Suin was arguing hard in front of me, but Queenie talked to me instead.


“When I see him and say ‘cat’, I get very angry. Even though it looks like cat ears and tail, it’s actually the blood of a white tiger.”

“Baekho, it can be dangerous when you’re angry.”

“No, I never said it was dangerous. I’m just going to talk.”

… … Well?

I didn’t quite understand, but in the meantime, Quinier told Suin.

“Korra, why did you follow me all the way here?”

“I asked first! Who is that black thing!”

It’s not that dark.

The black one is rather a black queenie from the hair color to the fan and clothes.

Cora looked at me and straightened her body as if she was very wary. The tail on the back stretched upwards, and he looked very angry.

“Wow, it really does look like a cat… … .”

oh even I did not know.

Then Cora’s eyes lit up. Kwang! And with a strange cry, he held out his hand in front of him.

And he looked at me and cried.

“On fire!”


I was surprised and pulled out a short sword. When it comes to fire, it is the same type of magic as Elodie’s ‘Storm Poetry’.

As a white tiger beast, you say you use magic comparable to that of ‘In a Storm’? no ordinary bet,


Something like a candle popped out in front of Cora’s hand and fluttered.

The flame flew to me like petals.

If the wind really blows, it seems like it will blow away somewhere, but it came all the way to me.

“… … .”

I was contemplating what to do, and I cut it vigorously. Maybe it’s a scary guy that causes a huge explosion if it touches the body.

And nothing happened.

“… … .”

I was nervous for a moment again, fearing that it might be a belated, mismatched attack.

Still, nothing happened.

“Ugh… … .”

Cora in front of her clenched her hands and trembled.

i want to do something

“… … Aww?”

For once, I pretended to be sick.

“hey! Shut up! Are you kidding me? Shut up! hey! You bastard!”

Then what do you say?

Why is Ji shooting and pretending to be unfair?

Haha, Quinnier sighed.

“Corra, I told you. If you use the wrong starter word, the magic won’t come out properly.”

“It wasn’t crazy! I mean, I was going to write a fire poem! I thought it was going to come out.”

… … I don’t do chants and rites, but the starting words are shouting and using fire poetry.

Quinnier bowed her head as if she was ashamed of something, and said:

“Frondie, let me introduce myself.”

“hey! Queenie! Answer my questions first! Who is he?”

Still not listening to Cora with the back of her ear, Queenie told me.

“Although it is the blood of a white tiger, its strength and agility are so great that it possesses the qualities of a warrior from birth.”

It will be. It’s because he couldn’t use magic, so he climbed a tree that tall like that.

And I went to anticipate Quinnier’s next words.

“I really want to use magic, Koraya, aspiring wizard.”

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