Chapter 32 The Kraken (3)

Queenie swallowed her breath involuntarily.

Anne stood still, looked around, and approached Quunier.

“Ugh… … !”

Quinner stepped back. Anne’s unfocused eyes came closer.

As Queenie walked a couple of steps to the right, Anne passed her by her side.

Anne was not looking at Quunier. I was just looking to see if there was a Frontier in this classroom.

“… … frontier. kill it die.”

muttering Anne. At the terrifying sound, Queenie swallowed her saliva.

Witnessing his friend’s condition in person, I could see how serious Frontier’s situation was right now.

A huge number of students are now chasing Frontier. to kill it too.

‘Did the teachers also suffer?’

If the perpetrator’s purpose is to kill Frontier, of course, he will think of controlling the teachers first.

Even in a situation like this, if the teachers did not respond, it was almost certain that they were being manipulated.

“… … Anne.”

Quinnier looked at Anne’s face, still unfocused. With no emotion or will, the face really resembled a corpse.


“… … no.”

When you see your friend, you definitely feel it. not a corpse there is no such thing as a corpse Does it make sense to look at your friends and think like that? Queenie bit her lip.

“I’ll go, Anne.”

With a firm determination, Quinier headed to her seat in the classroom.

I took the bag that was there and left the classroom.

Constell is so loud that it makes no sense to tell her exact location right now.

Something shatters, breaks, shatters and falls. It was the result of uncontrolled students trying to protect Frontier.

Quinnier checked the situation out the window as she walked down the hallway.

But something is strange. The sound was loud, but the students couldn’t see well here. Rather, only a few students who seemed not to be manipulated stood out.

‘Why? Until recently, there were quite a few students.’

Then an idea came to me. My legs were already running when the hypothesized that I was going to pass through my head.

He quickly climbed the stairs of the building and reached the roof.


Opening the door, Queenie looked outside from the rooftop. The second main building where she is, the first main building seen in front of her, and the playground on the lower right, in front of it-

“auditorium… … !”

Queenie saw it. Thousands of students flocked to the auditorium. The location of Frontier was discovered.

In front of it, an ice wall and a wind chime spread around the auditorium. Aten, Elodie, and other wizards’ magic.

However, the number of students was so large that it was impossible to stop them all without hurting them.

“… …ね.”

Queenie took out a fan. She ran over the roof at full speed.

He jumped off the edge and swung the fan. Each time she waved her fan, she rose as if she had leapt through the air again.

Feeling the light float and the wind lifting her hair, Queenie landed on the next building.

To the next building, and then to the next building. To get closer to the auditorium.

“no! A little! Stop it!!”

“Why do these bastards keep going even when they hit the head!”

“I told you! It’s no use trying to stun me!!”

As I got closer, I saw other students, such as Elodie and Aten.

They were doing everything they could to keep the students under control from getting close to the auditorium.

Quinier was most late here.

‘Ugh… … !’

Quinier was startled by the horde of students looking up close. Up close, it looks more like a corpse. The bodies seem to get up and move. Just looking at it takes my breath away.

“uh! Quinnie-senpai!”

Cybel Forte, who was standing in front of the crowd and pushing people away, found Quinier. With a cold face, Queenie barely raised her hand to respond to the voice.

Others who heard Cybel’s voice looked at Quinier for a moment, but it was more urgent to stop the group of students.

“Cybel, is Frontier in the auditorium?”

“I think so! But no matter who made it, I can’t get in because of the barrier!”

“Is this the culprit?”

“I don’t know, but if it’s the criminal’s work, we should stop the students first!”

While blocking the students, Cybel was earnestly shouting hard at Quunier.

“But are you okay, senpai? I think you have a bad complexion!”

“That, then. are you okay. I don’t think it’ll be any better from now on.”

“yes?! What are you talking about?!”

Leaving behind Cybel’s question.

Quinier repeated deep breaths, swooping, haha.

‘Oh, I don’t want to.’

Queenie got down on her knees and opened the door of the bag she had brought. He was crying as he looked inside.

And what I slowly took out was a certain transparent mask pack.

Queenie picked up a mask pack, put it on, and put it on her face. And slowly got up.

Thousands of students heading to the square. Blocking them has now reached its limit.

Quinn took a deep breath. The energy within her quickly boiled.

For her, a third grader, the manifestation of an auror is very easy, and even compared to her third graders, the level is much different.

Queenie shouted with loads of aurors like that.

“I am Frontier–!!!”

A voice like a thunderbolt that echoed not only in the auditorium but also in the entire constellation. It was a manifestation similar to what Aster had shouted in the past to stop a group of fleeing monsters.

That loud voice was enough to take the eyes of the students toward the auditorium,

To their surprise, the whole group turned their backs from the auditorium and started walking towards Quunier.

‘Hey Ik!’

Queenie’s complexion turned pale on her face under the mask pack.

Elodina Aten, who was blocking them, tilted her head.

“What suddenly? Students suddenly… … .”

Their eyes naturally turned to Quunier. And when they saw Quinier, they hardened.

It was frontier. Frontier was standing there.

With long black hair, a black fan, a slender body like a slender, a frontier with just a face.

… … Frontier, a very ugly looking frontier, was standing there.

* * *

Queenie’s mask pack can be disguised as the face of a person she knows.

However, because it depends on the user’s memory, the accuracy is poor if the face is unknown or has not been seen for a long time.

It was after the monster attack that Queenie first came up with this item.

Before the monster attack, Queenie was one of the people who had heard the announcement of the attack from Frontier.

However, there were quite a few people who believed not only her but Frondier’s words.

Almost all of the teachers, as well as some students, had prepared a response to the raid in advance.

How could they have believed Frontier?

Malia, Frontier’s mother, gave the answer.

“Alice confessed.”

“A confession?”

“okay. Frontier pretended to be on the same side as Elysia and bluffed Alex by saying, ‘You are suspicious’, and that worked.”

It’s bluffing. It’s definitely frontier.

“What kind of bluff was it?”

“I was wondering if there was a change. Alex was against Renzo and Elysia, right? So, Renzo’s failure was replaced by Alex. The real Alex has disappeared somewhere, and you are a fake Alex. It was like this. That’s shameful. It was you who interrupted Renzo.”

It was Quinnier who strongly agreed with the fact that Frontier was shameless.

But change it… … .

“Certainly there are such items.”

“Well, yes. The level of magic technology these days is amazing. But products that imitate other people’s faces like that are extremely expensive the higher the level of perfection. And most of them are disposable.”

“In other words, if you have a lot of money, you can do it, right?”

“… … Queenie.”

Malia looked at Queenie with half-broken eyes. Queenie just smiled.

Knowing Quunier’s intentions, Malia sighed. As if it could not be helped, he gave a light caution.

“Can’t I use it in school? It’s a violation of the rules.”

… … And now.

‘Teaching rules are really important!’

Seeing the crowds of students, Quinier regretted her choice.

I also had to listen and see what the teacher was saying.

* * *

Whoops, I fell to the floor again. The Kraken’s yawn from the side of Hua-am scratched his nerves.

In front of me who staggeredly stood up, an expressionless Pascal walked up to me.

Pascal said with a mouth.


[Do you see that I’m not concentrating?]

If you make a mistake, you will die.

Although I knew that Pascal’s attack was meant to train me, there was no mercy. convinced Pascal never taught anyone. So, this kind of power control is crap.

Kaang, gang!

The hand that hits the sword tingles.

[The frontier student is rotting his weapon.]

[I know it too! But it doesn’t make sense to use the auror here!]

As Pascal said, if it had been another clumsy weapon, Pascal’s aura would have already been spearheaded. It’s ‘Neil Zach’s Shortsword’, so it will endure.

[You misunderstood what I said.]

Pascal twisted the sword and pierced it into his shoulder. Kaga-gak, the swords that collided made a sound as they rubbed against each other.

[The ‘weapon’ I’m talking about is you. yourself.]

[…] … I beg your pardon?]

[The last moment you fought me, you cut off my weapon, right?]

[As you may know, that’s not an Auror.]

[It doesn’t matter if it’s an Auror or not.]

What do you mean?

I slashed Pascal’s sword and spread the distance.

[Frondie, I think.]

Pascal said so, but it only made my mind more confused.

But Pascal slowly moved his mouth again, as if looking through me.

[You can already use Aurors.]

‘What… … ?’

That was then.

I thought Pascal’s remarks were nonsense, but somehow I felt a strange sense of dread.

It’s completely different, but I think I’ve heard something similar.

What came to mind at first, strangely, was the voice of the Slav who was first defeated in the dungeon.

-is it. Can I still touch his sword?

Why does that voice come to mind now?

The next thing that came to mind was Renzo’s voice.

– He looked pretty funny, but after all, he’s a rookie.

Read at

Next is Empress Philly’s voice.

– Frontier, can’t you write an auror?

Every word I’ve heard so far has crossed my mind. For some reason, the old lines that I had never even thought of passed my ears.

And finally.

When Atjie’s words hit his head.

-You can already write ‘Nakjang’. It’s tough though.

“… … uh?”

I screamed without knowing.

Why can I use nakjang? No matter how hard I watched and followed the Wizardgram, the word ‘Nakjang’ was originally-

only after thinking about it

I’ve known it for a very long time, and I thought until recently.

I remembered one obvious setting in the world of Etius.

In the world of Etius, mana and auror are basically the same substance.

Realizing all that, finally, the words I uttered.

“… … uh?”

It was still pretty stupid.

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