Academy Genius Tamer Episode 237

It was a narrow room.

How long have you been stunned?

I think my last memory was cut off from the battlefield.

“Ugh… .”

As he stood up, his bones screamed.

When you take a deep breath, a thick magical energy pierces your lungs.

I frowned at the unpleasant and humid air.

instinctively knew.

This was Abaddon’s stronghold, a basement in the NGC area.

I’ve been struggling for years to find this place.

As a result, it has come.

holding on like this

“How the hell did you get it?”

It was as if he was looking at the spatial distortion of the Archent.

He was caught in Abaddon’s grasp and was dragged away without being able to resist in an instant.

The Void Cube will be in my hand, so I probably didn’t use the Cube’s powers.

“Is it a time warp?”

Did he turn back time and deceive Tae-soo Han and catch me in the gap?

It was a skill that could not be explained other than that.

“It’s more difficult.”

He sighed and grabbed his shaky hair.

Abaddon used the cube’s time warp… .

It was even more desperate because Abaddon had learned how to use the cube.

Of course, what’s even more depressing is the situation in which I was brought here.


I slowly lifted my head with empty eyes.

That was then.

What happened to his outstretched feet?

“Queek… !”

What do you think you heard?

As I was about to step back in shock, I heard a familiar cry again.

“dream… .”

I frowned and looked around.

I didn’t know because it was in the dark.

A gigantic figure was wriggling and weeping.

It was Basil.


I crawled towards him.

The last memory remains hazy.

While Abaddon was grabbing me, it is clear that he ran towards Abaddon. I can’t even remember how I got here.

From the sound of her crying, she wasn’t feeling well at all.

I spoke to the guy with a worried heart.

“Are you okay?”

“Coo… .”

Just whining and no answer.


He stroked Basil’s head with his hand, ominously damp.

I lifted that wet left hand in the dark.

it was blood

“you… .”

I frowned and looked down at Basil.

He moaned and rubbed my head in my arms.

In an instant, I remembered the words I had commanded him.

‘No matter what happens, you have one thing to do. Kill Abaddon.’

Even while I was being dragged, Basil fought to the end.

You should have known that Abaddon wasn’t a match. Unfortunately, he didn’t give up.

Because the magic I gave you,

I tried to follow my orders.

I held on to Abaddon until this point.

I asked him in a trembling voice.

“It… Did you do what I was told?”

Basil cried in a low voice.

The sound of hissing breathing was irregularly shaky.

I’ve already shed too much blood.

“I should have run away.”

Of course, it was my fault for giving such an order.

“It wasn’t something you could win.”

As a human being who can only give orders like this, I must have been arrested here too.

I didn’t mean to meet him in Abaddon’s basement.

It’s not nice to meet you here.

I clenched my teeth and tore the fabric that was holding my hand.

His long-sleeved shirt was torn in half, but it didn’t matter.

I slowly memorized a spell to somehow secure my poorly-seen field of vision.



doesn’t happen

It’s not that there’s no magic.

I couldn’t use any magic power.

There must have been a barrier that cut off magical power throughout this room.

“ha… .”

It’s getting harder and harder to breathe because of the thick smoke,

As soon as I could, I reached out and looked at Basil.

Perhaps Abaddon had stabbed him with a spear, and blood was pouring out from near his chest.

It is dangerous if you do not stop bleeding.

“Keeping… .”

Basil twisted his body in pain and slammed my head to the floor.

I held the man’s wounds tightly with my hands and tied them with a cloth. First aid was not enough, but I believed that it would buy time.

Dragon’s healing power is superior to that of humans.

There is no choice but to lean on hope.

“Don’t move.”

“Coo… .”

He seemed anxious, so he gently patted his head.

Then Basil rolled her eyes and looked up at me.

“I can go out… .”

I was speechless for a moment as I mumbled.

The magic has been cut off.

I don’t know where this is.


“… .”

“Sir… Mider… .”

He added that he believed in me, but I didn’t know what to say.

The reason this all happened was because the tamer was incompetent in the first place.

Knowing that fact more deeply than anyone else, the current situation is hopeless.

That was the moment.

bum bum.

Footsteps were heard in the hallway.

“Gree… .”

Basil instinctively cried and got up.

Even though he is not strong, he threatens with a low voice to warn the opponent outside the door.

His red eyes shone in the dark.

However, Basil’s threat was overshadowed.


the door opened,

At the same time, a light was lit in the basement.

* * *

“It looks pretty good.”

It was Abaddon who opened the door sarcastically and came in.

As soon as he opened the door, the first things that caught his eye were the blood-drenched Han Si-ha and the dragon, whose spirit was not good no matter how he looked at it.

Of course, it could not be said that Abaddon was in good condition either.

I thought it was an easy kidnapping.

Because Basil’s tenacity ran at him, and he was bitten everywhere.

So Abaddon was in a very uncomfortable state right now.

It was the same with Basil who was grinding his teeth for revenge.

As soon as he saw Abaddon’s face, Basil jumped forward.

“Gree… .”

Basil suddenly ran away.

In a situation where magic could not be used due to the barrier in the room, he tried to bite Abaddon with his sharp teeth.


Abaddon kicked him as hard as he could.

He’s not a sorceress enough to be speared by a spear and even be beaten by a stingy dragon.

Abaddon spat out in an irritated voice.

“I was raising a really tough guy.”

And even then it doesn’t go away

Abaddon turned his head and walked over to Basil.

“Master! 개새끼나! You don’t know my subject and jump in like a fire moth!”



Basil, bloody at Abaddon’s kick, fell.

“Keee… .”

Han Si-ha, who was watching the scene, turned around.

It was the guy who was panting for breath while bleeding all the time.

‘Kick that kid?’

Han Shi-ha smirked and jumped forward.

“You bastard. What are you doing.”

Hanshiha stared at Abaddon with blue eyes.

I grabbed Abaddon by the neck as soon as I could.

Abaddon looked down at Han Si-ha without saying a word while being held by Han Si-ha.

That was the moment.


A fire broke out in front of Han Si-ha.


Abaddon slammed Han Shiha down with his fist loaded with magic.

In a situation where even a barrier could not be laid, Abaddon raised Han Si-ha’s chin without mercy.

“Ugh… .”

I was bitten by his dragon several times.

Abaddon sharpened his teeth and said to Han Si-ha.

“Aren’t you holding your head too stiff in the yard where even if you ask me, it’s not enough?”

He played enough for a child’s pranks.

Abaddon slowly approached Han Si-ha with a lively look.

“Is it because you grew up nicely? The successor of Castica.”

Hanshiha wiped her tingling cheeks and looked at Abaddon.

Abaddon snorted with a smirk.

“Hey, I don’t seem to understand the situation right now.”

one step. two steps.

Hanshiha instinctively stepped back, but Abaddon was a little faster.

He glanced at the warlock standing behind me and commanded.

“Tie it up.”

* * *

It has been two days since Han Si-ha was kidnapped.

Admittedly, during those two days, Adela couldn’t sleep.

I spent the day and night with an anxious heart, wondering what might have happened in between.

The Audrey Mountains, far from Castica. I arrived here by driving a wagon without stopping.

Standing in front of the entrance to the NGC area, Adela calmly spoke.

“This is right.”

The cave we reached after climbing the rugged Audrey Mountains for two or three hours.

Next to it was a rock the size of a man.

It’s a road that people don’t follow, so I wouldn’t have known without a map.

Push that rock and you’ll find the entrance.

They’ll have their home base down there.

Your fate depends on this decision.

Adela nodded her head as if determined.

“I’ll go in first.”

Lee Han’s eyes trembled as he watched Adela like that.

He still looked like he had a lot to say, but in the end, he couldn’t go against Adela’s will.

It was the same with other friends.

Haeul Youn, Solia, Seymour, and even Won.

He accompanied me on this path, knowing that it was all a crazy plan.

At that moment, Seymour looked around the circle, frowned.

“Hey, are you serious about going?”

I followed him in a random way, but I feel like I’m being dragged into a tiger’s den.

If it wasn’t for Si-Ha Han, he was destined to rot in Ardel’s dungeon, so Seymour followed that feeling of debt.

However, he didn’t know that he would come to the circle where he had nothing to do other than squirm in the barracks of Castica.

“Why did you come? If it were me, I think I would have taken it out sooner.”

Won spit swear words at Seymour’s words.

“It’s been years since we shared a room. If you leave me alone, I’m not a bastard.”

“… Soon you will no longer be human. If you go in there, they’ll go after you.”


“Why, what?”

Seymour grunted and looked back at Youn Ha-eul.

Next to Youn Ha-eul was a kitten.

“Did you change your job as a tamer too?”

“… .”

“Why is everyone ignoring me?”

Youn Ha-eul neatly ignored Seymour’s words and looked straight ahead.

“From this point on, even if I die, I will still be talking to myself.”

Seymour sighed and looked straight ahead.

The idea of a crazy plan still hasn’t changed, but now I have no choice but to cheer for Adela.

Adela, who was ready to go down, opened the door to the entrance and held up her Samat phone with one hand.


Seymour spoke to Adela, and Adela understood her feelings and nodded her head instead of answering.

Adela cuts the road first, then five additional people enter when it is confirmed that it is safe.


At last the heavy rock moved, and below it awaited a dark underground staircase.

Adela swallowed her saliva and muttered a little.

More than this,

“I will do the best I can.”

* * *

Deep underground corridor.

Adela stopped the footsteps and went down.

It is a space where the view is not properly secured.

It would be a little better if you went all the way down the stairs.

One square, two squares.

Adela was vigilant in all directions and slowly headed downward.


Now it’s probably on the second floor.

It was already too late to turn back.

When I wanted to see only the stairs going down, I saw a flickering light on the road presumed to be the hallway.

Adela took a breath.

No one in the NGC area yet knows that an outsider has invaded.

I had to hide my existence for as long as possible in order to find Han Si-ha and rescue her safely.

thump thump.

Adela leaned against the wall, calming her heart that was about to explode.

That was then.

Footsteps were heard from the other side.

They were black magicians.

I didn’t know we would meet already.

Adela erased her popularity and stuck it to the wall.

Adela is a master at detecting and erasing popular characters.

Unless you’re a decent person, you wouldn’t be able to find Adela.

Adela hid herself and listened to their conversation.

A wizard whose head was completely covered with a robe was groaning.

“Did you hear that Castika’s successor was captured?”

They immediately start whispering among themselves.

“Han hour? You mean that guy?”

“Yeah, they said they were locked up on the fifth floor.”

“Huh… That sassy heir is being held here… Would you like to see it?”

“You must be begging me to save you, right?”

“Is there any way I can keep you alive? If he’s Castika, he’ll take off the crane… .”

The news of Han Si-ha’s abduction seemed to have already spread throughout the NGC area.

‘You motherfuckers.’

Adela sharpened her teeth as she watched the warlocks who treated the news as gossip.

Fortunately, based on their words, it must be said that Han Si-ha is still alive.

Adela sat still and watched their movements slowly.

There are three in total.

The opponents you have to defeat to meet Han Si-ha.

It’s three people, so we’ll have to kill them at once.

The trajectory of the attack does not come out at all.

Actually, the answer is simple.

“You can just bury it all.”

Adela’s eyes twinkled.

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