Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 204

When the traps were set up in the Arkenent Spirits, they probably didn’t just target Solia.

Even if they had succeeded in abducting Soliaman, they would have eventually pulled out me and Lee Han by using her as bait.

Their trick was obvious.

A small number of warlocks, but strong enough to resist.

Their identities could not be known because they were covered in robes, but each one of them will have the power of an Archent.

However, they do not mean that everything goes as planned.

The whole group gathered at the place where they believed they would be able to defeat Solia easily.

The academy’s strongest, Lee Han, runs forward like the wind.

A blow that seems to destroy the space.

Those who wore robes stepped back as if in embarrassment.

Seymour hits Lee Han as if supporting him.

And Adela, who drives the opponent with a flame as if they are about to overturn the land in this forest, and Youn Ha-eul, who is rapidly catching up with the 6th grade senior, followed.

“… There were a lot of uninvited guests.”

An unpleasant, muffled voice blew through the wind, but now there was no time for concern.

It is enough to leave the battle to Lee Han and Adela. At least that would be enough to tie their feet up.

There’s only one person I need to care about.

I ran towards Solia in a month or so.

“one… Shiha?”

Not like Solia, her dry voice trembled slightly. As if even swallowing saliva was difficult, Solia licked her parched lips.

Needless to say, the condition is the worst.

“Solia, don’t say anything.”

“Uh… .”

“Wait a minute. Lay down here.”

I hurriedly put Solia back in her place.

I would have done it if I could find a safer place, but moving in this state is unreasonable.


He ripped off the arm of his shirt.

A cool breeze blew through the open left arm. The fabric of the tattered shirt was stretched taut with both hands.

I don’t know if this will help… .

Solia’s legs were tied to prevent the poison from spreading further.

“ah… Ouch!”

Solia clenched her teeth as if in pain. He calmed Solia and spat out the words as if repeating.

“it’s okay.”

“Ugh… .”

“It’s okay, Solia. it’s okay… .”

This is the only thing I can’t say.

I don’t even know if saying it’s okay is comforting Solia or if it’s a suggestion of herself.

“It will be fine… .”

Magi, which exploded at once like a bomb, is spreading from Solia’s toes.

Decryption artifacts have already reached their limit, so temporary measures are no longer useless. You must return to the academy as soon as possible.

I clenched my lower lip and reached out to Solia.

“Get up, let’s go.”

The other guys were holding on with their teeth, but there was a high probability that what they were aiming for was me in the end.

It is dangerous to carry Solia and flee while you do not know when an attack will come.

Even Solia couldn’t have known that it would become a burden.

Solia raised her head with trembling eyelids and opened her mouth.

called my name

“Han Shiha.”


“It’s dangerous… why… I’m here?”

The reason for keeping Solia alive is quite clear.

It’s one of the most annoying opponents for warlocks, and it’s a power that’s too precious to lose.

Therefore, if Solia is saved, the difficulty of the story will also drop sharply.

Yes, there was a time when that was the reason.

“Why… ?”

But not now.

He came all the way here, risking his life, and was presenting himself in the midst of the enemies. There is no other lame reason for this absurd bullshit.

just… just… .

I want you to live.

Without any other reason, I don’t want to lose you.

There will be only darkness in a world that has lost the wizard of light.

I don’t want to live in that darkness.

“I came to save you.”

I smiled while brushing Solia’s hair.

Again, since I couldn’t be honest this time, I spit it out for no reason.

“Because you are my fiance.”

I looked around, but Solia grinned and shook her head.

“No. I know you didn’t like that engagement.”


“Excuse me… are you okay. Because I knew it from the beginning.”

We were so desperate that we would try to stop our engagement.

As if recalling that time, Solia continued to speak with her eyes wide open.

“by the way… I know that?”

“I… I… I said so… It was really good.”

And, he vomits hard words.

“I wanted to get engaged to you.”

didn’t know

I thought I just hated it.

I wanted the engagement because of my needs, but Soliaman was sincere on the spot.

Solia grabbed the necklace with trembling hands. The necklace resembling Solia was shining sadly at this moment.

Solia looked up at me and asked confidently.

“this… It’s not a wedding present. right?”

At me without an answer, Solia smiled sadly.

“I’m not even your fiancé… .”

“I am nothing to you… .”

“still… Thanks for coming though.”

It must be so painful that it’s hard to say.

To Solia, who spit out every single word as if it were precious.

I couldn’t say anything.

Solia said with a faint smile.

“It hurts, but I’m not lonely.”

“Of course. I’m here.”

“yes… yes… .”

Solia, with blank eyes, gasped for breath and grabbed my arm.

Don’t worry, I’m afraid I’ll let go of those delicate hands. I said, clasping her hand tighter.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“uh… uh. thank you… .”

It’s hard to breathe like this.

The poison spreads and it hurts.

why are you saying thank you to me


Solia let go of the hand holding me weakly.

“I like you, Hanshiha.”

Then he smiled and closed his eyes.

I hugged Solia like it was broken.

* * *

White curtains glimmer in front of my eyes.

It shakes left and right, like a welcome.

My eyes fluttered open at the frivolous movement.

By the way.

“uh… ?”

It wasn’t a curtain, it was silver hair.

Sparkling purple eyes and shiny hair… .

someone is looking down at me

uh… huh?

“Hey profit!”

The moment I realized that, I jumped out of bed like crazy.

Because of that, Solia, who was surprised to follow me, waved her arms and fell backwards.

uh… uh… .

Solia just lost her balance.

Woodang Tangtang.



As I stretched out my arms to grab it, I also fell under the bed.


He slammed his knees into the edge of the bed and let out a shriek.

The pain that was enough to wake me from sleep engulfed my mind in an instant. Similarly, Solia, who had rolled over on the floor, raised her body with an evil sound.

“Are you okay?”

“Ahh… .”

After staying up for several nights because of Solia’s nursing care, he collapsed and fell asleep without realizing that he was lying down.

When I woke up after recovering a bit, I was lying on the bed and just sleeping, so it seemed that he came to me out of curiosity.

But all of a sudden I started screaming.

“It’s a surprise. You were surprised.”

“Mi, sorry!”

Belatedly, I wiped my chest and checked Solia’s condition.

Just like some virgin ghost, huh?

I can’t help but be surprised to see that I’m pulling my hair out of the way.

First of all, the color looks like a living person, fortunately.

“You woke up.”

“Yes… .”

In the cursed forest, I ran with Solia, who had just passed out.

He ran frantically to Ardel Academy, rushing to catch the train.

There were a number of difficulties, but Solia persevered.

At a glance, it seemed that he had improved, and a delightful smile leaked out.

“thank god… .”

It was almost dangerous, but I survived.

I’m really glad you made it through.

Thinking like that, I stared at Solia… .

Like an afterimage, Solia’s words echoed in her ears.

‘I like you, Han Si-ha.’

Why is this suddenly popping up in this situation?

I coughed and shook my head vigorously.



“No, nothing.”

When the poison energy rises, people say nonsense and that’s the way it is.

Uh, it can be.

by the way… .

by the way… .

I’m a sane person, shouldn’t I be like this?

You are not sick anywhere!

‘I like you, Han Si-ha.’

‘I like you, Han Si-ha.’

No, that’s not it!

driving me crazy.


I hit my ear at the vivid voice that echoed in my ear like a repeat play. It’s almost crazy-looking.

Solia opened her eyes and grabbed my arm.

A look of dismay was evident at my sudden action.

“why are you like this? Do you have any ear pain? Isn’t it because I’m too exposed to magic? Side effects of magic… What is it?”

“… no. I’m fine.”


“If I let this arm go, I think I’ll be fine.”

I turned to look at the wrist Solia was holding tightly.


“No, sorry.”

Even in the midst of it, Solia’s voice ran through my head like an auditory hallucination.

Am I also intoxicated… .

Swallowing her saliva, she stared intently at Solia’s face.

Maybe it was because of the morning sunlight, or maybe it was because of the complexion that came back late.

Solia’s eyes twinkle especially today.

Like… .

Like the necklace I gave you as a gift… .

“It’s obviously a stone.”

“yes? suddenly?”

“don’t mind. I’m bored.”

“… ?”

good. good.

He patted his cheek to calm himself down, and his thoughts cleared up a bit.

yeah i’m crazy

“ah… I’m a little out of my mind.”


He took a deep breath and turned around.

Solia was looking back at me with a face she didn’t understand.

“Anyway, even if your condition has improved a little, you can’t overdo it now. Stay in the infirmary for the time being. Don’t go anywhere… .”

and… .

I was almost speechless again due to the burdensome glare, but like a savior, the nurse came in with the curtain pulled back.

“Uh, are you okay?”

“Oh, sir!”

Dana, a high-level therapist in charge of Ardel Academy’s infirmary, said while checking Solia’s complexion.

I did the first aid, but I am a grateful person who took care of Solia with utmost sincerity for several days.

Thanks to him, I was able to safely get over the hurdle that almost killed me.

He bowed his head and said thank you.

“Yeah, I think it’s a little bit better.”

“I’m glad. It’s a face worth living.”

“yes… .”

“I don’t think it’s time to die yet.”

“hahaha… .”

Solia was smiling brightly, and Dana-sensei asked as if interested in seeing Solia.

To be precise, he was pointing at Solia’s necklace with his hand.

“ah. right. I’ve been curious since I came here, but what’s that artifact? Is it an advanced artifact?”

“uh… that is… This friend made it himself… .”

“I don’t know what it is, but it saved people.”


Dana-sensei smiled softly and spoke.

“When you fell, it kept spinning like a charm to protect you.”

“affection… really?”

“If it wasn’t for that, I would have really died. If you buy something from anywhere, go bow to the person who sold it.”

At Dana-sensei’s clever words, Solia glanced back at me.

He didn’t say anything special, but he could tell what those twinkling eyes wanted to say.

“Yes, I will go to the temple.”

Solia turned to me and smiled bashfully.

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