Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 201

When I came to see the dot, the upper part was in turmoil.

I pushed through the crowds gathered in the middle of the market and went inside. It was noisy like the top of Freed, and there were loud voices coming and going.

Elisa sighed deeply with her hand on her forehead.

As soon as I found her with black hair, I called her.

“What happened all of a sudden?”

Roughly looking at the situation, it seems that what happened is right.

They are trying to solve the problem as a group. I checked the atmosphere at the top of Freed, like a thin ice field, without raising my vigilance.

At first glance, the faces look more serious than when the fight with the top of the cement took place.

Elisha opened her mouth with a hardened face.

“The items that should have arrived today didn’t arrive.”

“A thing?”

“Uh, I think it was stolen from the top of the cement. Perhaps in retaliation for the last incident, some merchants have not returned.”

“Then what do you do?”

Youn Ha-eul asked with a worried face.

How many merchants were kidnapped or dead are not shown.

In addition to that, the item that should be delivered by tomorrow has not arrived.

For Elisha, who has to receive the item, it would be heartbreaking. Just by looking at his pale face, he knew the seriousness of the situation.

“I’m going to go get it back. Is there anything else?”

“… Isn’t it dangerous?”

“Not dangerous. So, the kids are out.”

Elisha looked back at Youn Ha-eul and Adela, who looked embarrassed, and spat out words.

Then he sighs and looks back at me.

“don’t worry. I don’t even plan on taking the apprenticeship. If we take those who were dragged to the top of the cement because we couldn’t even fight, it’s just death.”

This is a little embarrassing.

In any case, I was about to agree to that statement, as it wouldn’t help much if I followed him in a state where he couldn’t even use his magical powers openly.

Youn Ha-eul, who flinched for a moment, grabbed my hand.

“Can’t we go too?”

“What? are you?”

Elisha frowned and frowned.

Then, he let out a smirk, as if he was going to be brave. It wasn’t an outright sneer, but it was clear that it meant absurdity.

“It’s not a kiddie play. I saw you when you came. If you are unlucky, you could die.”

“We will hide well. just… Well, I thought I might be able to help.”

It is Youn Ha-eul who absolutely avoids tiring work.

Adela, who sensed strangeness in an unexpected positive word, also helped.

“I know how to fight. Just give me a sword.”

“under… hahaha… It’s a good game, guys. Now, what you’re saying is very unreliable, isn’t it? Hey, I don’t know what that friend said.”


He suddenly pointed at me and scratched his head.

“I also do fights.”

“Uh, so you got beaten up by a group and were dragged there?”


“What should I say? No matter how small your hands are, I won’t drag you away. Well, if I want to die, I have no choice but to do it.”

I slowly looked back at Youn Ha-eul.

There must have been a thought in bringing up that word out of the blue.

At my eyes that seemed to ask me to speak up, Youn Ha-eul tilted her head with an ambiguous expression.

I wasn’t sure about that expression… .

It was a face that decided that it would be good to go first.

Rather than Audrey’s fortune teller, it would be better to trust the prophet Youn Ha-eul.

I smiled awkwardly and nodded at Elisha’s words.

“Don’t make an accident and stay here safely. Some people won’t go anyway.”

“Oh, yes.”


Of course, but… .

Because we’re the ones who don’t usually listen.

I didn’t even want to listen this time.

* * *

A face with a harsh impression on the protruding hair.

Although his physique was not superior to the others, there was a subtle madness in Malte’s eyes.

Therefore, no one at the top of the cement could easily touch Malte.

His eyes were shining with complete madness today.

“ha… How much is all this?”

A pile of obsidian in a large box.

Malte grunted as if in a good mood and swept the black luster with her hand.

I heard that obsidian is being sold at a high price at the top of Freed.

I have to be able to bear with my stomach churning.

“It must be difficult to find a fortress. Where did these kids get this from?”

I don’t know why, but the demand for obsidian has risen sharply these days.

I couldn’t find obsidian even though I searched the mines thoroughly, so I was just rolling my feet, and I hit the top of Freed in the back of the head.

“You bastards. You must have been in a fuss trying to find this by now, right?”

“I don’t know where it was delivered. Would you like to do business with us?”

“Why not? But, I still don’t know what I’m doing with this damn gem. The color is too young to wear as a necklace… I feel cursed.”

“They seem to be nobles with a unique taste.”

“Hey, you can’t go in and out of the heads of those yangbans.”

Malte giggled and nodded.

Mumyeong, who was watching the scene from behind, clenched her teeth.

“I’m bored again.”

Kidnapped and killed two merchants on the upper side of Fried.

It was disgusting to see the corpse being thrown into the warehouse and checking things first.

The most disgusting thing was that I had to fight for them in the midst of such disgust.

The people on top of Fried will come back to me today.

So, prepare ahead of time.

Mumyeong, who was sharpening the old sword as the merchants ordered, murmured while looking down at the sharpened blade.

“ah… Will it happen?”

This will be the sixth run.

Like the last time, if the top of Freed attacks again, will he stab anyone with the sword he holds in his hand and run away?

Mumyeong was once again seriously thinking about it.

“… .”


The surroundings are strangely quiet.


Mumyeong, who had been immersed in thought, raised her head belatedly.

An unbelievable sight entered his sight.

“Gagging… Whoops!”

Malte, who had enjoyed fiddling with obsidian before, collapsed and vomited blood.


It wasn’t stabbed with a sword or beaten by anyone.

It was an instantaneous situation that could not be explained physically.

Mu-myeong stood up with her eyes wide open.


Much more than being caught and ripped off by the merchants on top of the cement.

Mumyeong spit out cursing and clenched his teeth.

“Fuck, what is it?”

I stepped back and found a place to hide.

The clumsy sword in his hand didn’t help at all in this situation.

In the first place, Myeong-myeong does not know how to use a sword.

And here, those who can use a sword are dying helplessly.


A merchant, who was rushing at him with a sword, just broke his neck and died.

Seeing the merchant running wild on the floor, Mu-myung covered his mouth without realizing it.

A town like a battlefield where people die on a fictional day.

It was an unknown sight since childhood, but it was the first time such an overwhelming massacre had occurred.

“What are you doing!”

bum bum.

Unidentified black robes are approaching here.

A merchant, who was screaming and stepping backwards, staggered and fell to the floor, just like Malte.

Then a man wearing a robe cut him down mercilessly.



They seemed to have not yet discovered the unknown behind them, but blood splattered right in front of them.


Mumyeong clenched her teeth and silenced the footsteps.

Humans in black robes surround the warehouse site at the top of the cement.

The warehouse, which was destroyed by the last raid, did not have enough space to hide any more.

Myeong-myeong took refuge behind the things that had turned to ashes.

He kept his mouth shut and looked outside.

It’s just a horrifying sight.

A man wearing a robe spoke coldly.

“Leave no witnesses.”

That means, killing everyone in this place.

Some of the surviving merchants stopped without even breathing.

Gwell, trembling, mustered up the courage to speak in a trembling voice.

“who… who are you. Instead of dragon… 100 million!”

Regrettably, Gwell was not able to speak further.


Because the one wearing the robe grabbed his neck and twisted it.

As if it wasn’t worth listening to any more, the cold voice answered terrifyingly.

“Something like garbage would pay for taking our stuff.”

It seemed to be an answer to Gwell’s question, but those who heard the answer were lying on the floor.



A cruel sound, like bones being crushed, resounded from nearby, and then subsided.

One, two, or even a dozen merchants fall mercilessly.

It’s a different kind of fear.

Mummy closed her eyes tightly.

The moment that eerie gaze turned to this place, my life ended here.

“please… please… .”

I hope you just pass by.

Mumyeong waited for a moment that seemed like eternity.

That was then.

The one who wore a robe in the front row took off the black robe.


The robe was removed, revealing the face of a dark-haired woman.

A face so ordinary that it is unbelievable that he twisted the neck of a normal human being with one hand.

No, more than that.

A face all too familiar to him.

Mumyeong doubted my eyes and raised her head.

“sister… ?”

The worst protector who died leaving him alone.

My sister came back alive.

* * *

I thought I killed them all, but are they still there?

Elisha, who turned her head in the commotion, was also frozen.

“… .”

Several years have passed.

However, it was immediately recognizable.

When I ran away like I was chasing the top of the cement in the wind I almost died.

The only family I couldn’t take.

Elisha, an irresponsible protector, met her younger sister again years later.

“yes… why are you here… .”

I didn’t think he’d be alive.

No matter how tough their lives, they were not the only ones who died at the top of the cement.

My little brother who has no strength, is weak, and has no clue.

I didn’t think I’d be alive.

So Elisha lived her whole life without feeling guilty for killing her sister.

By the way.


Do you meet like this here, like this?

Anonymous asked in a trembling voice.

“female… What are you doing here? just now… did… What did you do?”

The magic that Elisha used was black magic.

It is just a startling sight to the eyes of an unknown person who hardly understands the concept of magic.

Elisha cannot explain the concept.

I see my younger brother after years, but I don’t have time for a touching reunion.

Just staring straight into the eyes of the unknown.

It was just a desperate cry.

Anonymity has a name.

The name she couldn’t remember, Elisha remembered.

“Eden, run away.”

“that… What are you talking about?”

He asked as if he couldn’t understand.

It was a moment I had longed for all my life, but I thought was impossible.

reunion with my sister.

“porridge… A man I thought was dead came back alive after a few years… my… There is still no one in this world I can trust and rely on. my… Why do I have to run away from my sister?”

A man he thought was dead came back to rescue him.

Mingyu thought so.

However, reality is not salvation.

“You have to run away. It’s dangerous here.”

Elisha brutally throws away such ignorance.

A child who has seen too much. I can’t keep a child like that alive.

He is a younger brother who has already abandoned the first, but he has to give up the second in order to save it.

It is a world that is not easy enough for a child to live alone.

You must live nonetheless.

Elisha shed tears and pushed her face away.

“hurry! hurry! Run away!”

Others in robes stepped forward as if protesting, but Elisha stopped them.

If only one person does not come, you can send a nameless person.

Even if words come out, you will be responsible.

The opportunity is now.

So, you go.

Mu-myung stood up from his seat, making an expression that seemed to be incomprehensible.

Although it was ignorant and obscure, the fear in Elisha’s eyes was enough to make him act.

Mingyu turned around and tried to run away.


It’s already late.

“… !”

A black shadow fell over the two of them.

“I came to pick up something, did you have any uninvited guests?”

A cheerful voice that does not match the bloody atmosphere.

Someone who should never have come to this place has appeared.

Elisha raised her head with a pale face.

“that… that… that is… .”

A face whose expression cannot be read.

Such a bizarre smile that is always smiling, but never seen as a smile.

The woman in the robe tilted her head indifferently.

Then, without a word, he raised his staff.

Elisha flew away and grabbed her arm.

“No, no! It’s my brother! My… He is my younger brother.”

After coming out of the top of the cement, he devoted his whole life.

Elisha was a pretty capable wizard.

He pleaded with the judgment that he would not kill his own level of power just because he was wrong.

Elisha’s judgment was wrong.

She didn’t kill Elisha.

However, I just asked as if I didn’t understand.

“… therefore?”

“Yes… Yes?”

A horrifying silence swept through the vacant lot.

The site of the top of the cement where many merchants have already died.

The woman, who had been standing casually on the ghastly ground, looked down at Elisha coldly.

Only the eyes reflected through the crevices of the face covered by the robes were deeper and cooler than obsidian.

“What does that matter?”

She smiled and stretched out her hand.



With that chilling word, Mumyung vomited blood and collapsed.

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