Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 189

Even the professors were excited about the unexpected barbecue party.

Han Si-hyeok penetrated among the students while pretending to be calm and holding his head up. All great disciples find their masters in times like these.

“Professor, would you like a bite?”

“… Give it a try.”

Han Si-hyuk picked up a piece of meat from among the students taking my lecture.

Even with just one bite, his mind would be ecstatic, and even Han Si-hyuk, who had never tried this kind of food, would have his eyes turned around.

‘I live by eating this delicious food… ?’

It seems like you’ve saved too much money.

What kind of pleasure did you live without eating a special A-grade steak?

I couldn’t put down the fork for even a moment at the salivating taste. Si-hyuk Han, who was completely seated, started eating in earnest with a knife.

“professor… You have good taste… .”

No matter how much the dean shoots barbecue, the amount of meat is fixed.

After eating like a starving person for a few days, the first student who suggested meat blinked with a bewildered look in his eyes.

‘Should I take the knife?’

Also, professors are ignorant in this regard.

“Ugh. ugh.”

“school… professor?”

Han Si-hyuk returned to a stiff posture after filling his stomach to some extent.

As if he hadn’t eaten a bite, he neatly arranged his clothes and got up from his seat.

“It was a rustic meal.”

“… .”

The back of my head stings a bit, but I don’t know why.

Han Si-hyuk turned his gaze while thinking that way.

There were familiar faces on the other side.

Solia is concentrating on grilling meat with her silver hair fluttering.

When I asked where I could hear the clattering from earlier, was it over there?

“Am I not good at baking?”

“there… Can you keep it a little bit?”

“No, there is no need for you to bake. I cook better.”

“… under?”

Adela is eating meat next to him, but it looks uncomfortable to plant something.

“Hey, you are talented. Are you really good at baking?”


There is one Siha Han who is eating only meat, admiring the quality of the special A-grade steak.

I got a sense of what was going on, and my head started pounding.

It’s been like that before, so it’s not surprising.

Han Si-hyuk sighed as he shook his head.

‘That guy… under… .’

Han Si-hyuk’s gaze, who was biting his tongue, turned to the other side.


Hopefully, I checked it out.

It just came into my eyes.

A man staring at this side of the table where theology students are gathered.

“Ah, I’m a bastard.”

Youn Ha-eul has been drinking wine since broad daylight with steak.

* * *

wiggle wiggle.

Whether there is a professor or not, it is quite dignified.

Youn Ha-eul, who drank the wine with the lowest alcohol content, which was nothing more than a drink, grunted and put down the wine glass.

Won, who had escaped for a while while grilling steaks on the side of the magic department, tilted his head as if wondering what was going on.

Youn Ha-eul spit out the words in a voice mixed with irritation.

“I don’t think it fits with theology.”


“It wasn’t right. I’m going to transfer to the Magic Department. Totally boring, really.”

A student in the theology department, who had suddenly turned into boring humans, blinked.

But, just that. He turns his head again and mumbles the meat.

Youn Haeul whispered into Won’s ear.

“Did you see it?”

“I’m not known for having fun with you guys.”

The kids are nice, but…

They’re just kind people.

If it wasn’t for her natural talent, Haeul Youn’s major might have been more suitable for her, as she said.


Youn Ha-eul took a deep breath, but couldn’t take her eyes off the table next to Han Si-ha.

Everyone seems to want to go over there, but he is complaining to the students of theology department because it is difficult to intervene.

Won smiled and asked Youn Ha-eul secretly.

“Do you like him?”



Youn Ha-eul jumped out of her place as if frightened.

Then, with a look of bewilderment, he lowered his body.

A few close friends of theology know it, but it’s not an overt fact.

Not to mention, I’m cautious as she was close to getting engaged to Solia.

Youn Ha-eul raised her voice with a look of embarrassment.

“hey… How did you know that?”


“… You’re really quick!”

“this… Is this fast?”

Won was stunned as she was and was speechless.

‘I guess I was too good at making tea?’

“Oh, are you tired?”

Youn Haeul scratched her head and muttered, and Won burst into laughter as if it was ridiculous.

I think it’s more serious than others, but that’s even funnier.

In the first place, I was wearing tea so much that I couldn’t even tell.

Of course, I was curious.

Everyone’s ideal, Natalie. Even if it’s not that popular, it’s a face that subtly attracts people with its mysterious atmosphere.

There were a lot of guys who liked Youn Ha-eul without knowing it.

You must be aware of that to some extent, but why do you have to leave those kids alone?

Since he had seen Si-Ha Han so closely, he was puzzled by the fact from the perspective of Won, who was not able to give an objective evaluation.

“But I really don’t understand… Why do you like him?”


“From what I saw, Adela seemed to be interested in Han Si-ha to some extent. I don’t know about Solia, but she almost got engaged… .”

“What? Adela?”

“okay. I don’t know, but there must be some reason. What the hell is the reason?”

It’s a rather straightforward question, but it was not likely that Youn Ha-eul would avoid the answer.

“Yeah… .”

Won was genuinely curious and asked,

Youn Ha-eul answered with a bright smile.

It was a pure smile.

“You’re handsome!”

“eww… Yes?”

An answer without the slightest hesitation.

Youn Ha-eul emphasized it twice with twinkling eyes.

“very! It’s my favourite!”

“… .”

Was that the reason?

Won was stunned for a moment as she looked at Youn Ha-eul, who was excited.

The recalled face seemed more sincere than ever.

Youn Ha-eul poured out words with a rapid-fire cannon like a pony unbridled.

“Of course, there are a hundred reasons why I like Han Si-ha, but… .”

“… .”

“The biggest reason is that I’m still handsome!”

“Damn it, are you going to live with shame?”

I can’t say anything about it myself.

Something… Something… It is unfair.

Won grumbled because Pinto was hurt for nothing.

As Han Si-ha’s roommate, he asserts that he has seen him the closest.

Everything in Han Si-ha.

It’s getting hot, so I’ll have to get a few out of it right now.

“Hey, it’s because you don’t share the same room. Don’t you know how nagging he is?”


“Uh, I’m chasing you and asking you to clean up all my seats… .”

“Oh my gosh. neat… .”

“I don’t know why it came to such a conclusion. Did you see Han Si-ha giving a name to a stone and stroking it? What kind of crazy I am… .”

“… Even emotional!”

“Hey, really.”

Either way, there’s something wrong with it, so it’s impossible to hear these words.

I love it so openly, I can’t say more.

Won clicked his tongue and continued.

“No, nothing else to see. you can see the future Isn’t it enough to just look at Han Si-ha’s relationship with you?”

“Can’t you see the future related to me?”

“Marriage luck. Well, there is something like that.”


Youn Ha-eul nodded in response to Won’s words.

“Even so, I’ve already seen it. Did you not have any luck in marriage with Han Shiha?”

Won stopped at Youn Ha-eul’s words.

“… Isn’t that bad?”

“Is there a possibility for me too?”

Youn Ha-eul said with her eyes twinkling brightly.

Won sighed and shook his head.

“It’s crazy positive.”

“I had no luck with my engagement!”

“It’s horribly well-made.”

Won stuck out his tongue, remembering Han Si-ha’s engagement party, which had become a mess.

Is it engagement or marriage? I don’t know how far to believe the aspiring prophet’s words.

Anyway, I like it like that, but it’s okay to give some hints.

Won lowered his voice and beckoned to Youn Ha-eul.

No matter how I looked at it, it was because it looked like Yun Ha-eul was shoveling.

“When I saw… You only have one problem.”


Originally, he was a person who trusted people well, so he was Youn Ha-eul who would trust Won no matter what nonsense he said. However, this time it wasn’t an outrageous nonsense.

“You are too active.”

“… I?”

“Look at your face, it’s all over! If that’s too much, the other person is also burdened.”

“A lot of… is it?”

“Originally, something like this has to be pushed and pulled to some extent. You can’t just push it away.”

“ah… .”

Youn Ha-eul’s face grew serious. Maybe I’m looking back on my own past.

“I think that’s right.”

After thinking it over, I think Won was right, so Youn Ha-eul nodded her head violently.

“Did you know what it was?”

“Uh huh!”

Of course, the one who taught me had no experience in dating, but Ha-eul Youn had no way of knowing.

Youn Ha-eul, who had a great realization, gleamed her eyes with a confident face, and Won smiled proudly at Youn Ha-eul.

“I feel relieved because I feel like I have realized something.”

* * *

The day after the barbecue party.

The corridor of Ardel Academy was in a commotion since morning.

Through the buzzing crowd of students, I walked down the hallway in a circle.

There is only one reason to be upset around this time of year.

“Did you see the grades?”

“I… It’s stuck there!”

It was the news that the grades and rankings were published on the poster.

Overall, the final evaluation was pretty good, so I thought we could expect some good scores.

To be honest, the other kids worked really hard too, so I think it would be a good thing to just keep 3rd place.


Won, who was going ahead, checked the poster first and then made a fuss.


Are you just curious?

“what? How did you come out?”

“crazy. Hey, are you awesome?”


Because of the guys who kept pushing me from behind, I somehow got pushed in front of the poster.

He shook his head hard as he pushed back and forth.

First of all, I need to see my grades… .


Magic and Rank Status

At the top, as always, is Lee Han’s name.

That’s not surprising, though.

Three letters of the name engraved underneath it.

Han Si-ha

“what? Am I second?”

He beat Adela to take second place.

I couldn’t believe the fact that I had overcome the study ghost, so I was stunned for a while.

It was then that I realized why Won was making such a fuss.

“Three years. The top rank has changed again.”

Adela 3rd place, Solia 4th place.

There isn’t much of a difference below that… .

Again I made a variable.

Is this good?

The moment I stood blankly thinking about that.

“Did you finally beat me?”


Adela was surprised to intervene.


I wondered if we could meet at this time, but unlike the previous Solia, who was completely blown away by the shock of losing 3rd place, she had a rather casual face.

Adela shrugged her shoulders.

“I knew it would.”

“… Heartily?”

“Your grades in practice have gone up a lot. Most of them listened to me… I lost my score.”

Adela laughed as if it wasn’t a big deal.

Then, he added in a calm voice.

“Besides, you’re good.”

Adela’s compliment.

It’s pretty rare.

There is one good thing about getting 2nd place.

“Thank you.”

I smiled at Adela’s words and looked away.

Next to the academic poster for the Department of Magic is the ranking of the Department of Theology.

Well, without looking, the first place in the ranking is Youn Ha-eul.

“He’s great too.”

“It’s overwhelming in theology department.”

Adela smiled softly at my words, as if admitting to it.

At that moment, Youn Ha-eul, standing in front of the poster, caught my eye.

“Okay… .”

An embarrassing face that is stuck in the middle of the kids and can’t move.

Even after checking the senior’s grades, he doesn’t seem very impressed.

He looked the same, so he smiled and called to Youn Ha-eul.

It was not far away.

“Ah, Youn Ha-eul!”


Youn Ha-eul flinched as she heard my voice shouting out loud.

definitely heard

You’re still number 1, so I have to congratulate you.

It was time to raise my hand with that thought.

“You are number one… .”

with a bang.

back up!

Youn Ha-eul, who turned her head, left the room as if running away.


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