Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 138

A magic investigator’s assistant.

I just organize, sort, and check the documents that come in every day.

It was a repetition of boring things that did not help the investigation at all.

Adela regretted applying as an office assistant instead of an on-site assistant, but she always came out early in the morning to clean the window frames that day.

As with other prophets, Si-hyuk Han was a very picky person, so if he didn’t put it away, it was obvious that he would hear a voice.

Adela organized Han Si-hyuk’s coat hanging on the hanger.

The stiff coat, which was always angled, was as morbid as Professor Grint.

Adela smiled as she recalled Han Si-ha, who wore tattered clothes on a fictional day.

At the academic conference, they used to walk around like a zombie with everything burned.

I lost my words at the dignifiedness that I can’t just wear it.

“How is it that the two are so different?”

No matter how half-blooded, brothers are still brothers.

Looking back, there was no similarity in personality or behavior.

“By the way, what are you doing?”

Adela was always busy, and Han Si-ha did not appear in the fortress, apparently stuck in Professor Ernst’s lab.

It was when Adela opened the hallway door, thinking that she should find time to meet on the weekend.

“Uh, hello?”

Han Si-ha was standing in front of the door.

Adela’s eyes widened.

“Han Shiha… ?”

“I will be working here from today.”

“you? here?”



definitive notice. Adela sighed involuntarily.

This is good news that came while I was tired of the monotonous office assistant job.

Unable to hide the joy, Adela’s eyes twinkled.

“really? Are you working from today?”

“Oh, as a field assistant. It’s only been about a month, but will the schedule overlap with you?”

“I didn’t know that the investigator would pick you up… .”

Adela tilted her head in admiration.

Han Si-hyuk, whom he had seen closely, would rather keep away from my younger brother, but he did not have the personality to hire him as a field assistant because he was related by blood.

No, to be honest.

It seemed like he just hated Han Si-ha.

How could such an investigator hire Han Si-ha by hand?

It was surprising, but not impossible.

Because blood is thicker than water.

By the way.

“yes? Didn’t that person hire me?”


“If that person knew, surely I would have fallen?”

Hanshiha smiled happily and lowered her voice.

In the first place, the person in charge of hiring field assistants was not Han Si-hyuk.

It’s a style that focuses only on investigations and puts off all such troublesome things, so the Ardel Academy administration office should have handled it for you.

Adela nodded her head in agreement with Han Si-ha’s explanation.

“The requirements for the 3rd year or higher in Magic and 3rd grade are met in addition to previous year’s grades and academic conference participation. This is the word that stood proudly. No one would ever know.”

“Wait a minute.”

Adela rolled her eyes.

“Then maybe you still don’t know… .”

“Of course!”

Adela was afraid to finish speaking.

“Oh, I’m here.”


The main character of the conversation opened the door.

Han Si-hyuk walked into the office with an expressionless expression every day.

His face was distorted as soon as he found Si-Ha Han.

“… !”

Han Si-ha smiled and opened her mouth.

“Hey, what kind of expression are you talking about?”

It is quite interesting to see the face of a person who is not very emotionally moved from moment to moment.

Adela has no way of knowing that the two have become more cold war since the conference.

However, I had an intuition that the atmosphere was not serious.

Han Si-hyuk frowned and blurted the end of his speech.

“Why are you here… no way… .”

I heard that the field assistant is coming today.

Han Si-hyuk’s eyelids trembled.

A prophet’s intuition is with a high probability correct.

Han Shiha politely placed both hands on her stomach.

“Detective Han Si-hyuk.”

“What… what.”

“I told you to come in as an on-site assistant. I wish you all the best.”

A very polite tone, similar to that of Professor Ernst.

Han Si-hyuk had goosebumps all over his body.

Because Han Si-ha was grinning right in front of me.

“Thanks for the pick-up.”

“When did I… when i… .”

“We will become an on-site assistant that meets expectations.”

“this… this… .”

Adela knew.

Hanshiha is talented in many fields, but… .

“Are you going to turn it off?”

“go away!”

In particular, he had a special talent for pissing people off.

* * *

Han Si-hyuk seemed to be annoyed.

No, it seemed crazy.

“This is the first investigation. You do it for me.”

“You do this too.”

“That too.”

“I want you to finish it all within this week and report it to me.”

Investigator’s on-the-spot assistance. Simply put, an intern.

If you’re here as an intern, you’ve got to go.


I think I met seniors during my internship.

“I was a naughty little bastard.”

Anyway, I don’t have any desire to crack Han Si-hyuk.

First of all, I came here to find out the true nature of that superpower, so I need to lose in moderation.

He intuited the scene where the head of the Archent was crushed to powder in an instant.

If I acted more angry, it would be like smashing my head with that nameplate.

So, I accepted Han Si-hyuk’s investigation.

Office assistant Adela followed me as an on-site assistant for today.

I sighed and read the incident file that came in.

“Is this the first investigation file? The title hits me.”

Sewer monster thing.

“It sounds like something is living in the sewer, but it’s deep and you can’t see it.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“I think I’ll have to pull it out with a magic like the basic flame… .”


“Are you taking on such chores? What kind of complaint room is this?”

“The border is a bit… It’s ambiguous.”

“Since when has it been an investigator’s job to search the sewers?”

No matter how I look at it, this looks like it’s fucking me.

The Sewer Monsters case, the Ernst Lab lighting repair case.

Other miscellaneous complaint files were piled up one after another.

It also meant that there was a lot of work piled up that could not be solved even if I stayed up for several days and nights.

“ha… .”

getting tired already

It seems that he left all the work to be done and threw up himself.

“Adela, let’s go.”

Anyway, I had to do something.

* * *

The first task was to repair the lighting in Professor Ernst’s laboratory.

“Whoa, senpai. Haven’t you changed the light for a long time?”

“I do not know. Maybe it’s been that way since I moved to the lab… !”

“Since I went this time, I don’t have to change for a while.”

I don’t know why you’re doing this as a field assistant, but it didn’t take long.

Betty-senpai was delighted with the brightly lit laboratory.

“Wow… But do you do this too, in the administrative office?”

“no. In the investigation room.”

“yes? Investigation… in the thread? Oh, you said you went into the magic investigation room as a field assistant… did you?”

“yes. But I’m changing the lights. Are you having so much fun?”

Betty-senpai looked like she didn’t understand what had happened.

I don’t mind looking at it

Why am I changing the lights?

Well, anyway.

“Next time, just call Solia. He’s a human light bulb, so he’ll turn on something like this.”

“brush… Solia?”

“Where do you put the light wizard and use it? I’ll turn on the light.”

“Uh… is it?”

Senior Betty tilted her head.

“Where are you going after this?”

There were only two students in Professor Ernst’s lab, so even though it didn’t seem like they were, we just became friends.

It also meant that I became more comfortable when that senior, who was very shy, was hesitant and said what he had to say.

I recited the next destination.

“We have to investigate the sewer monster thing.”

“A monster?”

Last year, Drake haunted the campus basement, and the students who had previously thought they were safe were turned upside down.

To those who remember it, the word monstrous creature is terrifying.

Betty-senpai asked cautiously in a voice that was overjoyed.

“A sewer near the academy? at there… Are there any monsters?”

“no. I heard a cat cry.”

Sewer monster thing.

It sounds like something is living in the sewer, but it’s so deep you can’t see it.

– Until then, yes, it can be scary. It’s worth calling the investigation team.

I thought so.

That sound is a meow.


fuck off.

You have to go rescue the stray cat.

“go… a cat?”


Betty-senpai stood silently for a moment and then asked what I wanted to ask.

“It… Why is the investigator coming?”

“I don’t know. Would you like to go with me?”

* * *

Behind Ardel Academy, in front of the sewer.

He killed the sound of footsteps in front of a sewer that was wide enough to fit a single person in.

“here… Are you there?”

“On paper, it is.”

According to the papers, it was said that there were only monsters appearing at this point.

Senior Betty approached with curious eyes.

“Aren’t you going to ask?”

“I will ask.”

“… !”

Just because you bite like a Drake doesn’t mean your head is ripped off, but it’s a bite.

I skillfully lowered my posture.

To rescue a cat, three talented people from the flying and creeping academy went out.

I don’t think this is a waste of talent.

Once I put my ear to the sewer wall.

“I hear it.”

Adela lowered her voice.

A faint cry was heard. It was a familiar cry, and I immediately recognized it.

This is the sound of a cat’s cry

“But what? Are you just dragging me along with the telekinetic magic?”

In a world where science exists instead of magic, a camera will be installed inside that sewer and people will gruntly go in and rescue them, but there is something more convenient called telekinesis magic.

“Betty, please. As gentle as possible.”

Adela’s telekinesis is rather intense.

It was obvious that he would just snatch it up, like pulling up a stone embedded in the ground.

It’s like a kitten, but if I die from stress, I’m in trouble.

Although Betty senior is a strong theoretical person, he is more adept at basic magic than us, so it is better to leave it to him.

“Just slow… Can I bring you?”


“under… I’ll give it a try!”

Senior Betty squatted in front of the sewer and cast basic salt copper.

Delicate magical energy flows down the drain wall. A calm wave of magic, like Betty’s calm personality.

A cry resounded in the invisible darkness.


“Is he upset?”

bang bang.

There was also a sound that sounded like it was taking a step backwards so as not to get out.


Laughter flowed out without me knowing.

how terrifying to do Suddenly, my body is being dragged along.

Still, it’s better to be outside with the light than to freeze in the sewer.

meow- meow-.

“Okay, just a little bit. Come out for a little bit!”

Betty, who had been following me just to watch, was pouring out her magic power more than anyone else.

Distributes magic power as evenly and slowly as possible.

So that young and small creatures do not startle.

“a little bit! uh, there it is… !”

Suddenly, the boy was dragged to the spot where he could see it.

As if it had just been born, a gray kitten with bright eyes and soft fur still living on the street.

stumble thump.

The surprised guy tried to go back in, but Betty-senpai’s thoughts were faster.


Suddenly, the guy who was dragged to the front of the sewer looks at his eyes.


Adela, who was about to scream for joy, covered my mouth.

It might surprise you, so it was better not to stimulate it. Instead, Adela added anxiously.

“Senior, if you don’t catch me now, will you run away?”

“I think so. uh… What do we do? Shall I put this can i catch it? uh huh! I don’t think I should let it go!”

“Senior, I’ll catch you!”

right king.

The two of them, who see their young life for the first time, are in a hurry.

I squatted down and looked into his eyes.

Until recently, it must have been terrifying and terrifying to have been dragged out by a strange force.

The curiosity of a young life sometimes overwhelms the fear.


The kitten, who had been crying like a whimper, turned its head.

The two feet that had dispelled the Telekinesis Magic became free unlike before.

It’s possible that you might go deeper into the sewer while you’re vigilant.

But, I waited.


“… !”

“Come here.”

As if responding to my voice.

The guy who had stopped still takes a step.

Adela, who was about to snatch the cat from above, quietly backed away.


A young life, who had been crying softly, sniffed and sat in front of me.

Instinctively, he held out his hand.


Soft, fluffy hair, like a tuft of hair, comes into my hands. Suddenly, a kitten, who had been vigilant, was held in my hand.


Now I can even smell it


It looks like I’m using my hands like a towel at all?

Senior Betty, who was watching quietly, widened her eyes.

The cat, who was trying to run away even with the basic telekinetic magic, lies meekly.

Adela spit out in a startled voice.

“frame… Did you time it?”

“How did you do it?”


It seems like it was taken away.

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