Academy Genius Tamer Episode 132

The guy was bewildered.

You’d think the owl bear, who was a good listener a while ago, isn’t listening.

Owl Bear was extorted in front of my eyes.

“What… What… what?”

“Why aren’t you listening?”

“bell… Beliya!!”

The Belly is running towards me.

Now, this owl bear is mine.


He puts out his hand well for every word I say.

“Oh, teddy bear. He listens well.”

It’s temporary timing.

The taming lasts only three hours, but it must be a serious psychological blow to the owner.

“this… this… What is this?”

The short hair was speechless.

You’ll feel like your eyes are open and your nose is cut.

A tamer lost a monster that was nothing like my hands and feet.

‘Tamer’s Touch’ is a skill that did not exist in the original, so there is probably no character among the main characters.

So, the skill I wrote is truly unheard of.

“What… What kind of trick did you do! To our Belly!”

The short-haired guy burst out a scream as if it was unfair.

To be honest, I have no regrets with that guy.

I have a bad impression on Cardbell Academy.

His skills aren’t bad, and he seems to have a sense of humor. Besides, he’s not like the kids there, so maybe it would have been a better meeting if we had seen it somewhere other than here.

But unfortunately, this is a dungeon and a testing ground.

Now this area is going to be destroyed soon.

I need to find Solia and Seymour quickly.

I can’t delay any longer.

I commanded the panting Owlbear.

“Hey, teddy bear.”

“Order our Belly! Don’t do it! Don’t even call me gomtang!”

“Hey, gomtang?”

“What… What are you talking about!”

Your owner was a bit noisy.

let’s be quiet


Owl Bear’s eyes twinkle at my words.

“this… this person… Even the owner doesn’t know about this!”

An owl bear who feeds and puts her to sleep, but quickly takes control of her owner.


The guy was thrown out of the exam room with a scream.

* * *

He safely drove Cadbell’s short hair out of the examination room.

I got an unexpected score. It’s not that important now though.

“It’s more of an escape than a score.”

Once you have successfully escaped, you can do anything.

I don’t know where the Archents will appear, but if you’re in this testing ground right now, you’ll inevitably be in the safe zone.

you have to go there

I hurried my steps and muttered.

By the way, the uncomfortable shadows… .

“Creung… .”

bang. bang.

Owlbear is excited and follows behind.

“Creung. Kreung.”

His yellow eyes are staring at me… asking for food.

Roughly speaking, I did well, so give me a meal, or something like that.


Basil hates it.

Appearance-oriented Basil hates Owl Bears, saying he’s ugly.

It’s neither a bird nor a mammal, but its grotesque appearance looks scary at first glance.

You can’t hate it like that though!

Where did you learn that personality!

“Coooo… throw it away.”

“Sup. I am not saying that.”

Anyway, it’s a pain in the butt.

I have to go back to the owner in three hours.

what about him

If you leave it alone, Cardbell’s short hair will take you away.

“Owl Bear. hemp cloth… Was it Belly?”

A fresh name that doesn’t match your looks.

“Wait here and visit your master.”

I took it and now I want to return it.

It’s a funny picture, but the owner has to find it.

“Creung… ?”

Owl Bear panted and tilted his head.

There seems to be confusion between the former owner and the current owner.

I don’t know if Owlbear understood my words, but we had to hurry.

[The area is about to be destroyed.]

Time has already passed quite a bit.

“Basil, run!”

I sprinted in the direction that quickly turned the road.

“Huh… Ugh. Huh… .”

damn. I think I’ll be eliminated first before I find Solia and Seymour.

I realized it when I got to where I was after turning exactly three times.

That he was repeating the mistakes he had made for the past 28 years.

Gilchi Special. I don’t know where, but I’m leaving.

“Oh, not this.”

Come to think of it, I was running recklessly, but it feels more like a bog.

At that time, Closti arrived cutting through the air.



Again, you have to use your head instead of just looking for it.

The maze of the ‘Maze Cave’ dungeon was designed much more complicated than I thought.

It is easy to become a lost child if you start out recklessly.

Let’s roll our heads

I sat down on the floor and picked up a branch.

Closti didn’t have the ability to interpret the maze, but he must have remembered what he had seen.

He put a branch in his mouth.

“Draw what you see first.”


Closti shook his head and outlined the route he had seen from above.

A sloppy map. Of course he doesn’t remember all the roads.

However, that was enough clues.

“It’s complicatedly twisted.”

I memorized a rough map in my head.

Even if you can’t find the way, memorizing is your main major.

“It’s not like it’s bent like this. You can go to the right.”

right, left, left, right.

Once you have an order in your mind, which direction to go in.

“Got it.”

memorized it all

The speaker began to rattle again, as if time was running out.

“Let’s go. run!”

* * *

After about 10 minutes.

[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

A crackling counter tone echoes from the speaker.

“Huh… Ugh… please… .”

He was out of breath, but he didn’t stop running.


“ha… crazy… .”

As a result, it was barely safe.


As the countdown ended, an explosion occurred right behind them.

The land mass was engulfed in flames and sank.

My mouth was wide open at an unexpected scale.

“Wow… .”

The area was completely destroyed.

All the guys in there would have been kicked out of the testing room.

“I almost fell behind… .”

Basil and Closti turn to the side with bright eyes.

Why are you there again?

uh… what.

“Ugh, I almost died… .”

There was one more staggering guy.



“Han Shiha… ?”

Seymour groaned and sat down.

“Han Shiha! Han Shiha! Yaah!”

I’m shivering, so I need to calm it down.

Seymour, terrified, sighed in a cold sweat.

“I almost failed to escape!”

“It’s the same here.”

Seymour gasped and screamed. Looking at his face, I thought he was sincere.

“Hey, it was a lot harder than I thought.”

Seymour also had the same thoughts as me about the difficulty of the exam hall.

Plus, Seymour muttered with a serious face.

“And, I don’t think I’m getting thrown out.”


test site safety devices.

Come to think of it, that doesn’t work for Seymour.

It was natural. Seymour didn’t come in with permission, so he didn’t have a pass in the first place.

In the past, I didn’t take this issue particularly seriously.

Even if he ran into other students and had to fight, Seymour couldn’t possibly get tired of it.

It is the same with us that it is dangerous to meet an Archent, and there will be no danger at least limited to the ‘Maze’s Den’ dungeon.

That’s what I was thinking.

“I didn’t say the area was going to explode.”


The explosive area was key.

I thought I would be trapped there just because it was destroyed, but I didn’t know it would blow up a chunk of land like that.

That was the reason Seymour’s face turned white.

“Hey, you have to escape. Even if you don’t know, I am at stake.”

Suddenly, Solia was worried.

If I had seen the earth explode in front of my eyes, I would have been surprised by Solia’s timid personality.

Still, Solia has some talent for terrain detection, so I guess she’s doing well.

I should have used the method of extorting someone’s pass as in the original.

I took the risk while taking it easy.

“What about Solia?”

“When I came in, I came with you. I fell to the left to hit one in the middle, but I missed it because of the complicated terrain.”

“There’s no signal yet, so it won’t be a big deal.”

In an emergency, I decided to shoot a light into the air.

So far it will be fine.

There is a high probability that the Archent is here right now, but the Archent is not an attacking mage.

To be honest, I and Lee Han are the most dangerous.

I spit at Seymour.

“Let’s find Solia first.”

That was then.


Immediately the next area was established.

I got caught once, so I can rest next turn.

I had to take a break and look for Solia.

By the way.


[The area is about to be destroyed.]

… In addition?

* * *

“aah! You are out of luck!”

Seymour screamed with a pale face again.

“uh… Why did you get caught again?”

“Hour of bad luck.”

This bastard blames me for this.

“It must be Seymour of bad luck. I’ve never been stuck in a dark place like anyone else.”

“What? You’ve been locked up in a lot of other places!”

Professor Dibert Grunui, Duke of Becken… .

This familiar feeling as if I had never been locked in a dungeon, but I felt like I was trapped in an underground cage a lot.

uh… That’s right.

“Anyway, things happen when I’m with you… .”

I think because of me… Do you think that’s right?

“When I was fighting, I got caught in a magnetic field every day and died… .”

“What else is that?”

“It’s similar to what we are doing now.”

It seems that I have a certain amount of stake in getting only bad things.

“That’s right, one time of bad luck… Why am I hooked up with him? .”

“If you’re going to whine, I’ll leave it. You are the one who explodes.”


Instead of fighting, I decided to run.

Seymour, who was grunting but listened to, gasped and followed.

Closty is on scouting again, the maze is solved by me and Seymour finds a way.

There was a systematic collaboration.

So 30 minutes later.

[The area is about to be destroyed.]

[The area is about to be destroyed.]

Every time the zone was reset, we ran out amazingly.

“Solia! Adela!”

“Oh, it’s Lee Han. Hey, Youn Ha-eul!”

In the midst of a difficult escape, everyone finally gathered.

* * *

“under… What kind of tribe do you take? Aren’t you crazy?”

Seymour, who ran non-stop, staggered and leaned against the wall.

Lee Han, who was walking in a relaxed posture, asked with surprised eyes.

“It all takes. What are you talking about?”

“area… Didn’t you see it exploded?”

“I heard an explosion.”

Lee Han of crazy luck has never been caught.

Main character buff… that… .

Even if all the extras die, you will live a long life alone.

Oh, I didn’t enjoy longevity.

The plot of the original came to mind, and I stopped criticizing Lee Han inwardly.

No, Lee Han’s treatment would have been much better had it not been for Seulkademie.

Even if you hate me like that right now, I’m going to act like a dog later, so I’ll just tell you to be strong.

“It’s okay because we got together safely.”

Unlike Won, Solia, who arrived comfortably thanks to Adela, smiled and spat out.

“Didn’t anyone look suspicious while coming?”

“yes. I have won everything.”

Most of the maze has been destroyed.

After the next zone reset, head to the safe zone.

We need to find an Archent who may be waiting there.

“Still, I sighed. It won’t be dangerous since we’ve all gathered.”

Seymour responded bluntly to Solia’s laugh.

“That’s what you say when you go to a safe area. We’re not in the dungeon yet.”

“Still, nothing has happened.”

As soon as Seymour’s words were finished.


The speaker is about to start doing its job again.

That moment.

[next… area… new year… affection… .]

There was an unusually shrill mechanical sound.

Wasn’t it like that before?

“Wait a minute.”

[under… do… rock… .]

It was the same with Adela who sensed the strangeness.

Earth Wizard.

She is more sensitive to microscopic cracks than anyone else.

The rift opens, opens, and begins to shake the ground.

“uh… ?”


A strong earthquake that was incomparable to the earthquake caused by Owl Bear suddenly enveloped us.

At the same time, my head felt like it was going to break.

“what is this.”

[Main episode 7: The Labyrinth’s Den]

[Protect the cube from the warlock (archent).]

[Reward: Difficulty lowered]

[On failure: ??]

Once again, the window blinds you.

distortion of space.

A phenomenon created by the Archent’s ability to teleport.

I could tell thanks to the firm signature of the guy.

Archent appeared.

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