Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 130

The line was shrinking rapidly.

Solia did not answer my question for a long time.

Oh, I thought I heard a mumble.

“Take this up… Tell me… .”

Solia leaned on her back in a slumped position.

thanks i found out

The shadows are also heavy.

“… !”

Oh wait.

“that… that… .”

“what’s the matter?”

Adela, who did not know English, turned her head to ask what was going on.

I couldn’t say that I was carrying Solia on my back, so I waved my hand saying it was nothing.

anyway how about this

If you just lift it, it will be easy to lift!

It was Hell that I had to straighten my back as much as possible because I couldn’t get a tee on it.

Solia’s posture is also uncomfortable, so it seems like she’s just hanging by my neck.

“sleep… Wait a minute!”


I almost almost broke my neck!

Don’t pull on me like that!

“… .”

Solia doesn’t answer.

I don’t think I’ll be able to take a few steps with this sloppy posture.

“If it’s going to be lifted, will you lift me up properly?”

Still no answer

“You are pissed off.”

I’m embarrassed to ask if the shadows are too heavy, but I think I’m even more pissed off because they’re actually heavy.

Silence is also positive. I guess that’s right.

“It’s true that it’s sprained because it’s heavy.”

“not really.”

Then comes the answer.

I can’t see his face, but a shadow that hangs somewhere murmurs and continues his conversation.

“I’m not talking because I can’t speak. I’m not crooked Absolutely not.”

“You speak faster than you are.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Never or just get it right.”

“… .”

After hesitating for a moment, Solia changed her posture.

Previously, I was in a hanging posture holding my neck, but this time I properly wrapped my arms around my shoulders.

Again, this was more comfortable than the awkward posture.

And one more.


called Closty.


A grown-up guy hung over my shoulder.

To be honest, walking down the street in a bent posture would look strange to anyone, so I had no choice but to wear a cloth tee.

If this happens, others will see you as a tamer with the utmost sincerity carrying a Pterah.


I am carrying Ptera and the shadow.

The shadow of the archmage who will later become a great wizard of light.


“… it’s okay?”

Solia’s voice whispers in her ear.

“Uh, perfect.”

To be honest, it was a little difficult to hang on to Closti, but there are a lot of people watching it.

If you miss Solia here, you will be caught.

The line was shortened to the front.

If the staff hadn’t called, I would have been standing there blankly.

“Next student, I’ll check it out!”

“It’s Shiha Han.”

“Aww, the dragon looks heavy.”

“print… This is Terra… .”

“I’ll cut off the pass for the dragon too! The name?”


“What about Basil and his white friend?”

The clerk’s eyes twinkled as if the dragon was curious.

This one was talking happily, and Closty grabbed my neck and started to hang.

“Cutting Cloth!”

“Vasyl friend and Klosti. Here’s your pass. Oh, but the dragon speaks well. You are really cute.”

You said you were busy with work earlier, so you sent it quickly!

When the employee saw Basil’s bright eyes, he forgot what he was doing.

The hand that quickly issued the pass was suspended in mid-air.

“eww… eww… .”

“Where did the dragon come from? Were you raised at home?”

“eww… .”

“How did you teach me to speak? I’m very good at it.”

“eww… .”

stop it.

“If it’s heavy, I’ll accept the white dragon.”

“Okay, stamp it and move out.”

The employee’s eyes twitched for a moment.

“ah… yes.”

The staff handed the pass with a sullen expression.

It’s been a long time since I tried to talk to him, but his face was hurt because he was rejected.

I’m sorry, but I have to live too!

“Bassille, see you next time!”

Basil and Nabal.

I took the pass as if snatching it and hurried my steps.

In fact, heavy is also heavy, but there is not much left until the time limit.

A conference building full of people.

In this place where there are people here and people there.

We must find a place to leave Solia behind.

let’s run


bang bang.

Closty hanging from my neck and the silent shadow of a dead mouse, I quickly hasten my steps.

no, thinking about it.

why are you still up

Baby, a kid who knows how to fly is sneaking up on a free ride!

“Closti, you go down!”


“Come down!”

* * *

“Oh my gosh, it’s Saksin.”

“Are you that old already?”

“It’s going to break your bones.”

Lee Han burst out laughing as if there was no absurdity in my words.

The main character kid, that’s me… Come in and don’t know anything.

Did I run all the way here carrying Ptera and Shadow at the same time?



“I know there will be no ice cream.”

“… !”

“No ice candy.”


The wounded Closty was whimpering with her head banged against the wall.

“Beep… beep… beep… .”

Basil comforted Closti.

healed by force



“Hey, are they fighting?”

Lee Han dropped Basil and Closty with surprised eyes.

Fortunately, I really didn’t have the strength to lift a hand.

“He… You strangled me.”

“What the hell happened?”

“The shadows are heavier than I thought… .”

“What else is that?”

“Oh, there is such a thing. You don’t have to know.”

Anyway, I’m glad I didn’t get caught.

It was a little clumsy, but I think the staff didn’t catch it because it was stupid.

A bright front door part-timer who only liked dragons, it felt like that.

The security system is so weak that the warlock comes to visit.

“But when is Seymour coming?”

After the 10-minute time limit, Solia and Seymour immediately disappeared into the crowd.

Perhaps Solia followed Adela to enter the dormitory.

Seymour is… .

Woodang Tangtang.

He came out and smashed the window.

“Is he coming in on a rope?”

Appearance that rejects the ordinary.

I frowned at the appearance that somehow reminded me of Lee Han.

Woodang Tang.

“Break it all in.”

“Oh sorry. sorry.”

Seymour smiled shyly and took the biscuit she had trampled on.

“I will eat this later.”

Lee Han shook his head as if he had done it and spat out words.

“I’m here, so it’s okay. Let’s talk first.”

Lee Han motioned to Seymour to go to the library on the first floor.

“I have to start making plans for tomorrow.”

* * *

“Everyone has gathered safely.”

Solia nodded violently at my words.

In fact, Seymour and Solia suffered the most.

The two of us who shouldn’t have been able to go in and out as usual, took a great risk and followed them all the way here.

This place is crowded with students anyway, so it doesn’t matter at all even if you mix them naturally.

As Lee Han said, it’s time to make plans for the future.

“You succeeded in getting in. We should talk about what to do next.”

First of all, it is something we all know in common.

Something is going to happen at the Labyrinth’s Den Academy, and it has a high probability to do with warlocks.

So, we have to stop it and protect the cube.

We don’t know the details, but we all know it.

One cube is with me first.

The other two were hidden in a safe that Lee Han and I knew.

We still don’t know which one will be stolen.

However, if something happens at the academic conference, it must be targeting us with a high probability.

This means that the location of the cube is not known yet.

To know where the cube is, it can either target us or it can target me.

“I think it’s safe to go with you.”

Lee Han also opened his mouth to see if he had the same thoughts.

“In spaces other than the dormitory, six people join and go together.”

“In the maze of caves?”

Solia and Seymour do not have a pass, so they cannot enter.

In theory, yes.

“You gave me the answer.”

I said looking at Solia.


Solia rolled her eyes as if in bewilderment.

Solia’s shadow.

It was a cheat I hadn’t thought of.

“Just like when you come in, just do it.”

In the original case, it was necessary to use a rather difficult and risky method to get rid of the two people early and steal the pass.

It is a method that must be taken at least once before the academic conference is over, but I did not come here to receive an award.

Even if cheating is detected, it is not a big problem.

“As long as you can hide, there’s no problem.”

“What if I get caught?”

“If you don’t get caught when you come in, you won’t get caught this time.”

You can only enter with your pass.

There was no separate inspection device, and it was a method proven in the original work.

The problem is that they come in through the front door, and they say that they don’t put much effort into security from the inside.

So, even if it was an Acentra specialized in stealth, it must have come in easily.

Solia nodded at my words.

Youn Ha-eul opened her mouth in amazement.

“But it’s my first time here, how do you know so well? It’s amazing, Hanshiha.”

“Ah, it’s probably specialized in this area… Eup.”

Seymour stopped making fun of the evil mouth.

“you… sneaking in… good job… !”

How long are we going to talk about stealing the safe in front of my house!

After all, it’s my money in 30 years, that!

Seymour shut her mouth at my bloody eyes.

Youn Ha-eul, who misunderstood those words, grinned and clenched her chin.

His stern gaze turned towards me.

“Right. I’m sure my head is spinning. You must be a genius!”

It was fine up to there.

“You’re a face genius… .”


This was not expected.

I almost came in and spit coffee.

“Hey, turn on the blinkers and come in. You were confused!”

“You’re right, but why are you upset!”

“I’m more embarrassed by you, who is confident.”

Youn Ha-eul should have seen Seymour and Lee Han’s expressions rot.

“Ah, that’s a bit.”

Even Basil was colored.

Cheese’s 7-day fast was issued in my heart.

It was Seymour who turned the topic.

“So the two of us secretly follow behind us into the maze’s den like today, right?”

“Uh, yes.”

“I’m stuck because I can’t if something happens.”

“Even within the maze, I think it would be better if at least two people stick together. It could happen in there.”

“I heard that the position itself is divided.”

“We have to go in and find each other somehow.”

We have Adela, who specializes in magic detection.

I don’t know if it can detect people, not terrain.

It might be possible because he is a friend who has excellent magic sensitivity.

“I’ll try to collect as much as I can.”

In addition to that, there is Lee Han, who received the main character’s buff from the beginning and is top-notch in everything.

“Help the two of you gather.”

“In case of emergency, let’s send a rescue signal.”

You don’t know what’s going to happen, so count all the cases.

“Even if you are not in the maze, you can see the sky.”

“Shoot it up to the ceiling?”

“I will do that.”

We debated for a long time, and found a better way, a safer way.

Some of them I already knew, some new.

I think I have prepared enough.

I hoped that the change in the composition of the guild was a variable in the right direction.

I couldn’t even sleep because I was so nervous that an Archent might appear in the dormitory.

Yet the sun does rise.

The next day, the morning of the academic conference was bright.

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