Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 128

“what… work?”

Twinkling blonde hair and twinkling eyes.

Natalie, who was always alive, was looking at me with a withered expression.

Natalie’s eyelids were trembling.

Even Lee Han standing next to him is half-passed.

Lee Han stuttered and closed his eyes.

“that… that… What did I see?”

I feel like I’m going crazy, too.

When and since when have you been there?

Where did you see it!

“No, wait. Guys, it’s not like that… .”

“It was also difficult… .”


Natalie covers her mouth and looks at me like I’m sick.

At this age, rubbing stones and doing that, it seems a bit strange to me.

No, I still want you to listen to me.

“No, I mean, how did this happen!”

“Where are you really sick?”

This is a cube!

You’re taming the cube!

This is my job.

I can’t even put the cube in my mouth because Natalie is there.

Lee Han is looking at me with contemptuous eyes.

Lee Han frowned as he tried to clear up the situation.

A word came out as if he was clearly contemplating on how to package it.

“It was very lonely.”

“It’s not like that.”

Don’t judge it that way.

“I think it could have been difficult. First of all, the stone… put it down and let’s talk You look really crazy.”


“It’s crazy that he’s hugging a rock, then what!”

“I wasn’t hugging you! Do not distort!”

fuck off.

If you gossip like that, you’ll bite your tongue and die.

You’re my roommate. You don’t watch my crazy things for a day or two. Even if you do, you can’t be a third person!

He even knows that dongles hatch later, like Ptera eggs!

So it’s just passed.

Uh, is this also called an egg?

I think that guy Lee Han is so quick that even the seeds won’t get eaten?

As I shook my head, Natalie struggled to calm me down.

“it’s okay! I think you can!”

“that… That’s not it, Natalie… .”

“I think you know what I am.”

“My heart?”

“… No, I have no way of knowing.”

“Do you know how miserable I am right now?”

“no! I don’t know!”

Natalie drew a line and diagnosed my disease.

“I think I heard it in a theology and liberal arts lecture in my freshman year… .”

“Imaginary friend?”

“There is such a thing as talking to the original doll. Of course, that’s a little more than that at our age… No, it’s a little different. Because everyone is different! Uh, I thought I could do that… I think… .”

“I’ve never seen anyone talk to a stone before… It’s been said that pet dolls are fashionable these days… uh… . I don’t think you need to be too shy!”

it’s a pet

Natalie’s crazy tolerance.

Now, no matter what I say, I don’t think you’ll believe me.

fuck off.

Cube and Nabal.

just… .

uh just… will you resign?

* * *

The next day, meal time.

Yesterday’s shock had not yet gone.

Lee Han and Natalie, I sneakily avoided them all day long.

I guess I was lucky, I haven’t met him yet, but to be honest, this was the most dangerous.

A dining room with an expansive view.

He sighed as he bit the worst fire bore forelegs today.

Are you really dropping out?

“Hey, are you going to your conference?”

A circle that did not know what I was thinking pierced my side.

Adela, who was sitting across from her, nodded her head in response.

“The maze of oysters… right there? I really wish I heard that the extra points are huge when you go to the horse tower later.”

“I heard that.”

“When am I going? I hope you guys.”

“They are recruiting next year. Try it once.”

“It should be. Are you all ready?”

“What about the river? You?”

Adela asked Youn Ha-eul, who was sitting next to her.

Youn Ha-eul, who concentrated all her mind on the tasteless fire-bore forelegs, sat quietly and replied belatedly.


“But do you have anything else to prepare? They say that the meals there are also top-notch, and all of the lodging and meals are provided. Where else can you find such a well-equipped academic conference?”

Won was still muttering to himself with envious eyes.

“Next time, take me with you.”

“… .”

“No, my grades won’t work. Anyway, if you go, please let me know your review. I’ll study really hard next year, I’ll go check it out, really.”

Won-won turned his head towards me.

He tapped my shoulder again to see if the reaction was not cool.

“But why are you doing this?”

“… .”

“Hey, Hanshiha. Answer me.”

Sorry, I’m not in a position to answer right now.

My hand, which was trying to tear off the tough forelegs, turned to ice and stopped.

I… Why are these guys here?

The original protagonist, Lee Han, and everyone’s ideal type, Natalie, walks from the other side with a smile.

Why the hell are these two over here?

back down.

He hurriedly tried to hide himself, but it was too late.

“One hour?”

“uh? Were you all here?”

Lee Han smiled and waved his hand.

Please, please, I hope you don’t come here.

Lee Han calmly sat down. That’s right on my diagonal.

“Today’s diet is not very good. Right, Natalie?”

“I guess I’m on vacation, so I don’t have enough budget!”

“Oh, I haven’t seen you in a long time. Are you two at school during vacation?”

Won greeted the two with a warm smile.

Natalie responded to Won’s words as if nothing had happened.

“yes! I have an additional class I want to take, so I’m taking it!”

“I just… there, what Adela said she applied as an assistant investigator?”

“Oh, that’s it.”

I heard a rumor that Adela joined Han Si-hyuk as an assistant.

I don’t know why that person came into Ardel Academy as an investigator. Adela refrained from saying whether she was conscious of the uncomfortable relationship between me and Han Si-hyuk.

by the way… The really uncomfortable relationship is this one.

“Your complexion doesn’t look good today?”

Lee Han smiled and asked how I was doing.

Why not? It feels like you’re sitting on a cushion of thorns right now.

At the worst timing, I met the worst opponent.

Instead of responding to Lee Han’s words, I ripped off the front leg.

Rather, it was Youn Ha-eul who was surprised by Lee Han’s words.

“Han Si-ha, where are you hurting?”

“It’s not like that.”

please let’s go quietly

Then, thankfully, Won changed the topic.

“Oh, I had a question. How is the conference going? It’s not just about looking at grades, it’s complicated.”

Lee Han and Won are not as close friends as in the original story, but after listening to the same lecture over and over, they became close.

Lee Han answered Won’s question without hiding.

“I got a letter of recommendation. Professor Grint.”

“What? Professor Grint? Can he write a letter of recommendation or something?”

“I was surprised, but when I went to look for it, he wrote it down.”

Professor Grint, I tend to write in the order of grades, so I would have gotten it easily if it was Lee Han.

Circle of ambiguous sexuality grabbed her fiery hair and muttered.

“under… No matter how much I think about it, I don’t have a professor to take. Shall I go to the lab too?”

“Would Han Shiha even go in like that?”

Lee Han looked at me and opened his mouth again.

“You went in after receiving a recommendation from Professor Ernst. Fortress, academic conferences are difficult without additional points. If you want to go into the lab, ask Siha Han.”

“Is that so? hey hanshiha Professor Ernst doesn’t like talented people like me?”


I think you’ll like it as long as new people come in.

– Lee Han intercepted what he was trying to answer.

“Professor Ernst likes friendly students.”

What do you mean?

“A person who is extremely sincere when it comes to leaving anything to him. I didn’t choose a tamer for nothing. Han Si-ha is good at that.”

The moment I rolled my eyes at Lee Han’s unexpected compliment.

Lee Han smiled and turned around.

“Hey, that’s right. How is your pet doll doing?”

In an instant, the surroundings became quiet.

“A pet stone?”

It was Adela who broke the silence and asked.

At the same time, the attention of Youn Ha-eul and Won began to draw attention.

“what is that?”

“Do you also grow stones?”



That evil heroine.

Was the compliment so far a build-up for a pet stone!

“Uh huh, you raised it?”

Lee Han smiled slyly and picked up his front legs.

I feel like my ears are getting hot.

That bastard must have enjoyed my reaction.

To me the fine hair that catches other people’s weaknesses and uses them skillfully! Don’t use it on me!

Actually, it wasn’t the first time Lee Han caught Siha’s weakness like that… At least you never shot an ally!

“What was the name of the pet stone? dongle? Dongle?”

While Lee Han knew everything, pretending not to know, he continued to speak, and Youn Ha-eul’s eyes twinkled with curiosity.

“Wow, what a cute name. Show me too.”

Youn Ha-eul’s pure interest.

Even Adela, who seems to have had a bit of buffering.

“Did you grow stones? rock… what? I don’t remember seeing it?”

Won paused for a moment, then clapped his hands and nodded vigorously.

“Ah, that! It’s not the pet stone, it’s the egg, right?”

“Is it a stone?”

“No, the stone… Why are you growing stones? Hey, is that a stone?”

“No! That’s… You have to hide it!”

Natalie got up from her seat late and dried Lee Han.

I’m sorry, Natalie.

That’s why you’re more aggressive!

“Is it a real stone?”

“Why do you grow stones?”

“You can grow it! Miraculous!”

Youn Ha-eul’s bright words hit my bones.

“ha ha ha… It’s a pet stone, isn’t it?”

Lee Han smiled wickedly and tilted the chair back.

fuck off.

Maybe it was me, not the main character, but the black screen.

“You can’t call a pet stone a stone… I can’t call him a stone tamer… .”

“this… Don’t say things like that!”

“You have the utmost devotion to stones. I think that warm heart is very good. Professor Ernst must have been impressed.”

Lee Han was very excited.

I didn’t know it before, but now I know how tiring it is to have such a human as an enemy.

“It was nice. Adela, do you want to go look after the pets too?”

“Han Si-ha put clothes on… .”

I can’t, I really can’t stand it.


“Coo… .”


I left my seat and got up.

Lee Han’s eyes widened as he sensed the fight too late.

“Hey, I’m mad… what?”

“… .”

“I’m sorry. Just your reaction… Because it’s fun… .”

don’t need it all


“Ask me.”

At the same time.

Lee Han’s screams echoed through the dining room.

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