Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 110

It was time to go to the Ministry of Magic.

I could feel the cool air I had felt before from the entrance.

A dazzling office and a museum with various high-quality artifacts on display in glass boxes caught my eye.

This is my second visit, but it’s not an easy place to get used to.

“You are three minutes late.”

Han Si-hyuk frowned and faced us. The watch on his wrist shone from the ceiling light.

I didn’t know we would meet again.

At this point, it really feels like I see you every day like family.

“… Hmm.”

It seemed that there were all kinds of things that were unpleasant over there, too.

I shrugged and spoke.

“Let’s go.”

Adela and Youn Ha-eul do not know the details of this uncomfortable relationship.

Adela may be guessing to some extent, but Ha-eul Youn has never seen this two-shot.

Since Han Si-hyuk had completely erased his family name, he probably had nothing to do with me in the past.

Adela asked, pretending to know.

“Where have I seen you? Ardel’s Prophet… right? I saw you at school before!”

However, Han Si-hyuk’s reaction was cold.

He glanced back at Adela and said.

“I don’t want to be called by that name.”

“Oh, sorry!”

Actually, I think younha-eul should show more interest in this area.

“… that looks expensive How much?”

He just doesn’t care about people.

Hey, no matter what, you have to be your Wannabe, right?

The person in front of you is still the most successful prophet in this empire.

Anyway, within a few years, the best prophet on the continent will be Youn Ha-eul.

The opportunity to have no one as a competitor.

That is the life of a genius.

He smiled and pulled Youn Ha-eul, who was walking backwards, forward.

Han Si-hyuk faithfully continued his explanation even though it was bothersome.

“My office is on the second floor. You don’t need to know, but come to me if you need to.”


“And this is the lab. Most of the research is conducted in the building next door, so this can be seen as a place to collect the simply reported studies.”

The tour route was not much different from the last time.

How about a brief tour of the Ministry of Magic after receiving the award?

Instead, because something had happened the other day, Han Si-hyuk’s escort was with him on this tour.

It seemed that not even a single step would fall from our side.

“Actually, the Ministry of Magic does not allow general students to enter. The reception desk on the first floor and the exhibition room are spaces where you can walk around comfortably. On the 3rd floor, I give lectures from time to time. by the way… Can’t you just stay still?”


Han Si-hyuk stuck out his tongue and looked back at us.

He looked like he was looking at a child who had been put on the water to see if he was going to have an accident.

I’m just going to follow along…

He’s a little worried.

Youn Ha-eul was already sticking her nose in the artifact on the wall.

“Oh, what is this? Will it break if I touch it?”

“It will be broken, and your family will be broken as well.”


“If you don’t have money to ask.”


Han Si-hyuk casually recited a message that destroys the child’s heart and took the lead.

The background of Youn Ha-eul was not particularly dealt with in the original story, but considering that she was just described as a child who grew up in an ordinary family, there was a high possibility that Han Si-hyuk’s words would become reality.

Hey, if you don’t have money, you don’t park next to a foreign car.

However, Youn Ha-eul continued to ask if she was hurt by Han Si-hyuk’s words.

The guy who wasn’t that active in the first place asked a lot of questions, so it was surprising to me.

Are you stuck on something?

Even if I’m not interested in everything in the world, I’m serious about what I’m interested in.

The problem was that the question took a rather unexpected direction.

“Are there any dangerous artifacts?”

“To the magician?”

“Anything that could harm people or something that could explode.”

“… Even if there is such a thing, I will not put it on display.”

That comment really makes me think I’m going to buy it!

Han Si-hyuk also frowned as if he had felt the same way.

“Don’t be silly.”

“Is anyone in danger? capable of harming anyone.”

“Why are you asking that?”

“… I’m worried.”

“I think that’s also a silly concern.”

A strangely bloody energy swept around Han Si-hyuk.

It is the majesty that is the basic characteristic of a prophet.

Due to the nature of their job, where one has to speak well, their words have power.

Feeling the energy, Adela whispered quietly as she snuggled next to me.

“I’ve been feeling it since before, but he’s really scared. I have to say charisma, but I feel intimidated.”

“… .”

“Is that the only way to become the best prophet on the continent?”


uhm. Dignity and charisma… .

‘Let’s think about it after losing a little bit more.’

‘Aww! I’d like to have a conversation… Ouch!’

‘Ouch! Alas!’

After being beaten by me, I remembered Han Si-hyuk, who turned into a night-timer after being beaten by me.

“Oh, that’s right.”

Yes, let’s keep the image.

* * *

“Congratulations on your award. I hope to be a great member of Ardel in the future.”

“thank you!”

“It’s a prize and a citation. Congratulations again.”

The schedule ended sooner than expected.

Han Si-hyuk tried to send us quickly as if it was an annoyance, and he went straight out of the way, so the tour was over.

Adela urged her to go to the photo zone on the first floor.

There is a new gold statue erected by the Ministry of Magic over there, or something.

I was not interested in such hotspots, so I waved my hand.

“See you at school!”

“Okay, have fun and go in.”

All that’s left is Youn Ha-eul.

His black eyes twinkled, and he looked at me with a burden again.

“Are you going too?”


“why? Would you like to see more of the exhibition room?”

The Ministry of Magic staff will try to send it back somewhere else, but the exhibition room in the hallway on the first floor is open to the public.

He was shaking his feet like a kid with work to do, so he shook his head when I asked.

“Yeah, you’re welcome too. then.”

Shall we stop by Han Si-hyuk’s office while we’re here?




When I take one step, two steps follow.

Youn Ha-eul blinked her eyes once again. His face is calm as if nothing had happened.

Is it because of the feeling? not.

Earlier, when I was with Han Si-hyuk, he seemed to be watching me secretly, but now he follows me openly.


He was like that in the beginning, but it feels a bit weirder these days.

He scratched his head and set him aside for a while.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom for a while.”


“No, why are you following me? crazy.”

Youn Ha-eul shook her head in embarrassment. It was even more terrifying to say that he added brightly as he slapped his hand.

“No way. I’ll wait in front of you!”

That’s even weirder!

The spine became cold.

“… What did I do wrong?”


Oddly enough, I’m going to ask this first.

I thought that Han Si-hyuk was the only one who looked at me like a child who threw me out on the water, but as I pondered on what I did today, it seems that he sees me more like that.

There’s really no good reason for that… .

no way.

There was an idea running through my mind.

“Did you even see the meaning of the stars?”

“no! Absolutely not?”

“Youn Ha-eul.”

this is it

Watching Youn Ha-eul raising her eyebrows in a smirk when she was lying, I had an intuition that something was going on.

I think I saw something, but it wouldn’t be a good thing if you didn’t tell me what it was.

“What’s going on, tell me. If it’s my job, I shouldn’t have to know.”

“… I do not know.”

Youn Ha-eul swallowed dry saliva and shook her head. It was not a face that was forcibly hidden.

“Say it.”

“… .”

After a while, Youn Ha-eul’s mouth opened.

Youn Ha-eul poured out her words with a distorted face.

“I didn’t look closely. But, I guess it’s true that something is happening… Because it doesn’t show up in detail. You may not understand, but the future is not so clearly visible… .”

“I understand what you mean.”

“Because I don’t know anything… So I’m more worried… .”

I don’t know where or when.

It must have been the reason why he paid attention to each artifact and looked at the structure of the Ministry of Magic with his own eyes.

to find some clues.

Youn Ha-eul’s shoulders were trembling unlike before.

“I came all the way here to try and find something, but I can’t figure it out.”

“it’s okay.”

“That person… That person… Find the cube.”



At Youn Ha-eul’s words, my complexion turned white.

I tried not to show, but my heart was beating fast.

“What it is, you know?”

know. I know, but I shouldn’t let Youn Ha-eul know.

In fact, Youn Ha-eul is the most helpful person to find the cube, but because of that, she may be in more danger than me.

I don’t know if it’s a future where I can definitely protect my own body.

That’s at least two years later. Youn Ha-eul becomes stronger only after Solia dies.

Until then, he was just a lazy genius.

So now it is very dangerous.

“Is it dangerous?”

“uh? uh… any. But that’s not what you’re worried about.”

“… lie.”

First, it was necessary to calm the nervous child.

Anyway, from the camp meeting to the presentation contest, I didn’t go to one or two installations, so I knew at least that there would be people targeting me, as Han Si-hyuk said.

By the way.

There was no intention of bringing an innocent child into the situation.

He sighed and spit out his words.

“I understand the desire to follow you because it looks dangerous, but if something like that you see in the future happens, you better jump out. There is nothing you can do to help.”

“I am older.”

Oh, it hurts because it’s true.

Youn Ha-eul recited it twice as if convinced.

“Really, I am older. than you.”

“… Don’t hit me with facts.”

There’s no Basil and no Closti, so you’re right.

“Let’s go out first. Ardel will be safer.”


Youn Ha-eul nodded her head at my calm words.

That was the moment.

“Student Han Si-ha, student Youn Ha-eul?”

A heavy yet profound voice echoed in my ears.

The person who was a supporter of Solia and openly argued over whether he had any knowledge of black magic at the time of the last presentation contest.

It was Duke Becken.

A character whose presence was so insignificant that even in the original story, only the name passed by. Neither evil nor good, just ordinary extras.

I must have remembered him that way, but Duke Becken seemed to remember him differently.

Duke Becken’s cool smile hung on his lips.

“I enjoyed the presentation contest.”

“thank you.”

“The future of the empire is bright. On that day, I bet for nothing, but this is the truth. Tae-soo Han had a smart son.”

Duke Becken’s gaze turned to Youn Ha-eul for a moment.

Duke Becken, who looked away as if he had no interest in it, said to me.

“If time permits, can you talk to me for a moment?”

There’s no reason to call me.

Instead of answering, I turned to Youn Ha-eul.

Was the future you saw a scene similar to this one?

“… .”

Youn Ha-eul’s pupils were shaking faster than before.

The moment he turned his head to turn to Duke Becken.


Youn Ha-eul’s hand grabbed my arm.

“… don’t go.”

As if he sensed something, Youn Ha-eul’s hand was trembling quickly.

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