Academy’s Genius Tamer Episode 108

Han Si-hyuk listened to Han Si-ha’s presentation with interlocking hands.

The last remark Han Si-ha gave a grin and gave a fuck was still clearly remembered.

‘I think it’s better than the thesis I ate at the Ministry of Magic last month.’

I must drop it

‘I have to point out all the loopholes.’

Han Si-hyuk was humming inwardly and making childish calculations.

Even asking a single question would have made it difficult.

Seeing that embarrassment, I thought that teasing him was also not a bad option.

As far as she knows anyway, there’s no way Si-Ha Han is good at this kind of thing.

At best, I would have gotten here with the help of other crew members.

I thought that with just a few words, Han Si-ha’s skills, like an empty Kang-jeong, could be brushed off.

By the way.

“… what?”

Han Si-hyuk immediately doubted my ears.

Even if the other people in this place were listening without much thought, it was a scene that was terrifying for Han Si-hyuk, who knew Han Si-ha better than anyone else.

Adela’s feelings not long ago.

Han Si-hyuk was also feeling that feeling.

No, it was several times more shocking.


Why are you good at it?

Shiha Han was talking about a draft idea that was derived from the connection between white magic and black magic.

There was not a single hesitation in that tone.

“The principle was inspired by the poison resistance of the dwarves. Dwarves use the energy stored within their bodies to resist poison magic. It works like a detox potion. If poison magic can be offset with purification magic in a similar way, wouldn’t it be possible to use that power at any time through artifacts that have concentrated purification magic?”

At least it sounded plausible.

No, I thought it might be possible.

It is not an idea that only a sophomore can do.

Did I borrow someone’s idea?

I doubted that, but then shook my head.

A similar type of idea had never been seen among the many papers checked by the Ministry of Magic.

Han Si-hyuk instinctively felt it.

It means that Si-ha Han, who is the most confident of the presentation, came up with that principle clumsily.

“Detox potions are expensive and are only disposable. However, using artifacts is a different story. Isn’t it a lot more economical and efficient?”

It’s ridiculous.

Until recently, Han Si-hyuk, who had his eyes twinkled, saying that he would point out Han Si-ha’s shortcomings, was excited in a different way.

‘What the hell happened?’

Even Han Si-hyuk knew that the garbage-like bastard had changed.

However, I thought that it was just the level of garbage that could not even be recycled has become recyclable garbage.

But, isn’t it garbage that has already been recycled?

No, this is not it.

‘Why do I keep getting trash in my head? .’

Han Si-hyuk cleared his head and opened his mouth.

It’s a strange feeling.

I’ve always wanted to go down the path of hell myself, but it didn’t feel bad for him to act as a person.

What is the psychology of cheering you on when you do well even though you promise to drop it?

It was when Han Si-hyuk burst out laughing at my double feelings.

Han Si-ha smiled and took out the Artifact.

“This is an artifact the three of us created on a temporary basis. It is still in an unstable form, but it is partially functioning.”


Han Si-hyuk raised his head with a surprised face.

As Han Si-ha said, it was quite crude. However, the feeling that the real thing was in front of him was different.

Those who thought it was just a childish imagination, seemed to be embarrassed, and sat down.

The other judges, including Han Si-hyuk, began to shake.

“Is that true… ?”

“Heh heh. You made that up?”

“Well. I don’t know if it will work.”

An artifact in the shape of a necklace about the size of two fingers.

Han Shi-ha boldly held a shiny necklace in one hand, and clapped my hand on the water bottle churning with black water.

“Let me show you what I can do.”



The water squirmed and spit out strange noises.

If that was just wastewater, he would have just moved on asking if it was a strange behavior, but Han Si-hyuk, who noticed the identity at once, kicked off his seat and stood up.

“Dangerous. Stop!”

“no way. Is that what I think it is?”

It was the wastewater of the Lidiva River, long ago polluted by warlocks for the study of poison magic.

It was still undeciphered and left unattended.

They may have obtained those samples in the lab, but they were too dangerous for students to use.

It contains a deadly poison, and if you make a mistake, an unknown poison that the detox potion does not function may penetrate.

Duke Becken, who sat next to Han Si-hyuk, clicked his tongue.

“I agree. Gaeggi is good, but if you are loaded here, you won’t be able to see the next order.”

“It can’t be.”

“Put it down. It’s a very dangerous toy for kids to play with.”

Han Si-hyuk sighed and gestured toward Han Si-ha.

‘I calculated that from the beginning.’

Then yes. There was no way that bastard could have been recycled.

Everyone’s going to dry it out, so there’s no way to tell if that’s really an artifact or a necklace I bought from a nearby store.

The children’s presentation contest won’t even be verified like a real thesis.

It’s literally just showmanship. They roll their heads cleverly, but how many people will pass?

Everyone already had a smirk on their lips.

By the way.


“No crazy!”

The person who put it in was here.

gurgling gurgling.

As the black water shook and wrapped Han Si-ha’s arm, the host jumped out with a white, tired face.

Other professors were no different.

“Aww! No, what are you doing, student!”

“Call the priest right now… uh?”

Han Shiha smiled calmly and shook her hand.

Han Si-hyuk, who stood up following the host, stopped doubting his eyes.

“what? Baby, are you okay?”

The other professors also trembled and grabbed Han Si-ha’s arm.

There was even a professor who checked his health in that short period of time. However, even if they didn’t have to, it was after everyone felt it.

“Oh, it’s really good. We have already tested it dozens of times in advance.”

no more fine

The evil energy you feel in that water is definitely that of the Lidiva River.

Han Shi-ha was perfectly fine, as if she had some kind of poison resistance.

“How did you do it?”

“Is that artifact really working?”

The only way to gain toxic resistance was to force the toxin into the body.

Then, of course, there will be resistance.

The problem is that before that, they get addicted and die.

So the wizards have not yet found a way other than the detoxification potion.

That’s why the warlocks relentlessly aim for that point to incapacitate the opponent.

If that artifact was developed, wouldn’t it be much more advantageous not only for warlocks but also against monsters of a similar type?

Shiha Han continued his explanation calmly amid everyone’s resentment.

“The cleansing ability is certain, but not permanent. There is a time limit depending on the magic power inherent in the artifact. So, with this crude result, it is only three minutes, but with a little more research, it seems that the time can be extended enough.”

“Is it worth it?”

“It’s something worth investing in.”

It wasn’t showmanship.

“I was really crazy… .”

The staff of the Ministry of Magic, who had just discovered an unexpected idea in a student-level research group, wandered around as if they were peculiar.

“Wow! You were a great guy.”

“What is your name? Heh heh, would you like to come into our lab?”

“What? Follow the order.”

“Wait a minute. Still under review. Everyone calm down!”

Han Si-hyuk was staring at the scene.

“… .”

I would have admired it even if I had just rushed to the pretext of a human being.

The guy who used to be just a piece of trash has returned as a genius.

“It’s amazing.”

Han Si-hyuk couldn’t tell if this feeling was cheers or bitterness.

As a prophet, I have seen the lives of many people.


Probably, in this world a genius dies early.

Han Si-hyuk knew that.

* * *

Everyone sees their faces change.

Those who shook their heads saying it must have been nonsense also turned to me with excited faces.

Perhaps it was obvious that he thought I was a genius.

There were even people who said it outright.

But the real genius is this one.

I looked back at Youn Ha-eul, who was flipping through my data as if bored.

Youn Ha-eul is now known only as a prophet, but to be honest, she was a genius too precious to focus on that alone.

From swordsmanship to magic, prophecy, and even crafting. just because you did it all right

Ah, but since I came up with this idea, I must be considered a genius.

In the original, the principle of the detox potion was briefly explained.

It’s no different from the Dwarf’s magic system.

There was no other additional explanation, but I got the idea from it.

‘It’s a dwarven magic system. I don’t understand, but your eyes won’t see anything.’

‘Yes, I think so?’

‘Can we implement a similar form? It’s going to be engraved on this thing.’

This is the result of working day and night before the presentation.

Adela stopped the two of us saying it was crazy, but of course he didn’t want to stop.

It was not a bad thing to make even in case of any possible danger.

No, it was something that we might need someday.

Solia, the wizard of light and purification.

Unexpectedly, she doesn’t die in battle.

After the battle was over, he struggled to survive.

The poison of the Lidiva River, which had been buried in the sword the warlock had stabbed, penetrated deep into her body, causing her death.

The futile death of Solia, which shocked everyone at the beginning of the second part.

If it can be saved, Solia will definitely be a great force.

So, I was thinking of blocking it.

Although our poor technology could only produce such a crude result.

The professors here, where only geniuses out of geniuses, can make it.

It certainly seems to have succeeded in gaining attention.

He grinned at Youn Ha-eul and raised his thumb.

That was the moment.

Duke Becken, who had been standing next to Han Si-hyuk with an unknown expression, opened his mouth.

“I have a question for you.”

Unlike the others, he had a strangely cool face.

* * *

“I think everyone overestimates those crude artifacts.”

Duke Becken was arguing for nothing.

Han Si-hyuk raised his eyebrows and looked back at him.

“I suspect he is cheating with temporary shield magic.”

“Shall we soak it one more time?”

With a smile, Han Shiha dismissed Duke Becken’s suspicions.

“… That’s it.”

Everyone thought that Duke Becken was making a fuss.

No one here is foolish enough to be deceived by such frivolous deception.

Because what Shiha Han had seen just before was obviously a proper purification magic.

“Even if it’s not a gimmick, it’s only a three-minute result. Whether or not we will be able to secure enough time is questionable. That’s right, it’s just a second-year delusion.”

“… .”

Han Si-hyuk, who was sitting next to him, darkened his expression.

“Well, the results may come out better than expected, but students don’t know that. That the situation of adults is how to invest time and money in things that make money? Yes?”

That must have caught a really good pod.

Only then did Han Si-hyuk realize why Duke Becken was doing this.

Did I mention that I was a supporter of Solia?

‘You’re trying to raise my patrons.’

A person like that shouldn’t be the judge.

Han Si-hyuk muttered softly, but didn’t say anything.

But, the next word.

It was very unpleasant for him too.

“And I wonder how one student knows how the detox potion works.”


“I heard that you are very interested in black magic, but if you have ever cast poison magic before… .”

“Until there.”

Han Si-hyuk cut off Duke Becken’s horse.

Unlike before, it was a cold look that didn’t look like Han Si-hyuk.

“Please don’t cross the line.”

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