153 – The Joker

The Joker

As the rounds go up, the fun of watching the martial arts competition increases.

The skills of the academy students who have been filtered and filtered are all outstanding and they are all proud of their skills.

In the beginning, there were some people like Sojeta who voluntarily went down to the loser’s bracket to arrange their stamina, but as they got closer to the end of the preliminaries, the proportion of those who gave up decreased.

It was worth seeing the struggle of the academy students who went down to the loser’s group and advanced to the finals by repeating come-from-behind turns, but still, the most popular are the contests where the winners fight with all their might.

That’s the case with the 4th round right now.

Philia sees her rogue red-haired girl in front of her eyes.

She has a crooked posture and disgruntled staring eyes.

She is a figure that is hard to believe is a priest.

“You’re lucky to meet Heo Cheop.”

“I agree with you. I can easily go up.”

To Abigail’s ridicule, Philia also smiles and replies.

Judging from the fact that they are fiercely fighting each other, it seems that neither one of them intends to give up.

As the atmosphere to fight is formed, people in the audience watch the stage with excitement.

“With a lower win rate than me.”

“Isn’t that a meaningful win rate to be proud of?”

“Can’t do simple arithmetic? Isn’t that a smart girl?”

During the year Philia started learning from Rai, the two of them fought hundreds of times.

Her win rate was high by a small margin for Abigail, but it wasn’t enough to give her the upper hand, as Philia said.

I didn’t know who would win if we fought properly.

“Abigail!! Fighting!”

I can hear Xenia’s loud cry from the audience holding their breath and concentrating.

“Do you have fans?”

“Noisy, unknown human.”

Xenia must have been embarrassed, but her Abigail said nervously, not even looking her in the eye.

Since they spent a long time together to strengthen her divine power, Xenia considers her Abigail close.

Although they didn’t match each other’s personalities, no matter how much her Abigail complained, Xenia warmly embraced her.

“Aren’t you thinking of going up to the finals? If one person resigns, there’s a better chance. We don’t want to disappoint the fans.”

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“That bastard’s potential, potential. It’s f*cking disgusting to talk like you’ve seen the future with your stupid hair? After all, a grown-up lady doesn’t have eyes to see reality.”

Abigail makes fun of Philia’s opinion and draws her sword.

Her sharp eyes thin, her mouth cool, and she smiles wide open.

“I just want to kill you.”

Abigail’s crimson eyes glow, and a holy glow surrounds her body.

Jue En Lu Shasso.

Seeing her doing her best from the beginning of her life, her Philia laughs as if it is absurd.

“It’s a coincidence. You have the same mind as me.”


Her Philia’s body emits blue electric light, and as she moves, an afterimage like her alter ego remains.

“Praise the Lord!!! The Lord will embrace you with warm arms! Search quickly!!”

“Crazy b*tch.”

Because of the Juenuru Shotsaw affecting her brain, it was Philia who frowned at Abigail as she ran towards her while talking crazy, but a smile hung over her mouth as if the battle with her was enjoyable.

“You can’t kill me! God has a big heart, so please wait for me anytime.”

The audience tilts their heads at Xenia’s cheering, which is out of focus, but soon their eyes are drawn to the splendid battle between the two.

“hahahaha, idiots.”

Rai laughs at the bloody fight between the two and gets up from his seat.

I told you to keep your cool, but you praised me for being strategic.

The two are fighting happily, ignoring Lai’s words.

I had no intention of saying anything.

There are times when you cannot back down from a fight, such as the heat of battle or the presence of rivals.

It’s time for blood to boil for a while, so go through that process to become more refined and complete as a warrior.

It’s not even a battlefield where thousands or tens of thousands of lives depend on your choices, so you should experience it at a time like this.

“Doo-doo! Doo-doo! Doo-doo! The Lord is waiting for you!!”

“If you’re that excited, I’ll let you go first. Go ahead and kneel down and wait.”

Lee giggles at the two fighting hard while slandering each other and leaves.

There are not only two stupid disciples.

To meet the most urgent idiot, Lai goes into the infirmary.

Those who were eliminated from the loser’s group gathered for treatment.

It is filled with a dark atmosphere, such as a dejected face and a face full of resentment.

However, Rai did not feel sorry for them because they were children who would overcome this setback and walk towards the future.

“W- Are you awake?”

“You’re welcome…”

Zeroa’s face looked haggard as she lay on her bed.

Unlike the rest of her, Zero Ah’s face looks gloomy with a sense of desperation.

“Last year was Game 4? A step down.”

Rai speaks calmly as he takes out snacks from the paper bag he brought with him and eats them.

“Yeah… Nothing better than last year… Everyone is growing, but I’m where I am.”

“Oh, this doesn’t taste good. Who put it in? Three three? You eat this.”

Lai, who doesn’t care about Zeroa’s serious words, looks at the thick bread and frowns at her, then she puts it in his hand.

As he stares at the bread in his hand, Rai takes out another snack and drinks the water next to the bed.

“One of my teammates is a former thief.”


As Rai starts talking while drinking water, Zeroa looks at him.

“He didn’t have any talent either. But he was overflowing with confidence. He was a foolish guy who boasted that he would one day surpass me and become a knight who commands the continent.”


“Still, I worked really hard. I trained twice as much as others, and showed my wits in battle. I was weaker than others, but I always looked straight ahead and walked without losing my courage and confidence.”

Ray smiles warmly as if reminiscing about that time.

His smile has always been playful or a little scary, but now it has a warmth I’ve never seen before.

“How is he… Now?”

“Dead. Stupidly crushed by the giant’s club, his shape was crushed beyond recognition.”

I talked like a heroic story, but the end was futile.

While Zeroa panics, not knowing how to react, Lai opens her mouth again.

“He died saving me. If he wasn’t there, I’d probably be the stupid guy on the stick.”


It was too warm a smile to be said to be someone talking about the death of a benefactor.

Lai, who smiles with only affection for the person without bitterness, shrugs his shoulders and eats the snack.

“You are not the hero of heroic tales. One day you may be bludgeoned to death, or you may retire as an ordinary man.”


“Most of the raw meat disappeared without even leaving a record. Among the lecturers, Mr. Paul and Mr. Etila were well known during their active years, but their names will not be written down in the history books. Ah, they will remain on the list of instructors of all time at the academy.”

After saying that, Rai got up from his seat and gave Zeroa an envelope containing snacks.

“Do you want to be a hero? Or do you want to protect the person next to you even if you die?”

At Rai’s question, Zeroa looked blankly at him.

Zeroa, facing the self reflected in her transparent eyes, sees the loser’s face.

The desire to become stronger, the confidence that I gained as I got stronger little by little.

But the face that was now reflected showed nothing but weakness.

It reminds me of the moment Arya sacrificed herself to save herself while dealing with an assassin who was targeting her princess.

The resolution at that time was to protect this person.

I decided to stand by this person’s side and walk the road together no matter what dangers and trials might befall me.

Zeroa, reflected in her pupils, makes sad eyes, then lets out a blank laugh.

“But… I don’t want to die.”

“Yeah, that’s enough. Don’t die stupidly. Stand up, stand up, and protect it again and again.”

Lai, who patted Zero Ah on the head, ate something delicious from her bag.

“Since you’re popular, I can’t monopolize you.”

As Zeroa stares at her, not knowing what she is talking about, Lai pulls the curtain behind her.

Suddenly, I see a flustered Arya through the open curtains, and Zeroa pulls herself up in surprise.

“Ah, Ms. Aria. There will be a match here, but…”

“There is still time. Are you feeling well?”

“Yes, yes! It’s okay. Sorry for worrying you.”

Watching the two of them talking, Rai moved away.

“I have a lot of work to do today.”

Ray walks around with a troubled expression.

* * *

A man in a gray robe falls to his knees helplessly.

Seeing blood gushing out of the hand holding his abdomen, he suffered a fatal blow.

Layla walks in front of the man who frowns without groaning and looks down.

“It was a good duel. I learned a lot from the person who was active in the age of war.”

At Layla’s words, the man laughed bitterly.

She doesn’t even look normal with blood flowing from her forehead, but in the end it was Layla who won.

“Can I ask the name of the person behind you?”

“This is the 2nd Prince Endo.”

“That’s not it, Mr. Seslov.”

At Layla’s words, who already know her name, the three slopes clenched their teeth.

“Did you think you wouldn’t recognize me? You’re an intelligence agent, but you’re not just a spy. You fought on the front lines. They say your identity is a secret, but you’ve been exposed too much.”


Seslov, whose true identity was discovered, is silent.

This young knight, who has never been through the age of war, overcomes himself with his skills and has an extraordinary mind.

It was a joy to think about the future of the empire, but it was something to be wary of not being from the faction of her master, the 5th Princess.

If you keep talking like this, it will only give the other person more information, so Seslov chose to remain silent.

“Huh? Is it over already?”

Rye comes out through the bushes.

In both hands, I heard a drink made by Soltain when I bought it.

As if on a tour, she sips her drink leisurely and hands one of her to Layla, then places one in front of the three slopes.

“It’s been a while. It’s delicious. Try it.”


Ray pretends to know him, but Seslov doesn’t recognize him and just stares at him.

“Huh? Is my face easy to forget? Wasn’t it more impactful than I thought?”

“Stop talking nonsense and reveal your identity.”

At Layla’s callous words, Rai purses her lips and unleashes her camouflage spell.

As his brown hair turns into fiery red hair, and his normal brown eyes turn into mad red eyes, Seslov’s eyes widen.

“Demons of the World… Why…”

“Uhhh, it seems that few people in the real Empire know it.”

As if he liked Seslov’s surprised expression, Rai laughed with his mouth torn apart.

Ceslov, who had been looking at him frozen, looked at Leyla and shouted.

“Do you know what you’ve done?!”

There was fear in his voice.

Unlike Layla and the others, Seslov had lived through a time of war, and had firsthand encountered the terrifying power of the Devil of the Nations.

Those who went through the age of war and those who did not have a different feeling when facing the demons of the nations.

“What the hell is the 6 princess thinking?! Is she thinking of burning down the empire?!”

“I’m not a demon king, why am I tired?”

Ceslov shouts urgently, but Rai speaks leisurely as he sips his drink.

“The Emperor will allow this…”

“The emperor has allowed it.”

Leyla cuts off three slopes and inserts her sword.

Taking a potion from her arms and placing it next to the drink Lai put down, she meets her eyes and says.

“And you don’t have the power to decide.”


“I showed you all the cards we have. It’s embarrassing because you’re so shabby. Could you go to the 5th princess and ask if you want to join hands with us?”

The 6 princesses were requesting an alliance with her 5 princesses.

There was no reason to hold the hand of the 6th princess, who had no foundation.

However, in her hand is the name of the demon of the nations.

Although he expressed it as shabby, Seslope looked at Layla for a while, who was holding a Joker that was more powerful than anything else.

“As you said, I don’t have the authority. But don’t think that the 5th princess will accept it.”

“It doesn’t matter if you refuse, I can find someone else.”

Seeing Layla leisurely making an invitation close to threatening, Seslop shut his mouth.

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