102 – Marriage Person

Marriage Person

There is a small vacant lot behind Clay’s forge.

It was created as a space for customers to test their weapons before purchasing them, but thanks to Clay’s poor skills, no one found them, so the place is now used as a training ground for Philia.

Selma sits in a chair in her corner and sips her tea leisurely.

Filia is standing in the middle of the clearing.

In the basic stance of the basics, she stands still like her statue.

Her eyes are closed and she is motionless, Philia looks calm on the outside, but inside she is enduring countless exploding mana.

Selma’s swordsmanship, built on the basis of her short and explosive body strengthening, depends on how narrow the term between strengthening and strengthening is and the durability that can withstand the mana that repeatedly bursts from within.

If you have physical abilities like Asran, you can withstand the mana explosion that rages from your body without training, but that’s because he’s special, and most people, including Philia, have to develop resistance through training step by step.

Feeling the warm tea seep into her body, Selma silently looks at Philia.

Her expression doesn’t change and she doesn’t make a sound, but she can’t stand it. Sweat is pouring down her face like rain.

“You can stop.”

“Paha-! hahahaha, hahahaha, haa… Haa…”

As soon as Selma finished speaking, Philia sat down and caught her breath.

She reached her limit because she was holding her breath for fear of losing control of her breath if she took one wrong breath.

It is a training that she does every time at the end to develop her body’s resistance, but as her skills increase, so does the burden on her body, so Philia always suffers this time.

Still, it’s definitely different from her early days.

In martial arts competitions, if you use it once, the duration is long enough for the opponent to notice, but now the repetition duration has become much shorter, so you can use it two or three times while throwing your sword.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

She thanked Selma for sitting still and drinking her tea. Philia sits down next to her and receives a cup of tea.

Short conversations with Selma became routine after her training was over.

In the early days, we talked about our shortcomings or the direction we need to move forward, but these days it feels more like a mother and daughter relationship than a teacher-teacher relationship.

Selma loved the student she acquired in her later years, and Philia had never felt her family’s affection, so the two quickly became close.

“Does he like these days?”


Philia, knowing full well that the guy Selma is referring to is Rai, panicked and spit out the tea she was drinking.

“No, I have no feelings for Instructor Lai.”

Selma nods her head slightly as Philia strongly denies, wiping her chin with her hand.

Actually, the point of the question was to ask if the magic training you learned from him was okay, but the student misunderstood.

Selma was at fault for asking her question wrong, but seeing her denial so strongly, she thought Philia had something on her mind too.

Those who haven’t met the Devil of the World think of him as something to be feared or a terrifying guy, but when you actually meet him, it’s the exact opposite.

Although he is too shy and has a tendency to fuss, those who faced him sword-to-back or back-to-back had a crush on Rai.

“How do you understand magic and magic?”

“Yes, Instructor Rai teaches me well.”

Filia answered confidently.

Magic power is not simply the power evaluated by the total amount of mana.

A comprehensive ability that starts with the amount of mana and includes countless skills and knowledge such as blocking, concentration, overheating, division, flow, conversion, etc. Is called magical power.

Each spell or swordsmanship has a different emphasis, but Selma’s swordsmanship is more important than overheating magic that creates explosive reinforcement and blocking magic that forcibly cuts off reinforcement.

Although Rai isn’t intensively nurturing only two abilities, Philia felt that her overall abilities definitely improved as she learned from him.

Usually her teacher teaches, but it was Philia who felt why Selma had dedicated this part to Rai.

“Do you date or like someone?”

“No, there is none. Instructor Rai is absolutely not.”

When Rai’s name was mentioned again, Selma shut her mouth.

She wondered what happened at the academy. As soon as the story of her relationship came out, she freaked out and wondered if Rai’s name was coming up, but Selma didn’t ask.

She’s more than that her lovable pupil, Selma changed her subject so that she wouldn’t embarrass her, and Philia was able to come out with a candid conversation thanks to her.

Philia, who was taught by Rai and Selma, was busier than her other academy students.

It seems like the other academy students are training hard to improve her skills, but Filia learns her magic and magic from Rai, and then learns her swordsmanship from Selma.

The day is over when you go back with your exhausted body, chew on what you have learned today, go through personal training, and study the academy lectures.

She laments that the amount of time she spends playing with them has decreased, but as a pure mage, she is always tired of deepening magic instead of horseback combat.

After Selma trains her, it is already evening and the streets are dark.

Hearing the chatter coming from the tavern, Philia returns to her mansion.


She went back and she had to do personal training and study lectures, but she feels that Philia is changing her skills day by day and she feels great.

Her body is tough, but when she sees her performance as much as she does, she can’t help but be motivated.

She goes down the street and she hears people talking about Agnes.

There are people who worry about her, and there are people who praise her as the academy that subdued the Death Knight.

Those who are deeply religious sometimes pour out their anger, saying that they are disrespectful.

The academy students are mostly satisfied with Agnes’s lectures, but opinions outside the academy are still divided.

Whatever she is, it’s not her business to interfere, so Philia heads to her house.

‘Let’s train briefly today and do some homework.’

Three-set, she puts off as long as she can, she takes care of it in one go, but she does. It is more comfortable to do

However, contrary to Philia’s plan, she hardens her expression when she sees her Emma standing anxiously in front of her house.

She is Emma who waits on Philia, but after her academy schedule ends, she first goes back to her mansion and helps the other attendants.

When she sees that Emma, who should be in the mansion, is waiting for her, Philia feels that something bad has happened.


She And she could easily anticipate what was going on when she saw the carriage parked inside the house.

The wagon for show off rather than practicality has a gold frame on a white background.

A coat of arms symbolizing the Serios family is hung on each part of the wagon decorated enough to buy a house by just tearing off the gold rim surrounding the outside.

She loved gold so much that even her shield-shaped crest was framed with gold, and Philia hated that hideous show-off carriage.

“My lady…”

As Philia approaches, Emma comes swiftly to her hardened face.

“The elder is here.”

Elderly. It means the head of the Serios family and the father of Philia.

Although he is a father who reigns like an emperor in the family, he likes to be treated well, so he usually says that he will come, but this time he came without saying anything.

Emma is also restless as if the servants in the mansion are in a frenzy thanks to this.

Reassuring her, Philia goes inside and confronts her father, the Infant Theseios, who is sitting on the sofa in her drawing room.

The Infante did not just sit and wait.

Although her father, the Infante, one of the characters Philia despises the most, was acting like a man she disliked.

“Your tongue is suspicious when you offer this as tea.”

“I’m sorry…”

The maid serving her tea apologizes as her body trembles.

The infante was pouring hot tea over the top of her feet, but she held back the heat.

Infante pours out the tea slowly with her hand outstretched beside her, dropping the teacup dangerously caught on the tip of her finger.

Thanks to the instep of her maid’s feet and the carpet on her floor, she doesn’t break, but her grunting grumbles.

Philia silently bows her head, ignoring her maid, who sits right in her shed to wipe away her spilled tea.

“Welcome, father. If you had said something in advance, I would have prepared a tea that suits your taste. I’m sorry.”

There is nothing in this mansion that would match the castle of the Infante, who enjoyed only the finest in the capital.

Her family provides little support, and such luxury is not Philia’s taste.

Her arrogant behavior is also not to Philia’s taste, but her father was not someone she could control.

All she can do is to curry favor with the Infante and make him leave her mansion as quickly as possible.

That way the other servants in the mansion can feel comfortable.

“It smells awful.”

Unbelievable words come from the Infante, said in front of her daughter.

Seeing him frowning and covering her nose with her handkerchief, Philia smiles her made-up smile.

“I just came from training and haven’t had time to groom myself. Just a moment…”

“It’s okay. I knew this would happen from the time I became an ignorant knight.”

Interrupting Philia, the Infante shakes her hand.

Then the butler behind him takes out the perfume from his bosom and sprays it all over the place.

As if to drive away her flies, she was a philia who felt bad for her perfume that was sprayed on her intensively, but she endured it and kept her smile on her face.

“Are you going to disgrace her family by not even behaving properly as a lady?”


She had a lot to say, but Philia swallows all of her words and apologizes.

I wanted to please her and let her go quickly, but the Infante continues to pour out her displeasure, as if her submissive behavior backfired.

“I recognized you from the time you said you were going to the academy. How do you look now? You forgot culture and etiquette and became a savage monkey. How can a woman of a noble family, especially the famous Serios family, be like this… Heh heh… It’s filthy, it’s filthy. It’s only natural that you become filthy because you hang out with the 6 princesses.”

Aren’t you pouring hot tea on someone else’s feet?

Her immobility, which she has accumulated while training at her academy, helps Philia here.

The Infante, staring at Philia with her carefree expression, clicks her tongue as if he doesn’t like her.

“That’s what happens when you’re at an academy full of dirty bloodlines. What 2nd Prince Endou said is not wrong. If there are crows around, the egrets will also turn black.”

Dirty blood means commoners.

The servants in the drawing room were all commoners, but they didn’t change their expressions like Philia.

I don’t have strong mental power like Philia, but I hear it too often, so there’s no inspiration anymore.

“Those with dirty blood creep into the palace without knowing what the heck the emperor is thinking.”

“Father, you have many ears to hear.”

As words swearing at the emperor are about to come out, Filia warns him to be careful.

I’d rather the emperor listen to the Infante’s words, but unlike her inner thoughts, Philia’s mouth speaks as if she’s worried.

“Listen to it! Wouldn’t His Majesty know what’s wrong if he listened to my advice? Shame on the common people, surrounded by flattery and gullible vassals, who can’t hear what’s right, the Empire is like this!”

The Infante seemed excited and said while striking the handle of the sofa with his fist.

The Serios family, who are proud of their aristocratic lineage, do not recognize commoners.

As times have changed and commoners have taken up important positions one by one in politics, they foam at the mouth and curse.

“At least 2nd Prince Endo has the right idea, so if it wasn’t for nothing, the imperial palace would have been polluted by filthy commoners!”

As if the second prince were to become the next emperor.

From noble mtl dot com

The aristocratic faction, united in aristocracy, refusing to admit that the times have changed, is following the 2nd prince, and Serios is one of the vanguards.

Infante, who had been swearing at commoners for a while, soon calmed down and looked at Philia, who was still looking down at her.

“As of today, organize the academy and return to the capital. I have found a marriage partner.”

Filia, who has been struggling to keep her expression, raises her head in embarrassment and meets her eyes with the Infante.


It’s not an engagement, it’s a marriage.

A power-hungry family like the Infante used to maintain their power through family marriage.

Philia also had a fiancée when she was young, but the Infante unilaterally broke off her engagement on the grounds that her family had become small, and now she has no partner.

Although she saw her face a few times, she didn’t care about her fiancée, who had no feelings for her, but she didn’t like Infante, who broke the engagement she had made with trust.

“This father found a useful guy with difficulty. The eldest son of Viscount Mutimir…”

Who is this good guy?

Her answer was obvious. She put aside the words that didn’t even need to be asked, and Philia said what she wanted.

“But I’m going to the academy.”

“What are you going to do by going to a useless academy? If you learn how to cut a knife like that, you’ll be savagely cutting people’s throats. Being a noble means…”

Thanks to that savage knife, the present empire exists, but the Infante gives a speech about cultured nobles.

She pretends to listen and chooses her words. When he finishes, Philia opens her mouth.

Growing up in Serios, Philia never dreamed of her being free to marry.

Anticipating that she would one day be sold for her family, she had been accepting of her situation since she was a child.

So, attending the academy was her biggest wish and wish.

I will be greedy only up to that point and live the rest of my life as the family says.

It is because of this pact that the infante, who loathes her soldiers and is headstrong, sends her philia to her academy.

But she’s breaking that promise.

“Please wait until I graduate from the academy…”

“You can’t understand the language! When it comes to family bonding, the timing is important. Don’t waste your time and pack your things right away!”

When the Infante shouted loudly, Philia shut her mouth.

She must have been very angry. Philia, who had been talking like that for a while, looked at the frantic Infante for a while, then stood up from her seat.

“I will postpone the marriage until after I graduate from the academy, and I will explain the situation to Viscount Mutimir.”

“What, what?!”

“My lady, listen to the elder.”

As the Infante is speechless at Philia’s defiance, the butler in the back steps forward.

The tone is polite, but it contains a threat that if you don’t obey, you won’t be left alone.

But even Philia had no intention of stepping down.

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