Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 273 NO0110: The Third Last Wish Watch

Similar to the naval commander of a landlocked country, or the interstellar diplomatic ambassador of the United Nations, there are always some positions that were never expected to play the described role when they were first established.

The reason why these positions exist is just to serve as a symbolic display, or to shut up those bullies who always like to keep asking "What if?"

The "Third Wish Watch" stationed in the Eden Resettlement Area is such a position.

The person currently serving as the Third Wish Watcher is a man named Kurt Orwell.

From his point of view, the most labor-intensive thing in this job is actually making electronic coffee. In the past years when Kurt still had a tongue, he was fond of tasting various flavors and aromas. coffee.

And when he was upgraded to become a depth 4 adjuster of the Argos (hundred-eyed giant) path, and completed the whole-body prosthetic transformation, he could only deceive the brain by mixing different perceptions in the memory, combined with injecting caffeine. Let yourself relive the taste of coffee.

In addition to this allowed hobby, his other job in this position is to use the key to sneak in to find the consciousness that meets the specifications after the "Third Will" data matrix displays the "Matched Successfully" prompt. Body——and this is also the job assigned to him by the monsters on the board of directors.

Matched successfully?

Feeling the slight bitterness on his tongue that no longer existed, Kurt couldn't help but sneered.

The hope is to recreate the mental model of the "First Deep Diver" through violent exhaustion. From a probability perspective, this is impossible even if exhaustion reaches the heat death of the universe!

Of course, since I can figure this out clearly, the monsters on the board of directors will naturally understand it too. The reason why they chose to spend resources to establish such a position is also very simple.

Twenty years ago, at the beginning of the entire "Eden" project, such a miracle happened - the matching mental model of the first deep diver magically appeared in the "Eden Domain" for a moment, and then appeared again. Disappear immediately. But at that moment, the information they obtained from the Third Will Data Matrix established Apollo Biotech's twenty-year dominance in biotechnology.

No one can say clearly why the matching was completed at that time, but the board of directors seems to think that as long as the parameters at that time are repeated and the loop is repeated, sooner or later the verification will be completed for the second time.

Kurt was convinced of this statement at first, but now he feels that it is no different than the pigeons dancing in the Skinner box - they believe that as long as they touch the button, food will fall from the trough. The probability will become greater.

Completely unaware that all this is just an experiment being conducted by human researchers outside the box.

Sometimes, Kurt felt that they were just pigeons, and the super-artificial intelligence were researchers—not that they were studying the artificial intelligence of the abyss and dark web in the basic reality, but that the gods were studying them in reality.

The "Third Last Wish" comes from the superhuman intelligence "Nix".

Regarding "Nix", there is not much information left today, and it is all classified as top secret. Because of his special position, Kurt was allowed to know some information that ordinary people had no access to.

But he himself didn't know whether this information would be just like the legends circulating on the World Wide Web, just lies used to appease his emotions.

As far as Kurt knows, Nyx is the second or third superintelligence to reach the singularity after Janus—depending on whether you calculate the climb time based on the time it took the lab to complete the prototype or the time it took to complete the prototype. The time the AI ​​was uploaded to the Internet.

At the same time, Nyx was also the shortest-lived super-artificial intelligence and the first super-artificial intelligence to be eliminated—it only lasted about a week before its source code was erased by Janus. Even in the end, it was not completely separated from human infrastructure, leaving a permanent giant server in the basic reality.

According to some legends that Kurt has heard, Nyx's initial personality template is inextricably linked to the current chairman of Apollo Biotech. Although no one knows the specific content of his last wish, it is likely to be closely related to biotechnology.

The above information has similar descriptions on the World Wide Web, and next is the special information that Kurt knows because of the nature of his work.

In the "Big Impact" war that surpassed human imagination, Janus, the original super artificial intelligence, not only destroyed Nyx, but also blocked the legacy he left to mankind - evidence shows that this last wish is related to the first The wishes made by the Deep Ones create irreconcilable contradictions. Therefore, Janus chose the mental model of the First Deep One as the only key to unlock it.

In other words, unless the First Deep Diver agrees, the third last wish will never be fulfilled in the world.

But on the other hand, the first deep diver has long since disappeared in this century of history, as if he has disappeared from the world. Although many believed he was not dead, whatever the third wish was, it was sealed.

The formulation of the Apollo Biological Company's Eden Project and the establishment of the Eden Domain were originally implemented to break the seal of Janus - even though the current Eden Project has long departed from the original idea and opened up Another broad road to change. But even if it is just to commemorate the original reason, the position of the Third Will Guard has been inherited as always.

Therefore, he needs to always guard against something whose probability is infinitely close to zero.

Thinking of this, Kurt sighed in his heart again - if he had known that the so-called "Third Wish Watch" position actually meant imprisonment, then he would have refused that seemingly tempting invitation.

Especially after he learned the deeper secret truths and became helpless.

Today, like every other day, is also an extremely boring day. After Kurt finished brewing the electronic coffee with the aroma of smoky apple wood, he sat leisurely in his office chair and separated about three percent of his threads to monitor the fluctuations of the "Eden Domain".

The data lock interface of the Third Will, through the pseudo-sensory movie "Doppelgänger" as a transfer medium, constantly adapts to the mental structure of every consciousness in the "Eden Network" - just to capture the past That moment is similar to the moment when the consciousness of the first deep diver arises.

Perhaps those super-artificial intelligences that created everything in the Abyss Dark Web are now doing starvation experiments in Skinner boxes.

The data projection of the coffee cup in his hand simulated the feeling of picking up the cup through the blockage of the hand prosthesis. Kurt took a sip of electronic coffee that did not exist in reality and thought to himself.

Just like those consciousnesses that are constantly reincarnating in the Eden Network - in the perception of those people, they are just living a day that seems to be no different from ordinary days. The memories of the past are vivid, and great times await them in the future.

But in fact, they are all ants trapped in a Möbius strip, movie characters trapped in a video without realizing it. There is no past, no future, just the events of those days recurring over and over again.

And the reason why they suffer in reincarnation is just to find the mental model code that may exist among them.

In other words, unless this alarm sounds, they have a chance of relief.

Kurt thought as he looked at the "matching search" warning light on the screen.

Then he said sarcastically:

"It's a pity that if you want it to sound, you may have to wait until the heat death of the universe..."

After that, the alarm sounded.

"Grass!" (End of this chapter)

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