Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 244 NO00f3: Jim’s Past (1)

Chapter 244 NO.00f3: Jim’s past (1)

Falling in love is like killing someone. The first time is always the most profound impression on people.

Even after all these years, Jim Leiter often thinks back to the time he had with Héloïse Haenel.

At that time, I was not completely a loser.

The two of them met at the police academy in the New Eden resettlement area, and eventually worked together in the police station there for several years - that resettlement area that was ruled by Apollo creatures still has many local works from the AD era. Atmosphere: In addition to free coffee and donuts during work, there are even administrative leave after law enforcement kills prisoners.

In a relatively relaxed environment, the two of them were at an age that allowed them to have ideal relationships. Therefore, whether it is their view of the world, their attitude towards love, or their future, both of them have a kind of unfounded optimism. In the words of their boss, they come to work every day with an expression that has never been bullied, which makes people inexplicably angry.

But it was precisely because of their innocence and enthusiasm at that time that the two of them soon became the new star police detectives in the New Eden resettlement area - they worked together to put the company executive who killed his wife in jail and cut off the They uncovered cross-regional addictive drug smuggling routes, destroyed the "Cripple Gang" that trafficked women to undergo transformation surgery to become sex partners, and even captured a malicious program that used "horses" to infiltrate into the basic reality through various opportunities and coincidences... …

The emotional progress of the two of them is also rising rapidly like their work prospects - this is the original words of Jim's boss once said.

And it wasn't until Jim became disheartened and chose to leave the New Eden settlement alone that he figured out the sarcastic meaning of the old bastard.

Just like the beginning of countless crime genre movies, their tragedy originated from touching something they shouldn't have touched.

It was an ordinary police mission. They killed a mother and her son with their own hands: Jim shot the child who was less than five years old, and Hanel pulled the trigger on the mother.

The real prisoner they really needed to arrest at that time was actually the son's father, a Japanese sashimi chef. That man bought a very suspicious latest kitchen knife prosthetic hand on the black market not long ago.

They are semi-finished products that have not undergone risk testing, or in other words, some companies intend to let them flow into the black market to test their own products. Generally speaking, this kind of thing is advanced and cheap-so cheap that some people are willing to take risks for it.

It was the abnormal discharge of synapses in this prosthetic hand that disrupted the father's cognition.

In a state of sleepwalking, he mistook his wife and children for bluefin tuna and made a sashimi called "Taste of the Sea" - this luxurious dish requires the use of life-support equipment to maintain the activity of the tuna, and then Slices of fish sashimi are served to guests.

After the father came to his senses, he died of adrenal poisoning due to too much fear. Jim and Hanel, who arrived late, helped end the pain of the mother and son after struggling for a long time.

Killing is like falling in love. One bad experience can often destroy all patience. Because of this case, they spent the most depressing administrative leave in their lives.

No, this is not where our parting ways began.

Jim thought as he shifted his gaze back from the horrific corpses of the mother and son.

In normal times, he would most likely need to inject himself with sedatives to suppress this uncontrollable traumatic flashback - seeing ghosts from the past when he is emotionally excited is the innate ability of Orphic path adjusters. curse.

But fortunately this time, Jiang Zhou, far away in Tartarus, anchored the coordinates of time for himself and dispelled the influence of the curse. Allow yourself to be calm enough to re-examine what happened at that time.

After the administrative leave ended, the two returned to the police station angrily, intending to uncover the mastermind behind the reselling of the problematic prosthetic hand. But as soon as they started, they were stopped by an invisible hand - all the clues disappeared at the right time. Not only was the black market in that area shut down, but the seller of the prosthetic hand died of suicide.

If Jim and Hanel were incompetent enough, maybe things would end here, but they were too good.

They continued to investigate along the broken clues, and even used many shameful methods. After overcoming countless hardships and difficulties, the mastermind behind the scenes was finally discovered six months later.

However, what is darkly humorous is that the so-called man behind the scenes has jumped out at this time - as one of the Olympus companies, Apollo Biotech suddenly announced its entry into the catering market. Among the 432 products launched in the first batch, there happened to be a similar kitchen knife prosthetic hand.

To this day, Jim still clearly remembers the feeling of powerlessness - he was not even powerless because of the tragedy caused by his inability to prevent the prosthetic hand, but because he was powerless because he did not even know about the tragedy caused by the remaining 431 products. How many similar tragedies have occurred.

How many people died more absurdly.

In the end, he drank wine and made love with Hanel all day long, spent all his savings, and left last words to all his friends.

However, the battle they planned to fight to the death was over before it even started.

They think they are playing chess against the company, and at worst, they are just pawns at their mercy. However, in reality, they are just collecting dust on the chessboard.

But the next day, their boss. They were carefully kept in advance, and everything that only the two of them should know was shown to them. Then, like a teacher reviewing a graduation thesis, he told them one by one where the chain of evidence was wrong and where their investigation was wrong - in fact, they were all holes dug by him on purpose.

Although their final conclusion was correct, their investigation in the past six months was actually guided step by step by their superiors - if their "flawless" reporting materials were really made public, their reputation would be tarnished and they would be punished. People who revile and accuse falsely will become them.

The two sat at the desk in deathly silence.

"Tell me, how much money did you make selling your conscience to Apollo Creatures?"

Jim asked after a while.

"Apollo creature? Hahahahahaha."

However, in response to Jim's ridicule, the other party seemed to have heard a joke and laughed loudly.

"You misunderstood, I am not the priest of that god. As for investigating him, the sun god never noticed you from the beginning to the end - it was I who misled you in the direction of your investigation, and that prevented you from entering. In His sight.”

The boss's words once again plunged the two into deathly silence.

"Otherwise, do you really think you can still be alive to talk to me?"

he continued.

"Then what are you going to do with us? Are you going to kill us?"

Hanel asked directly.

"Why should I kill you?"

Their boss seemed confused.

"Because even if I have investigated this pile of waste paper in the past six months, after walking out of this office, I will still continue this investigation-this matter will not be finished until I die or justice is served."

Hanel said coldly.

When Jim heard this, he took off his police badge and threw it on the table - this is why he fell in love with that girl, she was always able to take the first step and make the choices he would make.

"Me too...the only way you can stop it is if you don't let us out of this office."

Their superior did not directly take out a gun or anything else, but leaned forward to look at them, and then lowered his voice and asked:

"So, don't you want to ask why I went to such great lengths to mislead your investigation?"

Jim and Hanel looked at each other and said nothing.

"This is actually a trial to test whether you are the talents needed by the resettlement area government."

He said, lying back on the armchair again.

"Fortunately, you have all passed and are eligible to become a member of the 'Skyfire Mobile Team' in the Eden Resettlement Area. Don't refuse in a hurry..."

He said, raising his hand to interrupt what Jim wanted to say.

"Whether you believe it or not, the 'Skyfire Mobile Team' is an important pawn used by the Eden Resettlement Area Government to play a political game with the Apollo creatures."

Without any qualifying words, he directly used the most naked statement.

"Depending on the situation and situation, maybe one day, the resettlement area government will directly sell you as abandoned children to Apollo Creatures... But let me tell you, compared to the meaningless death you are doing now, joining the Skyfire Mobile Team, you at least have a chance to actually do something meaningful.

"By the way, all the members of the Skyfire Mobile Team are just like you. Either they have a blood feud with the company, or they are willing to give their all for a belief... And we are taking advantage of your nobility or stupidity, and using you Anger and hatred. In the game with the company, we strive for slightly better conditions."

Even Jim had to admit that his words were sincere enough.

"Then what can we get in Tianhuo?"

Hanel asked.

"Power, real power. Adjustment and transformation with an upgrade path—according to your talents, everyone will be adjusted and transformed from depth 1 to depth 3."

The man replied cheerfully.

Hanel turned to look at Jim. Unexpectedly, there was hesitation in her eyes.

Hanel had a huge difference with himself regarding his attitude on whether to join the "Skyfire Mobile Team".

It wasn't until today that Jim realized belatedly that this might be the beginning of the two of them going their separate ways.

I had a low fever the day before yesterday and a high fever yesterday. I thought it would be better today, but it turned out to be even worse. I bought a kit to test and it turned out that I was positive again.

The updates I owe recently will be made up later - I will definitely make up when my health improves.

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