Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 227 NO00e2: Graffiti and Eavesdropping

Chapter 227 NO.00e2: Graffiti and Eavesdropping

After saying this, Jim immediately observed the changes in the other party's representation topology.

At this moment, the unconscious slight movements of Black Falcon-111's limbs showed signs of hesitation from all angles.

On the one hand, he was doubtful about what he had said before; but on the other hand, because he had other important things to do at the moment, he was more inclined to believe what he had said before.

That’s right…

That's it, Jim thought.

Being able to think realistically has always been a rare quality. Most of the time, humans come to a conclusion first, and then desperately look for reasons to convince themselves.

Now, since Black Falcon-111 is here, he has other things to do. Then he would be more willing to believe what Jim said so that they could leave quickly.

After a few more seconds, Black Falcon-111 took a deep breath and put away the needle on his fingertips.

However, before Jim could breathe a sigh of relief, the other party suddenly took out a photo, shook it and unfolded it before him.

"Do you have any impression of this thing?"

The things in the photo made Jim frown.

"Is this some new avant-garde art?"

he asked.

The photo captured a childlike graffiti, but the description had nothing to do with childishness - it was a mutilated head floating in the river, with gnawed marks all over the face. The wound, the eyeball in the eye socket is missing.

While this graffiti is childlike, it is also realistic enough to make people feel extremely uncomfortable just by looking at it.

"I'm asking you a question."

Black Falcon-111 said expressionlessly.

"I haven't seen it before, but it looks like a prop used in some second-rate pseudo-horror movies."

Jim answered like this, and then added a question as if he had forgotten to say it before:

"So what is this?"

The other party did not answer his question, but just collected the photo and said:

"Then you have nothing to do here. Come to the Public Security Bureau before ten o'clock tomorrow to reissue your cross-border application. I have already recorded the identity information in your license. If you don't come, you won't even be able to apply for a car pass in the future... Now, take this smuggler and get out of here."

Although his words were not polite enough, he took the initiative to get out of the way. He also pointed to Donata lying on the ground beside him and motioned for Jim to take him away.

Jim originally planned to ask a few more questions, but after seeing the other party showing signs of hesitation. In the end, he just nodded and walked towards the unconscious Donata.

The moment he passed by Black Falcon-111, the man said without warning:

"Speaking of which, have I met before?"

"Maybe I've seen him in a previous life."

Jim has no so-called Tao.

After saying that, he lifted Donata on the ground and carried it behind his back, and called the taxi service in the nearest service area.

"Also...how could we possibly know each other?"

Before Jim climbed out of the gate, he heard Black Falcon-111 talking to himself in the corridor.


It was almost certain that he had never known the guy named Jim Leiter before.

After the two people left, Black Falcon-111 thought to himself.

Although he had never met the other person, for some reason, he always felt that the private detective who seemed to be deliberately trying to annoy others with every word he spoke, had a very familiar look in his eyes when he looked at people.

The most popular spiritual totem among young people nowadays, I once saw "Liao Qi" before he was put on the cross.

They had a similar look in their eyes - a certain arrogance.

To be honest, if he hadn't come here today because he had important things to do, then he would have taken that guy named Jim Leiter back to him no matter what, so as to find out the details of the other party.

A murder case that was enough to shock the entire resettlement area...

After the man left, Black Falcon-111 felt more and more that the other man was deceiving him, and he even regretted letting the man go.

However, his private detective license is undoubtedly genuine. If he really deceived him, the other party would be able to escape the first grade of junior high school, but not the fifteenth grade.

But right now, business matters.


He took out the strange graffiti photo from before, and then looked at the time again.

Although there was no movement around, the time agreed to meet was not far away.

111 went over the information in his mind again.

About two weeks ago, multiple cases of vicious cyberpsychotic injuries occurred on the first floor of the resettlement area. As of yesterday, a total of twelve deaths and twenty-seven injuries were caused.

Now that the company's armed forces are gradually withdrawing from the resettlement areas, the situation at the underground level is becoming increasingly chaotic. As the confrontation between the ten-level government and the Icarus Liberation Front becomes more and more serious, the underground negative level as the "transition zone" has become the front line of the conflict between the two major forces.

Open protest marches and undisclosed assassinations of government officials have overwhelmed the Public Security Bureau. The sudden surge in cyberpsychotic injury cases should not have attracted any attention at all.

But this is a private matter after all. If you really feel that it is dangerous, it is better to go to a private security company than to the Public Security Bureau - the underground class is originally a place where everyone lives according to his own ability.

But Black Falcon-111 still focused most of his energy on those cases - he knew that things were definitely not that simple.

Among the seemingly unrelated cases, he investigated a common feature: each murderer had left graffiti-style paintings before the onset of cyberpsychosis.

And those graffiti are all painted with children's brushstrokes, depicting some bloody and curious contents - bankruptcies, massacres, dismemberment, cannibalism, rot... It's as if there is some strange power behind the concentrated outbreak of cyberpsychosis. Push the same.

Unlike his colleagues who advocate that "more is worse than less", Black Falcon-111 regards it as another, more covert terrorist attack.

A repeat of a terrorist attack he had experienced in the past - similar to the one that led to the destruction of the Black Feather Gene Editing Studio five years ago.

Looking at the photo in his hand, Black Falcon-111 recalled that hellish memory.

At that time, Kuroba Gene Editing Studio, which cracked the technology to create "naturally adjusted humans", was undergoing final review by the Ethics Supervision Committee. Once successful, the technology of innate adjustment of people will be completely legalized in terms of procedures, and Black Feather Studio will also be reorganized into a listed company.

At that time, multiple Olympus companies were waiting to inject capital into Black Feather Studios and acquire their original shares to gain access to their complete technology.

However, just a few days before the end of the review work, a disaster occurred - more than 50% of the natural adjusters at the studio headquarters broke out cyberpsychosis almost at the same time. The trial work, which was originally "pre-processed" and should not be offensive, suddenly went berserk and massacred the entire studio.

Fortunately, the resettlement area where Black Feather Studio is located has the garrison of two Olympus companies, Apollo Biology and Pluto Deep Dive. Before that rampage disaster caused more damage, they were eliminated by the company's armed forces with thunderous force - only a small number of natural adjusters who still maintained their rationality escaped from that massacre. .

Black Falcon-111 is one of them.

As a witness, Black Falcon-111 is not sure whether the incident was a technical defect or a disaster deliberately caused by someone. However, the recent murder that occurred on the first floor forced him to recall the things he hoped to forget soon.

Contrary to what is widely circulated today, the rampage of a natural adjuster is not without warning. Black Falcon-111 clearly remembers the night before the massacre began. Those compatriots with the same genetic sequence as him all suddenly seemed to be possessed by a demon. They picked up the charcoal pencils used for teaching and started drawing on the walls of the dormitory.

"It's just like back then, isn't it?"

A voice echoed around Black Falcon-111. When he turned around, a pale-faced woman wearing a tight-fitting leather jacket seemed to materialize out of the thin air.

"But I remember that those genetic brothers back then were drawing sketches about torture, not children's graffiti about massacre."

Another voice came from the sky - a thin man with a pair of turbine iron wings on his back landed steadily beside him.

"And the people who died this time were not natural adjusters. They were not even adjusters. They were just ordinary people with prosthetic bodies."

Then, a guy who looked almost exactly like Black Falcon 111, but with a greasy hairstyle, crawled out from the gate of the corridor where Jim and the others had smuggled in before.

After he finished speaking, he tilted his head:

"Why does the way I appear seem a little funny?"

"Dark Butterfly-12, Raven-98, Black Falcon-7..."

Black Falcon-111 ignored him, but reported their names one after another - a combination of genotype and number.

The instructions written in their genes prevent them from feeling the existence of their true bodies after leaving this code name. Because of this, they have no way to give up this name and remain anonymous, but have to carry this identity all the time.

But all in all, the three of them arrived on time - this is probably an inherent advantage of natural adjusters.

"Have all the cameras and recording equipment on you been turned off? None of us have been here today, and no such conversation has ever taken place. Do you understand?"

Black Falcon-111 said.

The three natural adjusters of different models nodded.

"Well, first of all, thank you for coming... As for what happened at Black Feather Studio, I really have no way to explain it to the 'Tenth Floor' government. Under the current situation, I will definitely mobilize their power too much." It will arouse suspicion. If we want to continue investigating the case now, we can only rely on the power of you, our blood compatriots."

As he spoke, Black Falcon-111 glanced at the three genetic brothers and sisters present, then straightened his body and said:

"But this is an opportunity. Perhaps, we can investigate the truth of that year, thereby undoing the curse placed on us by the Creator - allowing us to fully integrate into human society, and allowing us to undo our own reproductive restrictions.

"And then gradually change them."


While the four natural adjusters were discussing together, Jim Leiter, who was watching less than 20 meters away from them, received a call from the taxi platform.

The other end of the phone was urging him. The self-driving car had stopped at the server, but no one else was seen.

"If you wait a little longer, the fee will be deducted according to the idle speed..."

Jim said very apologetically.

After moving Donata to a secluded place, he returned here again. I want to see what the director of the Public Security Bureau on the first floor wants to do.

The scene at this moment was as if the four natural adjusters were performing some kind of drama, and Jim was their only audience.

From the beginning to the end, the four guys, who had enhanced multiple senses and could theoretically detect even a mouse escaping within a hundred meters, ignored Jim who was only a few steps away from them - as if He is no different from a stone on the roadside.

They were all very engaged in this impromptu meeting.

"Thank you very much for your understanding, I will come over as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, I will give you a five-star review."

Jim said and hung up the phone.

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