Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 209 NO00d0: God’s Emotions

Chapter 209 NO.00d0: God’s emotions

The moment Jiang Zhou incorporated the modified body of Hecate, the goddess of the dark moon - the body that should have belonged to him - into a "controllable element". The information that was like a tidal wave almost completely swallowed up his consciousness.

There are approximately 86 billion neurons in the human brain, and each neuron can communicate with thousands of other neurons through thousands of synapses. Synapses are the material storage structure basis of memory. Each synapse can store about 4.7 bits of information. Based on this estimate, the human brain can store about 910TB of information.

Of course, this algorithm is not very rigorous, but the human mind built through this level of information is definitely astronomically different compared to the AI ​​that masters countless abyss dark web paths. .

When Hecate is connected to the "Janus Program" network, it would be better if she just observes and does not interfere. But when she took the initiative to open up her program and gave her authority to this mortal, her redefinition of the system itself as a "controllable factor" was revealed.

To use an inaccurate analogy, this is equivalent to plugging a USB flash drive from the AD era into a supercomputer interface. Some people will only say that the USB flash drive is plugged into the supercomputer, but no one will say that the supercomputer has become an external auxiliary computing device for the USB flash drive.

And the difference in scale between Jiang Zhou's mind and Hecate's program is more than as big as a USB flash drive and a supercomputer.

When Jiang Zhou began to try to run Hecate's program, even though the goddess of the moon had carefully written the control script in advance, for the former, it was crushed by an absolute order of magnitude, subverting his thinking model. of.

Under such a model, human emotions have been diluted to the point of almost non-existence. Not only emotions, but also the thinking model that follows linear cause and effect are gradually being subverted by transcendent senses.

Jiang Zhou felt that the main body of Hecate's program was at Depth 7, and he could freely set off one battle after another in the vast abyss dark web - specifically, in the range above Depth 7. A catastrophic storm.

Those malicious programs that wander between depth 1 and depth 7 will hide, hide, and escape in a hurry just under their own gaze. As for some of the networks above Depth 1 that connect entities with "narrow and dangerous paths" - those abyss wanderers who are dropped into the abyss dark web through companies, organizations or individuals, Jiang Zhou feels that he You can cut off their path back to the basic reality at will, making them wanderers.

After feeling that he could use Hecate's authority, Jiang Zhou's first reaction was to use his power to destroy the company within the entire network.

But immediately, he had to give up this idea - with his control precision, Jiang Zhou was like the helmsman of a giant cruise ship, and could only roughly control the sailing direction and speed of the cruise ship. The precision of the task of killing the company's forces is as difficult as asking him to control the cruise ship to uncap the wine bottle.

If he crashes all the way like this, the Abyss Wanderers other than the company dogs will definitely die much more than the company dogs.

After giving up this attempt, Jiang Zhou began to try to perceive the existence below depth 7.

Then, the "tentacles" he stretched out felt that the "action" was getting more and more "sticky". The further he went down, the slower his speed became. Until he was just a few feet away from breaking through depth 8, his perception was completely stagnant and he could not make any progress.

Jiang Zhou remembered that when he and Hecate met for the first time, the other party had said that she had come to this position all the way from the highest heaven. For her own project, she had reversed the limits of human intelligence and risen to the level of weak. Optical tape.

The downward range of perception and influence reaches the edge of the weak light band, but what about upwards?

Leveraging Hecate's authority upward, this time Jiang Zhou's "tentacles" hit an indestructible "wall" head-on.

Styx Firewall…

Even with Hecate's size, he couldn't shake the blockage that separated the Abyss Dark Web from the World Wide Web.

But soon, Jiang Zhou found the "loophole" in the wall.

Jiang Zhou in Tartarus, Hecate in the Nord resettlement area, and Liao Qi were connected through the Janus program.

Through these three "loopholes", he can exert influence on the basic reality.

However, beside him in Tartarus, there were no electronic devices to hack except for the deep dive chamber. And the people guarding him are all unmodified natives with non-intelligent weapons in their hands - in other words, he can't do anything at the moment.

For the time being, we can only wait until we float back up to see if there will be any improvement.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou focused his attention on the medium of "Liao Qi".

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou focused his attention on the medium of "Liao Qi".

The mercury wings that control Liao Qi form a specific pattern to outline a two-dimensional dot matrix, which is then verified through the camera of "Perseus 1" and then hacked through a series of methods. In an instant, using Hecate's ability, he completed the control and pulled her into the "City of Sages".

Although this process was so easy and almost instinctive, as soon as he started to use Hecate's power, Jiang Zhou felt that his personality began to dissolve in Hecate's program.

With such powerful power, he gradually lost the urge for revenge. At this moment, he looked at the humans in the Nord settlement area, and he suddenly felt as if he were looking at insects - this was not because he was arrogant, but because Hecate had expanded his "self" After the boundary, there will inevitably be feelings.

Although human emotions are sophisticated and complex, they are still the product of electrical potentials and neurotransmitters. Just an injection of a sedative or stimulant can subvert a person's mood. Not to mention that Jiang Zhou and Hecate temporarily formed the same entity at this moment.

Becoming a god means becoming everything a god is. When a person's ability can move mountains and fill seas at will, then his thinking cannot be the same as that of ordinary people - this is why, whether it is AI or an adjuster, as long as the mental index climbs out along the uncanny valley of the mind in the opposite direction , their threat will gradually decrease.

Because they are too heterogeneous, they have completely lost their motivation to influence human society.

Just like Jiang Zhou at this moment, he possesses the power to subvert, but the will as "Jiang Zhou" is completely unable to drive those powers to actually do something - just like a drop of ink dripping into the pool.

However, just when Jiang Zhou was about to lose all desire and desire, his mind completely rose to the vision of "gods" who "treat all things as stupid dogs". A weak emotion suddenly began to fill my heart.

Weak, but that's compared to my current size. If feelings could be quantified, the anger and hatred permeating Jiang Zhou's heart at this moment would be enough to burn mountains and boil seas!

That's right, those emotions are anger and hatred - things that Hecate analyzed and experienced through Liao Qi's experience, and then reconstructed and restored it at her level!

Although it was still weak for Jiang Zhou at this moment, it was enough to give him the motivation to act.

Liao Qi, your struggle is not in vain...

Suddenly Jiang Zhou thought of this.

Immediately, he directly dragged the remaining three people from Wolfsbane's army to the City of Sages.

If it weren't for the "slight" emotion at the moment, even if he had temporarily gained Hecate's authority, under the vision of her god, he would have completely lost his impulse for revenge and resistance.

After temporarily connecting with Hecate, it was Liao Qi's anger and hatred that rekindled a little fire in his heart, allowing him to take action.

At this moment, Jiang Zhou suddenly wanted to feel sad and relieved for Liao Qi's previous sacrifice, but he (Hecate) had not learned this emotion yet.

Therefore he is completely unable to grieve.

That’s all…

He thought - similarly, he did not feel sorry for this, because he did not have the emotion of "regret" at this moment.

Therefore, Jiang Zhou set his sights on several other people in the Nord resettlement area.

Carol Christie and Booker Irwin.

Since he has temporarily become a god, he should solve the problem in a god's way.

He thought as he extended his tentacles to both of them.

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