Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 182 NO00b5: Heterogeneous Power Station

Chapter 182 NO.00b5: Heterogeneous Power Station

Compared with human buildings, a geothermal power station is more like a combination of giant biological corpses and fungi; countless black cubes cracked by a universal printer are lingering on it-the process of building a geothermal power plant looks a bit It's like putting army ants upside down to dismantle a wildebeest carcass.

Now it is less than an hour before the completion of this power station, and its core and main works have been completed long ago, only some details are still under construction... Or growth?

In Liao Qi's field of vision, the exposed "ribs" of the "corpse" penetrated deeply into the earth—according to the description in the printed drawing, there are more than fifty bone-white heat-conducting media all the way through the earth's crust, extending to the mantle. They are immersed in an environment of more than 6,000 degrees Celsius, and they transfer huge heat energy to the surface without stopping.

And at the core of the "corpse", a red and fiery "heart" was pulsating like thunder. Once activated, it will convert the huge heat energy into electrical energy, and then transmit it to all levels of the resettlement area along the old circuit at the beginning of the design of the resettlement area.

Although the number of residents living in the Nord resettlement area today far exceeds the number originally designed, once the power station starts operating. According to calculations, its power generation can basically cover the safety of electricity consumption at the bottom of the current resettlement area-by then, the Fusion Bureau will no longer be able to sell civilian electricity at such a high price to increase the living costs of residents.

[Because this building was not designed for humans, so the shape is so heterogeneous]

Maybe he guessed the doubts in his heart at the moment, when Liao Qi was staring at the power station in a daze, he received a message from Booker in his communication channel.

[Not designed for humans? 】

Liao Qi asked suspiciously.

[The underlying tone of its design is different from the common sense we know. It’s like something from another planet’s ecosystem]

The so-called specifications of the rocket depend on the horse’s buttocks—the width of the railroad track follows the width of the tramway; the width of the tramway follows the distance between the wheels of the carriage; the distance between the wheels of the carriage is close to the width of the buttocks of two horses. In other words, the specifications of the rocket are determined by the width of the horse's buttocks.

Everything in human society is closely related in this way, and each subtly affects each other to build a complete system.

However, many of the printed drawings from the abyss dark net are completely from other tree systems. At the beginning of the design, the factor of "human" was not considered in it.

Under normal circumstances, this geothermal power station does not require any human assistance to maintain, operate, and overhaul. The "dark net technology" included in it has completely achieved the self-operation, self-operation and self-regulation of the power station.

Some parts inside can be transformed and replaced by manual operation. But this will significantly reduce the efficiency of its work, and according to calculations, this will also increase the probability of risks in daily operations.

This is similar to replacing several machines with manual wet parts operations, and the operation level is relatively sloppy.

[It feels like a living thing, and I feel a little uncomfortable every time I look at it]

Taking another look at the strangely shaped power station, it took a long time for Liao Qi to say that.

This seems to be a product from another ecosystem, and the strangeness hidden under its weird appearance keeps provoking his most primitive fear of the unknown.

[The power station has the function of using its own energy to repair itself. If you want to say this, its nature is actually quite similar to some plants]

Booker said so.

It is also deeply rooted in the earth, and can also absorb carbon elements in the air to iterate the aging parts.

Then he didn't wait for Liao Qi to reply, Booker looked at the power station that was about to be completed and continued:

[But these things obviously come from another technological system, which excludes the human-operated system. So sometimes I think, if the whole world is full of similar things, then there is no need for human beings]

[Why do you suddenly start thinking about this philosophical question? 】

Too lazy to answer such nonsense as "people are the end rather than the means", Liao Qi was a little curious why the other party suddenly had the heart to think about such things at such a time.

【Why? I think you should have guessed the reason]

In this regard, Booker said so.

No, I can't guess...

Liao Qi rolled his eyes.

Speaking of which, since when did this guy self-imagining himself as the kind of friend who can tacitly understand each other so well that when I say the last sentence, you can immediately follow the next sentence?

【Just say it directly】

Fortunately, the two are currently guarding in different positions. In order to reduce the possibility of being discovered, the two sides only communicate through text. So Booker couldn't hear that Liao Qi's words were half funny and half helpless.

[I was thinking, what value do we have to the 'paradox'? 】

Booker replied bluntly.

Then you are really asking the right person...

Liao Qi thought so in his heart, but at the same time sent the message:

【Isn't it to be his steed? But even those malicious programs from the super abyss layer, it is not so easy to break through the Styx firewall and enter the base reality, right? 】

Continue to pretend to be stupid.

After receiving this message, Booker couldn't help but sighed slightly.

Sigh... Forget it, I can't explain this to him clearly.

He thought helplessly, but then he comforted himself that the other party couldn't be blamed - after all, Liao Qi had never experienced such a thing as being dragged to Narcissus Plain, and he didn't know the specialness of "Narcissus Plain". He didn't know what it meant for an AI to be there, in the firewall.

In the past, Booker also guessed the meaning of "paradox" finding them in this way-hoping to find a horse for himself.

But since I saw the power of the "paradox" in the "Narcissus Plain", I completely overturned this conjecture.

Since the other party can move freely inside the firewall, how difficult would it be to directly cross it and enter the base reality? At least there is no need to use such a low-efficiency tool medium as the "horse".

But on the other hand, apart from human beings, what else can exist that can pass through the firewall of the Styx at will...

A certain possibility came to mind, and Booker suddenly stopped his train of thought.

There is absolutely no...that possibility.

On the other side, seeing that Booker didn't reply for a while, Liao Qi moved the eye movement interface to ask what the other party was thinking about, but at this time...

[Crete Island, Crete Island, this is the Aegean Sea, the personnel dispatch of Perse Fanny's resettlement area office was detected fifteen seconds ago]

A newsletter from the Intelligence Group came to their channel.

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