Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 167 NO00a6: Frustrated Pygmalion

Getting an AI of this scale into base reality is no small feat.

Although there was nothing wrong with the first request, after Jiang Zhou heard the second request, he directly expressed his attitude without thinking.

"I can't accept that just for my own purpose, leading an existence like you to come to the base reality - if Diana's lunar surface development can't carry your existence, then changing to the Nord resettlement area will make the existence there Humans have fallen into unimaginable tragedy."

He said without hesitation.

Although Jiang Zhou himself was only hearsay, the "lunar eclipse incident" is undoubtedly the largest network security incident caused by the AI ​​​​in the abyss and dark net in the basic reality in the past ten years.

About one-third of Diana's lunar fleet was completely paralyzed, and the network of many colonial cities, including Jinzhi City, was in chaos—even the "Goddess of the Dark Moon" did not show any signs of change from the beginning to the end. What attack intentions, but her existence alone is already destructive enough.

It is impossible for Jiang Zhou to allow such a network nuclear bomb to detonate in the Nord resettlement area—especially if there is another partner, friend, and relative of his own there.

As for the question of whether he could go back after rejecting the other party's request - anyway, if he continued to stay in Narcissus Plain, he would not necessarily die. As long as you don't die, then you can try to find other methods.

However, Goddess Mingyue was not at all dissatisfied with Jiang Zhou's refusal.

She just shook her head and explained:

"I know what you are afraid of, but unlike the 'visit' from the long past, the path opened this time is extremely narrow, and the amount of data I need to download will be very small.

"It's so small that even your mental data model can carry it."

What is "your mental data model"...

Hecate's statement made Jiang Zhou excited.

The other party's words, combined with the first condition she said before - let the Pygmalion path adjuster "sculpt" a "body" for her, Jiang Zhou couldn't help but make a guess that sounded reasonable :

So... is she planning to get a human body for herself?

Considering the other party's long-standing goal—to study the mechanism of human emotion, Jiang Zhou feels that this guess is quite possible.

But then, he was confused again.

Not to mention the compatibility of installing the AI ​​​​running program into the human body-what is she trying to do by doing this?

As an existence whose intelligence level is stronger than that of humans, if the other party studied human emotions before, it can be compared with "human zoologists study the living habits of chimpanzees". Then, in Jiang Zhou’s view, giving himself a set of human body behaviors is like putting on a black leather jacket and trying to integrate into the chimpanzee society, which belongs to the category of performance art.

As for doing this?

Jiang Zhou really couldn't figure it out for a while, but soon he was relieved again—it's right if he can't figure it out, it's like chimpanzees can't figure out those hairless monkeys with strange fur, riding around all day The roaring iron beast seemed to be watching what they were doing all day long.

They probably just think, don't those guys usually need to pick bananas?

So trying to think about this kind of question is pure mediocrity. For now, there is actually only one thing that I really need to confirm:

"In other words, you opened the passage this time, and your coming will not cause damage to human society?"

Jiang Zhou asked carefully.

"The portal is narrow and the path is narrow. The existence I downloaded to the lower realm is just a trickle of water to me. It is not like the past, just like a storm."

So Hecate answered, and then went on:

"Even if it brings destruction, it is only the destruction that a single human being can achieve."

For this answer, Jiang Zhou thought for a moment, and finally nodded:

"If it's what you said...then I'm willing to agree to your two requests."


Farewell to Goddess Mingyue, and the two made an appointment to see each other after eight days.

At that time, both parties will fulfill their commitments.

And after returning to the city of sages, Jiang Zhou touched out the set of sculpture tools with the "mental model" of a certain unlucky guy again.

After more than half a month, he was finally able to repair his substitute program.

In fact, Jiang Zhou himself can't say whether his personality has changed due to the influence of the "Liao Qi" substitute program during this time.

Thinking back carefully, I thought that the arrival of Hecate might cause a serious disaster to the Nord resettlement area. He directly rejected the other party's request almost without thinking and without showing any sympathy - facing an existence from the super abyss layer, who could crush himself to death at any time.

In this regard, Jiang Zhou carefully compared the personality differences between himself and Liao Qi, and felt that even if he refused in the past, he would take a more roundabout and flexible way of speaking about this matter. Or ask first whether what she wants to do will hurt innocent people or something.

Instead of refusing directly and unceremoniously like before.

On the other hand, if he thinks about it carefully, Jiang Zhou can't help but feel a guilty conscience - if it were him in the past, would he refuse without the slightest hesitation like before.

Or, if doing so would really require sacrificing innocent people in the Nord resettlement area, would he finally choose to agree in order to seek the truth and for his own benefit?

Deep in his heart, Jiang Zhou kept torturing himself with similar questions.

But the answer he got in the end was only - I don't know.

For Liao Qi, he would rather die than make a choice that would harm relatives, comrades-in-arms, or innocent people.

But for Jiang Zhou, the truth and how he can bring this crazy era to an end after getting the truth will be more important-if some people need to sacrifice for it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou inevitably thought of another question - if in the future, the mission of his two identities conflicted, what choice would he make?

The answer is still no idea.

Well... there's no point in thinking about things that never happened.

Realizing that he was immersed in it at the moment, Jiang Zhou immediately pulled back his thoughts.

But since it's all about me, anyway, it can't be "I hit myself", "left hand and right hand fight each other", right?

After all, the ontology and the controllable elements are not two different personalities that think independently, but more like two personalities integrated together, and then different bodies will show different personalities.

Jiang Zhou muttered, and took out the reward that Charon Tohecate handed over to him before - a hammer and chisel installed with an adjuster mental model and a substitute program.

After removing it from the rags, he fiddled with it for a moment, then gave the chisel a light tap with a stone hammer—standard practice for this run.

In this regard, Jiang Zhou feels that the design of these AIs in similar aspects is really a bit too much.

However, before Jiang Zhou could continue to complain in his heart, the pair of sculpture tools immediately broke free from his hand and flew up.

"Good morning! My friend who I have never met! Since I was handed over to you, you must have had a very shitty day today, right?

"In any case, please don't feel depressed because of this, because this is actually the normal state of life - misfortune. The so-called happiness is just a short transition between two misfortunes. Its purpose is just to let the misfortune in life taste better It's even more painful... But all in all, is it sunny outside now? I hate sunny days, if it's sunny, then I won't be able to log in to the visual function."

The hammer floating in mid-air spoke directly like a fairy tale.

Its voice is loud and sunny, like a morning news anchor.


Jiang Zhou looked at it...he? Then, with some hesitation, he said:

"I can't say whether it's sunny here..."

The previous lighting program of the city of sages, which imitated the natural lighting in the Mediterranean region, has long since collapsed. Now Jiang Zhou just temporarily tied a bunch of models of spotlights in the sky, pretending to be a sun—but it’s not so much the sun , rather like a searchlight in a prison.

"It's hard to say? Then I guess it doesn't count. Vague words are just an excuse for being unable to face failure-when you can't tell whether something is true or not, you often have the answer in your heart, but It's just that I don't want to admit it because of this or that mentality.

"It's like those girls who can't tell whether they love you or not. In fact, you know better than anyone else that she doesn't love you-you can't figure it out, and then keep digging out so-called evidence from trivial details. Digging through your chats for hints that she has feelings for you... But in the end, these are just self-deceitful dying struggles."

The hammer continued to speak in a voice like an announcer, and Jiang Zhou suspected that the other party might be using some voice package instead of the original voice.

"You... have you experienced anything before?"

Regarding these words, he was suddenly overwhelmed by the unique temperament of this hammer.

As for Jiang Zhou's question, the hammer replied:

"Actually, it's nothing. I wooed my creation twelve times and was rejected twelve times... If you don't love, you don't love. Even if you are her creator, she won't fall in love with you."

For this, Jiang Zhou was in awe.

On the other side, speaking, the hammer floated in the air and bowed to him:

"Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Chen Wang, the adjuster of the upgrade path Pygmalion depth 4. Of course, I have long since died in the base reality, and now there is only this electronic ghost who shamelessly Waste of public data space.

"So, according to the agreement I made with the ferryman, please tell me what you need to make. If the final result is satisfactory, please delete all my data after all this is over, thank you." (End of this chapter)

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