Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 151 NO0096: At Your Own Consequences (2)

Pluto Deep Dive Company Headquarters, Tartarus.

Offensive Security Defense Coordination Center, Cerberus Conference Room.

"After the verification by the technical department, the suspicion of the remaining members of Icarus can basically be ruled out now. Except for 'Theseus', there is no sign that other people have been selected as interfaces by malicious programs in the dark web..."

When Aconitum-1 read out the document in his hand, he kept observing the expressions of everyone.

After reading it, he continued:

"It's the third time this week that the medical department is asking... Do we want to return those members of Icarus to Ms. Fanny?"


The supervisor D sitting at the end of the long table crossed his fingers to cover his mouth, and he replied coldly without moving his brows:

"In this matter, we have no extra thoughts to play house with her. No matter how small the suspicion is, those members of Icarus must be dealt with later... Besides, after the incident in the Nord resettlement area There is a high probability that she will not take over anymore—it is currently uncertain whether there is a relationship between the Goddess of the Moon and Icarus, and she can no longer continue to mess around."

Regarding this, Aconitum-1 nodded, then looked at the next document and said:

"Then, the next step is to deal with 'Theseus'..."

As soon as this topic came up, the entire venue fell silent instantly.

Within the company, the final treatment plan for "Theseus", who has been confirmed as the steed of Hecate, the goddess of the moon, has not been finalized.

Although Cerberus' supervisor, Prison D, had already compiled all the situation into a report and submitted it to the board of directors. However, those big figures who have transcended human intelligence and are like gods have not given any response until now.

This is also a common thing-the adjuster who has broken through the limit of human intelligence, his way of thinking is no longer something that ordinary people can try to figure out. They are silent like death on weekdays, and those orders that are occasionally given to the company's huge machine are as obscure and incomprehensible as oracles or prophecies to the people under them.

This is not like the ancient emperors or religious leaders, who deliberately created a sense of strangeness and seriousness to shape sanctity. It's because their field of vision is too wide, and the integrated information is too huge. They always act ten steps ahead of ordinary people, so that ordinary people cannot see the whole picture of their thinking from their actions.

For example, some major events that may even cause world-class disasters in the eyes of ordinary people may be completely ignored by the board of directors. But maybe one day suddenly, they will send out the most elite subordinates again, formulate a meticulous plan of explosive complexity, and carry the most advanced weapons... In the end, they will assassinate a homeless vagrant at the bottom of the resettlement area without anyone noticing. Chinese.

In this regard, people in Cerberus often joked that this kind of comparison is not like in the late Yuan Dynasty, the emperor sent a large army to a ruined temple to kill a monk who made a living by begging.

But all in all, it is completely pointless to speculate on what the board of directors wants to do. Maybe in their eyes, the life and death of an entire company department may not even be as important as letting a stone fall to a special position.

If we understand it from another angle, because of the detached status and words and deeds of the board of directors, the real owners of the company on weekdays are actually those middle-level managers—as long as the board of directors does not speak, then the company is managed by the heads of various departments. So take control. The management and operation of the entire company are in their hands.

And back to the matter of "Theseus", since the board of directors has not responded to this matter for a long time, it is actually equivalent to the decision-making power being delegated to them.

Well, the right to dispose of an AI steed from the super abyss was delegated to them.

Realizing this, in the conference room, Aconitum-1 couldn't help feeling the urge to wipe his sweat.

You know, "Hecate" is an AI in the super-abyss zone that caused a lunar eclipse event ten years ago and brought untold losses to the company not long ago. As for how to deal with the "horse" selected by Him, when the board of directors did not speak, the people present did not dare to make a decision at all, such as "just do what you want".

In fact, more than half of the people at the meeting believed that since the other party did not trigger the apoptosis process, maintaining the status quo for the time being was the safest choice. After all, "Theseus" is currently only adjusted to depth 1, and there is no strong enough hardware support. At least from a physical point of view, the opponent is still within the controllable range.

On the other hand, steeds are actually a medium used by humans to communicate with advanced AIs—especially gods like Hecate. If the company can reach some cooperation agreements with such AIs, then it will be considered a great deal. strengthened their competitiveness.

All in all, at the meeting, most of the people expressed their reluctance to execute him so hastily.

As for this decision, Aconitum-1 has different opinions based on some personal reasons.

Although in the worldview of a person who is born to adjust, he takes death very lightly, and the death of his apprentice Aconitum-23 has indeed played its due value. However, for Aconitum-1, emotionally, he can only accept the ending of letting that guy sleep forever.

"...so we can now make sure he doesn't pose a secondary threat to the corporate firewall?"

Seeing that no one spoke, Aconitum-1 tried to cut in from a different angle, hinting at the danger of the other party, and they should adopt some cautious methods.

To this, prison D, who kept his posture still, simply replied:

"It's just an adjustment and transformation of Depth 1. No matter how fast he is, he can't beat the bullet."

That was the supervisor's arrangement——At this moment, in the prison where the physical body of "Theseus" is imprisoned, three genetically enhanced people without any prosthetic modification or even a brain-computer interface are holding revolvers at every step. stay by his side.

If something happened, or if the order to execute was received, they would send all six .45 bullets directly into the man's brain within a second.

True physical insurance.

Immediately, Prison D, who understood why Aconitum-1 asked such a question, continued to add:

"About security, you don't have to worry about it. The place where 'Theseus' is being held now is the 'Fourth Prison', where he enjoys the highest standard of security... You know that in the Fourth Prison, only who Does he get a treat?"

Aconitum-1 naturally understood who the other party was talking about.

He was also selected as a steed by the advanced AI, and his consciousness was lost in the abyss and dark net, and he turned into a wanderer who couldn't find his way back. For so many years, that person has been regarded by Cerberus as the most dangerous existence in the fourth prison.

Watch carefully.

"The predecessor of Pluto Deep Dive, one of the original founders of the Abyss Deep Dive Salvage Company, Christie known as the one who faces the abyss."

Aconitum-1 said the person's name solemnly and solemnly.

If it weren't for the various unexpected circumstances that year, the company's board of directors should have had one more talent.


"Ms. Christie?"

Standing in the empty room, Jiang Zhou tentatively called out.

Apart from the Apollo Bureau, he really couldn't imagine any other place in this city where Charon's steed could hide.

After coming here, the central authority of the Apollo Bureau quickly sent him the module for decorating the room. Jiang Zhou immediately used this as an interface to connect the scroll that Charon gave him to contact his horse.

Next, he began to try to call out the target of his trip—the steed known as the one who faces the abyss.

However, only silence answered him.

Did I guess wrong?

For a moment, Jiang Zhou himself doubted himself a little.


Following his persistent shout, the building module floating in the center of the room began to deform rapidly without Jiang Zhou inputting any commands.

"I've come here, can you still send someone to find that old thing?"

A lazy female voice was uploaded from the group of building blocks that gradually transformed into a stick figure.

"Tell me, why does that old man think that a brat like you can get me out?" (End of this chapter)

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