Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 145 NO0090: Construction Begins

Chapter 145 NO.0090: Construction Begins

The Icarus hacker team's hacking of Theseus' warehouse was far smoother than Jiang Zhou expected.

Compared with physical storage, this AI-operated company's security measures for data storage are too childish.

Thanks to Jiang Zhou implanting a Trojan horse into the peripheral computer matrix in the VIP room, the organization's hackers quickly found and opened up the place where the information is kept—those things were not even stored in the internal database, and were subject to the company's ice. The protection of the wall, but just hastily stuffing it into the peripheral information debris pile and it's over.

No...it's not because they're kidding...

Jiang Zhou thought to himself.

After all, for AI, the Internet is their reality, while the base reality is a distant world on the other side, curled up in another dimension that forms the "microcosm" of their world...It is not a big deal for them to suffer losses in the base reality , on the contrary, being attacked online is a dangerous thing-this is exactly the opposite of the human experience living in the base reality.

Because of this, while they carry out the physical storage business, they dare not put the data that may be attacked in their own core databases.

But this is a good thing for them...

After leaving the VIP room, he rushed to the operation center without stopping, Jiang Zhou, who participated in the hacking operation with the members of the hacker team, thought so.

In this way, they greatly saved the time of hacking, allowing Booker to retreat from the heavily guarded hive warehouse calmly enough after the operation was completed.

Because he couldn't use the stand-in program, he couldn't directly input commands with his consciousness. At this moment, he changed the original keyboard, eye movement markers, and language input methods to operate.

Although the efficiency is indeed much slower, but fortunately Ms. Hecate's blessing is powerful enough, even if it is "manually" input, he can be regarded as helping a lot in this operation.

After obtaining the activation permission of the universal printer, they immediately sent it to Booker who had sneaked into the target location through an encrypted channel.

Allowing him to start the universal printer on the spot in that storage room.

It can be said that so far, the biggest point of uncertainty in the entire "Operation Magician" has been completed.

If it wasn't for Booker's side who hadn't completed the last step, they probably planned to open champagne to celebrate here.

But even so, there were endless cheers resounding in the command base—even if the team leader raised his tone again and again to calm everyone down, he couldn't suppress the enthusiastic atmosphere at all.

Within Icarus, the members of the hacker group have always acted the most freely.

"Really... At least wait until the operation is declared a success before celebrating..."

Seeing that what he said had no effect, the team leader shook his head and complained to Liao Qi, the only one present besides himself who was not cheering and congratulating:

"In the old movies of the last century, this kind of behavior of opening champagne at halftime is just waiting to be slapped in the face."

Regarding this, Jiang Zhou smiled and said:

"Anyway, what we need to do, and what we can do, have all been done... All we can do next is wait, and it's okay for them to celebrate now."

The team leader shrugged and sat back in his chair.

"I hope so, but I still feel that it is too smooth, and I always feel a little uneasy."

Sighing again, the man said with concern.


The steel cylinder storing the 500g of helium-3 has been modified. Specifically, many metal materials used to print the two grams of antimatter have been integrated into the structure of the bottle. In this way, Booker doesn't need to carry too many things on his body, so he can sneak in and start the printer with light luggage.

As for the energy required for printing, Booker directly connected the core of his prosthetic body to the universal printer.

Reigniting the furnace core, and exposing it with such fanfare to power the devices outside the body, the external sensors that detect high-energy reactions will soon find out the abnormality.

However, the time difference until he was discovered was enough for him to complete the entire task.

As the energy supply meets the start-up requirements, the black coffin-shaped universal print slowly opened its own "coffin board", and then the materials that Booker had placed on the ground were rolled by an invisible wave and flew quickly. To the inside of the universal printer.

Countless changes beyond human cognition occurred in the printer, and Booker waited nervously for the final result.

With today's technology, it is not difficult to create antimatter—as early as more than a hundred years ago, people could bombard it with a particle accelerator to create positrons.

It’s just that the energy needed to make antimatter in this way far exceeds the energy that the finished product can release; and unlike fission reactors and fusion reactors, humans have never been able to find a way to effectively use antimatter for a stable energy supply.

Of course, you can find the blueprint of the black technology "antimatter reactor" in the dark web of the abyss, but that is already a technology with a depth of 7 or more-except for those super companies, it is estimated that only a few have surpassed human intelligence. Limit adjusters have a similar finish.

Booker has heard people say before that it seems that after the upgrade path Hercules completed the adjustment and transformation of depth 8, he used antimatter as the fuel for his power furnace-this is equivalent to a semi-permanent structure, and Few people dare to push it to a corner on the frontal battlefield. Otherwise, it will be burnt together.

Burning jade and stone together...

When the printing was completed and the black coffin was opened again, two pitch-black metal spheres about the size of billiard balls with a surface as smooth as a mirror floated and fell into Booker's hands.

The moment he touched it, Booker only felt a burst of coldness, and then felt that the two spheres were incredibly light.

This is normal, because the two spheres are made of superconducting metal, and the inside is almost hollow-the inner space is evacuated into an absolute vacuum, and only at the center of the sphere, a tiny particle is bound by a magnetic field.

And that tiny particle is one gram of antimatter.

It can be said that at this moment, Booker holds the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in his hands. Had he been a sociopathic lunatic, he could have easily reduced the entire hierarchy to rubble by now.

Taking a deep breath—although he didn't need to do this, but this habit when his human body still existed could help him calm down—he stored one of the metal balls inside his prosthetic body, and then used It is carefully stabilized by the anti-shock system.

The other metal ball was still in his hand.

Next, is the final step of this magician's action.

Thinking of this, Booker sighed again in his heart, only that kid Liao Qi could come up with such a crazy method...

Since they have no way to take this overly bulky universal printer out of the warehouse, the best way is to let it go out by itself.

Reconnected to the universal printer, using the gram of antimatter in hand as the energy required for printing. Booker gave the universal printer the command to start again.

[Print instructions, negative seventh floor of Nord resettlement area Geothermal power plant]

With the order issued, in an instant, the entire universal printer disintegrated into countless small pitch-black squares.

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