Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 118 NO0075: The Ferryman

Chapter 118 NO.0075: The Ferryman

Accompanied by the jet sound of "Chi Chi", several deep submersibles opened their covers one by one.

By this time, it can basically be declared that the deep dive salvage is over. Wanderers who dived into the abyss of the dark web, surfaced to the solid base reality.

And the next step is to count the losses and gains of this salvage mission.

Leaving aside the income, there are two members who have not returned the mission this time.

Aconitum-23, the deputy captain of Wolfsbane, and... that guy named Theseus.

Ye Qian looked at the deep submersibles that were slowly opening under the stage, folded his arms, pursed his lips and did not speak.

Then, he was surprised to find that one of the abyss wanderers who should have been unable to move for half a day due to anesthesia was struggling to stand up.

Ye Qian remembered that person's name seemed to be Black Falcon-136.

The rush of adrenaline in the blood vessels of Black Falcon-136 resists the anesthetic drugs in the sub-compartment of the deep dive. Like a pendulum, he crawled out of the coolant with trembling hands and feet.

However, before he could walk a few steps, he tripped over the pipeline still connected to his body and fell hard to the ground, leaving a series of watermarks.

A long shadow was cast, and Black Falcon-136 raised its head.

Ye Qian, the supervisor of the third deep diving chamber, is looking at him with a gloomy face at the moment.

"Below...what the hell happened?"

The man gritted his teeth and asked word by word.

That voice was as cold as it could freeze a penguin to death.

"What happened to them?"

Ye Qian said, pointing to the side with a livid face.

Black Falcon-136 looked in the direction he was pointing at, and there were only two subcompartments that had not been opened. One was a bit larger than the normal model, so it goes without saying that the three-meter-high Aconitum-23 was lying in it; as for the other...he remembered that Theseus was lying in it.

On that deep submersible, there was always a dazzling red light on, which seemed to be the same color as the blood of innocents stained on his ceramic steel claws earlier.

Taking the initiative to cut off his vision and stop looking, 136 shook his head in pain with trembling lips and did not speak.

The next moment, he was lifted up by someone strangling his neck, and at the same time, his vision was forced to go online.

"What do you mean by shaking your head? I'm asking you something, you defective product."

Ye Qian lifted the Black Falcon-136 like a chicken, and said with murderous intent in his tone.

"What happened next?"

"I killed him..."

136 replied with a voice almost like squirming lips.

"What are you talking about? Louder, I can't hear you at all!"

Ye Qian roared angrily.

"I killed him, I killed Theseus! Do you understand, I killed him, I killed him! I killed an innocent man with my own hands! I killed my companions with my own hands!"

Black Falcon-136 suddenly raised his head, he shouted at Ye Qian.

At this moment, he really wanted to cry, but the metal eyes replaced by man-made products deprived him of the right to cry.

After venting his emotions briefly and intensely, Black Falcon-136 lowered his head again.

"The damned person should be me..."

He kept muttering as if all his strength had been sucked out.

Ye Qian, who was sprayed with saliva inexplicably, was stunned for a moment, and then he threw the guy who looked like a useless person to the ground.

"You killed Theseus? What about Aconitum-23?"

Wiping his face, Ye Qian asked.

Without answering his question, the guy collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud. Apart from repeating "I should be the damned person" in his mouth, he seemed to have lost all reactions to the outside world.

This is the mental index suffered damage?

Ye Qian couldn't help muttering.

It seems that if you want him to continue to speak, you must use some special means.

I don't know if I still have so much time when people from Cerberus may come to the door at any time.

"You think yourself..."

Ye Qian put on a mocking expression for himself, but before he finished speaking, a female voice interrupted him.

"Theseus killed Aconitum-23. He voluntarily became the steed of a malicious program during the last deep dive to salvage it, in exchange for enough power."

The one who spoke was Qianxia Ying who had just crawled out of the deep submersible. At this moment, her face was pale and her voice was trembling.

"Ask me if you want to ask anything. He did it before, so don't continue to embarrass him."


The sound of rushing water brought by the poles echoed softly, and he felt that he was in a small boat that was moving at a constant speed.

As a cognitive science scholar, at least a hundred years ago, Jiang Zhou dared to say that he was one of the few people in the world who understood the operating mechanism of human consciousness best.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to become the general manager of the Janus project and complete the feat of uploading human consciousness.

And the more he learned about the mechanism of consciousness, the less he believed that there was such a metaphysical soul in this world.

Therefore, he also does not believe in the extension of the concept based on "soul".

For example - concepts such as hell, heaven, underworld, reincarnation, past life, and present life.

To die is to die, and death is like a lamp being extinguished, it will be an eternal dreamless sleep, without that kind of poetic romantic concept in it.

So, when Jiang Zhou woke up, he found himself lying on a lonely boat. And the ferryman of Ye Guzhou was an old man with a shabby figure, ragged clothes, a dirty and ugly appearance, and flames in his eyes. His first reaction was not that he went to hell after his death.

Rather, which malicious program played the role in the cosplay myth of this bumbling guy in front of him.


Jiang Zhou asked.

The appearance of the other party is obviously the image of Charon, the son of Erebus and Nyx in Greek mythology, who is responsible for sending the dead to the other side of the Styx.

The old man just glanced at him, and a few sparks burst out of his eyes. But he didn't speak, just continued to support the long pole in his hand, pushing the small boat forward.

"Why... am I still alive?"

Jiang Zhou continued.

I think, therefore I am, and since he can still think, he must still be alive.

According to the synchronous perception from Liao Qi, after the previous stand-in program was destroyed, it took about 20 minutes before he appeared here.

Regarding his question, the old man just let out a "heh" like a sneer, and still didn't say anything.

"Because you have more than one stand-in program."

A familiar ethereal voice echoed in Jiang Zhou's ears and answered his question.

Lying on the damp wooden board, he had no strength to stand up at this moment.

But after turning his head with great effort, he saw the goddess in white robe, barefoot, with skin as pale as milk sitting in the stern.

Hecate, the goddess of the dark moon, was caressing the skull inlaid in the stern of the boat at this moment, and looked beyond the fog on the Styx River to the distance.

"what do you mean……"

Jiang Zhou... Jiang Zhou didn't realize that his voice was wrong until now.

What he uttered at this moment was Liao Qi's voice.

And Goddess Mingyue just looked at him and continued:

"As long as you stay on this side, your terminal preserved in the lower realm of the physical layer will not be annihilated by the water of the Styx."

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