Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 112 NO006f: Fate Is So Broken (Part 1)

Chapter 112 NO.006f: Fate Is So Broken (Part 1)

When the explosion sounded and the fiery breath came from behind, a scene flashed in Booker's mind for the first time.

A termite nest poured by molten aluminum.


Hiding in a hive warehouse was a deadly tactical choice—they were waiting for them to do so.

The communication signal on Liao Qi's side disappeared the moment the explosion happened, and he didn't even have time to leave a last word.

However, even leaving a last word is meaningless, because death will find him soon.

The shock wave enough to shatter the internal organs of ordinary people is like a monster without form, pulling countless fragments of buildings to attack him. Those sharp fragments kept scratching Aegis' defense. For a moment, Booker felt as if he had become a medieval knight on the battlefield.

However, the defense ability of the Aegis module made of low-entropy alloy is enough to stand firm in this stormy attack.

But for those locker doors around Booker, there is no such luck.

Before Booker was engulfed by the fiery flames following the shock wave, the "hives" around him were opened one by one by the shock wave.

Antique paintings, post-modern artworks, prohibited weapons, second-hand prosthetic bodies, brain parts soaked in jars...

Different "hives" were opened, and the collections inside were engulfed by flames one by one.

The "hive" that was always around Booker was opened, and his attention was instantly attracted...

The collection displayed in this storage room is something that every leader of Icarus has dreamed about for so many years.

A black coffin that was so pure that even in the raging fire, it did not reflect any fire... black coffin.

"Universal printer..."

Booker murmured, his eyes moved up, and he saw the number of this "hive".


Immediately, before the flames were about to completely engulf Booker, a pair of hands whose outer skin was charred stretched out from the fog that filled the air at an unknown time, and dragged him in.


Under the constraints of the base construction program, if the stand-ins in cyberspace want to move from one location to another, they must abide by the laws of physics summarized by Newton, and use "force" to change their own motion state.

However, with the imprint of the dark moon, Jiang Zhou can bypass the physical laws of cyberspace to "cheat" like those "wizard" hackers.

After all, the so-called location is nothing more than a set of coordinates in the final analysis.

By changing the coordinates, Jiang Zhou rescued himself and Booker from the beehive warehouse that had turned into purgatory. Then, at the critical moment, he set up the Mantis Knife to block the fatal blow for himself.

Looking at the fiery blade so close without blinking, Jiang Zhou sighed in his heart about what Aconitum-23 had said earlier.


Not only him, but even Jiang Zhou sighed at this word.

After a hundred years in this strange and crazy era, why isn't my own destiny being controlled by those unrecognizable beings?

On weekdays, Jiang Zhou always restrained himself from thinking about this topic as much as possible.

But after listening to Aconitum-23's speech, he couldn't help asking himself—so many coincidences, so many dangers, so many times of misfortune...that one of his own creations, the one named "Yanu" Didn't the existence of Si" really secretly affect him and let him experience all this in front of him?

It's not that Jiang Zhou hasn't thought deeply about the truth about those so-called "fate".

It's just that he has always felt that in the absence of sufficient information, no matter how much he thinks, he is just compiling a story that can convince himself-this has no guiding significance for solving the current practical problems.

Therefore, Jiang Zhou's final attitude is that he should never deliberately do something or deliberately avoid something in order to break the control of "fate".

Prophecies are mostly self-fulfilling.

The more you resist fate, the more it will come to you.

Therefore, Jiang Zhou only intends to do what he thinks is correct based on his current known information.

And this is the embodiment of true free will.

Therefore, he finally said those words to Aconitum-23. But his speech made both Aconitum-23 and Booker stunned at the same time.

Aconitum-23 was stunned, partly because of Jiang Zhou's attitude towards fate, which was a new perspective that he, and even their natural adjustment group, had never considered. This can be done as part of the natural adjustment of human philosophy system, slowly nested in.

Of course, it has to be admitted that the bigger reason why Aconitum-23 was stunned was that he found that neither Liao Qi nor Booker was killed by him.

As for Booker's stupefaction, it was due to a misunderstanding in his understanding—he thought that what Mr. "Paradox" said earlier was all about himself.

This really frightened him a lot.

What's the meaning? Trial or two-way?

Dare this be a battle royale that needs to eliminate each other, and "paradox" intends to decide the final winner like a gu?

It's no wonder that the final test of this trial is not a malicious program, but another upgrade path, the adjuster of Cerberus.

That being the case, then don't say anything, just go to war.

After completing their psychological construction in a very short period of time, the second round of the battle between them and the "Cerberus" started again.


At this distance, you will hurt yourself because of the heavy firepower. So Aconitum-23 directly waved the red-hot blade in his hand and rushed over.

On the other side, Liao Qi stretched out the Praying Mantis Knife on his arm to meet him.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought for more than ten rounds. The blades full of killing intent collided with each other, making a series of metallic clangs.

If there was a native here watching the battle between the two of them, there was a high probability that he could only see the sparks flying out and the surrounding facilities being constantly destroyed.

As for the specific actions of those two people? For the dynamic vision of native people, at most they can only see a series of afterimages.

However, compared with the melee-specialized Icarus path, the melee ability of Aconitum-23 can only be described as mediocre. In the confrontation between the two sides, it was basically Jiang Zhou who suppressed the opponent until he couldn't breathe.

However, on the other hand, for an adjuster with a depth of 4 strength, the damage of the "Sickle Foot" Mantis Knife is too low.

This low-entropy alloy weapon can leave no more damage on the opponent than a cat can do to humans.

Several times, Liao Qi's blade perfectly broke through the defense of Aconitum-23 and hit the undoubted opponent's vital point... But the effect of each final slash was just to draw a streak on the armor. It is just a white seal that has been evaluated as "unsightly".

Jiang Zhou made up his mind that in the future, he must always have a powerful enough armor-piercing weapon on him.

Of course, at this moment, he is not helpless.

So, in another round of attack. Jiang Zhou, wielding the Praying Mantis Knife, rotated the power of the magnetic field together, intending to directly act on the opponent's body and the plug-in equipment that could be affected.

But it never occurred to him that as soon as he stepped forward to extend the magnetic field, the messy and disorderly magnetic field "ball of yarn" on the opponent's body was protected by an invisible defensive position that felt like a cage.


Aconitum-23 pouted in the communication channel, then continued:

【Do you think, after I have suffered a loss, will I not prepare a strategy to interfere with the magnetic field】

【If you want to kill me, please show some real skills】

there is another chapter tonight

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