Abyss Express

Chapter 472 Ghost Wandering Ghost

Chapter 472 Ghost: Wandering Ghost

Came to the Death Puppet Agency again, and came to this barren land with few people.

As soon as Jiang Xueming got off the car, he went to the department store to buy a full month's supply of food. The cash on his body should be enough to survive three months. Homo sapiens cannot stay in this place ruled by the Death Rune for too long, otherwise they may become desperadoes.

When buying food, drinking water, tents, water filters, etc., a man squatting next to the charging box happened to see Jiang Xueming. The big bags and small bags were delivered outside the door and loaded into the rented car. These strange behaviors all in disguise confirmed the guess in the man's heart——

——This distinguished guest seems to be going to live in the Death Puppet Agency for a long time.

"Hey, are you a passenger? Are you going to the Death Puppet Agency? Can you take me for a ride?"

Jiang Xueming ignored the strange man's invitation and continued to move the goods.

The man was not angry either. The screen of his mobile phone was flickering, as if it had been subjected to strong electromagnetic interference, but it was still charging.

I saw this guy straighten up slowly, put down his phone, walked to the cash register, and took the compressed biscuits on the counter with one hand. These goods belonged to Jiang Xueming.

"Are you Japanese? Or Korean? Can't understand English? Chinese?"

The simple short sentences were split into four languages. The man was very patient, waiting for Xue Ming's response.

Jiang Xueming's face was hidden in the poncho, and the moment his eyes moved to the compressed biscuits, there was still no change.

The clothes on this man are gorgeous, all tights made of leather and buckles, with dust and mud-proof cloth strips on the sleeves, and boots to deal with the dirty swampy terrain. He looks like an Asian, with black and shiny hair, and the texture of the hair is rough, like the kind of styling cream that can't be blown by the wind.

His eyes gave off a sinister and vicious look, with sunken eye sockets, protruding brows, and full cheeks. He looked healthy and cheerful, with a sharp and aggressive demeanor.

"My security officer doesn't want to take me with me, why don't you come and give me a ride, little brother?"

There are a lot of miscellaneous hairs in the eyebrows, extending from the center of the eyebrows to the outside, and less than halfway, there are hairs that grow backwards. The tails of the eyes are upturned, which is a face full of fighting spirit.

Jiang Xueming replied in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't have time."

The man then said: "My God! So you are not dumb!"

"I can help you contact other security officers." Jiang Xueming pointed to the four-seater electric car behind him: "This car can't fit any more things. I'm going to live in the Death Puppet Agency for a month, so I can't take you with me."

"Oh." The man showed a disappointed and regretful expression: "Then can I trouble you to make another trip?"

"What do you mean by making an extra trip?" Jiang Xueming stretched out his hand, trying to push the man's hand away, wanting to get back his rations.

The man quickly put the compressed biscuit in his arms, and his eyes were joking: "You go in first, and then drive out to pick me up? How about it?"

Xue Ming didn't think too much, and pressed directly on the back of the man's hand——

——At this moment, Fragrant Dream's ability was activated.

Immediately, the cashier saw the handsome young man fainted on the ground, screaming and ran out, and together with Xue Ming helped him to the staff lounge.

The cashier girl was terrified, and asked anxiously, "Sir! What's wrong with him? Why did he faint all of a sudden?"

Jiang Xueming: "Maybe it's hypoglycemia, maybe he can't stand the spiritual pressure in this place, I'm not sure, let him rest first."

The cashier girl nodded confusedly: "Oh then. Is he all right? Doesn't he have other illnesses?!"

"The passengers should have panacea." Jiang Xueming found an ID card from the man's pocket, as well as some universal exploration tools, compass and psionic probe, survival knife and hook Hemp rope, and other than that the guy didn't even have a gun.

Jiang Xueming checked the ID card and found nothing unusual, so he handed the card to the cashier girl.

"Take it well, and contact the doctor at the nearby trade transfer station to take care of him. There are many mobile food trucks following the merchant doctor. Maybe he will wake up later, so check him out."

The cashier girl took the card, feeling inexplicably at ease. The backpacker in front of her looked very reliable, so she stopped thinking about it.

Jiang Xueming took the biscuit from the strange man's arms, packed his bags, and immediately drove to the death puppet mechanism. The tram rushed into the boundless night and headed towards the flickering lights again.

The moment he left the department store, the mobile phone at the charging station started ringing as soon as he left.

The bell sounded like ghosts crying and howling wolves, sometimes it was the organ on Halloween, and sometimes it was the suona, gongs and drums of the Hungry Ghost Festival, making people uneasy.

As soon as the cashier girl returned to work, she was taken aback by the strange ringtone. She looked around for a long time uneasy, and saw that the screen of the mobile phone lit up, and the dynamic screen saver flashed a bloody and terrifying picture of dismembered corpses. There are straw dolls in the West and paper zombies in the East. They are dismembered by various sharp weapons, and the blood splashed out stains the screen red again and again.

She finally walked over impatiently, thinking that it would be good if she answered the call, if it was a family member or friend, she could pick up this weird and impolite man in advance.

When she picked up the phone, she was horrified to find that she couldn't hold the electronic product steadily——

——Her fingers seem to have touched a piece of fine sand powder polymer, which directly hit the screen, with a slightly strange damping feeling, as if stirring her knuckles in the dust and sand, and then left the middle frame, The cold touch scratched the skin of the knuckles, and then touched the warm counter.

She froze for a moment, and when her palms were completely removed from the table, the phone was like a thick black mist, and the holes poked out by her fingers were slowly recovering.

"It's all your fault!!"

Flashed across the screensaver was a little zombie in Qing dynasty style wearing a pheasant robe. Its stomach was pierced by the cashier girl's fingers, and half of its intestines were exposed outside its body. Its seven orifices were bleeding and cursed viciously.

"Stinky bitch! Look at what you've done! You've left me in tatters!"

"Ho..." the cashier girl gasped, and involuntarily backed away a few steps.

When the screen saver jumps to another dynamic picture, the ringtone is still so piercing.

The little girl's face became extremely ugly, and she subconsciously squeezed towards the counter, trying to take out some spiritual props from the safety box for self-defense—this might be a kind of spiritual disaster.

In a panic, she fumbled for the identity card of the strange man, and then a magic pestle, which was also a spiritual catalyst blessed by the craftsman of the Greenstone Man, a prop that could directly harm spirit bodies.

She was so nervous that she trembled all over, and she was so frightened that she couldn't hold her identity card. The light card was carried away by a gust of wind——

——The name of its crew has changed visibly with the naked eye. The black ink stains are like wriggling worms, from a serious Chinese name to a simple English word.

[Ghost·Wandering Ghost]

[VIP Senior Passenger]

It floated between the fingers of the strange man, and then the passenger opened his eyes, completely straightened up as if he was not affected by a fragrant dream.

He put away his ID card, walked to the front desk, and turned off the phone screen.

"Don't worry, don't worry"

"Sir! Are you awake?!" The little girl finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the living man was safe and sound: "Just now, it seems. It seems that there is a spiritual disaster. Your phone... you."

"It's okay." The man took the phone away and comforted the little girl in a friendly tone: "It's okay, it's okay."

The strong suspension bridge effect made this helpless girl's blood pressure rise and her heart beat wildly——

——The little handsome guy in her eyes became extremely charming, like a ghost.

"Oh, do you need anything else? Shall I make you a cup of coffee to pick you up?"

The man walked outside the door, just in time to see Jiang Xueming's taillights.

"try your best."

The cashier girl immediately started tinkering with the coffee machine, showing off her tea and snacks.

"Sir, then you are lucky today. Let me tell you, this place has not seen a single customer for several days. The coffee in our Bailiwei Supermarket can also be ranked in the coffee and tea competitions in several surrounding regions. Top! Do you like milk? How much sugar do you want?"

The murmur of the coffee grinder drowned out the man's silent murmur.

"It's a very familiar Reiatsu, a VIP came here to live in the Death Puppet Agency—who is it? He seems to be in a hurry, and he doesn't want to take me for a ride, and he is trying to subdue me with his soul power. "

The cashier girl was searching for suitable cups under the counter, but when she looked up, she couldn't even see a ghost.

"Hey? Hey hey?!"

The noise of road gravel came from all over the vehicle. This car was not comparable to Chief Nanami's Volga, and it was a cheap one rented from the public tram base station.

The noise of plastic and rubber parts rubbing against each other can be heard from all over the car body, and the light transmittance of the windshield is not very good. In the dark environment, everything becomes magical and blurred, and the city lights in the distance collide with the hot and cold air. down became blurred.

Xue Ming held the steering wheel tightly, and from time to time he could hear some whistling noises, which were the sound of the blowing dust engulfed by the strong wind hitting the shell.

The Reiatsu of the Death Puppet Organization still carries the meaning of resentment and sorrow. It originally belonged to the mountain giant, but now the owner of this palace has become a walking corpse who has lost his mind. All creatures living around the palace will be subject to death rune curse.

This time, no vehicles came out of the organ city. The Luna Cup has just ended, and perhaps the passengers are busy gathering with relatives and friends to watch the game and want to take a vacation for themselves.

With the last 300-meter drive, Xue Ming realized something was wrong——

——Because this tram is full of goods, the road to the Death Illusion is a straight road, and its engine is very quiet, hardly any sound.

The cargo load in the trunk and the car seat makes the tires bite the ground tightly, and when looking out through the window glass, there is almost no reference object. All this gives Xue Ming the illusion that "the car is still driving forward" .

More than 300 meters away, the river dam of the City of Dead Puppets stands there, and together with the on-ramp, it seems that it will never move forward a little.

It was only at this time that Xue Ming realized that the car hadn't moved at all!

He immediately rolled down the window and looked outside, but he couldn't see the condition of the tires from this angle. The world outside the vehicle is silent, only the hum of the motor when the wheels are running at high speed.

The cautious man decided to pull over, turn off the engine, and get out to see what was going on.

He opened the car door, stepped on the solid asphalt road, deliberately avoided the runes on both sides of the road, and squatted down to carefully observe the condition of the tires.

The tires were still hot, and the hubs were in good condition, so he reached out to press the road, but couldn't touch anything!

Specifically, the five fingers stretched down, as if they had picked up a handful of dry but smooth sand, and the fingers poked into the sand, and then hit the deeper subgrade settlement rock.

He immediately turned on the flashlight and saw an incredible scene——

——The tire was deeply sunk in a pit, and these pits corresponded to the size of the four wheels. The four wheels were spinning in the pit, but they did not blow out due to overheating due to friction, on the contrary, they ran smoothly For more than a minute.

"This is... what the hell"

This is the case when checking the four wheels repeatedly before and after with the flashlight. The pitch-black dust seemed to be a strange substance with life. Because of the stirring of fingers, they sometimes turned into flexible cilia and flew up, then slowly slid down and returned to the mouth of the pit.

Before Jiang Xueming came back to his senses, he heard the tram engine tremble, and the motor started up again!

"Is anyone in the car?! Is someone following me?"

Xue Ming raised his head abruptly, and immediately saw a dark figure in the driver's seat. Through the glass, he couldn't see the person's appearance, only two rows of pale teeth, which looked like a smile.

It was too late to say it, but the car paralyzed in the pit mouth seemed to have strength again!

The stranger in the vehicle slammed the steering wheel, and the front wheel ran straight towards Jiang Xueming's calf, and the motor with more than 200 horsepower was outputting at full power!

"SD!" Xue Ming had just stood up, unable to dodge in an emergency, and with a thought——

——The soul power came out through the body, and the big steel cat hugged the front nose of the tram, as if wrestling with a bull, and lifted the front-wheel drive car abruptly!

The hub was still spinning, losing the traction of the front wheels, its rear wheels were about to slide backwards, Fragrant Fantasy pushed it back about ten meters away, and finally there was no movement.

The car stopped there quietly, motionless, and Xue Ming maintained a vigilant posture, facing the enemy with a gun, observing the endless dark environment.

Is it Hunwei? Someone is following me?

With that in mind, he glanced at the asphalt road——

——The four pits that originally trapped the vehicles were still there, and the road administrators came to work overtime to scold their mothers. The strange sand and dust in the mouth of the pit disappeared.

He touched the side of the driver's seat of the tram, opened the door and gunned down the enemy, but found that there was no one in the car, only a little bit of psychic remnants. At the same time, a dark shadow gathered sand behind him and turned into a human form.

Before Xue Ming came back to his senses, his inspiration didn't even sound the alarm.

Fragrant Dream has already made an attack in advance! The iron fist hit the ghost's skull, causing the shadow's head to sway and roll on the ground.

"What's going on?" Jiang Xueming had time to look back.

Not far away, the ghost changed back into a human form. It was the strange man I had seen in the supermarket. Half of his jaw was split open, and not a drop of blood flowed out.

"It really is you! I just said it! You didn't even realize it yourself! The spirit body will do it first!"

The little handsome guy leaked air from his mouth when he spoke.

"Just try it with a soul power attack, and you will immediately show your original shape!"

The two halves of the jaw slowly healed, and the black mist reshaped his figure. He stretched out his hand to shake hands with the unknown hero.

"Hello! I am now the Sentinel of the Gate of Wonders. You should have heard my name before. I, the BOSS, and Joe are all in a social software group. My name is [Ghost·Ghost Shadow]."

Xue Ming took off his cloak and poncho, not knowing what to say, he put away his gun, held back for a long time and finally said.

"I'm on a mission."

Ghost didn't take it seriously: "I know."

Jiang Xueming: "Secret mission!"

Ghost: "I know that too."

Jiang Xueming: "I'm going to look for it."

Ghost undid the buckle around his neck, revealing the rune tattoo on the lower neck.

"I am--"

"--One of the."

[Real name: Wu Zhaoming·Ghost]

[Soul Power: Ghost·Wandering Ghost (Stardust Warrior Specialized Type)]

[Destructive Power: C]


[Range distance: B]

[Sustainability: C]

[Precision: B]

[Growth: ???]

[Special Ability ①[Spiritual Disaster Transformation·Soil]: The ability to transform matter into a spirit body. This transformation is irreversible. The transformed matter can still maintain basic functionality, such as electronic products, mobile phones, electrical appliances, etc. , psionic catalysts and any living things showed very obvious resistance to this ability-it was like a floor elf, which could make all kinds of things in the material world disappear. After the material is transformed by spiritual energy, it will become a part of Ghost's spirit body. Since this VIP is a walking corpse controlled by the dead rune, the spirit body also tends to the carbon single substance configuration of sand, gravel and soil. ]

[Special Ability ②[Evil Spirit Body]: This VIP is not a human being in the traditional sense. He has been transformed into an evil spirit by the dead rune. The energy catalyst locked him up, and there was almost no way to completely kill him—his physical body was like a cloud of dust, and his physical body was a spiritual body, and there was no growth at all. ]

[Remarks: "Ghost" comes from DEATH STRANDING: Timefall (Original Music from the World of Death Stranding) Death Stranding Original Soundtrack promotional album]

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