Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 5: Originated today

"What's going on today? Can you tell me something?" After dinner, Gao Wen accompanied Mo Yu on the terrace of the city's main palace. Mo Yu leaned against the stone railing on the terrace with him, and the two were very close.

"The man named Xu Xin opened some memories in my mind and reminded me of my past." Mo Yu's hand propped his chin and his eyes looked ahead, "You should be happy for me because of this My self is the complete self. On the road to the holy order, a sound soul is needed. Now, I finally have the power to climb that step. "

"That should be happy. I didn't expect the memory of the past that has been bothering you, so I solved it." Gao Wendao said, he turned his head slightly and looked at the girl at the edge with Yu Guang. Since he met her five years ago, he has been with her, but some of his own intentions have not been answered. "Is that Xiao Chen important to you? It seems that his name has been opened. Your memory? "

"Huh? Are you jealous?" Mo Yu asked.

"Je jealous? What do you mean?" Gao Wen puzzled.

"Ah, it means jealousy." Mo Yu smiled.

"No, no. I'm so jealous." Gao Wen looked away.

"Xiao Chen ... Not as you think. I heard a little bit from the nameless **** of Bella today while hearing his name. Xiao Chen and I seem to be in the same world in many worlds. I fought in an underground palace, but because of the weak strength, I died there. Therefore, there is a strange relationship between us.

In this world, we have escaped, and each has developed. But we have a mission in us. We are going to defeat the **** of nature, and the **** urges me to complete it. "

"The heritage of the Tower of Swords tells us that all gods are untrustworthy. They are enemies, and you should not care about such things as the gods' wishes." Gao Wen said.

Mo Yu stretched out a lazy waist and said, "I don't know, I'm too lazy to guess what the gods are thinking. But you know, I have been pursuing to become stronger, except for the Holy One, I haven't met my opponent for a long time. Even if it ’s a saint, I do n’t think it ’s difficult to surpass them. At this time, is it not a good thing for a **** and his servant to be able to serve as a sharpening stone for my cultivation? ”

"But our ancestors have failed once in the Seven Towers era." Gao Wendao.

"That doesn't mean that we will fail." Mo Yu said flatly, she had such an attitude every time she faced different enemies, but Gao Wen found that she had more excitement in her tone today, "Let me be alone Quiet. I need to sort out the memory. "

Gao Wen left, Mo Yu leaning against a column and looking at the city in the night. She had already remembered how magnificent and magnificent the city of that world was in the night, and Yinsha City would not have too much light and fire at night. Compared with the city in her memory, she was like a poor girl in front of the princess.

Originally, she felt that she had been familiar with this city where she had lived for more than a year, became the ruler here, and became a member here. But after the memory is mixed, she feels alienated here. It's as if I don't belong to this city again.


Should I slowly build my own city with those who pass through? If it wasn't that inheritance, if it wasn't that long-distance transmission, she might think of who she was earlier, and it wouldn't be so long in time. Will those people think of the little girl Zhou He? Perhaps including Xiao Chen, they must think they are dead?

However, what happened in the underground ruins that day, her memory is vague, until she was sent out, she was also in a state of chaos, and the place where she was sent to was a trial called Evil Wolf Valley Refining land. There are a lot of fierce demon wolves.

After she got there, she began to fight, and the power in her body was inspired in the battle between the field and the magic wolf.

But at that time she had lost her reason and memory, and all her behavior was just instinct. When a wolf attacked her, she killed them, ate their meat, and drank their blood. She became the king of the evil wolf valley like a beast, and when she walked out of the valley, she had stabilized in the middle rank. peak.

But at this time she still did not have a clear consciousness. Until now, she can still recall some fragments. She vaguely remembers the sharp wolf claws piercing her skin and the warm wolf blood flowing into her throat. . She remembered the moment when the madness broke out, crushing the wolves to pieces, and when she finally walked out of the evil wolf valley and lost her way.

Later, there was a blank in her mind. Later, she was told that she fell hungry on the road, and was finally picked up by the beast rebels, and then captured by the army of Baisha City with the rebel soldiers.

Throughout the process, she was awkward and wondered where she was.

When she first realized her consciousness, she was already on the execution ground of Baisha City.

At this time the memory began to become clear. She still remembers the weather at that time. The dazzling sunlight shone on the desert city. The dry air circulated around her. She was staggered on the road by the arms of two soldiers who smelled fragrant. Stepping on the sand, some rough and hot.

Her eyes were half-closed and her head was hanging down, it seemed that as soon as the two soldiers let go, she would fall to the ground. But in fact, she is not powerless, but because her mind is still in chaos, which means that this chaos is about to be broken open, and a new personality will emerge from the cocoon.

She was wearing a burlap robe just covering her thighs, but underneath the robe was a pair of blue jeans. The trousers suffered through all the holes and scratches on it, which were all marks left by the devil's claws. On the feet are a pair of gray sneakers with many damages and stains.

At that time, she didn't know what jeans and sneakers were, but when the soldiers carried it forward, the shaking legs and feet were the most vivid memories before she awakened.

Then at the most important moment in her life, when she was taken to the scaffold, there was a moment when her head slightly lifted up, and a ray of bright sunlight shone into her eyes. This light is like a sword with a sharp edge that pierced the chaos in the mind, allowing the barriers of reason and instinct to be shattered in an instant. It was as if the heavy curtain in front of the window was pulled away in an instant, and the true appearance of the world was displayed in front of her at that moment.

Facing the scorching sun, her eyes closed tightly, and then suddenly opened!

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