About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 270.

"Okay then, I admit that I was a little impulsive. I'll rephrase: you pass over associations that are obviously impossible to set up, impossible to organize proper activities, that don't have enough people to do anything, that don't have any value in existence, and that exist for six months to do what? A face-saving project? It's not that hobby societies can't exist, but that hobby has to be within our reach!"

I took a deep breath and caught my breath, I felt like I had said more today than I had said in a week. I hadn't spoken much since I was told off yesterday, and I had refused to talk to Qin Lan and Lin Yiran at school to avoid any further outbursts of conflict between the two of them, and I felt like the reason I was so emotional right now was that my mouth was going to finish what I needed to say today right here.

"Alright, alright."

Song Yixin clapped her hands and we sat down, looking at Song Yixin.

Song Yixin picked up the application form on the table with interest, flipped it over, and said, "Indeed, on the club application, there exists what the vice president said, you guys look at it, the reason for this club application is short and simply negligible, the expected goals and activities of the club are also written very vaguely, this is obviously without thinking, just think that I like this activity, so I have to There is such a club. Do you think it will last? Rather, such societies don't really survive six months, or when we approve them, we can't even find their club leaders."

Several ministers nodded, though I don't think they understood much at all, except that the chairman spoke and had to nod.

Song Yixin nodded and put down the application form, then smiled and looked at me and said, "However, what the Vice-Chairman said is also a bit extreme, not all societies are just for fun, you say for example that the Literature Club only had a few people to begin with? Aren't you doing well now? Therefore, we should strengthen the application of the club, we should warn the people who want to apply for the club so that they can think about it on their own, and the applicant must be able to keep the club active for a year, and if we can't guarantee that they will still apply, then we will deduct the applicant's marks and let their class teacher find him."

Song Yixin patted the document in front of her and said, "We still need to ensure that the club application is active as well as guarantee their freedom, but we also need to ensure that the quality of the applicant can keep the club alive and well. There's nothing wrong with applying for a club, but we have to make sure that the club can live well."

I nodded my head and said, "Well, that's it."

"So that's it then, I'll say these things at the next all-school assembly, Minister of Activities, or do you want to bother telling these applicants the reason why they can't be approved."

The Minister of Activities nodded, this person I remember was just a member of the ministry before, because the minister was removed, so he came up here, right? Well, if this is anything to go by, it should be a supporter of Chairman Qin Yun, Song Yixin didn't put her own cronies in, perhaps, she also wanted to appear to be impartial like her sister.

Actually, to say the least, this group of people were quite dissatisfied with Song Yixin, after all, what Song Yixin was showing now was not comparable to her sister, there was nothing for Song Yixin to show.

Meeting adjourned. The group of people sighed, packed up their things and walked out, greeting each other as they left, and Song Yixin smiled one by one and returned the greeting. Then, we were the only two people left inside the classroom, Song Yixin looked to the left and right no one was there, sighed, and stretched her arms.

"So tired today."

Song Yixin yawned, tired of lying on the table, looked at me sideways and said.

"Fine, the main thing is that this group of people are applying randomly, I couldn't find a few applicants today."

I sighed and threw the pile of application forms into the trash can on the side. Song Yixin looked at me, laughed, and said, "This is the first time I've seen Qin Feng when you were this excited, are you someone who gets so worked up over the student union? Or is it. Do you think this is the student council left behind by President Qin Yun, so you want to do things properly? I remember in the beginning, you still didn't want to be Vice President of the Student Council, did you."


I nodded, my emotions were a bit impulsive today, I felt like all the people I was talking to were targeting me and attacking me. I'm rarely this emotional, I rarely get into an argument with someone, and the more tangled part of it is that this thing itself still doesn't have anything to do with me, this thing has nothing to do with me, this is all student council business, and all of this could have been left to someone else, but I'm still so angry, in fact, if you look at it this way, I'm fighting with me over something that has nothing to do with me People who don't have anything to do with each other fighting, this is totally, I want to vent.

"It's because of what happened with Qin Lan and Lin Yiran, isn't it."

Song Yixin stood up, walked over to me, sat down on one side of the table to my side, and said.

"How did you know?"

"Mohee told me, do you think I wouldn't know about something so important? If those two fight, the scene will be very good, it's like an annual show."

Song Yixin kicked her legs with a smile, as if she was really interested in this matter, but was looking at it from the side as a gloating person. No, no, no, I don't think Song Yixin would be down on her luck, she's at most looking across the shore and might even come up to talk things out. Song Yixin, is not going to incite a fire.

"Yeah, well I'll admit that I'm in a bad mood today, rather I've been in a bad mood for a while."

"It hasn't been a long period of time, it's only been about two days." Song Yixin stroked my hair, then looked out at the sunset, it was already night at this time, but now, the sun still existed, but it was emitting a cold, dull yellow light that had died. "I can't say anything, I might as well say that I'm still quite envious of the two of them, and still able to fight because of you, while Mohee and I can't even find an excuse to fight over you."

"You haven't given up yet?"

"Yeah, I said I didn't give up that easily, but rather, Qin Feng do you think it's that easy to let go of someone you like? Forgetting about it and saying you don't like it? It's not that I'm unwilling to give up, rather, I'm unable to let go ah."

Song Yixin laughed bitterly, and I looked at the side of her face, which was gilded with gold, and sighed heavily, saying, "I feel like I'm under so much pressure myself."

"Are you a little regretful now, might as well be with me at that time? It's okay it's okay, it's not too late, confess to me and we'll be together, really...just kidding."

Song Yixin laughed and jumped off the table, said a joke, then grabbed her bag, strode back to the door, and said, "I'll be going home then ah, remember to lock the door when you leave, and take your things ah."

"Got it."

Song Yixin gently closed the door, but she didn't leave, standing quietly in the doorway, behind her, was a world that was already tinted with gold.

"It's not... a joke..."

Chapter 190: About My Unknown Tomorrow

"Ah Qin Feng, tomorrow is Saturday oh, do you remember what we agreed on before? That is, be sure to come to my house tomorrow."

A Friday afternoon should reasonably be more pleasant, as tomorrow is a very rare day of rest. However, in front of me now stood the Qin Lan who was like an evil ghost to me.

She had a very happy smile on her face and was looking at me easily with her hands behind her back, so she looked very cute, and for those who don't understand the problem, this is the time when the other boys must be confused. But I do know, behind that smile, she had a very scary look in her eyes, she now said she was asking me if I remembered, but if I said I forgot, I would be cut down by her, right?

I nodded, very stiffly. Actually I've already thought about it, since I said I'm going to look for Qin Lan tomorrow, that means that Qin Lan will definitely be at my house tomorrow, so I can just let Lin Yiran move in, even if there's no me at home, there's still a chairman who can help out a bit, so I'll be able to hide it from the world.

At the very least, I won't be bumped into by Qin Lan outside, I'm actually a little scared, Qin Lan has the key to my house, I didn't change the locks, and if Qin Lan likes to stalk me lately, seeing Lin Yiran move in would really kill me. So, I had to make sure that when Lin Yiran came, Qin Lan was right in front of me.

Qin Lan has now turned into an unstable explosive again, and although the catalyst is me, I'm not one of those catalysts that doesn't participate in reactions or consume, so if the explosive explodes, I'll be blown up piece by piece as well. So, I still need to quickly stabilize my piece of dynamite.

"Well, that means you'll come tomorrow oh! Great, I'll pick you up at your place tomorrow, remember to get up early. Oh, great, my dad has always wanted to meet you, after all, didn't he also support me coming to live at your place before, it seems that dad is not against us dating!"

I'm a little unsure of how I should respond, I don't understand if this is a joke or if I'm serious, can Qinlan's father support this? Maybe you guys still don't really believe it, but when Qin Lan lived in the house before, it was also approved by her father.

It really is, this father, I'm a little unacceptable. However, Qin Lan's father also liked me quite a bit before, and to be honest, I still kind of believe it.

"Well... don't come pick me up, I remember the time, I won't be late."

I really didn't need to be picked up ah, in fact I got the feeling that Qin Lan didn't want to pick me up at all, Qin Lan simply wanted to come and house arrest me to make sure I would be there. Or rather, wanting to make sure I wouldn't have a problem beforehand. I couldn't let Qin Lan come over, and if she did, once Lin Yiran also came a little early and the two of them bumped into each other and still let Qin Lan see Lin Yiran with a suitcase, I probably wouldn't be able to keep my head.

Qin Lan smiled, her smile is very bright, just like an innocent little girl, Qin Lan's smile is her greatest weapon of destruction, that elegant and innocent, bright and gorgeous smile, is also where all the boys are infatuated with Qin Lan. However, in my case, Qin Lan was like holding a pistol to my head.

"How can I, after all, I'm the one who invited Qin Feng over, and besides, if Qin Feng walks over, it would be a bigger waste of time than me picking you up, right? By the way, when I pick up Qin Feng, I'll have to talk to my sister, after all, when I take away Qin Feng, I'll have to talk to the guardian."

Hey hey hey! You wait! You have some bad ideas, don't you, young lady? What do you mean, take me away? If it's just a meal, then there shouldn't be any need to tell my sister, it should just be a phone call to inform her, what do you mean take away I want my sister to know, you're taking me away completely, you're making it so I can't go back, right! What are you trying to do! Do you want to keep me under house arrest? No, no, no! Young lady, that's against the law in the modern world!

I don't think so, Qin Lan wouldn't be able to do something like this even if she was crazy, Qin Lan wouldn't be able to do something like lock me up. After all, Qin Lan isn't as sickly as in the anime, after all, this is reality, it's realistic, Qin Lan wouldn't be that ferocious, nor would she feel an axe inside the blanket to chop me.

I looked at Qin Lan, swallowed my saliva, settled my somewhat panicked emotions, and said, "Okay, okay, I know, but, however, this matter does not need to be so exuberant, right, I can go by myself. And there's no need to let my sister know, I've already spoken to her..."

"Oh, yeah?"

Qin Lan looked at me with a smile, reached out and carefully touched my head, and said, "But, if I said I took someone else's things, they would definitely be unhappy, so I'd better tell my sister in advance, well, from now on, I won't need to call Qin Yun sister, it's fine to call her sister, I'm an only child, and I've always envied you Qin Feng for having a sister, now, no . I should say later, I'll have a sister too."

Hey hey hey your thoughts are getting scary! How did you get so confident! No, no, no, and why do you think you're trying to steal me away! I won't say anything else, but if you try to use any strong-arm tactics, the chairman will be absolutely furious, really! Think about it, young lady!

"What are you doing?"

I'm really a little scared now, and very scared, I really don't know what Qin Lan can do, but I see that Qin Lan is already full of confidence, I'm like a rabbit shivering like a rabbit in a cage, I have no idea what my next fate is, whether I'm red-hot or barbecued, but the ending is definitely not good, definitely not a whatever or whatever public service show show to catch me and then let me go.

"It's nothing, just remember, I'll look for you tomorrow, just get up early oh...ah no, no no, you can sleep anywhere in the morning, I'll come and get you. I've heard people say that it's a happy thing for a childhood friend to go wake up ah, so in that case, if I go wake you up, Qin Feng will be very happy too, right?"

She looked at me with a lot of interest and said.

Okay, okay what you say is really no problem you also have no problem, although you are a little scary but you are also my childhood friend, childhood friend to wake up this thing is also really very happy, but how I feel if you have to come to wake me up I have the possibility to sleep forever?

And who told you about this? Did you meet any dead geeks or did you meet the group from the anime club? You can't trust those people!

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