Abnormal paradise

Chapter 406: Solving Puzzles, Old Place and Surprising Discovery

Resurrection is no easy task.

The stronger the person was during his lifetime, the more difficult it will be to resurrect him, and he will be severely punished after his resurrection. Just like the six-eyed prophet before, he died again in just ten days, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

However, during those ten days, the Six-Eyed Prophet did a lot. In addition to helping the Creator contact all forces to jointly build a gold mining copy, he also took this opportunity to get in touch with [Future Technology] and get enlightenment from [Scholars]. It is clear that the difficulty of a person's resurrection actually depends on the amount of information he carries. His own strength is only one aspect, and what he sees and hears is also an extremely important part.

In other words, knowledge is also power.

Therefore, in view of this point, the Six-Eyed Prophet changed the idea of ​​​​resurrection, gave up all his strength, and eliminated a lot of knowledge. Finally, with the help of scholars and little girls, he "taught" certain consciousness information that could avoid erasure to everyone. On the twisted crystal, and using a contact with the Foreign Minister, he integrated the twisted crystal into the unborn fetus.

It can be said that the person communicating with Yi Yan now can be regarded as a six-eyed prophet, or he is not. After all, he is not even a human being, he is just a twisted crystal that has learned incomplete knowledge.

This method is far more extreme than the assimilation of consciousness between the puppet girl and the alchemical golem, but compared to complete erasure, it can definitely be regarded as an acceptable result.

"Isn't it just asking you to pick a name? Are you so excited?" The puppet girl's voice came out from the contract stone, "If you can't think of it, then I can just pick one up."

"Uh-huh... let's call him Stallone." Yi Jin decided to respect the opinions of the person involved.

"Stallone? Sounds pretty good."

The puppet girl obviously didn't understand the meaning behind the name, so she decisively announced it in public. The foreign minister didn't understand either. He was just satisfied with the various attitudes expressed by the royal family, and immediately said to the grandson who neither cried nor made trouble, "From today on, Your name will be Stallone, remember, this is the name given to you by Her Royal Highness the Princess, and you must be loyal to the royal family for the rest of your life."

Hearing this, the baby laughed like a silver bell, showing that he liked the name given by the royal family. Such a peaceful and harmonious performance made the royal representative nod in approval, causing the foreign minister to smile even brighter, and the surrounding audience immediately responded. Blessings were received, but the chancellor and supporters felt lonely.

The royal family has made their choice, what else can they do?

So, after the surprise of meeting the princess was washed away by the inevitable defeat, Roy went back to the corner and drank. While drinking, he said to Ember: "Stallone, what a good name, Mr. Steven's grandson." To be given a name by the princess is really a good thing that I can't envy."

Yu Yan really wants to say, if you are willing, I can also name one of yours, how about calling it "Roddick"? If that doesn't work, switch to "Roosevelt".

However, Ember had no intention of paying attention to him now. On the surface, he agreed with Roy's drunken words, but in his heart, he asked the six-eyed prophet about his confusion and asked for advice on how to deal with the omniscience and omnipotence of the Creator.

"Before I answer your question, let me ask you a question first." The six-eyed prophet asked without answering, and his childish voice was particularly clear in Yi Yan's mind, "What do you think of the Creator?"

"Omniscient, omnipotent and powerful, I am invincible in the Garden of Eden. I have the ability to compete with the three major organizations in the Paradise World. However, my actions here are always under the supervision of the Creator, which makes me unable to determine which things I can rest assured of. Whatever you do, you need to try your best to avoid it." Ember's answer was solemn, because the Creator left an irresistible impression on him, which was far more difficult than the enemies he had encountered before.

"The last few points are quite relevant, but when it comes to omniscience and omnipotence, he is still far from it!"

The six-eyed prophet, whose voice was obviously childish, seemed to be standing from a higher perspective at this moment, commenting on the Creator: "If you can call yourself the Creator if you can use alchemy, can't I, as a prophet, also call myself the Creator? You Those who master the power of annihilation can also call themselves the Creator. After all, they are one of the omniscient and omnipotent authorities. You can’t really regard him as the Creator just because he has lived a long life and is shameless, right?”

"Rough words don't make sense, that seems to be the truth." Yu Yan suddenly felt that the pressure brought by the Creator on him was no longer so suffocating.

"In short, you just need to take the Creator in a literal sense. There is no need to regard him as an invincible existence. Even if he tries his best to pretend that he is omniscient and omnipotent, which makes many people confused and directly intimidated, you must also recognize that this is just his use. It’s just an illusion to control people’s hearts.”

The Six-Eyed Prophet had just finished speaking and answered another of Yi Yan's confusions in depth: "As for the surveillance from the Creator, it is actually far less strict than you think. At best, the methods are rather weird. In addition to the superficial data patrol and radiation In addition to the central computer covering the Garden of Eden, there is also an overwhelming number of abnormal projects [ghost spies] hidden in the aura of chaos, which serve as the eyes and ears of the Creator."


Hearing this, Yi Yan was secretly frightened. He had been exposed to the Garden of Eden for so many days, and he had never noticed that the hazy mist contained invisible things, and the "overwhelming earth" in the description was even more unimaginable.

"You can't see it now because it doesn't resonate. The gift I promised you is actually the resonance method. Although it's still in its infancy, you can only see it but not touch it, and you can't attack it."

"Resonance..." Yi Yan suddenly remembered the corner of Sin City. If he wanted to be in the historical scene, he also needed to resonate with that thick fog.

"Want to take a look? I can help you experience it first, but you have to be mentally prepared and don't miss anything."

"Well, that's trouble for the prophet."

"Three, two, one, start! Over!"

At the same time that the six-eyed prophet said "begin", Yi Yan calmly picked up the wine glass, touched it with Roy beside him, and drank it all at the "end".

On the surface, there was no change in Yi Yan, who had been listening to Roy's complaints, but deep down in his heart, he was in a panic, because not only did he see ghost spies in the venue, shaped like upside-down transparent plastic bags, flying densely in the air, but he also I found that one of them seemed to have bad eyesight, staring at two dark empty eye sockets, standing less than a decimeter away from him!

The act of clinking glasses with Roy just now happened to pass through the chin of the ghost spy. The ghost spy had no reaction, did not dodge or evade, and kept staring blankly at the embers, allowing the wine glass to enter and exit his spirit body.

"So that's what happened! I mean, the Creator can't just do nothing every day and just keep an eye on me! Emotions do have ears and eyes!"

Such a discovery made Yi Yan feel quite relaxed. Although the overwhelming number of ghost spies has reached an uncountable and terrifying level, as long as the problem can be found, there is no need to worry about giving the answer! Without embers, wouldn't there still be a six-eyed prophet? If the six-eyed prophet doesn't work, the foundation should be able to come up with a solution, right?

"Are you still confused now?" The Six-Eyed Prophet asked with a smile, while telling Yu Yan how to resonate.

"No...no, there is another one! Mr. Fool asked me to release his resurrection embryo into the Garden of Eden, do you think?" Yi Jin felt that it was necessary to mention this matter to the Six-Eyed Prophet.

"Fool? He actually targeted the Garden of Eden?"

The Six-Eyed Prophet's voice suddenly rose a bit, indicating that the two seemed to have had a relationship, but then, his young voice was filled with doubts: "An important piece of information about him was forced to be deleted. Now I just have to delete it." You know, The Fool seems to be related to something, but I can’t remember what it is! This feeling is really bad, as a prophet, I sometimes can’t remember it.”

"Is there no distinction between good and bad impressions?"

"Of course, complete deletion will not leave any tendency, otherwise I will not be able to escape the second erasure. Forget it, let's not think about it for now. If he comes, he can come. Although he may not mind the race, it is best to find it for him. A nice home, of course, as long as it's safe from central computers and the specter of spies."

"Okay, thank you Prophet for answering my questions. My questions are gone for the time being." Yu Yan felt relieved at this moment, and then asked the Six-Eyed Prophet, "I wonder if there is anything the Prophet needs me to do?"

"I was about to talk about this. After you get out, try to investigate the [Day Ghost]. This is an underground force that once spread all over the Garden of Eden. Although it has been completely destroyed, I suspect that the core characters are still alive. Once, I I heard my grandpa talk about the direct reason for the destruction of the Day Ghost, which turned out to be the plan to attack the Queens District. I have to say that this underground organization is bold, but some details are worth thinking about. I suspect that the origin of the name of the Day Ghost should be related. Ghost Spy!”

"The prophet is saying that the White Ghost has also noticed the existence of ghost spies?" Yi Yan was a little surprised.

"I'm afraid it's more than that, but I can't be sure, so I need you to investigate."

"Then how do we contact you?"

"I will contact you myself after a while. I have said so much to you today, which has consumed too much energy and requires me to sleep for a long time. After all, I am still a baby. Growing up quickly is the first priority."

"..." Ember paused, "Then I wish the prophet can grow up soon."

The six-eyed prophet didn't speak anymore, because the one in the stroller was already yawning and falling asleep. Upon seeing this, the Foreign Minister immediately sent someone to send his grandson back, which also made Yi Yan lose the reason to stay at the reception.

He said goodbye to the puppet girl, got up and left the venue.

Roy didn't dare to follow. He liked it, but he knew that he couldn't enjoy the technological experience of the capsule off-road vehicle when his father was most disappointed, so he had to agree to continue next time.

Tang En, who did not continue to pester, held the wine glass and kept focusing on the leaving figure of Yi Yan. He did not know what he was planning. Yi Yan did not notice him at all and just glanced at a certain person in the venue. After finding out what the leader of the Skeleton Party looked like after being purged and becoming a member of Parliament, he left the Garden of Eden and returned to the wasteland base. He immediately requested a secret conversation with the commander and reported the existence of the spy ghost and the method of resonance.

"Good, good, very special and extremely good!"

When the commander saw the important information, he immediately stood up from his seat. He looked so excited that he almost bit off his cigar.

This is the first piece of information that has been sent back since Ember accepted the latent mission. There is no doubt about its importance. Who knows how many potential risks it can reduce for the exploration of Eden!

The commander immediately asked Ember what reward he wanted, and he offered to help complete the hair cutting task.

"The Creator is really evil, so we have to be on guard!"

The commander's eagle eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately said to Ember: "This matter involves the No. 19 hidden facility and a very important abnormal project. I cannot act arbitrarily. I need to seek the opinions of Mr. Speaker and the old tailor. Please wait a moment." Wait a moment, but don’t worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!”

With that said, the commander used a special device to send a message, and it didn't take long for him to receive a response.

"Mr. Speaker, I agree to help you complete the task, but the prerequisite is to thoroughly analyze the broken hair. Even if there will be negative effects, as long as it is within the acceptable range, the foundation will agree to help you complete the task."

The commander's words were so resounding that Yi Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Whether he could obtain the body of immortality or not, he still had to fight for it.

After handing the rough severed hair from the Pope of Tribulation to the commander, Ember immediately went offline. When he came back online at exactly the right time at nine o'clock in the evening, the analysis results on the rough severed hair were officially released.

"Strange, the central computer has conducted tens of billions of simulations, and only 17 times active software indigestion occurred, and there are more than a thousand unknown conditions. The remaining 99.999% are generated A high-level token [The Greedy Appetite of Active Software], no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a trap." The commander looked at the report with doubts on his face, "But what is the purpose of the Creator doing this? Or is it? Do you think this abnormal token has another purpose?"

Shaking his head, the commander decided to throw this problem to the old tailor, and immediately arranged for Ember to be teleported back to the No. 19 Hidden Facility in the Paradise World, allowing him to revisit his hometown. However, due to the news that Ember had become the Apostle of Chaos, It was exposed, so the only people who came forward to receive him were the old man in a suit and the person in charge of the control center. It felt like he was walking in fine clothes at night.

"Welcome home, even though you've only been here a few days."

The old man in a suit welcomed the arrival of Ember with a kind smile, while the person in charge of the control center meticulously arranged the upcoming feeding operation.

The three people quickly appeared in a laboratory. Through the specially strengthened glass window, they saw the rough broken hair of the Pope of Misery, which was placed in the groove of the treasure box containing the active software.


Just like the ember embedded the blue gem into the groove, the treasure chest immediately disintegrated, revealing the appearance of active software. It swallowed the rough broken hair into its body in one gulp, regardless of how it tasted or whether it was edible, and immediately began to use the soft tissue It develops decomposition and engulfment of rough fractures.

Throughout the feeding process, the old man in a suit had been on alert to prevent unexpected bad situations.

However, until the active software "eated it clean" and finally secreted an abnormal token of bright red color, nothing happened at all.

This result is undoubtedly ideal. Even if everyone's preparation is a waste, it is better than being planned by the Creator.

However, when the person in charge of the control center was about to take out the abnormal token, an unexpected change occurred. The active software that was supposed to quickly transform back into the form of a treasure box suddenly turned into a human form and roared to the sky: "I am immortal!! "

After the words fell, the active software returned to normal and transformed into the shape of a treasure box again, as if the accident just now had never happened. However, the three people present had their brows furrowed because they all recognized the human being who had disappeared in a flash. The form is none other than the suffering Pope who died at the hands of the gods!

The person in charge of the control center immediately applied for the highest authority to call the central computer and analyzed the incident. Five minutes later, he silently handed the results to the old man in a suit.

Out of curiosity, Yi Yan turned his head and glanced sideways, and immediately raised his eyebrows, because the analysis showed that the abnormal project [Active Software] was actually transformed by the blood of the Pope of Suffering...

Thanks to Taoist friends [ccxcxc97], [Bumpy Little Eight Monsters], and [Macho Man Roaring] for their monthly support.

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