Abnormal paradise

Chapter 120 Calculate

what's the situation?

From the viewing distance of Fish Scale Arm and others, they could only see the old tree withered vines throwing an object hastily, and it was impossible to know the true situation in the insect nest. After the old tree withered vines strode out and left the place, , only Lu Renjia could see it. The other party took a bottle of medicine from his waist, and then raised his hand to throw it out.

"No, we fell into a trap!" Lu Renjia's eyes were solemn.

"What's going on?" Fish Scale Arm asked hurriedly, and the non-experts, Duke Thunder and others also looked over immediately.

"They didn't know where they got the throwing props from, and there were a lot of them!"

Just before the old withered tree ran out of Lu Renjia's sight, the latter clearly saw an unknown potion that could be thrown in the opponent's hand for the third time. This situation made Lu Renjia immediately think of why the man in the water deliberately mentioned the unknown. Limited props.

"What should I do now?"

Fish Scale Arm and Duke Thunder couldn't help but frown. It didn't take much to think about the effect of the throwing props. It would definitely greatly increase the speed of clearing monsters of the old tree withered vines. Otherwise, he would not dare to rush into the insect nest so recklessly. Next, the old tree withered vines would The tree only needs to concentrate on dealing with the mother mantis, which can be said to leave the embers far behind in the initial stage.

"Think this is the end? It's far from enough! The potions thrown by the people in the water are just to create an output environment. The real power is the old dead vine tree itself."

Just at this moment, Death Song's triumphant laughter came: "I forgot to tell you that the abnormal weapon of the withered old tree will not only increase the basic damage, but also has a charging effect. Killing five mobs can accumulate it once." Burst damage, combined with his magic ring and overdraft ice cone, kills the mother mantis in a snap of the finger! Sister Yu, thank you for bringing this group of people, otherwise we may not be able to reach a consensus on cooperation by the end of the assessment. Ha ha ha ha!"

"Damn it!"

Death Song's harsh laughter made Fish Scale Arm curse inwardly. The thing he was most worried about had finally appeared!

The opponent really prepared a secret weapon in order to win, but they didn't have the ability to help Yi Yan... It can be said that if she loses unfortunately in the end, it will definitely not be Yi Yan's failure, because the people in the water have mental arithmetic but no intention, and the outcome of victory or defeat depends on her suggestion. During the competition, it was almost doomed. Even if they realized that there was fraud, they had no way of guarding against it. This feeling of being helpless made everyone feel as unbearable as if they had eaten a steel needle.

Could it be that the defeat is really sealed?

Fish Scale Arm and the others wish they had clairvoyance and could look directly at the battle situation in the insect nest through the thick dark curtain, but the atmosphere over Death Song and the People in the Water was relaxed, talking and laughing.

"President Death Song, in order to win this game, I have contributed all the mantis suppressants that I have saved up with great difficulty. Even if there is no credit, there is still hard work. When the territory is divided later, you must show something. Bar?"

Hearing the coquettish voice of the man in the water asking questions, the dead singer snorted with a smile: "Don't come and try to bully me in a weird way! Don't worry, this time we only have people but no effort, and we won't take advantage of you, two adults." Mr. Chao, right? You and the withered old tree will split the rest in half!"

"President Death Song is so heroic!" The man in the water immediately showed a sweet smile.

There are ten small and medium-sized insect nests in 40% of the business district. As long as you are not too unlucky, you can make a lot of profits. For the people in the water who entered Maple Island City late, this is a good opportunity to greatly improve the strength of the team. , it was not that she had not thought about seizing the business district before, but after several waves of players fighting, she had to choose to put it aside temporarily. Fortunately, the Fish Scale Arm suddenly led people to kill, directly prompting the three parties to join forces, which allowed her to get The long-coveted insect nest resources.

In addition, the people in the water also wanted to take this opportunity to destroy the prestige of Ember. A newcomer almost stole all the limelight, making famous players like them uncomfortable. Moreover, Ember also killed Huo Ze, which made her determined to get rid of him. , using old dead vines to frustrate the opponent at this time is just an appetizer before the final move.

However, when she thought of Huo Ze's sudden elimination, the smile in the water faded slightly. She was very familiar with this Jiu Gua thornhead, regardless of his equipment attributes, or his technical personality. According to her understanding, as long as Huo Ze chooses to take the initiative, he will definitely have the confidence to win. Huo Ze also knows the data analysis of Ember, but the final result is that Ember survives, which probably means that this person Ranking first in the rankings has a secret advantage that is not known to everyone.

And this advantage can only come from the restricted area of ​​life above difficulty.

"Is Ember's sun badge really different? But even so, a sun badge alone cannot turn the tide for him, unless there is an unexpected factor, and the effect of this accident is greater than my anomaly The damage from props and old dead vines explodes."

After thinking about it, no one in the water felt that there was a possibility of a comeback for Ember, so she relaxed and waited quietly for the broadcast to appear.

Then the full-court announcement came on.

[Broadcast: Foundation reserve employee "D1106" successfully destroyed a small insect nest! 】


The broadcast came really early! As expected of an old tree with dead vines, it actually killed the mother mantis so neatly and instantly!



[Tip: University preparatory student "U058" successfully destroyed a small insect nest! 】


The people in the water and Death Song couldn't help but look at each other, and they all saw the look of disbelief in each other's eyes!

Why do embers fly so fast? Even faster than a dead vine? What happened in the supermarket?

In an instant, many players gathered around the two people fell into a state of silence, and the oppressive atmosphere that had previously occupied the heads of Fish Scale Arm and others was instantly released. Everyone looked at each other in confusion, didn't they agree that the defeat was already decided? Why did it suddenly take a turn for the worse?

Many players who were unable to see through the dark curtain felt itchy and were eager to know the truth of the matter. However, the live broadcast viewers who watched the killing process with their own eyes, especially those beta players who were sure that Ember had lost, still can’t figure out why Ember was defeated. Possessing burst damage that is not inferior to that of an old tree withered vines?

Push the time back twenty seconds, when the old tree withered vines just threw out the mantis suppressant.

With the distance of Ember's field of vision, he could just see the dizzy effect caused by the explosion of the potion, which made him immediately put down the last trace of slack left in his heart, especially when the old dead vine tree rushed towards the insect nest at the same speed. You know immediately that this competition is a real race, and the winner or loser can be decided in milliseconds!


The mantis shadow eater in front of the embers was not affected by the medicine and was still guarding the shadow eater nest conscientiously. However, he had no intention of stopping to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers, even if there were two elite mantises, one behind the other. Came to kill.


Another bottle of throwing potion exploded in the mantis swarm. The elite mantis affected by the gray fog was also affected by dizziness. The old tree withered vines waved his staff and released a general attack light ball to kill the young shadow-eating insects to accumulate abnormality. While charging the weapon, he rushed through the mantis swarms everywhere at the maximum speed that did not affect the casting state, and rushed towards the hiding place of the boss BOSS.

What made him particularly surprised was that the speed of Ember, who was besieged by the mantises, was not affected at all. He just used the abnormal weapon to protect his face, and he crashed out of the encirclement like a speeding truck. Not even the two elite mantises. can delay his progress.

Because the scythe slash of one of them was blocked by the little mantis that suddenly jumped up from Ember's shoulder, using its strengthened slash, the other one became the pedal of the little mantis, kicking it away at the same time. Use the reaction force to return to the ember's shoulder.

The whole process was as fast as lightning. The old tree withered vines that happened to capture this scene felt anxious. He quickly killed the fifth ordinary mob, successfully activated the charging effect of the abnormal weapon, and then quickly walked towards the insect nest. The mother mantis ran straight away.

Although there were signs of fusion in the two small insect nests in the supermarket, the mother mantises were still separated on both sides. Once they entered the depths of the insect nest, the two players could no longer see each other. At this moment, in the mind of the old tree with dead vines, the strong posture of Ember rushing forward without hesitation and breaking into the insect nest a few steps ahead of him kept reappearing. He was very sure that Ember would definitely encounter the mother mantis in advance, but he could not believe that Ember's attack power was enough to achieve an instant kill. ?

"The mantis pet has grown to the boss level, and is only one step away from breaking the life shackles. Although its specific attributes are not clear, the enhanced slashing attack should be able to cause at least fifty points of damage. The mantis mother's one hundred and forty points. With a total blood volume of up to 100 points of burst damage, it is possible to break through 10 points of defense and instantly kill the mother mantis. Is it possible for Ember... to have such a powerful attack skill?"

The old tree withered vines made crazy calculations in his mind, and at the same time waved his hand and threw out the mantis inhibitor, stun all the last wave of soldiers blocking the road before facing the mother mantis.

"Assuming that Ember has both passive mastery (+50%) and the most effective burst skill currently known (+150%), the weapon damage calculated with the equipment bonus can be increased to the triple limit, but this is still Thirty-three damage points are required as the basis for calculation, which not only places extremely high requirements on the weapon panel, but also takes up a lot of attributes. Furthermore, there are only a handful of players who have acquired such melee skills."

Smoothly entering the core area of ​​the mantis nest, the old tree withered vines relied on its super long-range vision to instantly capture the exact location of the mother mantis. As long as she ran a few more steps and entered the attack range, she could kill her instantly and win. But the closer she got to victory, , he became more and more uneasy, but no matter how he reasoned, he could not imagine that there was a possibility of a comeback for Ember, unless the opponent's character attributes far exceeded the current top players.

"As far as I know, any melee player whose skill damage exceeds 75 points will basically have defense as a shortcoming in combat due to insufficient resources. However, the way Ember forced his way into the insect nest doesn't look like he has insufficient defense. He really deserves to be number one in the rankings! He is actually able to achieve both offense and defense despite limited resources, shortage of equipment, and rare drops. But the more capable he is of both offense and defense, the less likely he is to kill the mother mantis instantly! Unless, he relies on With the skills, you can jump out of the calculation template just now!”

Thinking of this, Old Tree withered Vine finally felt relieved. The reason is that such fighting skills that are directly affected by attributes are more difficult to cause hundreds of effective damage than conventional methods. He knows that Ember's novice talent is Will. Strengthening, if the strength can be improved, there may be a slight chance, but such chances are also extremely slim.

Take the charge as an example. To reach the maximum damage limit of 100 points, you need 11 points of strength level. This also means that if you want to cooperate with the little mantis to kill the boss, the strength level must reach 12 points or more!

But is this possible?

White Flag, who is also ranked first in the rankings, as a top strength expert with strength talent, does not have such attribute conditions, how can Ember achieve it?

No more surprises!

The old tree with dead vines was only one step away from entering the attack range. At this moment, he finally believed that the fruit of victory had fallen into his bag. To be honest, he was not convinced that he could not get the Sun Badge, so he wanted to pass this competition to prove himself. Even without the sun badge, you can still defend the glory of veteran players!

But thinking about the sun badge, he immediately thought of something very strange.

If a charge is triggered in a dominant state, how should the final damage be calculated?

If the 50% damage bonus can be directly applied to the charge effect, will Ember have a chance to achieve an instant kill?

If that doesn't work, give Ember an enhanced collision booster to increase his strength level. How much more might this increase?


An unknown object suddenly broke through the wall of the insect nest and crashed in. Then it was ignited with light-colored embers, and it burst into the sight of the old dead vine tree like a god.

[Broadcast: Foundation reserve employee "D1106" successfully destroyed a small insect nest! 】

Hearing that the radio suddenly appeared, the old tree withered vines stared blankly at the shapeless mother mantis, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "After all, I missed something..."

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