A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 1178: Realize

"Kindly..." Wang Baole paused and didn't immediately look at the next level of the world around him, because no matter what it looked like, it didn't matter to Wang Baole today.

He already understood that this tomb of the Emperor of the Underworld was a trial, a choice, and even a heritage. From beginning to end, it was the mission of letting the visitors go through the underworld.

Wang Baole walked this path in Mingmeng, but now it is the first time in reality, but he is willing, because as he walks, he seems to recollect everything in Mingmeng and recall the beauty.

So in silence, Wang Baole felt the kindness from the depths below, and his mind reverberated with the kind word he had heard before. Gradually, a touch of unbelievable meaning appeared in his eyes.

"Familiar..." Wang Baole murmured. Although he had an answer in his heart, he couldn't believe it was true, and the calm mood that was originally in the soul and corpse face was also caused by this kindness and familiarity.

This wave covered his memory, brought him back to the past, back to the big dream, that dream...to a certain extent, it can be said that it changed Wang Baole's life.

So after the footsteps stopped, Wang Baole lowered his head, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the earth in the world, and he looked to the deepest point. Through the stone tablet, he knew that there was a coffin there, but now when he sees it, although it is still repaired, Can't see through, but in his mind, a picture has appeared.

In the picture, in the deepest part, there is a figure in memory, looking at him at the moment, showing a loving and long-lost smile to him.

While staring at him, Wang Baole's heart was ups and downs, all kinds of thoughts appeared, and the circles under his eyes were reddened for some reason. This master, who had never really seen him, had a great influence on him, and his gentleness was very real.

Ming Meng apprentice, set a lifetime.

Eventually these emotions converged on his body, causing Wang Baole to lower his head, kneel down, and knock his head towards the figure that emerged in his mind.


Faintly, the familiar voice reverberated in Wang Baole's mind. After a long time, Wang Baole took a deep breath. When he stood up, his eyes showed firmness, and there was more spirit bursting out of his body.

He didn't care about his own loss after being affected by the Dao of Heaven.

He didn't care about Mingzong's rejection of himself, his own sigh.

Not even caring about the path he will take in the end, which is actually contrary to Mingzong. Deep down in his heart, he is unwilling to think about the future, and the fear that he might have to fight with his seniors also disappears at this moment.

Because at the moment, his only idea is to properly determine the fate of the souls with the corpse face, lead the cause and effect, and send the reincarnation.

Because... Master look again.

Just like in Mingmeng, the teacher checked his homework.

Under this kind of thought, Wang Baole's eyes swept across this layer of the earth, which is different from the previous ones. The sky here is a huge compass!

This compass is too big, densely packed with countless runes, any one of the runes here represents a different destiny, and from the inside to the outside, there are tens of thousands of rings, just like these rings are more than one. The big ones are put together to form this disc.

And each layer of the ring within it can be rotated. In this way, it can evolve a huge number of paths of fate, and even the same fate, the changes that occur due to the passage of time and every breath of the rune are also different. .

Because in one breath, the runes that are difficult to calculate in this compass will change without repetition, so...this forms the compass of destiny that can basically envelop all living beings.

This level of assessment is to determine fate.

To determine the future destiny of the seven kingdoms of the soul world, the endless soul, what Wang Baole needs to do is to follow the guidance of the Mingming, let himself replace the way of heaven, and give them their destiny.

There can be no mistakes in this. Once it makes a mistake, it will affect the soul's life. For him, this may not be a big deal, but for that soul, it is a lifetime.

Similarly, if there is an error, it will also affect the operation of this disk, and if there are too many such errors and the operation stalls, the heaven will also be affected.

This point, in Ming Meng, Wang Baole heard Master’s instructions many times, but it is a pity that he did not personally participate in this link in Ming Meng, he only saw the master evolve and the senior brother’s display.

"No selfishness, no selfish thoughts." Wang Baole muttered, looking at the earth under the compass sky. The earth here is not fog, but a black sea.

Purple lightning flashes from time to time in the sea, making the entire sea look monstrous and amazing. At the same time, there are pillars standing on the sea surface, seeming to be connected to the seabed, and the part extending out of the sea is about tens of thousands of feet. Pillar... is a platform of destiny everywhere.

The disciples of Mingzong need to sit on this stage to realize the destiny of the heavenly way, and for the soul's destiny.

Sweeping his gaze over these pillars, Wang Baole showed persistence in his eyes, his body shook, and he dragged the seven-nation painted corpse face around him, and the deadly soul, and walked towards one of the pillars on the sea.

It seems to be slow, but in fact it took only three steps before he stepped onto a pillar and bowed to the sea below.

"Master, please check!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Baole lifted his clothes and sat down cross-legged, with a calm look in his eyes. He raised his head to look at the compass of the sky. The flames in his body burst out at this moment, and the mark on the brow and the center of the eye, also shining, seemed to be The destiny compass of the sky echoes, and it seems to use itself as the key to open it.

And the destiny compass of the sky responded instantly. Amidst the roaring sound, the tens of thousands of rings of the destiny compass moved at the same time, with different frequencies, fast and slow, and during this rotation, bursts of destiny aura , Also scattered from within, affecting all directions, covering the whole world.

A ray of soul, from around Wang Baole who was sitting cross-legged, the endless soul flew out, floating in front of him, because each ray of soul was drawn by him attentively and understood very well, so he raised his right hand and grabbed it towards the sky compass. , Very casually grabbed from the compass the fate aura that Heaven would give these souls a new life.

These fate breaths also have a color, which is gray.

The gray breath was constantly caught by Wang Baole. In his caution and inspection, he determined that there was nothing wrong with this breath of destiny, and it was in line with his Dao heart and the essence of the soul. More importantly, there was no existence in this breath of destiny. Loopholes, there are no traces of interference, only then can they be incorporated into the soul.

And the most critical step... also appeared.

With the first breath of destiny and the first ray of soul, Wang Baole's body shook suddenly, and his eyes were blurred. In a breath of time, he seemed to have become this soul and experienced the life of this soul after being reborn.

Feeling the seven emotions, experiencing the six desires, passing through the joys and anger, and understanding the sorrow and happiness, this is the most difficult part of the destiny link.

You need to personally experience it, and while checking for deficiencies, it is also extremely easy to be affected. Once you are disturbed by emotional fluctuations, you will be incompetent.

And with the passage of time, as more souls are induced by it, the probability of being affected will increase, until it can't bear it, and the self is crazy.

This is the fate of Mingzong.

While granting the mission of Heavenly Dao, it is inevitable to lose some essence, because in this process, what the disciple of Mingzong really seeks, or the foundation of their mission...in fact, is to find immortals.

If you can't find it, you will seal it forever, and if you find it...you will seal it forever until Luo Tian arrives.

Not all Mingzong disciples knew about this. To be precise, most of them didn't know, but Wang Baole understood, but he didn't care now. All he wanted was to let the teacher check his homework.

But soon, Wang Baole was confused.

He found that the soul who was destined by himself, after experiencing his life, always had some regrets and always some confusion.

"Like a puppet..."

"Why is this...because everything is set, because life is arranged..." Gradually, Wang Baole frowned, and the whole person fell into a strange state, thinking.

At the same time, the gaze from above revealed complexity.

At the same time, the gaze from the release revealed expectation.

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