Chapter 258: Determined Wedding

Translator: LiamHW

Song Qinghan did not miss the wrath on Wutan’s face, and with a light chuckle, he simply placed the clothes in his hands on the bed, and then gently patted Little Shitou on the back, while humming to comfort Little Shitou to sleep.

Utan did not want to show his bad side in front of Wu Dahu, so he did not say anything else but took a glance at Wu Dahu. Seeing that Wu Dahu did not show any reaction at all after Song Qinghan’s statement, he finally came to be at ease for a moment.

But just before he left the tent, he glared at Song Qinghan as if he was trying to murder with that fierce sight. But to his surprise, Song Qinghan did not even bother himself to raise his head at all, and it was Little Shitou who accidentally raised his head to have a peek. At the sight of the malicious look of Utan, this little baby seemed to be frightened again and then started to cry.

Seeing Little Shitou crying out loud, Song Qinghan turned to look at Utan coldly, “Are you leaving or staying overnight, huh? You can’t even wait for one more day? Since Wu Dahu hasn’t recovered yet, he can’t move even if he wants to, so why are you still lingering here?”

He deliberately made his words particularly unpleasant. Seeing Utan’s face showing a blush before quickly walking out of the tent, he couldn’t help but feel quite disgusted inside, and then he caressed Little Shitou gently on the head in his arms, while whispering, “Don’t be afraid, Shitou. See? The bad guy was defeated by me, don’t be afraid…”

Wu Dahu, on the other side, opened his eyes again as if he was never asleep but eavesdropping, he tilted his head toward Song Qinghan, and then uttered slowly, “Is this… Your son?”

Song Qinghan paused and answered expressionlessly, “This is our son, and see over here…”

He pointed to his own belly which was bugling slightly, and then uttered peacefully, “This is our another child.”

Nothing but confusion could be caught in the eyes of Wu Dahu right at this moment, he seemed to be eager to speak, but in the end his mind was interrupted by Little Shitou’s sobbing, which had made him quite embarrassed.

It was already a fortune for Little Shitou not having his situation worse since he gradually recovered from the horse-riding shock but saw Utan so frequently today. So Song Qinghan did not feel annoyed at all, he just patiently comforted Little Shitou without taking glance at Wu Dahu.

After Little Shitou drifted off to sleep under Song Qinghan’s comforting, Wu Dahu was found asleep as well. But it could be seen that his eyebrows were never relaxing, as if he was just haunted by a nightmare.

Song Qinghan reached out to smooth his brows and tuck him in, and then he sighed helplessly, lay down, and went to sleep as well.

However, after Song Qinghan finally fallen for a good sleep as his breathing became steadier, Wu Dahu opened his eyes abruptly once again, he turned his face to look at Song Qinghan by a glimmer of dim light while fickle emotions seemed to surge deep in his eyes. And no one knew what he was actually thinking about.

Early the next morning, Utan showed up again like a fly, buzzing around and seemingly wanting to chase Song Qinghan away immediately.

Song Qinghan left without being so clingy, anyway, Wu Dahu was not completely paralyzed at all. Although he had lost his memory, but not so much as to become an imbecile, so it would be no problem for Wu Dahu to live smoothly without him for the time being. But what he worried the most was that Utan probably would play some tricks.

After Song Qinghan left the tent, Utan managed to prepare everything to settle in in the name of ‘offering the best care in a closer distance’.

Wu Dahu did not raise any objections and seemed as well behaved as a newborn.

His reaction pleased Utan. If Wu Dahu wasn’t at his feeblest condition, he might have pounced on the man and satisfied his carnal desire.

The passing days were as plain as a pond of water without wavelet. And Song Qinghan probably would have believed that the time had come to a halt if he did not find that his belly was growing bigger and bigger day by day.

The fact that Mork hadn’t come back yet made Song Qinghan speculate the current battle situation between the two regions was rather tense, which, in other word, meant that Muhammad got their process quite smooth.

Even though Song Qinghan did not have a better chance to know more about Muhammad, he would, for some reason, prefer Muhammad to take over the whole barbarian’s territory instead of Mork.

The only thing that disappointed Song Qinghan was that Utan seemed to have no willingness to leave the tent at all.

However, it was quite strange! Song Qinghan was himself all set to receive the annoying disturbance caused by Utan in any forms of tricks, but Utan had never showed up anymore in front of Song Qinghan as if he had evaporated in this world.

Besides, Utan was never a troublemaker anymore to force him to drink the soup without reason or sign. Well, probably he would believe that what happened that day was completely an illusion if the flavor in his memory had been completely erased.

Just when Song Qinghan immersed in such an enjoyable peacefulness and thought it would continue, Qingmu army launched another attack.

Utan himself took command and led his entire army to meet the fierce attack of Qingmu.

However, what was thought to be a sure win was ruined by a mistake by Utan. If it wasn’t because that Qingmu army failed to supply enough quantity of reinforcement, probably the barbarian’s troop would have been defeated to withdraw.

All this was what Song Qinghan has learned from others, as he now hardly went anywhere else except the shelterwhere he currently stayed and the kitchen, and occasionally, he would go to the so-called mass grave spot to save some captives. Yet whether he was able to save someone also depended on his luck, not every captive was that lucky to be at his last gasp after all, the majority he faced was dead bodies instead.

However, it was strange to find that the person who was saved and placed at the mass grave pit by Song Qinghan had disappeared. When Song Qinghan noticed it, he thought that someone else had moved him somewhere, but after searching for a round and he still found it fruitless, he came to know that things was evolving completely beyond what he could control.

Song Qinghan once again walked back from the mass grave. But before he reached the place he lived, a flock of people was gathering right in front of the entrance, and seemingly they were chitchatting about something.

Song Qinghan slid to the other side secretly, and left his ears at the corner of the wall, trying to eavesdrop something.

“Infanta Utan must have been crazy! He just lost the fight, and he wants to get married at this crucial moment? And hold a magnificent wedding ceremony?!”

“Right! Since Master has left for the time being, he became more and more unrestrained. What is more ridiculous is that the only one who is able to control him is someone from our enemy country!”

“Alas, the Qingmu people have done a lot of harm! One has bewitched the Infanta Utan, making him absent-minded in training the whole day and, enchanting him to please the guy willingly, while the other has bewitched the Master, and the Master even ridiculously handed his wedded husband’s symbol over to that guy… What a shame…”


The latter words were inaudible to Song Qinghan, because the pile of people seemed to realize that it was not good to discuss Mork and Utan here, and they each walked away without saying anything further.

Yet, all the information was sufficient enough for Song Qinghan currently. He just frowned tight there, while mumbling himself, “Oh, really? Utan really intended to marry Wu Dahu now?”

While he was considering, he looked down at the bone pendant around his waist. Something seemed to occur to him right now.

It turned out that bone pendant was actually a token of the wedded husband of Mork. No wonder Utan had to bow to the one who wore it, let alone those servants, they seemed to try to avoid meeting Song Qinghan at any possibilities.

He had previously thought that it was Mork’s orders that had done the trick, but now it seemed to be this bone pendant that had done everything and made him noble.

So did those people mean that he could in fact make an order to Utan by dignity of the bone pendant?

This idea was dismissed by Song Qing Han himself as soon as it emerged.

It was one thing to be able to give orders, but it was completely a different scenario for Utan to listen or not, especially now when Utan was still indulging in the wonders of the eve of his wedding, so probably nothing would be able to force him to cancel the idea even if it was Mork’s mandatory command.

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