A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 12: Do not speak martial ethics

After doing everything, the rest is waiting.

About two minutes later, the umbrella line in Lu Li's hand began to shake violently.

Fish, got the bait.

But out of precaution, to avoid that the hook was not completely inserted into the fish's mouth, he waited a few more seconds, guessing that it was almost the end, and then pulled the umbrella line forcefully.

Some weight!

Although the fish hadn't come out of the water, Lu Li felt that this guy would not be too young.

Immediately afterwards, a palm-sized grayling appeared on the ice, constantly fluttering. Probably it would never have thought that there is such an operation in the world.

"This fish is too small."

On the side, Duke couldn't help but vomit, and at the same time threw the umbrella string tied with rocks and bait into the ice cave.

"Cold-water fish grow slowly and are so big that they must grow for at least four or five years."

After that, Lu Li grabbed the gills of the fish and washed the mucus in the ice water, while the grayling continued to flop, trying to break free and return to the ice lake. If there is an afterlife, it will definitely not bite again.

Unfortunately, the picture freezes at this moment.

It took less than ten seconds to pick up the grayling from the water, and the grayling was frozen into an ice sculpture. Its eyes were round and its tail was stiff in the air, as if it wanted to express something.

However, Lu Li didn't care, took out a piece of muskrat intestines, and continued his prehistoric fishing trip.

In just twenty minutes.

The two caught a total of eight fish, five of which were graylings, and the other three were trout and pike.

The grayling and trout together are not as heavy as the North American pike. It weighs seven or eight catties, and even if the internal organs are removed, three people can eat it for a day.

However, Duke looked at the hook that was completely deformed by dragging the pike, and he sighed and complained: "I hope this pin can still be used after repairs, otherwise the blood will be lost."

"So, with limited tools, it is good luck to catch graylings."

At this time, Lu Li had stringed these fishes with branches and held them in his hands.

Duke shook his head and whispered: "Oh, go back, I haven't eaten for so long, it's time to start a fire and cook."

"I'll find a rock in the afternoon and try it. Can you help it recover?"

Before Bai Xiao left, they were not told how long they would stay in the Ice Age. Therefore, once the time exceeded five days, the reusable tool of the fish hook became more and more precious.

Of course, what really makes Duke unhappy is that once the hook is reimbursed, he will lose the entertainment he found with great difficulty.

Around one o'clock in the afternoon.

The sky dimmed again, and in only two hours at most, darkness would usher in again.

Inside the cave, the meat is overflowing.

The wolf leg meat is roasted to a burnt red, and the muskrat exuding a special fragrance does the same, and not far away, the iron pot stewed with fennel soup is also bubbling.

Without shouting, Du Ke silently lowered his hand and broke the fish hook in two, came to the fire, and roasted the fire while saying: "When I'm full. I'll go down and cut some firewood and come back, and continue to explore tomorrow."

It is unwise to travel at night.

Let alone the beasts hunting at night, the various problems caused by the severe cold and insufficient light are enough to make them difficult to move.

Therefore, I can only sleep at night.

Lu Li cut a piece of wolf leg, dipped it in barbecue sauce and salt, and said, "I'll go with you and see if I can catch a few more muskrats."

The persimmons have to be squeezed softly.

At this moment, Lu Li, whose abilities had been tragically sealed, had made up his mind to transform into a muskrat killer.

And Pan Ming threw the half-eaten wolf meat into the fire. There was no seasoning to get rid of the fishy smell. After roasting this thing, it tasted stinky and sulky. It's better to eat fish.

"I really want to have a bite of chili." He sighed, "I miss the clear soup yesterday morning."

"Yeah, I thought I could relax after the exam, but I came to this shabby place."

With that said, Duke cut a piece of tender raw fennel, just put it into his mouth, and instantly made an unexplained babble: "Uh, uh..."

"Sweet and tender."

In fact, graylings live in ice water areas all year round, and their meat is sweet and delicious.

In addition, the outside temperature is low, which can lock the umami taste, bite it down, tender and juicy, not different from the top sashimi.


Lu Li followed and took a bite. It was refreshing and delicious, even a little bit springy.

There are no seasonings and no processing, which retains the original flavor of the food.

Living in the prehistoric 10,000 years, it was difficult to survive, but to be able to eat such delicious food, he suddenly felt that all the efforts were worthwhile.

"There is no industrial pollution, no pesticides, and there are more natural ingredients than this?" Duke exaggerated. "If there is ice wine, it would be fine. Sitting at the entrance of the cave, watching the prehistoric scenery, this style is instantly full."

"In this era, humans haven't stepped into this area yet?" Pan Ming cut a piece of crystal pink grayling and added: "But it's almost the same, maybe, in a few hundred years, they will arrive here. "

"Walking across the Bering Strait, feat."

"If it weren't for being too far away, I would like to go over and take a look in person. Maybe I can see a dozen primitive people and take a photo together..."

During the chatting, the three of them had filled their stomachs and were about to do their own things, when a sound came from the entrance of the cave, it seemed that something was climbing.

Lynx and North American cheetah have pads on their feet, so rock climbing will not cause such a big movement.

Did you meet a classmate?

What a coincidence?

A glimmer of doubt flashed in the eyes of Lu Li and Pan Ming.

"Meeting is fate. Anyway, this place is rich in products, so please entertain it."

Duke smiled and walked out of the cave.

Since the people scattered on the ice field are all classmates, they will not have torn their faces and get rid of them in a wilderness survival class that has no interest in them.

Therefore, Duke was too lazy to bring weapons, Lu Li and Pan Ming did not remind them, and continued to eat Yusheng.

One minute later...

The person has not returned.

Not only that, even the sound is gone.

The two realized that something was wrong, and immediately drew out their pistols, carried a torch, and moved slowly toward the entrance of the cave.

What kind of beast is it?

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Li pressed his doubts, and took the initiative to walk to the front to find the way, "You go back and retreat, in case something happens, I will rescue him immediately."

"Know ~www.readwn.com~ stay vigilant."

Pan Ming checked the pistol and stared carefully ahead for support at any time.

Move your feet.

Move again.

When the line of sight fell, the small area under the cave was nothing unusual.

Duke seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

At this point, Lu Li became more cautious and moved forward.

"Did you find anything?"

"No, let's go down and see..."

The sound of breaking wind sounded.

A sharp black shadow clinging to the rock wall, blinking, Lu Li lost consciousness.

Before he died, he arrived at a group of strange-looking primitive people, each holding a long spear, standing directly under the cave, stuck in a blind spot of vision.

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