A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 12 Chapter 6: assimilate into

"Is it so dangerous to write a book in the first person in this world? I didn't expect the author to die with the protagonist in the plot."

"No, no, in my memory, many writers like to use the first person when they create suspenseful themes. There are all kinds of strange ways to die, and I haven't seen any sudden death."

Yang Kai raised his brows, half sure and half doubtful:

"So this is my golden finger?"

"The ability to bring objects to reality."

For a web writer, if you don't have this brain hole, then what book would you write?

Because of this, Yang Kai forced himself to calm down quickly, looking at the revolver gun in his hand.

As the truth came out, new questions emerged.

Why are only guns manifested?

What about the gold jewelry?

In particular, the mysterious book with images of deformed monsters, which a normal person would surely consider to be of the highest value.

Subconsciously, his eyes fell on Lu Li.

This senior is a very good tool person. Even if he doesn't know his combat effectiveness, he certainly won't disappoint, and his knowledge is also very broad.

At this time, Lu Li noticed the manuscript fee that was put together with the newspaper, and his inspiration flashed.

"Influence? The more people who watch it, the more precious it is."

Logically, there is absolutely no problem with this line of thinking.

"It's very simple, just find a chance and you can verify it again."


What if I don't wake up?

Yang Kai instinctively resisted, but Lu Li's eyes showed that he couldn't refuse. After all, they grew up under two systems, and the latter didn't care about death at all.

Besides, since things have come to this point, don't you dare to take this risk?

From Lu Li's point of view, since he can be reborn once, then there is a high probability that it will be fine to try later.

"Okay, I'll write a less dangerous story and submit it to the newspapers."

rip... rip...

In the whisper, there was the sound of tearing paper.

In any case, this story is of great significance to Yang Kai.

There is one thing to say, this story is limited by the length, it is not much amazing, but it can be included in a regular newspaper, and there must be some shining points.




Actually it's all right.

From a reader's point of view, Lu Li felt that this story could be dug deeper—

Why did the captain who turned into a ghost die in his own pond?

Where does the green ocean algae on the treasure come from?

Where did the bizarre book at the bottom of the press box come from?

The most important thing is that the protagonist's suicide can be called a senseless suicide. When Lu Li thought about it carefully, he felt a hint of Cthulhu.

After all, after discovering that firearms cannot kill ghosts, normal people should first think about how to escape, but the "I" in the story chose to commit suicide.

[But I have always been a person who is afraid of death, and I always resist suicide in my heart, why is it so decisive?

really weird. 】

Lu Li had a similar experience with this sentence.

That was the second time I entered the world of Wudu, and was glanced at by the evil god, or, he glanced at the evil god, and then rushed to prepare to cut her...

As a result, the return was completed in an instant, and the diagnostic report given by the school afterwards was:

mental breakdown.

It is worth mentioning that the treatment cost at that time was more expensive than resurrecting once.

"Senior, I'll treat you to dinner first."

Looking at the pale sky outside, Yang Kai suggested: "There is a small restaurant on the next street, and the taste should be good. Every time I pass by there, I can smell the strong fragrance, and it is delicious to eat bread with this smell."

Sometimes poverty can unwittingly degrade taste...

But Lu Li did not refuse.

It can be seen that the other party is really grateful to him.

And he just showed that the tip of the iceberg of this world power system is worthy of in-depth study.

"Wait for me to change clothes."

With that said, Yang Kai opened the dilapidated wardrobe next to him and began to clean himself up in front of Lu Li.

in a few minutes.

Half-worn deerstalker hat, long black trench coat lined with plaid, tonal cargo pants, and slightly wrinkled and dirty leather shoes.

"Finally looks like it."

"It's a pity that the face is ill and the body is too thin. Alas, nutrition must be followed quickly, otherwise there is a real risk of sudden death."

Looking at the sunken eye sockets in the mirror, Yang Kai said:

"Senior, some guys participate in multi-person sports for a long time, while the poor have poor food, all kinds of dirty work, and too much pressure in life."


At first, Lu Li was stunned for a moment, but he quickly understood the deep meaning and said:

Is this a new stalk that came out after school started?

I don't know how big the difference in time flow between the present world and the academy is.

After thinking about home for a while, Lu Li stopped thinking about this matter. After all, what he was going through now was obviously more important, and it was also a reality.

Two gold bricks, a diamond-encrusted gold pen, and six shillings in the mail with the newspaper.

This is Yang Kai's entire net worth.

After putting them all on their bodies, the two walked downstairs quickly, and the revolver gun lying in the drawer disappeared together.

"Senior, let me ask you a question."


"Are you good at fighting?"

"…"Land from.

For him, self-confidence is never lacking, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can be in front of outsiders, and it is still in an unknown foreign land, so it is necessary to maintain a humility.

After thinking for a while, Lu Li replied, "Protecting you is definitely not a problem."

"That's good."

A line of sight stopped on the wolf-head cane in Lu Li's hand. Yang Kai believed that this was not a decoration. If it was in danger, the senior would immediately pull it out and blow the enemy's dog head.

It can only be said that the brain hole of this third-rate writer has not been fully opened.

Why can't you draw a sword out of it?

A werewolf held a holy weapon and shouted:

"My sword is shining silver!"

It's not that Lu Li has never done such a thing.

The curtain of the sky opened slightly.

Every household was glowing with dim light, and some workers were already on their way to work.

The smell of butter, boiled potatoes, and fish soup wafted from a small restaurant. Several puppies drilled around the door, and even took the initiative to rub against Lu Li's trouser legs, as if they had encountered the same kind.

"Did you decide what story to experiment with?"

"Of course, we love the years he lived in, the half-memories, half-mock Victorian illusion of comfort, the fullness of gaslights, the immaculate decorum and elegance.

The world is barely in balance and is about to face gross disruption..."

Looking at Yang Kai, who had Wen Qing's illness, Lu Li reluctantly interrupted: "Well, I see."

"You're going to copy Sherlock Holmes' Detectives, and you'll just say it straight away. Don't talk about it."

"How can the matter of the scholar be called copying? This is a reference! Spread his wonderful stories for Mr. Conan Doyle!"

"This gentleman shouldn't need it. I've seen him. He's very easy-going."

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