A War Between Spies

Chapter 887: Are you stupid?

Zhang Yong suddenly ran out from the rear of the car. The bullet hit a string of Mars on the ground beside him. When he ran to the side of Vitaly, who was still standing still, he shot with a rifle in one hand and pulled it with one hand. Vitali’s arm began to go back.

Anton took a rifle, but he did not fire, the muzzle moved back and forth, and finally, his muzzle stopped moving and quickly shot a three-shot shot.

An enemy who only showed his head fell backwards, and then Anton said: "A sniper!"

Finally killed a sniper of the enemy.

In a scuffle, the threat of snipers is too great.

Zhang Yong dragged Vitali to the back of a car, and then he said loudly: "Can't wait for the enemy to come around, otherwise one can't walk!"

Brian changed his impeachment and said: "Old demon! You withdraw, bring Vitali to withdraw!"

At this moment, a car rushed backwards and slammed into the car and stopped. Anna Stinkina held the steering wheel in one hand and quickly changed the reverse gear into the forward gear. Shouted: "Get on the bus!"

Zhang Yong did not say much. He dragged Vitali to the side of the car, put the rifle down, and struggling to put Vitali into the car. He immediately said to Anna Starkina: "You go, the enemy is too fierce. No one can cover one and can't walk!"

Just then, another car rushed over with a screaming violent turn. Zhang Yong pointed the gun at the rushing car, but he then put the gun down.

"Quick and fast withdrawal!"

Hans rushed down from the car, and then he took out a rocket launcher from the trunk and fired it aimlessly in the direction of the enemy, then began to pick up grenades from the trunk.

It was not an ordinary grenades, but a smoke bomb. Hans began to throw smoke bombs one by one, and Zhang Yong followed closely, throwing out the smoke bombs one by one.

Smoke bombs are sometimes double-edged swords, and their vision is blocked by smoke when they obscure the enemy's field of vision.

A thick white smoke rose quickly, and the Roman machine gun was gone. He quickly crawled back on the ground, and Anton jumped out with his agility that was not in line with his body shape.

Roman was already in the smoke, and Anton possessed a leg, but he heard a scream.

"Wrong, the leg is broken!"


Anton changed his leg, and then he dragged the head of Rome and rushed to the car.

Brian took the gun and rushed over with Sergey.

Brian got in the car, then he sighed: "Who made you come back!"

The door was too late, and Anna Starkina slammed the car out and said, "Shut up!"

Hans followed him and drove out. Zhang Yong said in the back: "All are brought, go!"

"Is Vitali dead?"

Hans asked, and after Zhang Yong was silent for a while, he whispered: "Dead..."

Hans stopped talking, and the two cars rushed out one after the other.

The distance between the two safe houses is not far, but the problem is that the water organization has only two safe houses in Nice.

Brian glanced back, then he whispered: "There is someone behind me, we can't go to the safe house."

Anna Starkina glanced at the mirror, and then she said faintly: "The little egg will not take Steve to the safe house. If he has a brain, he should know that we can't get rid of the pursuit, and we are not only safe houses. There is no place to go, so if it is me, I will arrange an ambush on the road to get rid of the chase, then let the wounded enter the safe house, and I will take Steve to leave alone."

Brian whispered: "It's too risky!"

"Don't take risks, the enemy finds us because of Steve, which means that this is just an encounter. As long as we can get rid of the pursuit, it is not so easy for the enemy to find us again."

After that, Anna Starkina looked calm and said: "So I only see how the little eggs are arranged!"

Brian frowned. "He... can you?"

Anna Starkina is very surprised: "Why not? The little egg is so good, why do you doubt his ability?"

Brian sighed and looked at the car that was not far apart. He whispered: "I don't have much confidence in him, and I don't know why your confidence in him comes from."

Anna Starkina smiled and said, "You don't understand."

Just then, Brian’s earphones remembered Yang Yi’s voice.

"Poseidon calls, anyone... please answer."

Brian immediately yelled in the intercom: "Owl received, finished!"

"Poseidon calls, anyone receives..."

Yang Yi apparently did not receive a reply from Brian. The sound of the stab in the intercom showed that the signal was not very good, so Brian once again hurriedly said: "Owl received!"

"Owl, support... insist..."

The signal is still not very good, Brian screamed: "We have retraced, repeated, we have already withdrawn!"

Finally I heard it clearly, Yang Yi hurriedly said: "...A line! Take the A line, understand?"

"Repeat! Repeat!"

Shouting twice, Brian yelled at Anna Starkina: "What does A line mean!"

Anna Starkina said: "The nearest line between the safe houses, tell him to understand!"

"Owl received, take the A line, finish!"

Anna Starkina turned a corner and then turned again, the signal between the radios finally got better.

"That is Rodriguez!"

Rodriguez was getting out of the car, then he started running and ran to the side, and on the other side of Rodriguez parking, Chris was also coming down from the car~www.readwn.com~Brian Shouted, then he listened to Yang Yi in the intercom: "Accelerate, don't stay, go directly to the safe house!"

"What are they doing? Is it up to them to stop the chase? What a joke!"

Brian looked very angry, then he yelled at Anna Starkina: "Stop! Block the chase here!"

But Anna Starkina did not stop, she drove straight through the passage left by the two cars.

Anna Starkina screamed in the intercom: "Listen to me! Don't slow down and go straight!"

Brian was angry, but Hans did follow the instructions of Anna Starkina, and his car passed behind.

"This is not the case, so it can't be..."

Brian yelled angrily, but the steering wheel was in the hands of Anna Starkina.

In an instant, just after the two cars had just passed, the first car to be pursued had arrived between the two cars that Chris had arranged.

An earth-shattering loud noise, two cars exploded at the same time, but not an ordinary explosion, but an explosion similar to the effect of directional lightning.

The three cars chasing the troops were not blown up, but in an instant they became the scrap iron that ignited the fire, and at least a dozen cars of the enemy were blocked behind the ruins.

The distance from the enemy is rapidly pulling away. Yang Yi screams in the intercom: "A line to C line, change the car, then go straight to the safe house, finish!"

Brian squatted for a while, and he should answer, because he was the commander of these people, but without waiting for him to answer, when he was worried, Anna Starkina was screaming: "Receive, understand, Finished."

Ending the call, Anna Starkina looked dissatisfied and looked at Brian: "Are you stupid in prison?"

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