160 – Catfight (3)

A selafy black tube that smells of deliciously boiled soup.

-So, Lily suits Lev. It’s lily

Due to Lily’s words, there was only a rather uncomfortable silence in the place.

Particularly, in this situation, Arya and Yeriel were quite taken aback.

What Lily said about ‘Selena doesn’t have the courage to express emotions’ applies to them as well,

Above all, it was quite shocking that Selena, who always acted as if she wasn’t interested, also had feelings for Lev.

“Ah… “

Seeing her blushing elf ears, this wasn’t a lie.

– Pair.

At that time, Selena clapped her hands and smiled kindly.

“You’re right, Lily. You get along well with Lev.”

“… Ahem!”

Lily was taken aback when Selena meekly admitted it, but she acknowledged it by drawing a V with her finger.

Then Selena took a sip of tea and spoke slowly.

“As long as it’s a guardian and a kid.”


“Until then, Lily pretended to be an adult and acted as if she didn’t need Lev’s help, right?”

“… !”

“By the way, I feel like I’ve become a little kid who can’t do anything without Rev.”

“Oh, that’s not it~?”

As Lily whistled to distract her, Selena looked her in the eyes and said.

“Since Lev came back, her tongue has been making a lot of short sounds… Throwing away like a child… “

“Sir… !”

“What can I do? If you don’t do that, Lev won’t pay attention to you… “


As Lily gasped and screamed, Selena clenched her chin and continued her speech with a leisurely laugh.

“After all, Lily was a bad kid. She uses Lev’s kindness to monopolize her attention… Cowardly She is a cowardly child.”

“…… Heeep.”

Lily began to swallow her cries, bowing her head under her table.

“Selena, that was too much… “

As Yeriel came out handing Lily her toilet paper, Selena asked, as if she was dumbfounded.

“Why, isn’t that what you guys were thinking in your mind too? Wouldn’t it be better to thank me instead?”

“… !”

“And, isn’t it because of you that Lily became dependent on Rev?”


Arya answered instead, and Selena crossed her arms and started talking about her point by point.

“Looking back at the situation where Lev was in danger, she was all there to save you, right?”

“… “

“Dungeon investigation practice, festival, screening test… “

“… “

When the eyes of the two were wrapped in guilt and couldn’t say anything, Selena struck the final blow.

“Especially Arya Bluebell, I would have told you that it was not good for me to approach Lev.”

“That… ! Isn’t that what Selena-sama always said because she was suspicious of Lev?”

“Well, anyway, isn’t it because of your continued interest in Lev?”


She said to Arya that she had stabbed Lev and tried to kill him was an obvious trauma.

‘Sorry… ‘

Since I hadn’t properly apologized to Lev yet, it was only natural that I felt guilty every time I saw his face.

Yeriel saw Arya’s hardened expression and took her place.

“Selena, this is a dorm. Feud between cadets is not good. I say it one more time, but this time you talked too much.”

Selena still crossed her arms as if to retort.

“Of course, it is undeniable that Arya and I put Lev in danger… “

“Are you aware?”

“That’s why, always, I’m grateful to Lev, and I’m sorry… “

“If you know that well, why don’t you keep your distance from Lev from now on?”

Despite Selena’s sarcasm, Yeriel spoke without emotion.

“… However, this is also Lev’s choice. For him to go this far with Arya and me… It could be said that they are interested in us… “

“What… ? Saying that now… !”

“As expected, are you envious of Selena?”

“… !”

“Because I had the least contact with Lev… I understand that Selena is impatient.”

– Drooling!

“Yeriel Artina… !”

Selena growled and stood up.

Her own mind was completely penetrated.

On the other hand, Yariel still calmly finished her words.

“So… Let’s not fight over things like this… ? Anyway, the choice is up to Lev… “


At her slightly sad words,


Lily’s crying also stopped.

That was exactly what it meant.

The most important thing is Lev’s sincerity, who he likes.

Therefore, the four of them made similar resolutions at the same time.

‘Conveying my sincerity to Lev is the first priority. Next… Because that’s what it is.’

‘Yes… In the ecliptic, Lev must be… Because you said you love me… ‘

‘Isn’t that the man who said he could die for me? Same with wind archery. It’s a pity, but Lev’s interest in me is enough.’

‘If you look at Lily’s pet, you might think that she has grown up… !’

Players must win.

Now that the competition has become established, there is not much time, so each person has to take advantage of his or her advantage.

* * *

Returning to the Black Crown, I struggled with the identity of the demon king.

If it was before the demon king in the fanfic, , How would it be described?

The last scene I saw is Edwin being left on the bridge, Kaeran taking the unrooted heroines and defeating one of the Prime Evils.

Because the demon king didn’t even show his face in .

Conversely, let’s think of , A game in which Edwin reincarnated as a player.

Here, the final boss, the Demon King, is wearing jet-black armor and a mask that covers his entire face, so it is difficult to clearly identify his identity.

If I had to recall one thing, it was that he had red hair that grew wild between the brown horns on his head.

‘The color red reminds me of Kaeran.’

At the present time, the formula of ‘Kaeran = Demon King’ cannot be established because Yellowdy is trying to use Kaeran to defeat the Demon King.

Conversely, in the future, there is a possibility that Kaeran will kill the current demon king and become the demon king himself.

In terms of timing, considering the connection between And , It is quite a plausible hypothesis.

‘Then, the current demon king is different.’

The demon king I thought I had just found…

To be precise, it is the condition for the appearance of the Demon King.

I guess this is it.

– Belt ring.


[Mission object]

1 – Graduation from Claris Academy without being paid or expelled.

2 – Block Kaeran’s ending. (Attainment)


Failure: The world line will collapse and you may be trapped in the eternal flow of time.


The status window that first appeared after I became possessed by this place. Mission object.

Looking at it now, there is one strange thing.

Although it is described what kind of penalty is given in case of failure,

It is not stated what kind of reward is given when those two missions are accomplished, that is, when they are successful.

At first, I had a vague idea that if I achieved that goal, I would be able to go home.

However, the context gets weird when you think about helping Arya get her revenge and activating the end game button as a reward.

It is unlikely that a completely positive reward will be given even if that mission is accomplished.

If the author’s plan remains, surely this mission object will play an important role.

‘Anyway, if you clear that mission, something will come out… ‘

If, as I expected, that mission object is the condition for the appearance of the demon king…

‘Rather good.’

You can use this too.




‘I’m already here.’

When I came to my senses, I was right in front of the black coffin.


Today, let’s talk around Lily.

I have to apologize properly to Arya… There are a lot of things to solve.

– Rumble.

That’s how I opened the cellapy hall’s door with all my might.

* * *

Corridor leading to the Administrative Office, 3rd Investigation Committee room.

“Me, Mimi, Huang… !”

“… “

Facing Edwin, Princess Malissa of the Duchy of Prominence simply wiped away tears with her palms.

I regret it.

She fell for Kaeran again and lost everything about her.

Aria, who she thought would become her best friend…

Edwin, the man he had a crush on…

All of her honor and prestige as a princess…

The reality was cruel.

It wasn’t all about saving her life on Mystic Island.

Of course, Kaeran was a demon, and she stood by his side… At the investigative committee, he created a situation where he had nothing to say even if he had ten mouths.

If this incident were announced to the world, everyone would be reprimanding Malissa, let alone depriving the princess of her title.

“Eh, Edwin… “

“… “

As Edwin said, if he had been disciplined silently during the bloody ash subjugation, the situation wouldn’t have gotten this far.

“Edwin, what should I do… ?”

“… “

The only thing Melissa had left, the only thing she could rely on was Edwin.

He was the one who saved her life when she was blackmailed by Kaeran.

“What should I do… ? Yes… ?”

“… “

Despite Malissa’s repeated questions,

The man in green just kept silent.

That made Melissa rather uneasy.

I’d rather be comfortable with cursing.

– Seruk.


Then he quietly passed the two of them.

“Dr. Edwin!!”

Edwin’s steps stopped as Aveline ran back and grabbed him.

“The cow, the cow was just manipulated by Lord Kaeran! Didn’t you see? This, if you tell the committee only this part, the villain is… !”

“… “

Edwin turned his head to stare at Abelin.


There was a kind of contempt and a little sadness in his expression.


Seeing this, Malissa sat down.

And then I cried.

It was a look that had no dignity whatsoever.

Edwin informed them in her firm voice.

“My position is the same as last time. You are individually responsible for your actions and choices.”

“…… “

“Sorry, sorry… Edwin… “

Malissa crawled across her floor to him.


Then, he grabbed the pants dance and subtly induced skinship and appealed.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… everything was wrong… I mean, I’m the only one left… “

If a man gets down on his knees and begs for help…

This was a kind of weapon that only women could wield.

“I, I will be punished. So… Don’t abandon me, don’t abandon me… You did that last time… ? I will wait until you receive all the punishment… “

-I’ll wait for you! If you clear up all your mistakes… See you again then!

Actually, Edwin said so.

And, if someone asks if you still keep that heart…



You can answer like this.

“Ah… ah… ?”

Edwin walked forward, leaving Melissa staring blankly into space.

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