154 – Reunion (4)

The hallway of the temple.

The saint, Psyche, sitting on a bench by the fountain.

Platinum blonde hair braided sideways like a crown.

Her imperial pattern and her cross-embroidered silk robe, which symbolizes her saint, make her look like her goddess.

It wasn’t the usual rather modest street clothes.

It was a saint’s attire worn only when important sacraments were to be performed.

What I have to do now is something very noble and noble.

‘Um… it’s time for you to come… ?’

There were a total of two people she was waiting for, but now it was the little fox.

Around this time, the saintess’ protection would be released, so she had to renew her blessing for his safety.

Obviously, we decided to meet here at the time when the moon was bright,

He is not really an animal, but a human with human intelligence.

When Yeriel Artina fell asleep, she told me to get out through the window.

But when the time comes, he is nowhere to be seen.

Soon it will be time to meet Aria, so she can’t wait any longer.

‘It’s not polite to go to the guest room at this time… ‘

For a moment, Saint Psyche, contemplating whether to go to Yeriel’s room, said quietly while looking at the empty corridor.

‘There’s nothing to worry about… ?’

* * *

An autumn night with a pleasant wind still blowing.

-Hi, Yeriel.

With that one word, Yeriel’s time stopped.

“Ah… “

It was the sound I wanted to hear so much.

Clearly, it was Lev.

Sleek gray hair and sharp eyes.

Dark eyes and sharp jawline…

Even the pointy nose bridge… It matched perfectly with the rev in my memory.

And those bitter lips that had stolen Yeriel’s heart many times opened once more.

“If you keep touching me like that, I get itchy… “

“… “

Rev was her naked body.

Conscious that she has two hands on his back, Yeriel… First of all, calm down as much as possible.

“Yes, it is a dream.”

Since it’s a dream, if your emotions fluctuate too much, you’ll wake up.

So you need to calm down.

Because I have a lot to say.

First of all… Should I take it out?


When I thought so, I couldn’t say anything.

“Sigh… !”

Waves of emotion engulf Yeriel.

And that wave turns into tears and flows down.

– Sweep.

Lev hugged her like that.

“I, I missed Lev… Whoops. Uh.”


“You fool, why, why did you appear now… “


It’s definitely a dream, but it’s warm.

That’s why I keep fooling around with him.

“Why would it be like this to me, huh… didn’t you tell me You promised… “


“You always knew Lev… In the screening test… It happens… That she had to sacrifice herself… “

“… “

“Reb is bad. Why do you keep trying to carry it alone? ? Whoa… “


“No matter how hard I was… How painful it was to think of Lev not being there… “


When she obediently apologized for her own grumbling, Yeriel felt uneasy for a moment.

My head is full of words to say and it’s complicated,

No matter how dreamy it is, I can’t just blame him like this.

“Heeuk… ! Oh no… ! What I want to say is… “

“… “

“Rev… I’ve been through a lot of heartache until now… ? Still… Thank you for appearing in my dream… I really really wanted to see Lev… Are you there?”

“… Yes.”

Yeriel whispered, slipping a pod into Lev’s hand.

“Seo, remember the first day of the screening test… ? Lev told me he likes me.”

“… Yes it was.”

“I was very happy… ? I think Lev thinks of me as much as Aria does… “

She held Rev’s body tighter with her trembling hand on the other side.

“Good… Rev’s arms are warm… I want to stay like this… “


“Yes… ?”

As he sadly recited her name, Yeriel’s restlessness accelerated.

“… Yeriel.”

“Re, rev… Burr, I’m leaving already… ?”

She started shaking her head vigorously in Lev’s arms.

“That, I hate that… ! Can’t you just stay by my side a little longer… ? I still… Not enough… Don’t say it’s not enough… !”

“… “

“I like… I also liked Lev… Huh… I mean… “

“… “

“I don’t want to wake up from my dream… keep cutting… Rev. Without you there is me Too… Whoa… Tiring… “




“…… “

Her mouth didn’t come off.

About what to say to her sobbing for a long time like her little child…

What is certain is that I am trash.

I just thought this place was in a game I used to enjoy.

So my fault for not treating each individual’s heart with respect was so great.

When I blame myself like that,


Yeriel kept her uneasy eyes on her, and she cautiously raised her head to check my face.

“… “

Then he buried his face into my chest again.

I feel like I’m being checked to see if I’ve disappeared.

Even the messy white hair,

My pitiful eyelashes moistened with tears,

The ivory nightgown that matches her pretty face…

The underwear line that is revealed secretly within it…

… It was incredibly cute.

“I can’t go… “

“… “

“I am not enough… “

It wasn’t just the soaking body odor, or pheromones, that seduced me.

It was all five senses, including her whispering voice.

– Boom.

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Just like that, my sanity was completely cut off.

* * *

When Psyche contemplates whether or not to visit Yeriel’s room,

In the end, Aria, dressed in priestly clothes, arrived at her meeting place first.

“Welcome. Thank you for listening to my request.”

“No, Psyche.”

Leaving behind Psyche’s worries,

– Giiing… !

The two entered the second sanctuary of the ecliptic, Divine Grand Park, which is currently closed, via an unmanned carriage.

-Please stop!

Her navy-haired guard who stopped her carriage asked her.

“Saint… ! At this time… How did you come? I understand that the purification work will be after the sun rises today.”

“It’s okay. I have work to do beforehand.”

“If you wait a little bit, I will call the escort knight!”

“Oh, that’s fine too. I will make sure to go ahead. It’s dawn, so don’t rush, but slowly, guide me to where I am.”

“Oh, I see.”

Maybe because I saw the face of the saintess… The soldier guarding the entrance saluted slightly excitedly.

– Giiing!

Thus, the carriage heads toward the middle of a gloomy park lit only by magic lights.

A sacred place where you can feel the light blue energy.

Arya carefully asked Psyche.

“Holy Lady, this place… ?”

“That… The reason why the two of them came so early is because she has something to ask of Aria.”

Psyche often sneaked out alone to soothe the pain of many people, but today there was a special reason.

As Arya wondered, she quietly went on with her words.

“First of all, I think Aria must have heard about the state of the sanctuary of the ecliptic right now.”

“Yes. She was taught that one side of her heart was weakened.”

“That’s right. Even for the stability of the empire… My first priority is to restore the sanctuary. But I’m not as strong as I used to be.”

Arya was able to understand at once.

“I shared the power… “

It was because she shared that power.

Psyche smiled lightly.

“I don’t want to burden Arya, but I’m back and the people of the Empire are longing for it. Sanctuary, may the divine heart beat again.”

In other words, it was because of the Empire’s unspoken expectations and pressure.

Edwin, Yeriel, and Aria have an awards ceremony on their afternoon schedule,

Saint Psyche had the task of restoring her sanctuary all day long from the morning.

“However, I will not be able to restore the sanctuary with my weakened self. If you looked like this… The empire will be engulfed in unrest again.”

Psyche held Aria’s hand with both hands and asked for it.

“So, I’m asking Arya directly, despite the rudeness. Could you help me with the groundwork beforehand?”

“Psyche-sama… ! You don’t have to bow your head to me… !”

“I’m sorry.”

When Aria stopped her, Psyche apologized one after another with her sad eyes.

“If it becomes known to the world that Arya has powers similar to mine… Perhaps Arya will not be able to maintain her current routine.”

“Psyche-sama… “

So, so early, she had no choice but to come here.

“I saw all of Arya’s past. From the loss of her parents to the devil to her vow to avenge her… Too. It must have been very difficult for her. Even so, Aria is her saint… Do you want to be… ?”

“…… I do not know.”

Psyche lightly hugged her aria and said.

“I am on Aria’s side. If Arya wants my power, I will gladly give you my all and leave.”

“Psyche-sama… !”

“However, I have no intention of forcing you. Aria, you are also a precious being.”

Arya couldn’t understand why she was given the power of Psyche.

‘I deserve… ‘

Looking back, the only thing Arya could think of at that moment was Lev Denek.

“For me, the person I like… “

“… ?”

“I killed him… “

“Aria… “

At that moment, in Psyche’s head, one of the scenes she saw with Arya.

I remembered the moment when she was slaying something of hers that was engulfed in the demon’s magic.

‘I can’t believe him… ?’

Because that was her last memory of Aria before she became a saint.

“But at that moment, why did Psyche-sama’s power reach me… I really don’t know.”

“… Don’t talk like that.”

“Surely, I deserve to be like the saintess… no… !”

It was then.


“This is…?”

In an instant, as if divine magic had been chanted, the whole park suddenly became bright,

A pale blue light began to embrace everything around it.

Psyche smiled at her and took Arya’s hand.

“Look. Aria, aren’t you pretty?”

“… Yes… “

That the saintess has returned intact… Ali was the light of sanctuary.


At the same time, the pain that remained in Arya’s body… Slowly disappears

Actually, it was the pain I got in exchange for enduring Marcosias’s family and purifying Yeriel’s fallen angel,

He thought of this as atonement for Lev and did not show it.

Her clouded healing magic, divine magic, and surveillance magic…

Everything is back on track with Psyche’s words.

“Don’t beat yourself up. Because Arya was chosen.”

“… “

Whether you like demons or not…

Psyche firmly believed in Aria.

“The moon is bright, now is the right time… “

It is this proof that the sanctuary is shining right now.



Surrenders all of her own powers to her innocent girl, Psyche will fall into her sleep within a week.

But, it didn’t matter.

If such a sparkling child is the successor of the saintess, she will surely do better than he did.

“Aria. Is it okay if I become a saint after me?”

Like that, it was when Psyche warmly asked Aria.

– Pipit.


Almost silent magic… I was stuck behind Psyche.



That too, very violently.

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