145 – Saint, Psyche


Marcosias. Its body, which had been built up, sank into the puddle of the hatchery.

– Belt ring.

[Clear achievements]

[72 Demons: 35th place-Marcosias has been defeated]

[Number of Great Demons Remaining: 54]

[You can get rewards!]

[The spirits of his followers, who were bound by Marcosias, are released!]

[After successfully defeating the Great Demon, Wind Archery: Instant Wind Kill is enhanced!]

[Number of Great Demons Killed with Wind Archery So Far: 2]

[Unique Attribute: Soul Collector activated! Collected the soul of Marcosias]

– Belt ring.

[New achievement unlocked!]

[Irrevocably hostile relationship with Pandaemonium!]

– Belt ring.

[Alert: You are currently in a hostile area. The chance of being discovered is greatly increased!]

[Number of enemies around: ???]

There is no time to stare blankly at the status window.

“This is the beginning.”

-Did the essence of bloody ashes and the runaway mage tower have an effect…

-Yes… You’re a human girl today…

Analyzing Marcosias’ self-talk, it seems like something happened to Yeriel.

‘Even in bad endings, there has never been a case where you jump over the stage and become a fallen angel right away. I’m worried… ‘

Even if you safely passed Chapter 4,

Arya and Yeriel.

I have to go back to the academy in order to say what I couldn’t say to the two of you.

The problem is that I am now in Pandaemonium, where Marcosias’s 5th Legion is located.

This must mean that you have to escape alone.

First of all, I don’t have a strong multiplayer skill set,

The truth is that even the legendary hero, Kroon, could not escape from this place.

It’s not for nothing that

Reincarnated warriors have pakjong and kangjong.

‘Let’s stay calm.’

[Aggro: 100]

The aggro meter is also full, so by now the High Demon would have noticed my presence.

First of all, I checked the soul reward through [Soul Collector], The talent I got from Bune.

“Will it happen again?”


[Soul of Marcosias]

[Rarity: SS+]

[The Soul Crystal of the Great Demon Marcosias. Upon liberation, partially inherit Marcosias’ abilities]



“As expected.”

According to the [Soul Collector] Skill tooltip, when you defeat Nicolsetta or the Three-Headed Dog, it was automatically replaced with a stat.

However, after defeating the Great Demon, it appeared as an item, just like the water dragon Posedaros.

– Joo Woo-woong!

I immediately deciphered and freed my soul.

With the sound of glass marbles breaking,

– Belt ring.

[Your status – Mine. You deserve to inherit Marcosias’ will.]

[Inherit the skills of Marcosias!]

[Attribute – Gamer activated! Skills can be saved]

As in Andras, the succession status window started popping up.

“All right.”

If this happens, with the power of gamer characteristics, I will be judged as Andras, Boone, and Marcosias.

“We need to find the strongest one, the one who is as strong as the Great Demon.”

Since this is the home ground of Marcosias, the 5th Legion, there might be no other Great Devil other than him.

‘There is that bitch.’

A demon who was heavily involved in the Mystic Island incident and did not show his face.

Behind Kaeran. The origin of the daughter-in-law.

In Chapter 5, a woman baring her teeth and competing for sex with Saint Psyche.

With so many modifiers…

‘Yellowdy Latasia.’

The time has finally come to use this character.

It was then.

– Joo Woo-woong… !

– Cuckoo Goong!


Has there been a saying that even a tiger will come if you say it?

The hatchery was shaking, and I could feel the presence of people from the entrance full of life.

‘I have no choice but to come… ‘

Yellowy Latasia started walking right in front of me.

“Yellow D, welcome.”


At my quick greeting, she made a hateful expression,

“You mean… “

– Kwajing! Kwajingjingjiing….!

“You did it quite arbitrarily, didn’t you?”

The entire hatchery started emitting magic pressure at me as if it were going to reverberate.

– Belt ring.


[Yellow D Latasia]

▶[Status Average]

: 9.9


Circle Magic (8), Dark Magic (8)

▶[Unique characteristics]

Barrier (details cannot be read)

Immunity (Details cannot be read)

Torrent (Detailed information unavailable)

Overwhelm (details cannot be viewed)

Stripping (Details cannot be read)

Lethargy (Cannot view detailed information)

Large capacity (detailed information cannot be read)

Spirituality (Detailed information unavailable)

Natural recovery (Detailed information unavailable)

Absolute area (detailed information cannot be viewed)

??? (Cannot read detailed information)

??? (Cannot read detailed information)


‘I’m fed up. I’m tired.’

Read at readwn.com

Just looking at the simple average status, it’s the maximum.

Indeed, befitting the author’s daughter, she is a dark stat that aims for the demon king.

Absolutely, I will not be able to win in my current state.


“It’s perfect for taking the bus.”




* * *




-I like you, Yeriel.

-Let’s date, Yeriel.

-I like you, Yeriel.

-Let’s date, Yeriel.




-Whee Oh Oh…

Morning has come to the valley of death,

All the eerie clouds that covered the sky were scattered and disappeared.

When everything ended like that.

Yeriel opened her eyes.

The first thing I saw was a white cloth.

He himself was laid in the tent.


At Lev’s request, we entered District 4 together, and fought a fierce battle with the great demon that appeared from Aveline’s body…

What happened after that?

“… Yeriel, you’re awake.”

Next to me was Edwin,

“The spirit of Prince Yeriel has returned… ?”

“That… that’s fine… ? Obviously Tacheon… “

“Shh! Melissa Ball! Now is not the time to talk like that!”

Aveline and Malissa were whispering outside the tent.

And then Violet asked her.

“… Are you okay?”

“Yes… Except for being a little tired.”

Yeriel could roughly understand the situation.

You ran out of control once again.

“Sorry… I remember this time… “

If you think deeply about Lev, you’ll lose your mind like this.

Edwin said with a slight bow of his head.

“Yeriel, you saved us…. Thanks.”

“… I… ?”


“It is as he said. With Marcosias defeated… The barrier was lifted, and I was able to apply for rescue. If you’re waiting here… The Guardians will come soon.”

“Yes… By the way, Lev and Aria… What about?”


“I’ll bring you something to drink, junior Edwin, please explain.”

“… Yes.”

With Violet leaving, Edwin hesitated to speak.


“Yeriel, your body isn’t feeling well yet, so calm down and listen… “

“Yes… Okay… “

“That, first of all, Aria is fine.”

“Thank you, thank you… ! I was worried because I thought I was encroached on by Marcosias….”

“… “

“By the way, what about Aria? I mean… What are you talking about… ?”

Edwin put his head down and ran his hands over his head and face.

“That… “

“Don’t be lazy… ! How’s Lev… ?!”

As Yeriel tried to get up from her seat, Edwin hurriedly stopped her.

“…… Lev is… Dead.”

“…… “

– Kung. Thud.

The silence continued for quite some time.

It wasn’t difficult for Yeri El to understand those six letters with her head,

I was not prepared to accept her.

Above all, Edwin wasn’t the type to joke around.

“Hey, Edwin… Lev is… Why… die… ?”

Yeriel’s expression was getting more and more incomprehensible.

But she is always positive… Soon she forced herself to calm her mind.

“Rev is always… always… That she came back… ? Oh She’s sick enough to die… ? Even Arya’s healing is a bit difficult… “

“… “

Edwin, his chest tight, struggled to move his mouth muscles.

What I have to say next is as shocking as this sad news.

“Reb… “

“This is not the time for me to be like this. Take me to Lev… I think it will be reassuring to be next to Lev. Yes?”

“Yeriel. It’s hard for me to believe… Lev is Aria… “

-Arya killed her self with her own hands.

-Probably because of Marcosias’ orders.

‘This is… it’s not… ‘

No. How could you say such shocking things to someone who has just recovered?

Now is the time to offer words of comfort.

“No…. That’s it… Rev is definitely for us… “

By the time Edwin took care of his words again, Yeriel was already up.


From her quivering mouth, and through her whole body…

Lev Denek, those five letters seemed to be repeated.

“Yeriel! It’s better to take a little break now… !”

Without hesitation, Yariel stepped out of the tent.



Violet was waiting at the entrance with water and snacks.

“Jeriel Junior… “

As if waiting for the conversation between the two to end.

“Senior… It’s not… ?”

“… “

As Violet looked away from her, Yeriel’s heart thumped again. Thud. She does and she starts running.

Next is Aria.

Yes, Arya should know. Because she is a healer… Lev’s condition…





It wasn’t difficult for Yeriel to find Arya.

She… She was looking down from a slightly higher cliff.

A cliff of darkness.

It was a terrifying sight.

“…… Aria… ! Dangerous. Come on, this way… Wow… “

“… “

“Reb… it hurts a lot… ? Is there anything I can do to help… ?”

Arya quietly turned her body to face Yeriel.


She was barefoot, and took one weak step before standing in front of Yeriel.

Rough, small stones were sucking blood from Arya’s beautiful feet.

However, Arya’s face was empty.

No moans came out.

She apologized to Yeriel by bending her waist at a 90 degree angle, holding her hands together.

“… Sorry. Sorry… “


Everyone is reluctant to talk about Lev.

But when you look at the group’s actions, as if you keep hinting at the worst ending that Yeriel thinks,

‘Everyone, what’s wrong with everyone… ‘

It seems like he’s trying to kill for confirmation.

“Why is that… Why is Arya apologizing to me… ?”

“… Sorry.”

Yariel stretched out her hands and raised Arya’s upper body.

It is still empty and exhausted.

It was dangerous, as if a shallow wind would blow even once.

So, what must have happened last night…

I had to admit it.

“Because I, I’m fine… tell me. What about Lev?”

“… “

“Les… Re… What about Ben?!”

“… Sorry, sorry… “

“Oh, isn’t it? It’s not what I think… ?”

“Sorry. Sorry… “

“Me, I haven’t met Lev yet… ? Aria… ? Tell me… Because it’s good just once… !”

Despite Yeriel’s screams, Arya only repeated her words of sorry.

The question and answer between the two continued for a long time.

Yeriel sat down as if holding onto Arya’s collar.

“I can meet Lev… I mean tell me… “

Soon, the repeated tears fill up…

Only the sound of mournful sobs…

This place echoed in the Valley of Death.

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