142 – Decisive Battle (7)

The front door of a small and clean house on top of a hill.

A young girl with silver hair and blue eyes to match this stretches out her fern-like hand and grabs the man.

-Don’t go…

– Mmm! Well! Should I have a father too?

-Honey! They say crops are being damaged these days… All the villagers are going, but you can’t be the only one who doesn’t go.

-Hmm, yes, but…

-Really… Who does Arya resemble so much that she is so childish?

-I don’t know…

The woman who appeared to be her mother lifted her whining little girl and placed her face to face her father.

-Aria, it’s okay. Dad is coming soon.

The man said while caressing the girl’s cheek.

– Honey, wouldn’t this be good in its own way? It’s so cute, we’ll have to keep it for the rest of our lives.

-You are too. I mean… ? When Aria grows up, she will have eyes that see everything.


-… What is that silence? Are you saying you’re not satisfied with me? ?

– No… ! Both are very precious to me….

-… Me too.

– Imprisoned.

Three people hug each other.

It was warm.

I can still recall that warmth.

And this is the last memory Arya remembers of her family.




– Phoebebibit!

Scarlet arrows target Marcosias Bay.




Even if Marcosias instantly soars into the sky and fluctuates, the arrow of fate cannot be avoided.

Actually, Arya was trying hard to ignore it.

What I feel in the red light leading to Marcosias is,

Prime Evil Andras.

The object Arya hates.

The smell of that man with the vengeance was thick, as if he had no intention of hiding his identity.

‘Mr. Lev… really… Andras… ?’

In the midst of the confusion in her head.

-Kill Lev Deneck.


Marcosias’ order has been given.

– Sweep.

At that word, Arya’s slender body moved slowly.

‘… !’

To some extent, her own body would be used… I was expecting

She’s still in charge of healing magic that has exhausted her divine power.


She therefore never thought that she would be directly ordered to kill someone.

She just thought she would end up sacrificing herself instead of suffering terrible things.

‘If only… !’

She had placed a surveillance spell on Lev, so it was clear that she would reach him even if she closed her eyes.

When Arya, who doesn’t look good, suddenly leaves her seat,

Edwin and Yeriel caught her.


“Aria, where are you going… !”

– Roaring!


-Where are you going to leave your luggage behind! Ha ha!

Of course, Marcosias stopped them from reaching Arya.

‘Edwin and Yeriel!’

No voice. The body moves at its own pace.

And as if to conclude all of this, Marcosias’ inner thoughts were conveyed to Arya.

– Big… ! Aww! This familiar scent of magical power… Did my friend Andras’ ability really dwell in him… !


– Prime demon Andras is dead.

-I want him… Killed it

-I got to inherit his abilities.

In an instant, Arya’s mind recalled the time when Lev mentioned Andras.

In order to maintain a relationship with Yariel and her lover,

The words she thought were meant to completely push herself away, to sever her affections.

‘That’s all… If it were true… ?’

Finally, a possibility Arya had been ignoring opened up.

If he really defeated Andras and inherited his power, then he became stronger.

Also, if you’re hunting demons based on that power…

This situation may also make sense.

But it was too late.

The maddened voice of Marcosias hit Arya’s brain.

-Ah! Yes, it did!! Jim had forgotten. You would have wanted to kill Andras too, right? Because you are the enemy who took away your parents!

As he said, he now, Lev Deneck… On my way to kill

-hahahahaha, hahahaha!! But what about this~~?!

As if Marcosias had obtained a good source of black magic, he began to stimulate Arya.

– Kheup. The one you like… That man is the one who killed Andras. By your standards, he must be more than a benefactor… Repaying with killing, that’s a very good picture!

‘… Not… okay no.’

I want to deny the devil’s whisper, this act.

But I couldn’t do anything.

Because Arya’s mouth and body didn’t move anymore.


Edwin and Malissa’s cries from behind are also getting farther and farther away.

-Good good Good job! Don’t lose your temper Watch and listen carefully! Lev Denek is right! Because you kill with your own hands! Hey hey hey!

Only Marcosias’s insistence on her was forcing her to move.

* * *

– Belt ring.

[Marcosias (Human, Angel) – HP : 0%]

[Marcosias (Beast) – HP : 19%]

‘Is it impossible anymore… ‘

Her hands trembled uncontrollably even when she was still, and her field of vision narrowed to the size of a pea.

I have no strength in my whole body.

Maybe even the force to pull the trigger.

‘Turn it off… It’s not easy either… ‘


[*Player’s Stress Index: Extreme]

[*Action is restricted]

Repeated transformation of fallen angels and demons through double chanting.

The degree of encroachment fills up like crazy with atrocious pain.

Forced it into the gray spread and fired.

And forced restoration to Hell’s balance.

In order to use a skill that consumes physical strength infinitely, someone next to it forcibly recovers it with a punch.

‘Because I’m not a graphic piece… ‘

It is truly a taste of death as you perform this complex operation while feeling it with your own body.

“… Big… !”

It’s okay.

“We are almost there… “

While torturing Kaeran, through Marcosias’ 5th Corps portal connected to the Mage Tower, the location of the fountain of my soul was reassigned.

‘Because I can’t use Instant Wind yet… ‘

Edwin, Yeriel, and Arya… About 19% will be able to finish.

‘Well, there’s Violet… Marcosias must… I have to take him.’

I forcibly dragged my heavy body as if I was wearing shackles and sat down against a rock.

My lungs may have shrunk, and it hurts a lot.

‘Maybe it’s because it’s a demonic area, even the air looks like shit… ‘

I was breathing so hard.

– Trude.

The silver-haired girl I’ve been waiting for has arrived.




– Trude.

– Trude.

‘Ah… Ahhh… i am now… What… ‘

With Arya holding her dagger in both hands, she slowly approached Lev, step by step.

It didn’t go right from the grip,

What she was holding was a demonic sword.

It must be powerful enough to kill a boy who has shaken off all his strength.

‘Les… brown… Seed.’

Could it be that God, who was saddened by this, helped?

Arya’s tightly closed mouth opened with difficulty.

“Oh no… Yo.”

Eventually, Arya came to his side,

Lev showed a light smile as if he had waited.

Seeing him resolute as if he knew the situation, like a terminally ill accepting his own death,

Tears flowed from Arya’s eyes, flowing non-stop.

‘Oh, no. Escape… Go… !’

Arya’s mouth is wide open.

However, Lev, whether he knew Aria’s burning heart or not, just stroked her hair.

“Sorry. Clarisse beret suits you well.”

“…… Ah… “

“Aria. Bluebell.”

He called Arya’s name softly and comfortably.

I want to answer, but the pain comes.

Be patient, be patient… !’

-Kill. Kill kill kill kill

‘I want Mr. Lev… how… ‘


Arya shrunk her body to the fullest to disobey the orders of her followers.

“Huh… Ouch… !”

– It doesn’t fall out… !

Gradually, the pain from the resistance intensified and began to eat away at her body.

Then, Lev gently hugged Arya and hugged her.

“It’s okay. Aria.”


He pats the back with a tight hug.

In an instant, you feel comfortable as if all the pain flew away.

‘No… Yo. No… ‘

After the raid of Andras,

The shape of my father’s mouth that I checked from afar…

-Aria, it’s okay.

The last will and testament also felt like this.

-Kill! Kill! What are you doing! Kill! Kill! Don’t be shy, kill me! Right now!

“Haa… Sigh… !”

At Marcosias’ continued command, her violently shaking hand came to a standstill.

“That… My eyes…… ! Not… okay… !”

The moment the magic sword was aimed at Lev’s stomach,


He squeezed Arya’s hand tightly.

‘Mr. Lev?’






‘Ah… Ah?’

A cool sound, the sound of tearing flesh.

A signal that the blades had reached something they shouldn’t have reached was sent to Arya and Lev’s hands at the same time.


After that, there was silence for a while.

If I had to argue, Marcosias’ shrill laugh adorned the back.

But Arya didn’t hear anything.

‘Re, Lere… Mr Lev… This.’

My eyes keep watering, but I can’t even cry out.

– Cool!

Rev belatedly coughed up blood.

It was a natural result.

It’s a small demon sword, but it’s so deep that you can’t even see the blade.

And obviously, it was stuck in his stomach.

“Ah… Ah… ah… “

Arya grabs every muscle in her face that tries to move freely,

‘Chi, starting with treatment. That, so Me, the blade first… Remove… ‘

I thought and thought.

Let’s get her hands off her now.

Her healing magic was practiced at Claris to the extent that she memorized it even in her sleep.

I knew it was a bit late, but

‘Ha, I can do it. Aria… ‘

She is a healer herself.

Because that’s what healing is all about.

Even with all my might.

No? If she recited the revelation at the cost of her own life, wouldn’t she be able to save him?


A flimsy hope moves the girl.

Sadly, her body, which did not listen to her words, seems to be moving now.




Lev still smiled and squeezed Arya’s hand.

“Re, rev… Seed… If this is the case, oh no. I really want to die… ?”

I couldn’t stand it any longer.

Her expression, which had always been expressionless, changed to sadness, and she began shaking her head frantically.

“No, this is. Isn’t this? Right?”


Lev’s eyes were half closed.

As if he didn’t have the strength to cough up any more blood, he whispered with difficulty.


“What, what am I sorry about… ! Me, I’m no more.. You know me. hehehe… ! Mr Lev! I’m not sure what I’m trying to do… Not… “

I have to say something, but I feel like I’m about to burst into tears, so I can’t speak properly.

“I know.”

He replied warmly.

The more that happened, the more Arya’s heart ached.

-Is Lev a good person?

-… Mr Lev… It’s the worst.

-It’s really bad… ! That’s bad!

– Mr. Lev… My favorite… you are… !

-…… It’s too much.

-Creepy… It sprouts. The you I believed in… He was a worse person than I thought.

-It’s okay. Please stay away from me!

-I don’t need your help with my revenge anymore.

-Don’t pretend to be friendly again… Please.

I only said it so badly and harshly.

I practiced saying I like you a lot, but I was only able to say it once.


Could it be the effect of the magic sword?

His new model was gradually becoming powder.

Arya dug into his arms.

“No, don’t go, heek… do not go… Yo… !”

I wanted to feel even a little warmth.

Lev brushed the back of her hair and slowly opened her mouth.

“That, a lie… Le, Mr. Lev is leaving me alone… ?”

“Don’t blame yourself, Edwin, Yeriel, and Selena… “

“I hate that. Hig. I don’t want to say goodbye like this… I mean… !”

“… “




-Aria, right?

-I know you hate me, but I came because I had something to give you.

-If you believe me, nod your head.

-You’re going to follow me anyway. Watch carefully this time.

-It was too much for a chocolate lover like this.

-Aria has a pleasant fragrance.

-Aria, be my master just for today.

-It’s just, he helps me every time. These days, you’re struggling too much.

-Andras. I will help you. Its revenge.

-… Wait for me.




I liked it.


You must have liked him so much.

“Ah?? Mr. Lev…?”

Nothing was left around.

The magic sword that emitted weak light,

He was a third-rate bully, too.

The image of the girl who was chasing Andras was also the same.

“Les… Mr. B? Lev, Lev Dene…… “

In place of

The warmth of a gray boy who will soon disappear…

– Took. Tutuk.

Falling into the space he was in

It was only Arya’s teardrops.

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