140 – Decisive Battle (5)

The roar that started from the gray spread swallowed everything in front.

And, when everything is back on track,

All I could see in front of me was the remnants of the Magic Tower.

Unfortunately, since it was destroyed in a physical sense, the alien black magic will remain on Mystic Island unless the sanctuary is purified.

‘And… ‘

– Belt ring.


[Mission object]

1 – Graduation from Claris Academy without being paid or expelled.

2 – Block Kaeran’s ending. (Attainment)


If you fail: The world line will collapse and you may be trapped in the eternal flow of time.


Kaeran Heath.

The author’s daughter.

The reason I became possessed here after searching for the root.

He disappeared too fleetingly.

‘… ‘

Even though I gave him a chance to deviate from the narrative, it was his independent decision to choose the villain.

Well, since the demon named Yellowdy Latasia looked after her, she probably couldn’t see anything.

‘There is no end to what needs to be dealt with.’

Fortunately, I found a clue to defeat Nicolseta and capture Yellowdy Latasia, a demon even worse than Kaeran.

‘Although I’ll need Aria and Edwin’s help.’

For my next goal, I moved towards Edwin’s flare and popped up the Kaeran kill reward.

– Belt ring.

▶Selective Reward


▶[Slaughter] [No Lv.] (Unique Attribute)

: When an enemy is defeated or when an attack is successful against a named/boss, stacks overlap and stats increase in proportion.

(*As long as this skill is active, it grants [Destruction])

Difficulty level: ???


▶[Cleanup of hierarchy] [No Lv.] (Passive)

: When a person with this skill defeats the demon lord, he/she will take over the position.

‘The boy with red hair dreams of becoming a demon king.’

-Excerpts from the records of Yellowdy Latasia.

Difficulty level: ???


▶[SS-class Boss Defeat Reward]

: Acquire 3000 skill points.

Two randomly determined stats increase by 1.0.



There is nothing to worry about.

Needless to say, I chose the first option [Slaughter].

In fact, the tooltip of [Hierarchy] Is familiar.

When the bed ending appears in , It leads to a story in which the player or character becomes the demon king.

‘That’s a no-brainer.’

In the first place, the condition is to defeat the final boss, the demon king, so it’s not like I’m getting stronger right now,

Above all, my mission object is to safely graduate from the academy, so

Choosing the [Hierarchy Arrangement] Is like declaring that you will inherit Kaeran’s will and become a villain.

There is a sound effect that completes the selection,

– Tring Ting!

▶(Destroy SS class boss) Guaranteed Reward

The core of the SS reward, the confirmed reward, has popped up.

‘I’m sure that’s the case.’

I calmly read the text.


▶[Copy] [Lv.5] (Unique Attribute)

: With the innate sense of never forgetting what you have seen once, you learn by copying the target’s skills.

(*Terms of Use)

1. Uses half of the current mana.

2. Can only be activated when the level of the copy skill is higher than the level of the skill to be stolen.

3. You must see your opponent activate a skill with your own eyes.

(Exp : 0/500)

‘Shall we eat well?’

-Kaeran Heath.

Difficulty level: ???


As expected.

A unique characteristic that was his trademark.

[Copy] Is in my hands.

‘… ‘

Something was wrong.

Maybe, another Kaeran was born.


I have no intention of falling into a demon like him, nor can I.

[Pandemonium is watching you!]

[Mutual Reputation: Worst]

As the warning in the status window says, the demons of Pandemonium will be eager to kill me.

And I am also doomed to kill them.




‘I wonder if this is enough.’

As a recluse, no monsters were interested in me,

I’m in a place where there is quite a high point in the valley of death. I was able to find a suitable place to sit down.

So, let’s keep an eye on Edwin through the sniper attribute.

‘… ‘

Yeriel blocks the approaching monsters.

A fallen Edwin and Aria taking care of him.

Violet, who was in a state of panic facing Marcosias and Aveline, caught my eye.

I secretly used the Mystic Eye on Aveline.

– Belt ring.


[Aveline Balantes]

-[The Followers of Marcosias]

▶[Status Average]

: ??? (Infected!)


: ??? (Infected!)

▶[Unique characteristics]

: ??? (Infected!)


I don’t have time. Without hesitation, I aimed the gray spread at Marcosias’s head.

It’s a similar sneak archer play every time, but this time against Marcosias, who is famous for being strong among the great demons.

Moreover, he has a temporary skill called [The Authority of Obedience].

In other words, one of us has to acquire that skill in order to attack.

‘… Edwin should notice.’

I sincerely hoped that the strategy I had in mind would match.

* * *

A little while ago. Edwin Party.

‘No more… !’

His party, which started to become imminent, gradually moved back and narrowed it down to the top of the wide rock where Aveline was lying.

Fierce battles with monsters continued in an area the size of Clarisse’s dormitory.

“Edwin! Undead have good durability. Since we also need to play a long game, I’ll enchant the sword!”

“Oh! Thanks!”

– Awesome!

In Yeriel’s chant, Edwin’s sword glows with pale blue flames.

The claymore that Sylvester gave to Edwin.

Well-refined magical power was mixed with his divine power, revealing the utmost skill.

‘But… ‘

I don’t know how long I can last. Everyone is tired

Edwin took out a magic tool that sends a signal from his pocket.

-When the battle with monsters intensifies, make sure to activate this.

I can’t help it.

‘Sorry Lev… I’m no help either.’

While sending a signal to the sky like that, Edwin tried to continue the battle again.


A roar began to erupt from the cliff above, accompanied by a white light.


Wearing the mask of Aveline, Marcosias felt that something was wrong.

It’s been a while since the Magic Tower has been in operation, and with the sound of an explosion just before, the barriers around it began to weaken rapidly.

The dimensional gate that connects his 5th corps has not yet been opened.

“What, what?”

“The numbers are starting to decrease?”

Because of this, the monsters and monsters that had threatened Edwin’s party’s life until just now were no longer a threat.

After a while, the monsters that had been flocking to the Mage Tower also began to scatter again.

‘Such a dog… ! I didn’t believe in such creatures… !’

While Marcosias was furious inside.

– Pot!

Coming to her senses, Arya pushed Marcosias away with both hands.

“I know that Aveline has a high aptitude for being a paladin, but it’s still strange.”

“… “

“It was obviously a form of rejecting divine power… It’s not until you’re a demon that you recover so quickly… “

“It’s great. It’s loud.”

“… Like the way you talk, who are you?”

Marcosias burst out laughing at the word demon.

-You’re a pretty smart girl, aren’t you?


Everyone’s attention was focused on this place at the moment that Marcosias’ voice seemed to resonate around him.

– Squeeze.

Marcosias got out of Aveline’s body.

Losing her powers, Abel Lin’s new model immediately collapsed.


“Aveline! Fine…?”

– Push Yi Yi!!!

In an instant, a huge amount of black fog began to encroach on this area.

“Gather everyone!”


Fortunately, Arya’s divine barrier activated in time.

Eventually, when the fog lifted, the one that appeared…


The body of a stout giant well over 3 meters tall.

It was a hideous devil whose whole body was dotted with wild muscles and black magic.

‘This feeling… ‘

Edwin had a hunch.

His hands are shaking. My heart beats thump thump.

Obviously, the feelings he felt when his father was killed in front of his eyes and when the people of his hometown were slaughtered.

“… Yeriel.”


“Please block me alone for a moment.”


– Tadadat.

Edwin, who had no emotion on his face and had a straight face, rushed at him according to his instincts.



A horizontal and vertical sword strike.


Marcosias didn’t do anything, but his body was a mirage, so no attack could work.

“Do you think you can touch Jim’s body?”

“… Of course.”


Within a moment, Edwin’s sword was engulfed in divine power.


Marcosias opened his mouth slightly,


He countered Edwin’s vertically falling sword with his bare hands.

‘… !’

The heavy sound of metal colliding with each other, a confrontation between divine power and black magic.

But on the surface, Edwin’s sword only touched one of Marcosias’ fingertips.

“Do you want me to kill you first?”

“… “

Edwin gritted his teeth as cold sweat ran down his back.

Because of the monsters that kept coming, he used a lot of divine power, but

Obviously, he doesn’t have any weapons.

‘A bare hand is this much?’

I can’t win.

It is on a different level from the monsters and demons of the past.

The Great Demon Bune… Because it was near the sanctuary, it was in a weakened state, so at least it was able to collide with the reality.

– Smooth.

‘Even though we barely touched each other!’

Edwin, who was about to be engulfed by the wave of magic and fear, seized his heart again and separated from Marcosias.

– Phoebe Bit!

The moment Edwin pulls back, Violet’s arrows rush.

The destination was the left forearm of Marcosias, who lightly blocked Edwin with his sword.



– Chijijijik!

Arrows that are accurately inserted into the body of the Great Devil begin to exert a sealing effect.


“Big… Is it just this much?”



As Marcosias calmly waited, Violet’s sealing flesh lost its strength and fell off.

“Sorry. Was Clarisse a den of garbage? .”


These young creatures right in front of you…

Compared to war heroes, he is weak even if he is weak.

“Ah, I understand. That’s why I was caught off guard.”

He continued his speech slowly.

“Jim is in trouble. First of all, I want to keep the two girls in my circle.”

The pairs he pointed to were Yeriel and Arya.

Then he looked at Violet and Edwin and said with a sigh.

“You two are too weak even if you are weak. I have nowhere to use it. In short… disqualification Well, if the girl side is at the level of the goblins, you can eat it without hurting your stomach… “

– Tadadat.

“You talk dirty… “

Edwin rushed with great force, but

-Shuwoong! Kang!

“I’m sorry.”

As expected, after Marcosias restrained him with his forearm,



I kicked his side violently with my leg.

“I feel very sorry not knowing the subject… “

Read at readwn.com

Just before Edwin rolled down the rock,

“Sir Edwin… !”

Arya took care of him.

-Ppudeuk, poudeudeuk.

Marcosias said to Violet, stretching his neck,

“Jim, your grandfather knows too.”


“It was quite useful for a creature, but that’s all. He became a member of another devil’s family and is spreading the abilities of the four-year family to the demons. Well, that catch technique doesn’t work for me… “

“Don’t insult my grandfather with such ridiculous lies!”

– Phoebe Bit!

After that, Violet’s arrows were fired all at once.




It was not Marcosias who was hit this time, but Aveline Valantes who was lying next to him.

“Ah… “

“… “

Abel Lynn did not show the slightest change in her expression, as if she were incapable of feeling pain.


However, blood flowed from her mouth as if to prove that her attack had been properly hit.

“Heuk. Kuck.”

The first thin blood passed, and black clots came out mixed with Aveline’s cough.

‘Week… Don’t die… ‘

“Ah… I… no… “

Violet’s arms and legs began to tremble in fear of someone else’s death.

Memories of the bloody ash subjugation come again.

“A descendant worthy of that grandfather. You’ve already lost your will… “

Marcosias yawned as he saw Violet’s expression beginning to be consumed by magic.

“It’s so damn boring… “


It was then.

Like a shooting star that fell from the sky,

A flash of white light at a speed that the eye cannot follow.

It pierced the center of Marcosias’ face.


When Marcosias, who was struck by an unexpected blow, came to his senses, there was not a single ray of light.

“Big… this… what is it?”

These mysterious lights, as if they were playing with the stars in the night sky and each trace of the wind…


It was rushing furiously toward the origin of Marcosias.

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