131 – Three Headed Dogs (2)

Nicolsetta Heisman.

He is the 4th son of the Heisman family, who achieved great wealth through the sale of appraisal and reinforcement scrolls.

He is currently attending Claris Academy with his third son, Macleod Heisman, who is the chairperson of the Assistant Magic Department.

He has lived a life of being compared to his older brothers since his childhood.

– Tzu-tzu. If only he had followed half as many of his brothers…

– It’s not even possible. I’d be glad if I didn’t hold on to the family crest.


It’s not that he didn’t have talent.

Nicolseta was more interested in general combat magic than sub-magic that responds to mana,

Because of his family business, he was forced to use only auxiliary magic, so his will to study was completely broken and he could not follow his older brother.

And at some point, that mind became a sense of qualification.

At first, the cadets who came to see the background of Heisman went,

When he finds out he’s empty, he goes all out.

This time, the marriage talks with Artinaga have also been cancelled.

‘My, why me? You guys like my family anyway… But why the hell!!!’

In the end, the only thing left for him is the rich wealth that comes from his family that doesn’t match his qualifications and jealousy for no reason.

‘But… this… It’s different this time!’

Opportunity came to him as well.

-Annyeoong~ Junior~ Friend.

– Senior Yellow D… ?

He is a senior in the Ministry of Magic whom he respects. Yellowy Latasia.

A member of Crow Fay, a guild with the most talented people, came to Nicolseta.

The purpose was simple.

-It’s really simple~ In the screening test… Nicoletta? If you lead the way to catch the witch in front of the bridge in District 3, it’s okay~


An order to incite the cadets to start a battle with that three-headed dog-Cerberus.

-If it succeeds~ Regilus-kun will propose joining the guild to Nikuleta-kun too!

-Are you sure?

– Yes! Besides, I can teach you magic one-on-one, right? Instead, keep the secret.

It was an opportunity that would never come again.

To carry out this, he recruited sophomores with a huge amount of money dozens of days ago.

Of course, when I saw that three-headed dog in person, it looked stronger than I imagined, so I got scared.

It’s okay.

-When you are in danger~ drink this~.

There was also a secret elixir that Yellowy gave me on the strengthening scroll that made my body light enough for escape.

‘Bar, definitely. I will make it….’




Again, screening test. Between zones 2 and 3. Front of the leg.

“Ji, really not?!”

Nicolseta Heisman, in his words…


The majority were silent.

Apparently, the large beast Cerberus in front of me was in a state of sleep, but it had a somewhat threatening atmosphere.

“Now that I have reported it to the bachelor, wouldn’t it be better to wait for an answer?”

During an uncomfortable silence, a cadet who appeared to be a sophomore offered her opinion to Nicolsetta.

“That’s right. It looks too risky… “

“It’s two days now, and if we all wait together, it won’t interfere with the exam.


Those who followed the content that was quite common sense also agreed.

“Ha… !”

However, Nicolsetta did not give up.

“Are you all really scared?”

He took out a scroll from his pack and held it in front of everyone.


“Looks like an enchantment scroll?”

“How much is that?”

The Enchantment Scroll, custom-made by the Heisman family, is an expensive consumable item.

It took several days to several weeks to make a scroll like this, but if you use it, the effect is sure, but the duration is only minutes.

You can easily become stronger, but the cost performance is not that good.

Nicolsetta brought out an unconventional proposal.

“I, the person who helps me… ! I’ll pay for this as needed!”

– Hung-seong-gung-seong.

The whole area is buzzing all at once,

“Um… If there are more than 20 people participating in a raid format, I will help.”

“Me too. The bachelor’s side must have answered the questions in advance. Can a real witch be open like that?”

Some sophomores who were proud of their skills stepped forward.

It was then.

“Children! Calm down everyone… ! There’s something unnatural about this situation… ?”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the owner of the voice.

A pure white girl. Yeriel Artina.

A person whom he has never had a conversation with in terms of Nicolsetta, but whom he admired from time to time and singled out as his fiancé.

She made full use of her own background and even arranged a wedding talk with Artina…

The result was a rejection.

I also heard that Yeri El Artina herself expressed her opinion.

“Currently, the reason why communication is not working might be because of that demon. I don’t think the school intended to do that….”

The cadets started agitated by Yeriel’s persuasion.

“… That’s right. The committee will come anyway, so it might be okay to wait until then.”

“Well… There’s no way the communication will be cut off all of a sudden. What if there is an accident?”

“Yeriel Artina. That senior is the current sophomore senior. Wouldn’t it be right to listen… “


‘Yeriel Artina… Oh, the subject of a ruined family where the head of the household is a widow!’

When Nicole Seta didn’t get her way, she clenched her teeth and approached her.

“Yes.. What are you?! If you’re scared, don’t follow me, right?”


“Don’t be like that, if you’re a senior, model like a senior!”

The moment he terrifyingly stepped in,

“It’s ugly. Ugly.”


The one standing in his way was a man with gray hair.

“What would a guy who couldn’t even talk to at the academy say, and then go behind the scenes with his family?”

Lev Denek. At his words, the cadets whispered.

– What do you mean?


And it began to calmly appear in Nicolsetta’s mind.

An unlucky looking parasitic brother.

The guy who has been messing around with Yeriel lately.

As the surroundings became noisy, Nicolceta’s anger began to rise to the end with shame.

“Bee, get out of the way! Go, about a half-noble who was kicked out of his family!”

He pushed Lev’s shoulder and tried to pass, but

– Took!

– Bang!

“…What are you doing?”

Despite the strong bump, Lev’s body didn’t even budge, so instead, Nicolsetta collapsed on the floor.

‘This… this… ! The bastard who was promoted to A by luck!’

It was a common sense situation.

There’s no way that a cadet from the Ministry of Auxiliary Magic had been constantly training.

“What is it, I’m going to fight even though I’m so weak… ?”

“All right. Let’s go.”

“I’m tired from the magic pressure, so let’s just rest.”

“Now, wait… !”

“I’m sorry, but we give up too. The reaction from the kids is not good, and it seems more dangerous than I thought.”

“I’ll give you the money back when I go back to the academy.”

“Somehow, the cost of labor is high, but… “

“…… “

The situation was put to an end when the bought party member also left Nicolsetta.

– Burr.

He lost his face properly.

Then Nicole Seta shrugged her shoulders and started laughing.

“Kick. Kikikkukkkuk… “

It doesn’t matter.

Come to think of it, being alone is enough.

‘Everyone, everyone, I’m going to kill you… ‘

* * *

Meanwhile, the 5th Corps with Marcosias.

The family of Marcosias lowered his head and said.

“O great one. They say Kaeran Hiss is approaching the sealing stone.”

“Okay. What about the other?”

“Yellody has summoned the Gatekeeper Witchbeast. It’s in a slightly weakened state, but for now, it won’t be viable even if five or more War Heroes of the Constructs attack it.”

“Can you be sure?”

“Of course it comes. The Three-Headed Dog is a beast of a type that creatures have never faced before. With his recovery speed, it’s just a war of attrition that is advantageous to us with an absurd attack.”

“I see. If it fails… “

“I will offer even my poorest soul.”

Marcosias smiled at the confident servant again and again.


If only Mystic Island is in your hands,

“Look forward to it. Very.”

Finally, Marcosias himself can slaughter and taste the creatures with full power.

* * *

The sun begins to set and the sunset sets,

-Let’s call one person from the two parties, and let’s say that the two of them guard against the demons.

The cadets agreed to base themselves out of sight of Cerberus and wait until the rear party arrived.

Everyone didn’t want to give up the screening test, and the student council will arrive soon anyway.

So, it is a situation where we are checking only the dynamics of Cerberus while taking turns.

In this atmosphere where peacefulness is created for no reason, not befitting the screening test,

I was monitoring Cerberus separately through the sniper attribute.

‘You’re here.’

Two men came into my field of vision.

It was the turn of Raymond and Nicolsetta, the person of interest.

The other cadets wouldn’t think that he would do anything strange like attacking the Witchbeast when he was left alone.

Knowing the level of trolling Nicolsetta knows well, I plan to keep an eye on her until the end.


It was then.

As expected, Nicolceta tore up several scrolls and used them, targeting herself.

Defying Raymond’s dissuade.

-Kreureu… ?!

Three-Headed Dog – Charged towards Cerberus.

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