129 – Consolation

A long night on the first day of the screening test.

Clouds passing by in the light of the moonlight.

And a strong wind blows in the reed field under the sky.


The sound produced by the wind brushing against the reeds is similar to the sound of waves crashing.

The feeling of holding a bleak aura, as if a big event will come in the future.

In the meantime, the red-haired man. Kaeran Hiss muttered after stopping the operation of the magic tool in her hand.

‘Are you saying that you won’t reveal her true self after all?’

The only time I was able to see the new type of Marcosias was when I first activated the magic tool.

The communication from now on was nothing more than the effect of the seal that contained the orders of the Great Devil and scare.

In the end, the target Kaeran communicated with was one of Marcosias’ subordinates.

“Well, because I said everything.”

Instead, I was able to tell all of my own requests, which would be difficult to convey directly to the Great Devil.

The self-proclaimed bookkeeper who goes wild all the way, telling me to be polite every time I say a word, was kind of funny.

Kaeran looked around him.

It is peaceful.


‘Is this going to be a living hell tomorrow too?’

– I plan to release the monsters in District 2 to divert the attention of the creatures. So leave immediately and carry out the instructions.

“It’s fun.”

As expected, it seems that I am the only aspiring warrior for this rider.

After that, he entered the tent and kicked the support pole where Aveline and Malissa were.

– Took.


“Wake up.”

A word colder than the morning air awakened Malissa and Aveline from their slumber.

“What, what is it… ! Ah, Miss Malissa, it’s your turn. The postmark must have been done just before.”

“Ugh… ? It’s already my turn… ? Ah! I’ll go!”

She scrambled to her feet and checked her own dressing.

“Now, wait a minute. Sorry. Kaeran. I do some tidying up… “

“Ttsk, someone said..”

“… Uh?”

“Okay. Just do it quickly.”


Kaeran thought as he watched her dull appearance.

‘Easy girls aren’t fun. Also… I need them.’

Yeriel Artina, Aria Bluebell.

Lev Deneck Two women who only go round and round with him.

‘But Lev Deneck. Didn’t you take mine too?’

If they could embrace those two, what kind of frustration would Lev Deneck and Edwin Gwynns show?

“So don’t be sad?”

“Huh? What is Kae? Did you call me?”

“… Ha.”

“Mi-sorry… “

I hope his hand stains haven’t been stained on the pure white cloth yet,

‘The Curse of Obedience… What if only Marcosias rolls well?’

Kaeran imagined a fun future ahead.




“What an ignorant creature! We need to instill more manners for the next situation!”

“Liver is a madman overboard! This is going beyond the demonic race and making fun of Pandaemonium itself!”

Caeran Heath’s rather light tone made it difficult for Marcosias’ subjects to accept it because of his prestige,

“Noisy. Stop.”


Marcosias subdued it with facial expression and rough hand gestures.

“You guys are stupid. It doesn’t matter what you say to mere objects. Regardless of whether the discarded words are made of wood or stone, it is only as long as they have something useful engraved on them.”


Everyone fell silent at his words.

Because Marcosias was also from the lowest rank among the angels, that is, an angel of authority until he fell.

Among the great demons, they tend not to dwell too much on the origins of Pandaemonium.

There was only the big picture in his head.

Because the location of Mystic Island is on the edge of obscurity even in the empire.

Once you make it a base for the demons, it will surely become an important strategic point in the future.

However, Mystic Island is currently in the hands of humans because the warrior Kroon has partially purified it.

Even if the demons are there, their fighting power is lower than fighting in Pandaemonium.

Therefore, activating the magic tower here and restoring it to the territory of the demons and opening the dimension gate… Such was the fate of these demons.

Things have been going pretty well so far.

Because once again the traitor has appeared among the creatures.

In addition, a guy named Regilus, who was said to have entrusted the head of the knights, created a guild called Crow Fay and began to cooperate with this task.

They suggested two things to give Marcosias confidence.

1. Help to divert attention from Clarisse so that this incident will not be noticed.

2. Actively attempting to mount a hell horse by putting up a qualified person called Kaeran Hiss.

Unlike Yellowdy Latasia, who is a pure-blood demon, Kaeran Heath is a demon.

It could be seen that this guy was the best fit for being able to withstand the power of the Mage Tower, as his bowl was needlessly large enough to be compared to Kroon.

“Great one, Caeran Heath, will you do him a favor?”


Perhaps he understood his worth, he responded arrogantly and, on the contrary, even made a request to us.

-There are 11 members of the cadet party, Edwin Gwynns and Lev Denek. These two guys took everything I had. Therefore, I intend to take revenge on them. Even if I have a big accident with them… Can Marcosias look after you?


“Lev Denek… Was it?”

A human archer that Darian said is said to handle her power like hers.

It is not a coincidence. There’s something about that guy who doesn’t look like much.

Then a demon came forward and opened his mouth.

“Great One, the confirmation of the people around Lev Denek that you ordered has been completed.”

“Tell me.”

There is no way the Great Devil is interested in just a few humans.

However, that Levdenek took Darian, who was Marcosias’s servant, and

As I heard earlier, Kaeran’s things were also taken away.

A situation where killing as brutally as possible is not enough.

“Two daughters of a war hero worshiped by the creatures, a creature purified from the fallen angel Toviel, and a priestess with divine power appear to be her aides.”

“How cute. Are you dreaming of becoming a hero with that number?”


As expected, being careless is dangerous.

Right now, they probably have abilities inferior to those of bugs, but if left unattended, they’ll grow into trouble and point their swords at them later.

Marcosias made a quick decision.

“This is the right time. As expected, I myself manifest as Mystic Island. Until then, actions other than orders from the rest are prohibited.”

“I will do as you command.”

With the occupation of Mistim Island, the young shoots are neatly cut out.

Marcosias smiled and continued the order.

“And tell Yellowdy Latasia. Concentrate the monsters in one place, and don’t let even one into the depths of the island.”

“I understand.”

In this way, all preparations have been completed.

Aiming for the moment Clarice’s foolish people gather in one place.

‘War Hero… I can’t wait to see what their food will taste like… ‘

All that’s left is for Marcosias himself to carry out the massacre himself, and to choose a good guy and make him his eternal servant.

‘I should have endured better than my legs, hahaha… !’

Marcosias’ laughter lasted longer than ever.

* * *

– Rippling.

When we get information about Marcosias and return to our party’s base,

In front of the bonfire sat a pure white girl, Yeriel, who shone through the darkness.

“Now I’m here… !”

A bit drowsy, she looked at me with a complicated smile as if she woke up from sleep.

– Growling!


I briefly exchanged glances with Yeriel at Edwin’s snoring, then quietly sat down beside her and asked.

“Did I wait?”

“… No. It’s not even Lev’s turn anyway.”

She stared at the campfire in the middle of it, then turned her gaze to my face.

“… Are not you tired? Shouldn’t you sleep more?”

“It’s okay. Rather… You don’t ask where I’ve been.”

“Yes. Because Lev kept my secret too.”

“… !”

“I actually know? Did something happen to my body? The day before Lev’s grade… The same goes for the devil who suddenly appeared in the Sellafi hall in the form of Umberto.”

She turned her gaze forward again and confided in me.

“Before Lev came, the devil must have done that. There’s a funny curse hanging over my body. Perhaps the demons covet… Maybe something you like?”

I took her hand without saying anything.

There was no particular reason. It was because it felt like she would disappear just like this.

“And that has to do with Lev.”

“… “

“I finally remembered that night. The reason Lev and Aria became estranged was because he was trying to hide my secret, right?”

I thought of Yeriel’s setting book that I hadn’t paid attention to.

Insight and empathy.

And dedication.

It is true that I acted violently towards Arya in order to cover up Arya’s feeling of her black magic from Yeriel, but

I didn’t want to be comforted like this.

It’s not something that can be packaged in such a nice way.

Until now, I have used their hearts… Because it was me

I put my emotions down as much as I could and spoke quietly.

“Yeriel, I am not a nice person. A mistake that is hard to forgive for Arya… “

“Rev. Stop.”


“I am here. You never thought Lev was a bad person? The one who saved me whenever I was in danger was Lev, how could I think that… But if Lev keeps saying that, it makes me so sad.”

She held my hands tightly and turned her body so that they were completely facing each other.

“So… As for Arya… Lev is not the only one at fault.”


“Actually, am I also really bad? The day Aria told Lev she liked her, she said she didn’t want an answer from her about the confession, so she was very relieved… So please don’t be sad alone…”

“… Yeriel.”

“Also, in a way Lev kissed Aria… “


“Because of me… oh ah… ?”


A moment of silence passed.

I asked her with her slightly broken heart.

“I saw… I see…… ”

“Yeah, sorry… “

“No, I am more sorry… “

If you saw that situation, my worst comment…

I guess you heard it.

“Right. Lev was more sloppy than me.”

“… !”

I was surprised by Yeriel’s agreement and looked into her eyes.

She smiled mischievously and said.

“It’s a joke.”

“… Yeriel… “

“What… ! Lev is always playing pranks on me.”


Afterwards, when Yeriel puffed out her cheeks cutely, I had no choice but to apologize immediately.





Silence fell again, and for some reason the campfire felt warmer than before.


And with a lithe tone, Yeriel called my name.


“Do you like me?”

“… Yes.”


“I like you.”

“Wow. Lev is really greedy… “


“Then tell me you like me.”

“Huh? Now…?”

“Yes. It’s a punishment for a playboy.”

I don’t understand the context of such a punishment, but…

I had no choice but to do it.

“I like you. Yeriel.”

“Hmm. It feels like this… “

She looked at her campfire and nodded her head, then gave one more command.

“I hope there is nothing else… ?”

Looking at Yeriel’s red cheeks, perhaps because of the warmth,

And looking at the beautiful side line, I said as if enchanted.

“Let’s date. Yeriel.”

“…… “

She wondered if Yeriel didn’t like the line, and then,

She answered within a minute.

“I will refuse.”


“First, Lev is forgiven by Arya.”

“… “

“If you answer the confession correctly… ! I’ll think about it again then… !”

“…… Wait, that means… “

– Seruk.

We couldn’t carry on the conversation any longer.


Yeri El gave her a kiss on my cheek,

After that, he shyly took my lips.




– Rippling.

The moonlight still fades in the stream…

It was too short a night to get to know her all.

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