124 – Awakening (5)

Pandemonium in the Underworld, somewhere in the Maw where Marcosias’ 5th Legion is located.

“Great Marcosias… ! This should not be taken lightly!”

“… Keep your mouth shut.”

“… !”

Darian has disappeared.

‘Are you forgetting the grace you gave me? Darian.’

I don’t know if there is such a thing as faith in demons, but Marcosias held Darian in high esteem.

So far, I’ve been doing what he asked me to do without hesitation.

“Ummm… “

But, she disappeared as if dead.

I only gave orders to bring one human male.

Marcosias knew that Darian’s lifespan was short.

If she died because she couldn’t complete the devil’s contract, her soul and the power she lent would have to return to Marcosias.

But nothing happens.

Her thoughts are still… I mean, it’s been passed on somewhere.

This, Marcosias judged,

It was inevitable that Darian had thought of a way not to take the risk of the devil’s pact.

“Did you know that you were hiding your dagger… If not… “

After all, it is said that a human man would have used his hand.

Are you really saying that the person capable of destroying Jin 14 was just a human?


Marcosias stood up from his chair.

With a very large body, it seemed to touch the ceiling of this palace.


-O mighty one…

Seeing that, the surrounding demons bowed their heads.

It was not uncommon for him to get up from his seat.

If someone you don’t know sees… It was a rather funny situation, but the atmosphere here was already suppressed by the pressure that Marcosias exuded.

“I will go out to meet you.”

“… !”

“If there is a creature that helps him… Let’s get to know each and every one of them.”


After that, Marcosias turned his head and laughed.

He touched the servants of the great devil, who should not be touched.

In that case, I have no choice but to pay the same amount.

People around him… Without missing a single one.




* * *

– Rumble.

When Arya opened her door and entered her Rev’s room, it was darkness that greeted her.

And the cold air in the hallway began to mix with the warm moisture in the room.

The scent of the two… Tickle the tip of Arya’s nose.

“Mr. Rev…?”

At Arya’s cautious question, Lev, who was sitting on her bed, started approaching her.


As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Arya was able to identify Rev’s body.

The top is completely removed. Perhaps it had just been washed, it had a good scent and plenty of moisture.

“… “

Even though Lev was right in front of Arya, the quilt on his bed was still convex.

Perhaps the head of the House of Cellapy. Yeriel, she will be there.

At that shocking scene, Aria’s pupils, who had conservative chastity, began to shake violently.


My body does not move.

Read at readwn. com

Just like when she felt the energy of Andras, she had witnessed a private situation between the two that she shouldn’t have seen.

“… Sorry…… “

When Arya ran out into the hallway to escape,

– Tup!

Lev also came out and grabbed her wrist.

“Let go… yo. This… !”

“Tell me a minute.”

Once again, the moisture for no reason covers my eyes.

‘Alternatively… why i… !’

In an instant, she thought of Lev in Arya’s head, and the memory of her that she had said several times that she liked her in her room came to mind.

Lev Denek. Ever since I met this man… Emotions are constantly fluctuating.

It’s embarrassing.

If I can erase it, I want to erase it all.

I felt very resentful of the person who had misunderstood to this extent with the fact that I had heard that he would help me avenge him.

‘Obviously, I knew… !’

It’s stupid.

He must have had Yeriel in his heart.

He thought he was going further.

As always, calm words came out of his mouth.

“It’s a misunderstanding. This… “

His voice calms my heart no matter how many times I hear it.

But this time obviously… It’s a lie.

Why are young men and women in the same bed?

That’s just washed and naked.

“… You must be.”

A sharp tone came out of Aria’s mouth for no reason.

“I apologize for entering the room without knocking. However… If you give me a word in advance… That would have been nice.”

“… “

“I… Because I’m stupid… If Rev-san approaches you like that… Because I am delusional.”

“… Aria. It’s not what you think.”

“Okay… It’s okay. You don’t have to say that… “

“… “

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think anyone will believe a scene like this… “

That was the moment.


Aria, who had her back against the wall, was overlapped with Lev’s model.

And then, his neck bowed deeply.


… Her lips met.

Arya’s eyes widened for an instant, then she closed them.


Her ashen-haired man deftly led her, even though she was clearly her own first.

Warm, soft… It felt like her body was floating.

I breathed sparsely at the unfamiliar sensation that came over me.

It’s like sharing each other’s saliva and getting drunk with his pheromones,

The scent of Yeriel hidden in between… He provoked her in a nasty way.

So she wanted to cover up.

Aria Bluebell. With my existence, I want to cover everything that person is thinking.


In the quiet hallway, only the sound of the two kissing spread for a while.




“Huh… “

Even though it wasn’t long, Arya’s eyes were completely open.

And the moment his face slipped away.

Arya could already perceive that his large hands were in her own waist and on and around her back.

‘… ‘

I did it. A situation that has already been soaked mentally and physically due to it.

Lev flicked the hook of Arya’s tight underwear with his index finger and lowered her head again.


At this she closed her eyes tightly,

Not this time.

His mouth was in Arya’s ear, and then it was whispered.

“… Shall we go to your room?”

“… !”

Arya’s body is tense.

So far was the foreshadowing.

I want to follow him right away and taste it just one more time.

Since I was so immature, I think I could do better if I did it again.

But… Arya has just been practicing at the academy.

Sweat… If you smell anything… ? And her underwear… What… Was wearing…




‘…… What am I doing?’

Like a faithful priest, her reason quickly returned.

Above all, the smell of Yeriel that remained on him appealed to Arya like that.

Lev’s slightly bowed head, her hair brushed Aria’s surroundings.

“… I like you. Aria… Heartily.”


– Squeeze.

Arya gently moved Rev’s hand away from her own body.

She looked up into his eyes and gave notice with a sullen expression.

“… Mr Lev… “

“… “

“This is the worst.”

“… Sorry.”

After her words, Arya went back to her room.




* * *




Sending an aria like that… Back in my room I…

Maybe it’s because I’m uncomfortable sleeping in the chair, or because I started training early recently…

When morning came, her eyes opened automatically.

‘It’s warm.’

I was covered with a blanket.

And, since when did she start, Yeriel, who was sitting on the bed, was looking at me.

She hesitated before opening her mouth cautiously.

“Rev… Sorry… “

“What do you have to be sorry about?”

“You know. I really… I was just waiting for Lev… I guess I can’t remember what happened yesterday…… “

Seeing her shrinking body as if anxious,

I gently pulled on Yeriel’s arm.

“Come this way.”


Then, after sitting on my thighs, I covered it with a blanket.

“What are you doing… ! Rev… !”

“Please stay like this for a moment.”

Her warm body temperature reassures me.


They offset each other’s anxiety.

Yeriel said in a trembling voice.

“… I wonder if something happened to my body… ?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Then, no way… ! Did you drink alcohol by mistake? ?”

It’s cute to point out nonsense.

I said as I brushed her tousled hair.

“Yeriel, it’s okay.”

“… Me yesterday… What mistake did you make to Lev… ?”

“No, not really. Nothing happened.”

“Then why was I sleeping in Revbang?”

“… “

You ran over me.

I tried to swallow the word.

“What, Lev… You’re just kidding me again… ?”

“I won’t play anymore.”

“… Huh?”

Yeriel must have missed my words, so she turned her head and looked at me.

Shining innocent eyes as if asking to be eaten.

– Belt ring.


[Yeriel Artina]

▶[Status Average]

: 5.8


Circle Magic (7)

▶[Unique characteristics]

Fallen Angel (Lv.??) (Activation) (Step 2)

Element (Lv.7)

Spirit Art (Lv.7)


Fortunately, becoming a fallen angel was one step lower.

I replied, intoxicated by her beauty.

“… I’m sorry.”

“…… Why am I sorry Lev… ? Sorry, what did I say yesterday… !”

“Um… If I had to ask… Yeriel saw me and arranged that we were the dormitory head and dormitory cadets.”

“Huh…? Wife??”

She said that she couldn’t understand why she said that,

On the one hand, as if it was impossible to refute, he quickly becomes sullen and his gaze goes to the floor.

I replied with a light smile.

“I don’t think so.”

“… !”

At those words, Yeriel’s gaze returned to the normal track.

“I… Really…?”


“Well, then… ? Lev is… ! What do you think… ?”

“Well… Before that, Yeriel, can I ask you one thing?”

“Huh? Like what?”

“It’s a screening test in a few days, right? Aria, take good care of me.”


“… We quarreled a little.”


Yeriel completely turned her body around and straightened her bangs inside her.

“Lev apologizes.”


“Yes. A good aria couldn’t have done anything wrong.”

I thought you would always listen to me.

“… That’s right.”

“That’s right. Rev. Kind.”

I’m not that nice.

Seeing her smile made me feel even more guilty about what I did to Arya yesterday.

“Ah, my answer to the previous question is… “


“Maybe the same as Yeriel thinks of me.”

After saying that, I got up from my seat,

“… To????! For a moment!”

I wrapped Yeriel in a blanket.

“Rev… ?… !”

Then, gently put it back on the bed.

“Get some more rest. I’ll go down first and prepare breakfast.”

As if running away, I quickly went down to the 1st floor of Cellapy Hall.

* * *




Ingredients room of the Cellapi Pavilion.

I just sat down.

If it hadn’t been for Arya’s surprise appearance, I might have completely let go of her reason for the sleeping Yeriel.

-… Mr Lev… It’s the worst.

And that’s exactly what she said.

Even though I know how they both feel for me… I tried to ignore it and escalated the situation to this point.

She was punished for her careless mischief by Yeriel, who always accepted her.

I want to take care of her more and watch her, but…

Because of what he did to Arya, it was hard for me to keep looking at Yeriel’s face.

If this dangerous relationship continues…

‘I’ll take a boat… ‘

You may cross an irreversible river.

Well, considering what will happen in Chapter 4, it will put an end to this ambiguous relationship between the three of us.




‘… I’ll turn around.’

Even while choosing ingredients, it keeps playing over and over again.

-… Mr Lev… It’s the worst.

Aria’s tearful words echo.

I did something I shouldn’t have done to her.

‘I’d rather curse harder.’

Perhaps Arya had noticed the black magic that Yeriel spewed out, so she pressed her lips hard to hide it.

If Arya begins to doubt her black magic, even from Yeriel… The unity of Edwin’s party will be disturbed.

‘I… What is the difference between Kaeran and… ‘

What all heroines have in common is that they regard the original Rev Deneck style, that is, a playboy like Kaeran, as the worst…

I couldn’t help it.

Actually, considering what Arya has to do to me…

You’d be better off thinking me trash and hating me.

Chapter 4 A screening test for aspiring warriors.

The last chapter before the appearance of the ally of Chapter 5, Saint-Psyche…

Neither the clue to remove Yeriel’s fallen angel nor the completion of Arya’s revenge on Andras…

It is also here that I find a way to return to the original world.

I don’t want to put my favorite Yeriel and Arya in danger anymore.

So… If I were to sacrifice myself, I would have to endure this time.

The last card to achieve all of this came into my hands as of yesterday.

– Belt ring.

▶ [Fixed Compensation]

▶ [Selective Reward]

I can’t help it since I came this far.

Sooner or later, the day will come when I can tell the two of you about everything… Come on.

‘… It must be difficult to understand.’

I opened the reward window to check the abilities passed down from Darian.

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