122 – Awakening (3)

The first meeting with Levdenek… It was definitely wind archery.

– It’s okay. You can teach me

– Do you teach? …I?


-If it’s the basics…

-No, wind archery.

Selena was embarrassed.

The fact that she can’t use wind archery,

-Isn’t it like a half elf?

– What else does an elf have without that? Too bad.

It was a fact that was widespread even in Clarisse.

However, he was different from other humans.

As we train and spend time together…

In addition to never messing with marksmanship, she really thought she could master wind archery.

So the miracle happened?

After this, Selena felt that something in her that was tied to herself was released.

After that, it was a winning streak.

According to his words, she mastered wind archery, and day by day, she was able to take a leap.

Slowly, she was able to get closer to her wish and longing.





A bleak wind began to blow in the Plotine Forest.

Because the trees are thick, the amount of sunlight is also low, so the perceived temperature here is even lower.


‘Spirit… I need to dress up… ‘

Selena held her spirit in her trembling hands.

The wave of emotions passed so quickly.

– You did your best. You also.

Crying at Lev’s unexpected comfort, she told him so much sincerity.

In an instant, arrows flew at him as if to let him know that he had crossed the line.

‘But… Like this… I don’t want it to end… ‘

He tried to protect Selena even until the last moment when he was pierced by an arrow.

What a stupid and absurd man this is.

The Black Fairy, who had been silent for a while at Selena’s rebuttal, slowly opened her mouth.

“… I would have told you that I had nothing to do with you today… Are you taking responsibility for what you just said?”

“… Right.”

Selena has as her enemies the half-elves of her own kind, the only two in this world.


As I heard from my mother, a black fairy that appears in the legend of Kroon.

She is probably evil.

Because he betrayed his family, abandoned humans, and sided with the demons.

That alone was enough reason for Selena, a student of Clarisse, to fight.

However, when looking at this situation rationally,

If you fight, you will surely lose.

There is no odds.

That’s why the black fairy Darian is aiming for.

The best thing to do is to hand over Lev Deneck, who might be the devil’s helper.

But I couldn’t.

Because my feelings for him were bigger than I thought.

‘Since when… Was it?’

When he saved his life from being held down by Sharp Tiga?

Or when Kaeran, who was holding him in check, disintegrated his Royal Class Circle instead?

Ever since he changed his mind about saving everyone in the bloody ash subjugation?

At the Le Conta festival, he saw that he had conceded the aspiring warrior to himself?

‘… I don’t know.’

Clearly, Selena needed him.

Her heart may not be considered pure.

Of course, that too.

Because he still hasn’t shown his final intentions.

But the biggest difference between Lev Deneck and other humans is.

Anyway, he is living for others.

In Clarisse of the jungle, his actions are somewhat difficult to understand, but

That’s why it permeates more warmly.

“… If I intend to protect this boy, I have no choice but to use force.”

“… Like that.”

“… “

Forcibly regaining her sanity, Selena had one last gamble left.

That’s right, Darian herself.

‘Today you have nothing to do.’

If it’s the devil’s order, no matter how much of a kinsman gets in the way, he must be killed.

Because that’s a demon.

However, when you see that he is trying to convince himself even if he spends time like this,

It means that there is something for the person himself, not just Lev.

– Took.

Selena put her bow, which she was aiming at, on her floor, and knelt down in her seat.


“… I’m sorry, but ejaculation doesn’t work. The more time you drag, the closer the boy’s death gets.”

– Sweep.

And having her rev lay on her own lap, she put one of her arrows in her hand.

“What are you trying to do now… ?”

Before Darian’s question passes,

“If you’re going to take Lev, kill me first.”

Bright red blood dripped from Selena’s neck, which touched her arrowhead.

* * *

Darian’s path has been one of betrayal.

A relationship that seemed like it would last forever even when Kroon was around.

People who seemed to be truly trustworthy…

Kroon started to fall apart just by his disappearance.

There is no need to explain further.

Because they are fragments of sharp memories that have haunted Darian all his life without weathering,

It’s just stupid to try to force it.

The important thing is the present moment.

Darian betrayed humans and fairies and made a pact with the devil.

This was the best she could do.

In return for acting as the limb of the great devil, if the demons won the war, the elves were promised the continuation.

Tired of humans.

Even if the hated humans win the war, they end up infighting. It just repeats the same mistakes.

Therefore, breaking this cycle was the reason she betrayed her clan and became the pawn of her demons.

But was this also a trick of the devil?

The time limit for fulfilling her contract was longer than expected, and she could not endure it with her current physical condition.

Therefore, Darian had to appoint an heir to fulfill the demonic pact she had made.

Elves and Humans. A person who can defeat both races.

A person with outstanding qualities at the same time.

‘A half-elf like me… ‘

It was decided that Selena Windforce was the most suitable.




“… Stop.”

In an instant, the words she shouldn’t have come out of her embarrassed mouth.

Clearly, the suitable person is Selena Windforce, who is not respected by humans or elves.

Only she will be the vessel to inherit the ability within her legs…

As if Selena knew that, she put the arrowhead to her throat even more intensely.

“Think carefully! Humans are a series of betrayals… !”

The more so, Selena’s behavior was unstoppable.

“What is that clumsy man saying!”

In an instant, Darian realized.

A man whose complexion is now white and gasping for his life.

What he only did to Selena, who would block the wind…

I didn’t have to twist and understand it.

It was just to protect her.

He didn’t want to believe that simple fact, so he tried to deny it.

“Good. At this rate, both me and Lev… “


At this rate, Marcosias’ orders and his own plans would be in vain.

Darian screamed.

“You, you… ! There are qualities… ! If you follow me and are on the side of the demons… One day, a world where half-penny like us can be recognized… “

Despite the sophistry in the bridge, Selena just shook her head with a laughable smile.

Selena Windforce.

She was the perfect place for her to die.

The wind that blows without rest comforts you,

My parents are right next to me,

The man you might fall in love with… He is leaning on himself

“…… “

So obediently prepared for her death, Selena gave strength to her hand,

As it is,

She stung.

* * *




How much time has passed.

As the wind blows, I naturally opened my eyes,

In my field of vision was Selena’s neckline wrapped in bandages.

‘… ‘

A view that can only come out in one situation, even if it is her lap pillow, to her who hates her skinship.

“Woke up.”

Selena gently stroked her hair.

Every time her slender fingers pass, it feels good.

– Belt ring.

[Passive – Fountain of Souls]

First of all, when I check the skill window and see that the fountain of souls is still there, I don’t think I’m dead.

That means…


Fortunately, the answer was right in front of my eyes.

[New achievement unlocked!

[You can get rewards!]

[Pandemonium’s watch rate is rising steeply!]

[You can inherit the abilities of (former) War Hero, Dark Fairy Darian!]

[Realize the ultimate in wind archery!]

“… It’s gone. Healing you… “

Looking back, Selena’s eyes were rabbit eyes.

‘… I must have cried.’

Originally, it was the story of That Selena, who had not learned wind archery, had a great sense of skepticism in the subjugation of bloody ash and inherited Darian’s ability.

This becomes an excuse for her being hunted by her witch later.

‘So… This must be right.’

Looking at my body, which was once a hedgehog, everything went as planned.

Darian wants to stop Selena from having bad thoughts…

In other words, in order to save me, I passed on the power of the devil.

▶ [Fixed Compensation]

▶ [Selective Reward]

As if blaming me for this, the reward window lights up dark red.

‘It can’t be helped.’

From the moment I inherited Andras’ ability, I became dirty with black magic.

As if… to smoke at will,

-You guys don’t do things like this.

Like a man who uselessly maintains his form.

I didn’t want to leave a setting with a sequel to my favorite heroines.

Selena opened her mouth, her voice a little hoarse.

“… Got it all figured out everything to him… I heard you.”

“… “

“Things the Shafti family tried to do to me. The reason I didn’t learn wind archery… Everything. Did you already know?”

“… “

“Why didn’t you tell me? I keep… I doubted you.”

“… “

‘And… “

Selena asked in a forlorn tone.

“… Did you really intend to die for me?”

No one likes to die, but that moment was sincere.

I answered her as lightly as possible on her.

“… What. Isn’t it so romantic that only bad people exist… “

– Imprisoned.


Selena threw me on the floor and climbed on top of me.

“Hug me.”

In other words, I carried out the order in the lightest way possible.

Her Bury her in my arms.

It’s warm.

Lively as if alive.

It was a warmth that you would never experience in a game or a novel.

Green grass. Selena’s little space.

We lay down and shared each other’s body temperature for a while.




“It’s cold… I’ll tell you to dress warmly… !”

Barely calming down from her daytime work, Yeriel waited for Lev at the nearest loop train station from Cellafy.

Every time it’s this late, something has happened…

‘… Because I told you to be careful… It will be fine… ‘

No more doubts.

Read at readwn. com

Just trust him.

And today… I decided to advance my mind a little more.

Compared to Arya, who ends up confessing to each other, Yeriel hasn’t been able to properly convey his feelings yet.

It was Yeriel who promised that she would be okay with her greed.

‘There is also a screening test, so I hope you don’t feel too burdened… ‘

Because Lev is very considerate.

‘Don’t speak too quickly… slowly… ‘

I try to recite the words that I thought of in her head.

It’s embarrassing, but when you bash, laughter leaks out.

-Ughhh… !


At that time, as the last circular train arrived, the silhouette of a man who looked like Lev was revealed.

“Les… !”

By the way, there is another person next to him.

A platinum-haired elf.

Selena Windforce.

Lev had a slightly complicated expression as usual, but

“… !”

Selena was different.

Her usual icy, uncharacteristically shy feeling.

There’s even a naturalness that subtly induces skinship as if it’s slightly heated.

And what does this mean… Yeriel knew it in an insinuating way.

“…… “

– Kung!

Something starts to sprout once again in the heart of Yeriel, who was shaken by Arya.

“…… Lev is… Really… You’re popular… “

This sense of hopelessness soon turned into something else and began to erode the innocent spirit of Yeriel.

“… Yes… If I stay like this, I won’t be able to confess and I’ll be taken away… “

– Pachijik!

The high-density mana generated from her body collides with the subtle black magic power, and it starts to fly like a spark.

So, with Yeriel’s eyes completely dead, she shot up to Lev.

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