120 – Awakening

Selapy Black Crown.

A delicious smell spreads through the small communal restaurant.

Aria and Yeriel talked about what happened at the Le Conta Festival after Lev was away for joint training with Selena.

Among them, the silver-haired girl, Aria, was admiring it.

Yeri El was not only great for her magic skills, but also for her presence as the housekeeper of her dorm.

I was able to do everything from laundry, cleaning, and food to a high standard, rather than simply maintaining the black pipe.

-Lev likes this scent, so he hangs this air freshener in the men’s bathroom… !

-Lev trains often, so he does the laundry every day!

The amount of information is enough to believe that she is Rev’s exclusive maid.

For a man to be assisted by a woman like this, how full is she?

“Mr. Lev… Being so cared for by Yeriel… How are you?”

“No! Rather, Lev helps me a lot… ! Lev is tall, so take out what’s on the shelf… He also brings things from the attic or warehouse… “

“Even so. Usually, the headmaster goes to this extent… “

“Yeah, no! Aria is really sincere when she nurses Lev!”

“That is true.”

This is… Can’t win

Arya just asked a few questions to help Yeriel,

The traces left everywhere in the black coffin showed off that these two people had been caring for each other without an inch of error.

‘It’s been like this ever since the first semester, just the two of us… ‘

Arya carefully placed her hand on her chin, expressionless, and she pondered.

It’s strange that young men and women don’t have feelings for her when they’re together like this.

Besides, is there a man in the world who wouldn’t fall in love with Yeriel, who is also popular in Clarisse?

‘… I’m broken.’

I am angry. Aria, who is cold-hearted in everything, also becomes impatient.

‘The secret of Mr. Lev that only I know… I need… ‘

Arya wished she had an aspect of Rev that something Yariel didn’t know she was hoping for.




So it was lunchtime, and the two sat down at the table.

Yeriel cautiously asked Arya.

“By the way… Aria is fine… ?”

“… Yes?”

“Well, you confessed to Lev… “


“You are curious about the answer to that, aren’t you? I think that would be the case with me… !”

Arya answered calmly.

“It’s okay. Because I did too.”


Her unexpected answer made Yeriel’s eyes widen.

“Yes… ? What does that mean… What is it?”

Arya spoke quite calmly.

“When Mr. Lev confessed to me, I didn’t answer either.”


“So the same situation… Yeriel-sama…?”

The tableware Yeriel was holding fell.

In her mind, only the fact that Lev had confessed to Arya was ringing in her head.

His pupils have already faded, as if the color of defeat has deepened.

“Oh, sorry! He, Le, and Lev confess to Arya… Did… Goa… Ah… “


Conversely, Arya is calm.

I don’t think it’s a lie.

Arrogant thoughts run through Yeriel’s head.

‘When? Where? How…?’

What did Lev, who always jokes with himself, confess to Aria?

Then why did Arya refuse… ?

If she gets a confession from him…

How would you feel?

Aria, who watched this silently, refrained from letting out her threadbare laugh without realizing it, and threw a wedge.

“… It seems that Yeriel didn’t know… ?”

“………… Yes.”

“If you want to tease Lev, you can ask. You may be ashamed.”

“………… “

I just asked.

Arya just answered her question,

However, that fact itself was too fatal for her.

‘The theory of this… no… don’t lose me… ‘

Something sprouts in her heart.

And soon, with a small resolution… It changes.

‘Yeah, this time, Lev, who recklessly confessed, was also at fault….’

When he comes back today, he’ll crack down hard.

* * *

Plotine Forest, a level 3 monster habitat, managed by the Empire.

This is a setting that also appears in fanfic, but this place is the largest residence of elves in the past, and it is also the place where the parents of the half-elf Selena are buried.

Selena usually visits this place when she has a lot of thoughts or when she is faced with a big task. Knowing this, I volunteered to be her companion ahead of the screening test.

This development was possible because she has been training jointly with her every other day recently, and her trust in me has risen considerably due to a series of past events.




– Jjallang…

[Rosario – Divine]

[Rarity: A-]

[A cross full of holy power. Significantly reduces the speed at which the wearer is fatally wounded.]

[Can be used once]

-It’s my first time making it, so I’m not sure. Take it if you need it.

Selena spoke to me while I was fiddling with the cross Arya gave me in her pocket.

“I am surprised. Some of the human cadets want to visit Plotine Forest.”

“I was curious. The home of the elves.”

This dangerous area has been designated as a habitat for monsters and has been completely cut off from humans.

The reason I wanted to come here is simple.

‘It’s too soon to prepare for Trial 4 right now… ‘

An awakening for me and Selena.

Because the last puzzle is here.


Selena led me deep into the woods, to a field of red grass shaded by dead trees.

And there, a small green area that was only described in novels greeted me.

‘Amazing… It does.’

There were two small tombstones.

It probably says ‘~ wind force’.

Selena, forlornly, began her own story.

“My elf mother loved my human father.”

“… “

“That was a tragedy. As a half-elf, all I can do for my parents is take care of this small space… “

The Windforth family in the past was by no means a weak family.

However, Selena’s mother brought in a human male despite various objections, and Shafty, the family of Gaylon, took the initiative and weakened with this as an excuse.

To make matters worse, the demon tribe invades and the war begins, and the Elf race is completely divided.

Therefore, Selena’s goal for her warriors is to seize power for the harmony and safety of the elves, and not from Sharp Tiga.

The words are easy, but the given fate is harsh.

The path she must take is definitely a thorny path.

I was careful with my luck.

“I don’t think it’s a tragedy.”


“… Anyway, because that happened… You are here.”

I looked up at Selena.

I can’t help it even if I shrink a little.

Because Selena and I need a narrative right now.

I said, passing her hair on the side.

“You tried. You also.”

“…… “


Selena, who had been silent, sat down in her seat.

And as she listened to the wind, she closed her eyes.

Perhaps something that has happened in the past, something that will happen in the future.

They must be sharing those things with the wind spirits.

If you are a human being, you will have a heart for your family.

So, until then, I stayed by her side in silence.




What woke me up again was Selena’s voice, which seemed like it would disperse like the wind.

“… What are you doing?”

“… Silence. “


“… Where I was, no, humans bow their heads in an act of wishing for the rest of the deceased.”

Selena seems to have agreed to the culture of this world, but she bowed her head after me.

How much time has passed like that?

We faced each other naturally.

‘It must be about time.’

While I was running out of time, Selena told me with her face lighter.

“Thank you. Please pray for my parents.”

“Of course.”

“By the way, Lev Deneck. Were you an easier man than you look?”


“For elves to bring others into their domain… What do you think it means?”

I put a moderate amount of tom and answered.

“… Colleague?”

Isn’t that the correct answer?

Selena picked me up and laughed, as if I was cute.

“Is it insensitive or naive? If not… Are you pretending not to know?”

Then, he began to lightly sweep my shoulders with his white, fine hands.

“As of today, I preempted you. Lev Deneck.”

“…… “

“Do you understand? … I admit… You are the only human.”

“…… “

– Sweep.

Selena’s whispered words are so enchanting.

At the same time, Selena’s curves permeate my chest, her thighs, and all over her body.

As if we’re going to quickly check if the fish is right…

“Of course I haven’t forgotten. You asked me for Edwin Gwynns… ? Keep your promise, of course.”

“… “

“But… Also I… I need you.”

Selena, who was a little close to me, only slightly turned her head shyly.

If a doll were alive, would it feel like this?

“You can call me a snob. Know that there is someone else on your mind. Still…… “

Selena’s eyes are watery.

“… I want you to not leave me alone.”

The moment I tried to hug Selena as if I was bewitched,

– Phoebe.

Concise pongong sound.

– Push!!!!

Dozens of arrows with striking sounds,


They pierced me all at once.

“Les… Rev!!!!!”

‘It was close.’

“Rev… !!!!!”

“It’s okay….”

After being pushed by me, Selena’s scream surrounded by a windshield.


Like a deflated balloon, I immediately fell to the floor on one knee.

Blood gushing out as if touching a water vein, uniform shirt dyed red…

‘Each shot is fatal… award… ‘

Exactly one step before death… That’s how painful it is.

‘… I finally see you.’

In my narrowed field of vision, perhaps because I was approaching the threshold of death,

Instead of the grim reaper, a dark fairy with skin the color of chocolate entered.

“…… If you follow me obediently, I won’t kill you now.”

The best shooter in the world view.

The pinnacle of wind archery.

It’s too deceptive. The shooter’s characteristic was nerfed countless times in . With [Sniper]… Only character.

Darian appeared before me.

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