Just woke up from sleep and discovered I had been battling directly in a physical mouth combat with the devil taking the form of my cousin. It brought me down to the conclusion that: In the world today, time and space are moving with rapid speed, technology evolves every second, people dying … on and on. Guess what? SIN is not left out. It is advancing and disguising its self in new forms day by day. It comes in a very slimy, seductive manner luring in such a tempting way that makes one think it is alright whereas it is the opposite.

Imagine a young group of teenagers indulged in buying examination papers for their last examination in High School. Appealing and tempting, right? Nope, nope! It is definitely not acceptable in the Lord's sight. This has become a normal trend and is not seen as a sin any longer such that the innocent ones are looked upon as being archaic.

What more can I say than what is in vogue for most teenagers: PARTIES. A group of teenagers were once asked, "What is so it about parties?" and their reply was, "It is our time, we are having fun flexing life and rocking: it is no sin" That is highly deceptive. True to the fact, teenagers are to have fun but make it clean and neat fun, you know what I am talking about, right? Did I hear a 'Yep, yep!!'

Satan makes us do what we do not want to. We give him a chance to feel like he is in control i.e. if we are in the world and of the world. He makes you feel he's



Non-stop control
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While he's actually




As little as you feel insults or talking rash is, they deeply hurt those at the receiving end and could physically, emotionally and spiritually destabilize the person. It causes a dirty environment in every sense. It would cause no harm but rather promote unity and love if teenagers learned to bridle their tongues, produce only clean, neat and nice things from our lips, bless often rather than curse; the world would be quite a neat place to live in. If we do unto others as we want them to do us, I bet you, love would lead the way.

When I want to speak, let me think first, is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If not, let it be unsaid.

If only teenagers could make a life changing decision to shun all the evils of the world, try not to make bad seem good, try not to defend sinful actions but distinguish the devil from God, embracing Jesus as He is the only way forward…

… It would be rare and weird but most importantly, we would be living life large for God.

"Repentance may be old-fashioned but it is not outdated as long as there is sin".

"I have much to write to you, but I no longer want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you personally and talk with you face to face, so that your joy may be complete" - 3 John 1:13

(The voice of the Holy Spirit to all teens reading this book)

Well, here we are again, after our journey through time. Time which as we are told there is for reaping and sowing, writing and reading, beginning and ending … a time for conclusion!

Choose this day who you'd be, as for me and my being, I choose to be A-T-4-G!

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