I agree!

The show's ratings have dropped significantly.

The rewards are also much lower.

So, there has to be a change.”

"Yes! It's over soon, and then there's a second season!"

"This show has nothing to sell anymore."


Listening to everyone's words, the director nodded slightly.

"I actually think so too.

We must end this show quickly.

So, how should the show continue?

Now it seems that there is no need for this meteor shower to exist anymore.

Shall we continue in another way?"

As the director's voice fell, everyone began to discuss.

"I suggest getting a poison ring!

This poisonous circle begins to shrink inward from the outermost periphery.

Whoever touches whoever dies!

Force all contestants to move towards the center of the desert island.

Then they have to fight together."

"I suggest that it be the same!

However, our staff needs to enter and equip these contestants with positioning bracelets that cannot be removed.

In this way, they can't continue to evade our tracking in such a way."

"I suggest we play open cards.

That is, point out all the contestants' positions.

Then let the contestants go to fight on their own!"


Everyone who attended the meeting gave their own suggestions.

The director, on the other hand, sat there and listened silently.

Frowning for a while, head for a while.

After everyone had finished speaking, he began to make his concluding remarks.

"Everyone's speeches were very good.

However, I still want everyone to discuss it.

After all, these methods are not cool enough!

It didn't have a beneficial effect on our ratings!"

Many senior executives who attended the meeting fell silent.

Because they can't think of a good way for the time being.

"Otherwise, we still use the last method to directly vote for the whole network?"


The director pondered for a moment when he heard the words.

Then he shook his head, "The same routine, just play it once.

It's not good if you play continuously.

Let's change the routine this time~"

The crowd was silent again.

This requirement is really too high.

So many people can't think of a suitable way for a while.


Director, I have come up with a good idea!"

Suddenly, Han Shang's eyes lit up and he spoke loudly.


Let's talk~"

"We can get those who are eliminated to have a live stream.

Then let these people drive some traffic.

And let these people actively interact with fans.

Through them, to find our way of this event~"

"This method is good!"

The director's eyes lit up, and then slammed the table.


That's it!

Get ready, come up with a plan, and announce it later on the show."

"it is good!"

Everyone should be.

Then he happily walked out of the conference room.

Finally don't have to work overtime anymore.

For them, this is undoubtedly a very good thing!


At the same time, Liu Kun and Ma Decao also finished their meal and started to follow._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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