
Liu Kun, who was cooking, suddenly frowned and turned to look outside the fence.

I saw a bald man outside the fence at this moment, looking at him with a smile.


Can I come over for a meal?

I have good physical strength and can help you with your work!

You feed me and I work for you!

How about it?"

Listening to Liu Deli's words, Su Xi was immediately stunned.

"Why are there beggars at home!?"

Su Xi couldn't understand, how could there be such a strange player.

Liu Kun frowned.

It was also the first time he had seen such a strange player.

"Could it be that he wants to play tricks?

Take a meal on the pretext of helping me with my work.

After eating, either run away or stay to help.

And I can't hit him either...

It's like saying...

A strange flower who touches porcelain and eats rice?

Sure enough, the world is big and everyone has it.”

Thinking of this, Liu Kun glared at Liu Deli, and then ignored him.

He's been a little bored lately.

Because his tortoise shell frying pan is about to break.

After all, this thing is a turtle shell, which is not very heat-resistant.

After using it for frying a few times, it is no longer good.

I'm afraid that after cooking the food today, it will be scrapped.

Once the cooking pot is scrapped, then he has no cooking to eat.

"Little brother~"

Although Liu Kun ignored Liu Deli, Liu Deli did not give up.


Face counts as a ball.

Food is the most important thing!


Turtle shells can't be used as a frying pan~

I'll give you a gift. I got this wok by accident. I'll give it to you today as a gift~

What about my meal?"


Hearing this, Liu Kun raised his head and glanced at Liu Deli.

I saw Liu Deli holding a cooking pot in both hands and dangling.


Liu Kun finally nodded.

A great deal for a utility tool for a meal!

As for finding a way to eliminate Liu Deli, and then take everything he owns for himself...

But it's not feasible at all.

It is really unreliable to spend so much time designing and eliminating people for so few tools.

Why don't you just get the food instead!



Then I'll come in!"

When Liu Deli heard the words, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Once you have the first step, you can have the second step!


Just when Liu Deli was about to reach the door, Liu Kun suddenly stopped him.


"Be careful, there are traps at the door, come over from the side~"


Liu Deli froze for a moment when he heard the words.

"Dig a trap at the door!?

Is this something normal people can think of?

It seems that this is really a god!

Fortunately, I made friends with him first, otherwise, if I act rashly, I am afraid I will be cold."

Of course Liu Kun didn't know that his own traps could have scary functions.


Little brother, for you, this is my meeting gift~"

Liu Deli handed over the pot in his hand, then looked at the "palace" under construction not far away, and said with admiration: "This house is really beautiful~

However, the project is too complicated.

I don't know, can I help you with some work?

How about I do an afternoon's work in exchange for dinner tonight?

If you don't behave well, you don't need to feed me.

Let's get the goods before the money!"


Liu Kun smiled and nodded.

He is rushing to work now and is short of people.

As a result, a working man was sent to the door.

This is really a surprise!

"Sit down~

I'll have dinner later."

After Liu Kun finished speaking, he took the new wok and walked towards the waterway.

I brushed it with my hands, and then I started cooking with a new pot.

I have to say that stir-frying still needs to be made with serious pot dishes.

While Liu Kun was cooking, Liu Deli was looking around.

When he was outside, he was already shocked by Liu Kun's shelter.

But after coming in, I felt that I was really shocked.

It turned out that the things in the yard were what really shocked him.

It turned out that there are contestants who can eat meat every day, and there is so much meat.

It turns out that someone has so many resources.

It turns out that cats can also be played on deserted islands, and cats have meat to eat!

There are too many truths here, and every one of them is impacting his weak heart.

"This man is really scary!"

Liu Deli was inexplicably very emotional.


Uncle, there are bamboos over there, you can make a pair of chopsticks and a bamboo cup yourself~"

Su Xi stroked the cat and looked at Liu Deli with some vigilance.

"Good good~"

When Liu Deli heard this, he trotted over and made a set of tableware with Liu Kun's bamboo.

"Standing tableware at home...

This is life~"

Naturally, he also used chopsticks to eat, but because he didn't live in a fixed place and he didn't eat well, he only occasionally made a pair of chopsticks for eating, and threw them away when they were finished.

There has never been a place like Liu Kun, who even kept chopsticks.

"Today's lunch is like this, let's eat.

Liu Deli, right?

Take how much you eat."

Just as Liu Deli seems to be running, Liu Kun's dishes are already ready.

Lunch is simple.

Stir-fried pork with chives, fried pork with dragon bean, and a pot of seaweed egg drop soup.

The staple food is toasted breadfruit.

But it was such a simple meal that made Liu Deli burst into tears.

"Fried vegetables!

This is a stir fry!

How long has it been, how long have I not eaten stir-fry?

Plus, it's two dishes and one soup!

There's even soup!


Liu Deli really wanted to cry, since he started the show until now, he has never eaten stir-fried vegetables, he has been thinking about this for a long time.

"so good!"

With a sigh, Liu Deli took out the Shakyamuni from his backpack.

"Thank you for your hospitality, this is my little gift.

Please accept it!"

The food in front of him was too rich, which made him a little embarrassed.

So, I took out the Shakyamuni that I finally got yesterday.

Not only that, but he made a decision silently in his heart.

You must work hard, so that you can last longer on the desert island!

Liu Deli's unscrupulous appearance immediately made the live broadcast room fry.

Countless people began to despise him and complain about him, but what Liu Deli expected was that the amount of rewards in his live broadcast room was also soaring.

However, just when the popularity of Liu Deli's live broadcast room soared.

The popularity of Sun Lei's live broadcast room has also begun to soar!

Even in an instant, it rushed directly to the third position on the popularity list!

Without him, because Sun Lei did a great thing!


ps I'm sorry, something happened today, it's only two chapters, it's more than four o'clock in the morning, I can't hold it anymore, at least six more tomorrow!

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