Edge was very optimistic about Snape, and of course he had to remind him not to be trapped by the spell set by Voldemort.

Aiqi's development is too big, and there has always been a shortage of manpower.

Even though Aiqi already controls the expansion of the territory, there are not enough management and researchers.

In the case of a large number of expansions, the loyalty of subordinates is not easy to guarantee.

Edge has worked hard to control the army.

Back then, His Majesty the Sith Emperor PPT of Star Wars also came to power through political conspiracy plus an army of clones and robots.

Later, he had to face an endless stream of resistance organizations, and he was finally killed.

Aiqi has been trying to avoid such a situation.

Therefore, Aiqi's direct rule has always been relatively gentle. After all, Aiqi's pursuit is ultimately in magic, power is just a tool, and Aiqi's desire for power is not very strong.

This has gradually formed the relatively loose political environment in the current empire. Powers like Tony and Wakanda have a lot of say, and Aiqi doesn't care. As long as he is the real ruler, he has the highest discourse in the empire. The power is fine, there is no need to concentrate everything in your own hands.

If you have that skill, you might as well study more magic.

What's more, the authority of the cross-world dimension gate is still in the hands of Aiqi and Akatosh. Akatosh also needs Aiqi to expand his power to more universes. It can be said that all parties cannot do without Aiqi. , so Aiqi does not engage in excessive centralization.

Of course, Aiqi is also constantly cultivating and subduing loyal subordinates.

This time Harry, Hermione and Snape were like that.

Edge continued to instruct Snape:

"In that case, go back and look for the resurrection stone carefully.

Be careful, you are already my subordinate, don't be killed by the little curse before you play your role.

Next year, I will arrange for Harry and Hermione to study at Hogwarts. After all, there are many things I need in the wizarding world.

It is also necessary to deepen the communication.

It's time for us to openly and formally engage with the magic world.

Now let's keep a low profile.

So, your position at Hogwarts still needs to be retained.

Although he does errands for me, I am afraid that most of the time I still need to stay at Hogwarts.

Then I still need a master who can guide and study potions for a long time.

Can your former teacher, Slughorn, still be contacted? "

Snape thought for a moment, Professor Slughorn was indeed a good candidate.

This retired old professor is an out-and-out potion master, and has a very good way of dealing with people.

Don't think he can't beat Dumbledore, but he is very good at managing relationships. Relying on the outstanding students he has made over the years, what Slughorn, a retired teacher, said, sometimes has more influence in the Ministry of Magic than the incumbent headmaster. Dumbledore is even taller.

If there is Slughorn to join, both in terms of ability and interpersonal, it will be very good.

As can be seen from his performance in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, this is a person who knows how to be and invest

Besides, Slughorn is still an old man who loves money and greed for enjoyment. With Aiqi's financial and material resources, Slughorn is sure to agree to recruit a little bit of honor and influence.

Snape agreed to contact Slughorn as an intermediary, and then left to find the old Gaunt mansion.

Edge estimated that even if he tried to avoid Dumbledore, it should take Snape less than a month to find the ring.

However, given that Lily has been dead for too long, she needs too much preparation for the test. I am afraid that there will be some time left for her resurrection, so she can do something else.

Exactly, the day after Snape left, there was a notification from his subordinates that the people who had been monitoring Bilbo Baggins' house discovered that a group of suspected dwarfs had appeared at Bilbo's house.

The reason why it is said to be a "suspected" dwarf is because everyone has not seen a dwarf, and can only analyze it.

In fact, Aiqi has traveled through so many planes, except for Middle-earth, only the Elder Scrolls world has dwarves.

However, the dwarves in the Elder Scrolls world suffered from backlash because of their vain attempt to create gods, and they have been wiped out, leaving only magical dwarf technology and dwarf relics. The more surprised Aiqi.

Aiki has been thinking about how to improve his life form. With the lessons of the dwarves, Aiki must find a safer and more reliable way.

Leaving this aside for the time being, since the dwarves appeared, the story of The Hobbit should begin.

Aiqi also plans to start action.

Aiqi stood up from the throne and instructed the mage on duty:

"Go to Winterhold Branch and inform Harry and Hermione to pack up.

You can't always work behind closed doors and tell them to go out for an internship with me tomorrow.

While I was out, if Snape came back, I would start preparing for the resurrection ceremony.

MistyDay knows everything she needs, and prepares as she says. "

Aiqi thought for a while and continued:

"According to the report, you have already found the hiding place of the Hulk Banner."

The mage nodded~www.readwn.com~ hurriedly told him about monitoring the Hulk according to Aiqi's instructions.

Aiqi thought for a while:

"Since Banner has been found, send a group of magicians from the illusion department.

Use mental comfort spells to stabilize Banner's emotions.

Talk to Banner without the Hulk showing up.

Try to recruit him as much as possible.

Spiritual magic should have a way to force Hulk to change back.

However, we also need to bring a few more mages who are proficient in space magic.

If the scene gets out of control, quickly use space magic to escape.

It is also possible to lock the Hulk in the mirror dimension when necessary. "

Aiqi has already made a plan. The side with spiritual magic is currently Banner's only hope, and it is very possible to recruit.

The Hulk is a big killer. If it can be pulled into the camp, it will definitely help a lot.

Although I didn't go in person, I couldn't reach the sincerity of visiting the cottage.

However, as a mage, Aiki is reluctant to approach a fleshy tank-shaped unit like the Hulk.

Let it go, if it proves that the appearance of Hulk can be suppressed through illusion magic, then Eiki will meet the Hulk.

There is quite the feeling of a behind-the-scenes boss.

Aiqi thought about it for a while, the big guy behind the scenes seemed to be going to the front desk again.

This trip to Middle-earth is actually not dangerous, so if you go once, it will be considered a trip.

It is also necessary to unite with the elves and dwarves over there.

Just relax and take Daenerys with you.

Anyway, there's nothing major recently, so I'll leave the government affairs to Serana.

Aiqi thought about it, and walked towards the palace, preparing to arrange the affairs after going out.

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