A Song of Ice and Fire: The Magic Empire of the Plane Where the Song Begins

Chapter 52: Magical Communication and Akatosh Appearance

Master Gu Yi stretched out one hand and drew a circle with the other hand, opening a new portal.

Master Gu Yi's plan is to go to the temple in Nepal, which is the base of magicians. Master Gu Yi has home field advantage, so he doesn't worry about Aiqi's extraordinary actions.

Under normal circumstances, Aiqi would not take the initiative to step into another mage's territory, just like no mage would dare to step into Aiqi's mage tower.

The mage's own mage tower will have various protective measures to prevent foreign enemies from entering. Unless you are a lot higher than the master of the mage tower, casually stepping into someone else's mage tower is no different from suicide.

It's just that Aiqi has a better understanding of the ancient master through the story, and believes that the ancient master's character, if he does not bring danger to the earth, the ancient master will not shoot himself.

Sure enough, Mage Gu Yi politely introduced Ai Qi to the other magicians, and then discussed with Ai Qi about spell exchange in the parlor.

Anything involving mages, Ai Qi clearly follows the principle of equivalent exchange, which not only involves Ai Qi's standard of behavior, but also a rule that constrains mages.

It is definitely not a good thing for a mage to owe another mage. Most magicians in the system are very aware of this, and sometimes they can even force a mage to do things based on this condition.

So when talking about it, Aiqi was very concerned about the exchange between the two.

Master Gu Yi is very generous. After all, Master Gu Yi has not kept secrets in teaching students over the years, so general spells are willing to be exchanged for Aiqi. Except for a few basic books in the collection of ancient masters, all books can be freely borrowed by Aiqi. .

Aiqi took out all the spells and training experience below the expert level in the Elder Scrolls world.

Next, Ai Qi and Gu Yi Mage also sought out the method of making the hanging ring for opening the portal. In exchange, Ai Qi provided the method of making the magic ring in the apprentice world of the magician.

There are also a lot of magic tools and manufacturing methods from the ancient master, and Aiqi is willing to exchange various alchemy potions.

For the next few days, Aiqi and Master Gu Yi were teaching each other magic knowledge. Both were amazed by the other's magic level.

Master Gu Yi lived for hundreds of years, and the accumulation of magic far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Aiqi has traveled to several magical planes and is proficient in the magic of several planes. Coupled with the super recording ability of the Book of Infinite, Aiqi's magical literacy is not comparable to that of ordinary mages.

Both of them are very satisfied with their harvest.

Ai Qi finally obtained the space magic and the manufacturing methods of many effective instruments that he had always wanted, not to mention the convenience of the portal, and the mirror space is a big killer.

If the opponent does not understand space magic or does not have the power of dimension, being trapped in the mirror space is only a dead end.

Aiqi had learned a mirror trap spell from Balthazar before, which could trap the enemy in the mirror world, but this magic was much worse than the mirror space.

Mage Gu Yi was even more satisfied, because Marvel's magicians didn't even have any recovery spells, and injuries depended entirely on the doctor. The recovery spells taught by Aiqi were life-saving things.

Coupled with all kinds of wonderful potions and magic rings that enhance the mage's abilities, Mage Gu Yi feels that he has earned it.

At the same time, Aiqi began to build the door of the dimension, because the Marvel world is the plane where Aiqi prepares his resume for stable contacts. As for conquering this plane, let's wash and sleep.

There are many good things in the Marvel plane, but at the same time there are many disasters. Aiqi learned through the Internet that the news is now the news of Tony Stark's disappearance. Aiqi confirmed that the plot of Iron Man 1 in the Marvel World has just begun. In other words, in the next period of time, the earth will have a lot of troubles, and the small earth will become the key point of many things in the entire universe.

I don't want this kind of earth for nothing. It's good to establish contacts and get benefits. If there is trouble, Aiqi will definitely withdraw immediately.

After confirming that Aiqi was not malicious, Master Gu Yi was very interested in Ai Qi's dimensional gate. With the help of Master Gu Yi, the construction of the dimensional gate was completed quickly.

Aiqi planned to go back first, because the astrolabe at this time gave a message from Akatosh, Akatosh wanted to see the ancient one and Aiqi.

Aiqi told Mage Gu Yi about the matter, and Mage Gu Yi weighed it over and over again and decided to go to the meeting.

The two came to the world of A Song of Ice and Fire through the dimensional gate, and then came to the world of The Elder Scrolls through the dimensional gate of the world of Ice and Fire.

In the world of the Elder Scrolls, Akatosh has the strongest power, and it is projected directly through the astrolabe to talk with Aiqi and the Ancient One Mage.

Akatosh is the dragon **** of time, with the dual characteristics of time and dragon.

Originally, Akatosh's power was only in the world of the Elder Scrolls. Now, with the help of Aiqi, Akatosh's power has begun to radiate to several planes that Aiqi has developed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com This point It's a mutually beneficial situation for Edge and Akatosh.

Recently, a very powerful plane was suddenly discovered. If Akatosh can project power into it, in time, Akatosh can gradually become the God of Time in the Marvel Universe. This is why Akatosh has been helping Aiki continues to open up new planes.

At least now Akatosh has almost completely occupied the time **** position in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire.

Akatosh is very longing for the magical universe of the Marvel Universe, but the water of Marvel is too deep. Although the Marvel Universe in front of you is a weakened universe of the movie version, according to the analysis, it is very likely that there are no bugs such as the Tianshen group. That is also true In a world where there are many masters, even Akatosh may suffer a loss if he is not careful.

The most important thing is that the Marvel world already has a crystallization of time - the Time Stone in the Infinity Stones.

The existence of the Time Stone precludes the entry of Akatosh, the God of Time. If Akatosh wants to enter Marvel, he must obtain the approval of the Time Stone.

Akatosh wants to negotiate with the consciousness of the Time Stone.

Each Infinity Stone is not only the embodiment of energy and rules, but also a collection of considerable consciousness. Infinity Stones will also choose suitable users.

Originally the best way was to bring the Infinity Stones out to meet Akatosh, but as the crystallization of the rules of the Marvel world, the Infinity Stones cannot leave the Marvel world at all, so there must be an intermediary to connect.

This dialogue is a communication between two beings standing at the top of time. It is not enough to have only one agent in the middle. There must be an agent on each side before Akatosh and the Time Stone can talk.

Akatosh's agent is of course Aiqi, and the agent of the Time Stone is the Ancient One Mage.

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