A Song of Ice and Fire: The Magic Empire of the Plane Where the Song Begins

: Don't want to sign a contract but don't delay the update

Send a single chapter to tell everyone:

Before I was notified by the editor to sign the contract, I even got the contract done. After hesitating for a long time, I decided not to send it out.

I started my Ph.D. program in April. I will definitely be very busy, and I don’t expect to make money by writing books. Anyway, my writing is average, so I didn’t sign a contract.

If you sign a contract, there will be pressure and lack of fun.

It’s only been over half a month since I published the book, and I have more than 300 book friends in my collection. I’m already very satisfied. As long as everyone is still reading it, and there are still people voting for recommendations, I will write it down. It will always be free and make everyone happy. multiple entertainment.

It's free anyway, and I've never written a book without poison, so almost everyone doesn't feel disadvantaged in writing, and it doesn't cost money anyway.

Everyone is happy, so am I, that's fine.

Getting the notice of signing the contract is also the editor's approval. It's really troublesome for the editor. I don't know if I offend the editor this time, haha.

In short, it is not that the book cannot be signed, but that it is decided not to sign.

Although there is no recommendation on the site, I am very satisfied if I can read it by current book lovers.

As long as everyone still watches and votes for recommendations, I will write it down. Let's see how Aiqi's adventure will go. I will carry out the running account to the end!

I don’t want to sign a contract, I don’t want money, and I still have to drop the recommendation ticket. I know that everyone still thinks this book is not bad. Your approval is my motivation.

If you have any suggestions, please post them in the book review area, thank you again!

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